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Front Office

-- Talent
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-- Matrix
-- Matrix Results
-- PPV Card
-- PPV Results


-- IAW

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-- News and Updates --
The Headliner
-Earlier this morning in a Press Conference Bill "The Boulder" Davidson former UCW Owner and Current CXW Owner was asked a variety of questions on the future of his CXW Brand! Bill stated at this Conference that "The World has not had a fair chance too see what CXW, and I have too offer. Make no mistake about it CXW will be back with an impact to say the least... Thank You" Also Bill made another huge announcement, he told our interviewers that in fact he is undergoing extensive contract signings, and plans to have an actual roster by late June! Lastly he stated that still under contract to CXW just so happens to be Chris "Bam Bam" Verino, who is a meer Legend in our sport....
Latest Updates
-Main Page

-- Last Updated : 6.3.2002 --



-- World:
--  Vacant
-- IC:
--  Vacant
-- Hardcore:
--  Vacant
-- Tag Titles:
--  Vacant


-- Prez Boulder
-- VP ???