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Full Interview with Rikishi

Reported by: Simon Beck on October 30, 2001 at 18:59:38

Home >> News Headilnes >> Full Interview with Rikishi

The Lilsboys of recently sat down with Rikishi on his recent tour of the UK to promote WWF Action Figures and WWF Rebellion. Here is the Full Interview:

How long until your ring comeback? Will you be going to train in Ohio Valley or Heartland Wrestling, or will you be headed straight for the WWF?

Within a month I'll be wrestling again. I just got my release from Dr. Andrews in Birmingham, Alabama. Right now I feel great. I was 420lbs (30st) when I left, now I'M at 360lbs, (25st) so I feel good. I feel like my shoulder is 100 per cent now. I've just started to lift 315lbs, so that's the maximum weight to where most of the guys will be, besides Big Show, and I won't be slamming him!

When you return will you be working a schedule at the top of the card with superstars like HHH and Austin or will you have to work your way back up the ladder?

I don't think that Rikishi has to prove anything anymore. I just have to stay healthy, and Rikishi has a spot right there at the top.

Who would you most like to wrestle on your return?

Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'd like to run his ass over again. I'd like to come back as a babyface and do a long run with Austin.

It must have been frustrating to get injured just after turning face. Are you likely to be face or heel on your return? Which do you prefer?

I like to be a face, but that's not up to me. I enjoy hearing the fans cheer for me rather than booing me, but it's not my call.

Rikishi, what do you think of the wrestling scene now that all the top wrestlers are in the one company?

It just goes to show you how smart Vince McMahon is. Vince is the Don King of professional wrestling. Without a doubt he is a genius. I am happy to be working for him. He took wrestling to a whole new level. It doesn't just benefit the wrestlers, it benefits everyone all around in the business. My hat goes off to Vince. I'M very happy to be part of the WWF.

Do you feel that the Invasion storyline has worked?

Yes, but I wish it would hurry up and end. I think that the WWF should do its thing, and the WCW should do its thing.

Do you think that some of the WCW/ECW guys deserve more of a push?

A lot of people probably deserve a push, but you have to earn it in the WWF. I would hope that some of the guys in WCW that are big names would be able to step up to the WWF level. Our guys entertain in a totally different way to the WCW guys. Our style of entertainment is different from the style of WCW. We entertain first, then wrestle.

Vince has a load of developmental camps now, so guys can learn how to wrestle WWF style, which is to entertain. Once WCW people are moulded into their habits we have to try and break those habits and teach them how we wrestle. Again I think that the promotions should split.

If they did split and they wanted you to go to WCW, would you be willing to do that?

Then I would probably go, but I guarantee you this, I would be one of the top guys there, right where I belong.

If you could pick one match to show the world what Rikishi was all about, which one would you pick?

The cage match against Val Venis is the match that I would pick. I always said that something I wanted to do before I end my career as a wrestler was to jump off the top of the cage and do the big splash. Jimmy Snuka [who famously performed this move at Madison Square Garden] was one of my biggest idols in the business, but at that time I didn’t know that I was going to be 425lbs (31st)!

You are well known for another big bump, when The Undertaker threw you from the top of hell in the cell. Can you tell us a bit more about this?

When The Undertaker made me famous! No, that is one bump that I will never do again. When I dived off the cage onto Val Venis, it was scary even when I was able to see where I was going. Can you image going backwards, not knowing where you are going. It was a very scary bump – it could have ended my career but it ended up being a plus because everyone remembers it.

I’ll always remember you for the dancing at the Royal Rumble. What was that like when you eliminated everyone, and there was just Too Cool dancing in the ring?

Oh Man, that was a feeling that you cannot explain. It’s something that will go down in Royal Rumble history and it has never been done before. To be able to get in there and do something like that really felt good. I wish we could do it again with Rikishi and Too Cool.

What is your opinion on how the WWF have treated Grand Master Sexay? I heard that they fired him for his first offence, even though the police later dropped the charges.

Well, the WWF is a business just like any other. I think they treated him fairly. If you mess up someone’s reputation its not fair. Of course, just because its Grand Master Sexay, the WWF gets blamed, even though it wasn’t the WWF that did it.

But I still talk to him, he’s still my friend, we’re all human, everyone makes mistakes. In this case, it was bad judgement on Grand Master’s part. I don’t read the press Too Much because the reporters don’t really know the person himself.

You are also over here to promote the WWF Rebellion PPV. There are always complaints about UK only PPV’s. That many stars stay in the US and major titles never change hands. How would you answer these critics?

We never know when the titles will change hands. I’M sad that people feel like that, because the WWF aims to go out there and please. I hope that Rebellion gives the people what they want to see. I’ve never heard of any complaints.

When you come to the ring you rub your nose. What is the significance of this?

That’s for my wife and kids. It is just to say hello and let them know I’M ok.

The sit down piledriver is one of the best finishing moves around. Why did the WWF stop you from doing it?

Well the reason that it got banned is because Droz got injured when he landed on his neck. Vince banned all moves such as piledrivers where you get dropped on your neck. Its to protect the guys a lot more.

I can still bring it out at certain times. When I first came back in 1999 I used it as my finisher, but now I do the Banzai Drop instead of that.

Who do you most admire, who are your heroes?

That would have to be my uncles.

Your uncle Afa was a wrestling legend. Did this help or hinder your entry into the wrestling business?

Without a doubt it helped me. A lot of people don’t know this but my brother broke into the business before me – the Tonga Kid. Many people think that was me, but it was my younger brother who teamed up with Jimmy Snuka. Then I came into the WWF with the Headshrinkers. I think it was the turning point to see my little brother in there, and I just got that fever for the business.

The WWF has often used the ‘Island Boys’ gimmick, which some have labelled as racist. What is your opinion on this?

I don’t think its racist. I think it is just a name. When people see us it is pretty obvious that we’re not from China!

How long before you were revealed as the man who ran down Stone Cold Steve Austin did you find out about your role in the storyline?

I was told about a month after I returned to the WWF. It was a long term plan

Was Triple H always due to be part of the Stone Cold storyline or did he muscle his way in?

Yes. Triple H was always part of the story.

A lot of people have criticised you and The Big Show about your weight. Is this fair?

A lot of people make an issue about Rikishi’s weight, but as long as I can carry my weight, and as long as I feel good in the ring to work, then it shouldn’t be an issue. We’re in the entertainment business. I wouldn’t go out there if I didn’t feel good and able to perform. I’ve been in the business for 16 years, it’s a personal thing. People ask "Why is your weight like that?" but I feel good.

Any plans to follow The Rock into Hollywood?

I’M not Too Much of a follower I’ll tell you that. I like to make my own way. I’ll do what Rikishi wants to do, but there are a lot of people who are followers. I’M very proud of Rocky, as a wrestler to be able to come into Hollywood he represents all wrestlers. Not only can we wrestle, but we can also get in there and be one of the main stars in Hollywood. With his body and looks he was always going to head to Hollywood. If Rikishi did it, I probably wouldn’t be a star, but I could be a cool hitman or something like that. If there was a spot for me, I’d do it!

Is The Rock as funny backstage as he is on screen?

Yes, he is very funny. We grew up together, so I’ve known him a long time. We’re related. When I came back with Too Cool, the business had changed so much. Rocky helped me out a lot. I used to be really serious, but now its entertaining and serious.

Do you prefer singles wrestling or being part of a tag team?

I like what I’M doing now, singles wrestling. Its hard enough to take care of myself let alone look after a partner as well! But I do have all those memories of guys who were my tag team partner. I was glad and honoured to be a part of all those teams.

Do you have any advice for someone wanting to get into wrestling?

First off, find a good school to go to. Check your trainers background. Wrestling is so hot these days that there are so many bogus schools out there where people are taking youngsters for there money. Make sure your trainer is someone who has been in the business. My uncles trained me.

Pre-Order WWF Rebellion Now For Only £6! Also, Exclusive Japan, UFC, and XPW Videos! Click HERE For More!!

In Other News.....

-What You Didn't See On Raw & Jakked Results

-Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

-Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

What You Didn't See On Raw & Jakked Results
What You Didn't See On Raw & Jakked Results

Reported by: Ryan Cain on October 30, 2001 at 09:40:54

Home >> News Headilnes >> What You Didn't See On Raw & Jakked Results

• While you were sitting at home watching WWF Raw on TV you will have been unable to see what happened off air. For those of you who may be interested, the following occurred while the cameras were not rolling on Raw:

-- Scotty 2 Hotty beat Ron Waterman in a dark match. The finishing blow of this encounter was Scotty's worm.

-- In yet another dark match, Brock Lenser & Shelton Benjamin beat The Prototype & Rico Constantino, and gained the OVW Tag Titles.

• Quick results from this week's Metal/Jakked tapings can be found below.

-- Billy Gunn beat Shawn Stasiak
-- albert beat Hugh Morrus
-- Jeff Hardy beat Billy Kidman

(Source: 1Wrestling)

*SURPRISING* ADDITIONS To This Coming Saturday's WWF Rebellion Card!! Click Here!!

In Other News.....

-Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

-Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More
Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

Reported by: Simon Beck on October 29, 2001 at 13:10:58

Home >> News Headilnes >> Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

The Associated Press is reporting that General Motors has reached a deal to sell Hughes Electronics, the parent company of DirecTV, to EchoStar Communications Corp. The deal is said to be worth almost $26 billion. This should be good news for wrestling fans who are DTV subscribers because EchoStar currently has a deal in place with the WWF to air their PPVs, while the Fed has been at war with DirecTV and did not air last week's No Mercy show on their service. has finally updated its match listing, and now features the full card, which is:

- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock - World Wrestling Federation Championship
- Kurt Angle vs. William Regal - U.S. Championship
- Edge vs. Christian - Intercontinental Championship -- Steel Cage Match
- Stacy & Molly vs. Lita & Torrie - Special referee: Trish Stratus - Divas Tag Match
- Dudley Boyz vs. APA vs. Big Show & Tajiri - WCW Tag Team Championship -Three-team elimination match
- Hardy Boyz vs. Lance Storm & Kanyon
- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Hurricane
- Billy Gunn vs. Hugh Morrus

There is no mention of the scheduled Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno match that was supposed to take place. I would expect Rhyno will be replaced with either RVD or Booker T, who both were originally scheduled for Rebellion.
The Atlanta Journal currently has an interesting article, talking about WWF Books. To check out the article, go to

Edge will host WWF Heat at WWF New York next week on November 4th. There is no show on November 11th due to a private event at WWF New York.

Mick Foley will host WWF Raw tonight at WWF New York, but will sign copies of his new book "Halloween Hijinx” from 6-8pm.

Hardcore Holly hosts WWF SmackDown! this week – the first public appearance since his arm injury.

Also on November 9th at WWF New York, Alien Ant Farm will be performing at The World.

[Source: 1Wrestling]

Pre-Order WWF Rebellion Now For Just £6! Also, Exclusive Japan Videos, UFC, CZW, and Much More!

In Other News.....

-Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More
Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

Reported by: Simon Beck on October 29, 2001 at 13:10:58

Home >> News Headilnes >> Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

The Associated Press is reporting that General Motors has reached a deal to sell Hughes Electronics, the parent company of DirecTV, to EchoStar Communications Corp. The deal is said to be worth almost $26 billion. This should be good news for wrestling fans who are DTV subscribers because EchoStar currently has a deal in place with the WWF to air their PPVs, while the Fed has been at war with DirecTV and did not air last week's No Mercy show on their service. has finally updated its match listing, and now features the full card, which is:

- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock - World Wrestling Federation Championship
- Kurt Angle vs. William Regal - U.S. Championship
- Edge vs. Christian - Intercontinental Championship -- Steel Cage Match
- Stacy & Molly vs. Lita & Torrie - Special referee: Trish Stratus - Divas Tag Match
- Dudley Boyz vs. APA vs. Big Show & Tajiri - WCW Tag Team Championship -Three-team elimination match
- Hardy Boyz vs. Lance Storm & Kanyon
- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Hurricane
- Billy Gunn vs. Hugh Morrus

There is no mention of the scheduled Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno match that was supposed to take place. I would expect Rhyno will be replaced with either RVD or Booker T, who both were originally scheduled for Rebellion.
The Atlanta Journal currently has an interesting article, talking about WWF Books. To check out the article, go to

Edge will host WWF Heat at WWF New York next week on November 4th. There is no show on November 11th due to a private event at WWF New York.

Mick Foley will host WWF Raw tonight at WWF New York, but will sign copies of his new book "Halloween Hijinx” from 6-8pm.

Hardcore Holly hosts WWF SmackDown! this week – the first public appearance since his arm injury.

Also on November 9th at WWF New York, Alien Ant Farm will be performing at The World.

[Source: 1Wrestling]

Pre-Order WWF Rebellion Now For Just £6! Also, Exclusive Japan Videos, UFC, CZW, and Much More!

In Other News.....

-Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More
Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

Reported by: Simon Beck on October 29, 2001 at 13:10:58

Home >> News Headilnes >> Full Official WWF Rebellion Card, WWF Books Reviewed, WWF NY, and More

The Associated Press is reporting that General Motors has reached a deal to sell Hughes Electronics, the parent company of DirecTV, to EchoStar Communications Corp. The deal is said to be worth almost $26 billion. This should be good news for wrestling fans who are DTV subscribers because EchoStar currently has a deal in place with the WWF to air their PPVs, while the Fed has been at war with DirecTV and did not air last week's No Mercy show on their service. has finally updated its match listing, and now features the full card, which is:

- Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock - World Wrestling Federation Championship
- Kurt Angle vs. William Regal - U.S. Championship
- Edge vs. Christian - Intercontinental Championship -- Steel Cage Match
- Stacy & Molly vs. Lita & Torrie - Special referee: Trish Stratus - Divas Tag Match
- Dudley Boyz vs. APA vs. Big Show & Tajiri - WCW Tag Team Championship -Three-team elimination match
- Hardy Boyz vs. Lance Storm & Kanyon
- Scotty 2 Hotty vs. The Hurricane
- Billy Gunn vs. Hugh Morrus

There is no mention of the scheduled Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno match that was supposed to take place. I would expect Rhyno will be replaced with either RVD or Booker T, who both were originally scheduled for Rebellion.
The Atlanta Journal currently has an interesting article, talking about WWF Books. To check out the article, go to

Edge will host WWF Heat at WWF New York next week on November 4th. There is no show on November 11th due to a private event at WWF New York.

Mick Foley will host WWF Raw tonight at WWF New York, but will sign copies of his new book "Halloween Hijinx” from 6-8pm.

Hardcore Holly hosts WWF SmackDown! this week – the first public appearance since his arm injury.

Also on November 9th at WWF New York, Alien Ant Farm will be performing at The World.

[Source: 1Wrestling]

Pre-Order WWF Rebellion Now For Just £6! Also, Exclusive Japan Videos, UFC, CZW, and Much More!

In Other News.....

-Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return
Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

Reported by: Ryan Cain on October 29, 2001 at 12:26:04

Home >> News Headilnes >> Eddie Guerrero Speaks On Chyna & His Return

• Due to several difficulties, Eddie Guerrero was not able to take part in a full interview on this week's 'Get In The Ring' radio show. However, he was able to spend five minutes of his time to discuss various topics. A full interview is now scheduled for next week's show.

I suggest that if you live in the NY/NJ area, tune in to 'Get In The Ring' radio next Sunday.

In the little time that Eddie had, he touched on the following issues:

-- He is happy to be back in the wrestling business, and is very impressed with the HWA facilities.
-- Guerrero says that being around so many up and coming stars has had a good influence on him.
-- Although rumours were circulating concerning the fact that Chyna is apparently hard to work with, Eddie considered her as a true professional that he had fun working with.
-- He is excited to compete against X-Pac at several house shows when he returns in the near future.
-- Eddie looks forward to getting his timing back in the ring.

(Source: 1Wrestling)

DISCUSS Whether Or Not You Think Eddie Will JOIN The ALLIANCE When He Returns!! Click Here!!

In Other News.....

-Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

-Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings
Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

Reported by: Ray Kim on October 28, 2001 at 19:39:17

Home >> News Headilnes >> Chyna/Playboy Update, WWF’s Next Step In Improving Ratings

• As many know, the World Wrestling Federation has taken a slight downfall in ratings as of late. For quite some time now, the WWF has been looking for people who'd be interested in helping out the company in various areas in which WWF lacks in. On October 25, 2001, the WWF put up an ad on regarding open positions in the company. The WWF stated that they're only looking for creative people but want people who can expand the WWF in areas in which they're weak in as well.

In this press release, the WWF states that they are looking for people who'd be interested in working with the WWF full-time and offer creative ideas to the booking field to keep storylines fresh and interesting.

WWF next stated that candidates should be qualified in the following areas to work with the company: TV, Drama, Media Studies, Communications, Soap Opera writing experience, positive attitude, etc. and must be able to work and travel with the company when needed.

For more information regarding this subject, you can e-mail the WWF at the following e-mail address:

• As many know, Chyna will be appearing in December's edition of Playboy Magazine. The current issue of Playboy Magazine includes the following preview for Chyna's appearance: "The wrestler formerly know as the WWF character Chyna" is appearing in next months issue. Many speculate that she wasn't paid nearly as much as her first appearance in this magazine.

Speaking of Chyna, reports indicate that she will play the main villain role in a new TV series entitled "Tracker." However, TrackerTV's website states that she had a tough time with the final fighting scene and doesn't expect her back for the following season.


In Other News.....

-Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

-Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

-Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More
Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

Reported by: Ryan Cain on October 28, 2001 at 16:50:58

Home >> News Headilnes >> Kurt Angle Speaks On His Future, RVD, His Book & More

• WWF superstar Kurt Angle recently had the chance to sit down and talk to Joe McDonnell. In this 30 minute phone interview that took place on the KSPN 1110 radio's McDonnell-Douglas show, Kurt talked openly about a number of issues. This interview was initially intended to take place at the ESPN Zone at downtown Disney in California, although circumstances prevented Kurt from being able to attend.

Various highlights from the interview:

-- He mentions that the tour in which he is promoting his book is very tiring.
-- Angle does a bit of promoting with regards to his book, and says it's an enjoyable read.
-- Kurt talks about his family and how he intended not to follow the bad examples that his siblings provided.
-- He touches on topics concerning the Olympics, and how amateur wrestlers are bitter towards pro wrestlers. Which lead to him turning down an early contract offer from the McMahon's.
-- He says that in the 2 years he has been a pro wrestler, he has suffered more injuries than in his entire career of being an amateur, and if he were to say wrestling is fake, he'd be lying.
-- Kurt thinks of himself as one of the best in the business.
-- He says that Austin, HHH, and The Undertaker are his personal favourites to work with.
-- Angle says that everyone in the locker room is tight with one another and they all respect each other.
-- He says that the other wrestlers are taught by the locker room leaders(referring to HHH, Undertaker, Rock, Austin). Kurt states that The Undertaker is in fact THE leader of the locker room.
-- Kurt talks for a while about Rob Van Dam, saying that he needs to polish up his technique because he is receiving a lot of heat backstage.
-- On a few final notes Kurt speaks about his future, and says that he is very unhappy with his current character. Angle also said that despite the need for some development in his current role, he is prepared for some shocking stuff that is likely to take place over the next few months.

Apparently this was a great interview, in which Angle seemed very honest and "to the point" with his responses.

(Source: 1Wrestling)

*MAJOR NEWS* Concerning RHYNO's Status!! He Will Be OUT Of Action For An EXTENDED Period Of Time!!

In Other News.....

-Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

-Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

-Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

-Recap Of WWF Stars On Weakest Link

Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link
Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

Reported by: Ray Kim on October 26, 2001 at 15:46:34

Home >> News Headilnes >> Update On Austin's Status, WWF Injuries, Weakest Link

The following WWF news and notes comes from the latest edition of The Ross Report by Jim Ross:

• It appears that Cruiserweight - Take Michinoku - will under-go surgery on his shoulder sometime in the near future.

Matt Hardy and Lita will both be touring England for promotional work for the November 3, 2001 UK WWF Pay-Per-View.

Scotty too hotty will have his neck checked by Dr. Joel Youngblood, a doctor that many WWF stars go to including "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Chris Benoit.

• As many know, during a recent house show, William Regal was injured during his match with Undertaker. Recent reports indicate that Regal will still be appearing at house shows despite his injury.

• As many know, many top WWF stars took apart in NBC's "Weakest Link" taping a few days ago. It appears that this episode will be airing on November 12, 2001 an hour prior to Raw's broadcast.

• "Stone Cold" Steve Austin recently had an MRI done to his lower back. Test results for Austin came back negative.


More DETAILS On Bret Hart's Wrestling Return! Latest On Steiner's WWF Status! [>>]

In Other News.....

-Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

-Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

-Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

-Recap Of WWF Stars On Weakest Link

-Eddie Guerrero Upcoming Radio Appearance

Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions
Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

Reported by: Ryan Cain on October 26, 2001 at 09:12:23

Home >> News Headilnes >> Roddy Piper Appearance, Dustin Rhodes Auctions

• Roddy Piper recently made an appearance on UPN13 in Los Angeles. He took this opportunity to talk about his upcoming book, "If You're Gonna Die Kid, Die In The Ring".

Piper states that he named the book after an experience he had while wrestling as a teenager. It was just an hour or so before he was supposed to go out and wrestle, but he was in a pretty bad state and was throwing up in the toilet. A promoter walked passed and noticed his condition, before saying - 'if you're gonna die kid, die in the ring.' It's good for business.

The book is scheduled for release around January time, 2002.

• Dustin Rhodes has decided to become the latest of the many wrestlers to auction off items on ebay. The following is a quick round up of the items that he has currently put up for auction:

- '70s Furry Hat
- WrestleMania VI Hat
- WCW Crew Jacket
- The American Dream Jacket
- Bionic Elbow Pad
- Black & Yellow WWF Outfit
- '78 Calender
- Signed Baseball

It has already been announced that a generous portion of the earnings will be going to the American Red Cross.

(Source: 1Wrestling)

The WWF Surprisingly EDIT Out Austin Attacking A FAN On Smackdown
*Details Here*

In Other News.....

-Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

-Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

-Recap Of WWF Stars On Weakest Link

-Eddie Guerrero Upcoming Radio Appearance

-WWF Agrees To Full Refund Of WWF: No Mercy PPV

Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings
Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

Reported by: Ray Kim on October 25, 2001 at 23:31:58

Home >> News Headilnes >> Kidman Re-Injured, Top WWF Videos, WWF Rankings

• In this week's cable rankings for Yahoo! News, the WWF rebounded from last week by taking the number 1 and 2 spot for the week of October 15 - October 21, 2001:

1. ``WWF Entertainment'' (Monday, 10 p.M.), TNN, 3.3, 3.47 million homes.

2. ``WWF Entertainment'' (Monday, 9 p.M.), TNN, 3.2, 3.41 million homes.

• It appears that Billy Kidman (once again) re-injured his knee during his match on WWF: Raw this past week with Tajiri. As of now, no word has been released regarding Kidman's status and his return date with the World Wrestling Federation.

Top Recreational Videos - Issue Date: November 3, 2001

1. WWF: SummerSlam 2001
2. Nascar Racers: Start Your Engines
3. WWF: Invasion 2001
4. WWF: Undertaker - This Is My Yard
5. WWF: Best Of Wrestlemania
6. WWF: Best Of Raw - Volume 1
7. Ball Above All
8. WWF: Lita - It Just Feels Right
9. WWF: Best Of Raw - Volume 3
10. WWF: WrestleMania X-Seven

Credit: Billboard, RF Video

What You DIDN'T SEE on SmackDown! Backstage NEWS + MORE! [>>]

In Other News.....

-Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

-Recap Of WWF Stars On Weakest Link

-Eddie Guerrero Upcoming Radio Appearance

-WWF Agrees To Full Refund Of WWF: No Mercy PPV

-Rikishi: Stink Face, Trish, WWF, Next Big Star

Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return
Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

Reported by: Ray Kim on October 25, 2001 at 16:08:32

Home >> News Headilnes >> Hogan Heads XWF, Sting/Scott Hall's Wrestling Return

• This past week, Hulk Hogan appeared on the Bubba the Love Sponge Show and confirmed his part ownership of the XWF. As of now, Hogan's only role in XWF is to have his says in the company but openly stated that he doesn't want to deal with the money behind this organization. Recent reports indicate that Hogan and long time friend - Kevin Sullivan - will be behind bookings for XWF.

Being a popular name in professional wrestling, Hogan has managed to gather up a great list of wrestlers including: Vampiro, Curt Hennig, Josh (Tough Enough), Nasty Boys, Disorderly Conduct, Harris Twins, Disorderly Conduct, and many more. Also, Hogan has expressed a lot of interest in bringing back Scott Hall and Sting. Bookers state that they wish to run a Hogan vs. Sting match at their first Pay-Per-View if Sting signs with the company in the near future.

Also, Hogan has stated that he'll work with younger stars and train them on a more one-to-one basis rather then having them go through many rounds of Indy wrestling.

Credit: Dave Meltzer

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