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the era of old school


---Scene - The Arena---

*!* The Arena is Silent watching the CWR Intro winding down as soon as the Intro Finishes "Welcome Burden by Disturbed" Hitz the P.a System and Steve Corino Strolls out onto the Ramp with his King of Old School Robe on Followed by two men with Corino Crew Shirts on...*!*


(Al Snow)

"There he is Coach the King of old school is finally come to CWR...No doubt here to talk about his first match against Randy Orton should be a interesting Match..and one that shouldn't be missed"


(The Coach)

"Yeah! i've studied Corino  in the independent federations he seems to preach a lot about Old School Wrestling and his wrestling skills are equal to the size of his mouth... "


(Al Snow)

"No Doubt i've Fought Corino in ECW he's a very decorated wrestler winning titles in most of the independent federations and the old school explusion is one of the most brutal moves in wrestlin' to date. Randy Orton will have his work cut out for him in Steve Corino..."


(The Coach)

"Snow if you was a betting man who would you put your money on?"


(Al Snow)

"Its gonna be a close one but I think Orton Might just sneak it"


*!*Corino Finishes Posing on the ramp and Strolls down to the Ring followed by red and yellow Strobe lights Corino Spins around half way down to the ring to show the crowd his Robe then walks up the Steel Steps and Into the ring...Corino Ducks underneath the Top rope and climbs into the ring...then walks into the corner and takes a seat on the middle turnbuckle the corino crew hand steve a microphone..*!*



(Steve Corino)

"The King Of Old School Has Arrived in CWR!!"


*!* CROWD BOO! Corino Crew Start clappin' and point at Steve *!*


(Steve Corino)

"Well i've come out here to Slag off some of the so called talent backstage....but when i was back there a few minutes ago it was like a old western movie with the tumble weeds rolling past...nobody was there which leaves me to believe they are either Scared of The King of Old School...and are hiding in their locker rooms OR they underestimate me..."


*!* CROWD BOO! Corino Crew Watches On  *!*


(Steve Corino)

"But obviously The Backroom Staff see the potential that I possess by slinging me in a world title Qualifier match with....Randy Orton... "


*!* Crowd Cheer on hearing Randy's Name *!*


(Steve Corino)

"Now i dont really know randy but i'm sure that he is a great competitor but he's clearly a rookie and is no match for the old school style of mine...Vince McMahon must've been drinkin' or Smokin' something when he booked this match anyway i'm Here to make a name for myself...and to put the critics to rest who say that Corino is only a indy wrestler... so i've come to CWR to make a statement and Win THE World title....but looking at my competition in this Fed i was probably better of wrestling in the indy feds. coz everyone Knows Triple H.....Scott Steiner....Randy Orton And everyone else Dont have Shit on The King of Old School and when i win this tournament which will come sooner rather than later i shall proclaim a new era in CWR i'll proclaim this era to be the Era of old school!!"


*!* The Corino Crew Slide into the Ring and start Celebrating and Steve Corino gets up out of the Corner *!*


(Steve Corino)

"The Up Coming Pay Per View....No Mercy....the title is very well suited because its the day that Steve Corino unleashes No Mercy in the Final of the World Championship Tournament and i know what your thinking your thinking steve how can you be so confident or steve how can u be so cocky...because i've done it all before... I've Survived Beating after Beating After Bloody Beating in ECW i've claimed 3 Titles in ROH i've won Multiple titles in Japan and here in CWR will be no exception my day as Champion will come and i hope its going to be a day that nobody will forget..."


*!* Corino Gets Disrobed by the Corino Crew and Corino Puts the Mic Back to his Mouth *!*


(Steve Corino)

"So this one is For Randy Orton....Randy Come raw i'm gonna take you back to School....actually i'm gonna take you back to your old school sit you infront of your old chalkboard....and Give you the biggest Old School Explusion you'll never Forget that Steve Corino is the king of old school and your just another Walker in my shadow!"


(Al Snow)

"Strong Words from Corino to Randy Orton...i cant wait for Raw!!"


*!* Corino Drops the Mic and Rollz underneath the bottom rope Followed by the Corino Crew The Crew and Corino walk up the Ramp as the camera's Fade to Commericals *!*