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CWO #1- Ride the wave.

- The scene opens up outside the NBC studio’s in Florida. The studios seem pretty much deserted as only a few cars are parked outside. The time is 12:00 and the weekly children’s show tucker is about to be taped. The show is expected to have a special guest celebrity yet nobody has any idea who it is. Much speculation says it is someone like Adam sandler, or a wrestler from the WWF. The camera pans around the outside of the studio’s and cant really see any action, that is all until a silver dodge viper can be seen pulling up the parking lot. The sports car has a silver stripe going across the body with a signature at the bottom. The camera tries to catch a glimpse of the writing but the car is going to fast. The car continues to make its way towards the studio parking lot and when it arrives it pulls over to the camera crew. The camera zooms right in as the tinted car window opens, suddenly a hand is extended from the window. It signals for the camera crew to come over. The reluctant crew looks around for a few seconds until one of them decides to go in. He walks over to the car and looks on as the person in the cars hand points at him. Then out of knowhere the hand turns around and the man inside the car flips the camera man off. The camera crew look on in shock as the car window scrolls up and the car speeds off towards the v.i.p parking lot space. The sports car drives up too a spot next to the likes of jay leno and Seth greens car. The car parks perfectly and halts for a second as the man inside blares out the sounds of kid rocks American Badass. As the song slowly comes too and end the radio is turned off and the car door opens. And the camera literally hell “holy shit” as the biggest star in the CWO at this point in time steps out of the car…that being none other than Jake Douglas! The camera crew rush over to Jake and fire questions at him about his reasons for being there. Jake just ignores them. He pulls it out along with a black addidas sports bag, Jake slings the bag over his shoulder... Jake then kicks his car door shut and locks it by pressing the button on the car key ring. Jake then looks ahead as the camera crew continues to ask him questions. Again Jake manages to ignore all the fuss until he finally makes it inside the studio. Once inside Jake looks around and then sees the receptionist’s desk. Jake spots a really cute blonde sitting at the desk filing through some of the papers. Jake smiles to himself and makes sure everyone can see his title. He picks up his bag and struts over to the receptionist and then drops the bag at his feet. Jake then lifts up his sunglasses as he begins to speak to the receptionist.

-||Jake||- Erm excuse me miss I’m hear for the next screening of tucker, the show on nickelodeon I think it is, and I was wondering where my locker room is?

-||Receptionist||- Oh my god…your Jake Douglas from the CWO. Oh god I’m so pleased to see you oh god, erm your dressing room is next to Seth green’s Mr. Jake sir.

-||Jake||- Haha, ok thanks Miss {looks at name badge} Kandis, you a fan of the CWO then?

-||Receptionist||- Only the biggest fan ever, and I’m a big fan of you as well Jake, I mean I have followed your career since day one when you had to face degenerate and assman in your first match and you were great…oh I’m sorry this must be really embarrassing for you.

-||Jake||- No actually I love knowing that I have loads of fans, so you going to the Chaos to watch me kick Azazel's ass?

-||Receptionist||- I wish, I have tons of work and besides the show has been sold out for weeks, how can I possibly get tickets 4 days away from the show.

-||Jake||- {Looks at pocket and pulls out a ticket} listen erm this is really for a competition winner that I’m supposed to hand out, but I’m sure he hate my guts anyway right? So why give the ticket to a you fan when I can give it to one of my own fans right?

-||Receptionist||- {Receives ticket}Oh my god…this is great, Jake giving me a ticket I-I think I’m going to faint.

-||Jake||- Oh please don’t, because that ticket insures that you can go backstage at the show and meet up with some of the backstage, and yours truly will escort you around, if that’s ok with you that is.

-||Receptionist||- Ok now I know I’m going to faint...

-||Jake||- Haha….well anyway I better be… you know what, ok what time do you get off work.

-||Receptionist||- For work 6 pm for you whenever you want.

-||Jake||- Ok then let’s say at about 1 pm I finish doing this TV shoot and take you down to the metal awards, as I’m one of the guests that will be presenting the show. People like Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Sum 41, Limp Bizket, Linkin Park and Ozzy Osbourne will be there.

-||Receptionist||- Oh my god I love Ozzy!

-||Jake||- Ok see you at 1 then, of and don’t worry about a ride I have booked a limo to take me there anyway.

-||Receptionist||- This is the greatest day of my life. I meet Jake Douglas, he gives me a ticket for the PPV and now I get to go to the biggest metal award ceremony of the year, and I get to go by a limo a real limo. Jake thank you I can’t tell you how happy I am, {leans over and kisses Jake on the cheek} thank you again.

-||Jake||- Kandis the pleasure was all mine.


Jake smiles as he grabs his bag and struts off towards the locker rooms. Jake then comes across a long hallway which leads to the sets of different sets. Jake walks down the hallway and looks up at all the doors until he comes across the one with “TUCKER” written across. Jake opens the door to the studio, where all the stars are receiving make up and getting a few last minute tips. Jake looks around the set and looks around for his dressing room. Suddenly Jake is approached by a short bald headed man wearing a v-neck sweater and jeans. The man calls over to Jake as he jogs over to him. Jake looks down at the man and laughs to himself as the small man begins to yell at him.

-||director||- Where have you been!! You’re late for christ sakes, look you see Seth green? Is he late? NO and he is a bigger star than you!

-||Jake||- And who said that? You, oh common you 4ft for crying out loud? Oh I see are you guy that gets lunch for me? Ok I’ll have a meatball sub with chips and a beer.

-||Director||- Actually I’m the director and there is no drinking allowed on set!

-||Jake||- What!! this insures that I get beer when I want you got that? and I do not deserve to be sassed by some midget who failed to make the circus!

-||Director||- Jake you can either make fun of my height or act like your paid to do.

-||Jake||- And how much am I getting paid? You sidekick was a little sketchy on the phone.

-||Director||- I believe we are paying you 100,00 dollars for this shoot, and another 100 for any over time that we do.

-||Jake||- Is that by the hour or by the minute?

-||Director||- I think that is buy the hour Jake.

-||Jake||- Wait wait hold on a sec. Listen I have a date after this shoot with the receptionist, plus I have too present the best band 2002 at the metal awards later tonight, so if I’m late that costs me a million quid, so either make it by the minute or say bye bye Jake.

-||Director||- Oh ok, its not like we have ever had too do overtime before anyway. So let me introduce you to the people you will be working with.


The director puts his hand on Jake’s back and moves him along to the make up table where Seth green is getting is hair done.

-||Director||- This is Seth Green he plays himself in the show.

-||Seth||- Oh hey, Jake right? Yeah the guy that plays Leon in the show has a poster of you in his dressing room, and on the set I think.

-||Jake||- Christ do you people live under rocks?

-||Director||- Well Seth has been in many smash it films, such as Austin Powers 1 and 2, Idle Hands, and Can't Hardly Wait.

-||Jake||- Oh yeah I remember, “why don’t you just shoot him while he’s on the crapper”

-||Seth||- I like that line too.

-||Jake||- I was making fun you idiot, but in your defense I guess idle hands was pretty cool, but what’s this cant hardly wait?

-||Seth||- Oh just some American smut type film, not really advertised that much but we had some pretty cool stars in, I mean there was Jennifer Love Hewitt as the main star.

-||Jake||- Don’t you mean the chick from I Know What You Did Last Summer. The burnet? ….OK SO I ADMITT IT I HAVE WATCHED IT AND IT SUCKED!!

-||Director||- Ok moving on…ahhh and there is the boy that plays Leon in the show, he is a huge wrestling fan, in real life and in the show.

-||Leon||- Hey I’m a huge fan of your work, although I prefer Mexican wrestling, it has more of an edge to it don’t you think Jake?

-||Jake||- Yeah I guess they have there moments…you watch CWO?

-||Leon||- Yeah sometimes, I really enjoy watching your matches, oh and hey congratulations on winning your first match, you totally kicked Michaels ass!

-||Jake||- Now here is a kid I can relate too, so you wrestle yourself?

-||Leon||- Yeah but only minor stuff, my name is senior evil, after the Mexican, but it kind of sucks only being able to do Indy cecko wrestling shit, I mean where are the chairs and tables?

-||Jake||- Ha, well when your older go down to CWO and they’ll give you a chance. Let’s face it if kid gorgeous gets off as a wrestler then anybody can.

-||Leon||- Gee thanks Jake, you know you’re a really nice guy, most other wrestlers are moody, like you for example, I mean I asked him for an autograph once and he literally threw it back at me after signing it, that’s why I hate him so much.

-||Jake||- Damn you and his actions towards fans, he shouldn’t be allowed to be given perfectly good paper to ruin, why he is nothing more than a no good con artist who gets through life by slapping his penis round wrestlers faces!

-||Director||- Mr. Jake please! This show is rated PG-13 and that kind of language isn’t allowed!

-||Jake||- Where not on set you lowly bum!! The camera is off, the show hasn’t started and ( sees the star of the show and a blonde girl making out) That is darn right nasty…I mean what are they 12? 13?

-||Leon||- 14 to be precise but I’m 16.

-||Jake||- And your going to take that? Your going to be behind some kid whose balls haven’t even formally dropped. Leon for Christ sakes you almost a man and he is…a boy! Yet you aren’t the star, some major issues there man….does he like wrestling?

-||Leon ||- He can't stand it, and he can’t do it as well, I mean I must have fought him 13 times and I have only lost once, and that was because his little blonde bitch known as McKenna on the show kicked me in the balls!

-||Jake||- I think it’s about time I met this Tucker!

-||Leon||- Ok I’ll call them over, YO , COME OVER HERE FOR A SEC!

-||Scene||- The two stop kissing and walk over to Jake and Leon.

-||Leon||- Jake this is Tucker and McKenna, they are the 2 main people in this whole TV show. And this is Jake he comes from the CWO, can you believe that.

-||McKenna||- (Goes to peck Jake on the cheek but Jake stands back) Oh erm ok.

-||Jake||- Yeah I’m flattered an all but…no actually I’m not, look girly I am 23, that means puberty is a thing of the past for me, I have a date with the receptionist after this and I have a wife back in Michigan so stick with Fucker over there.

-||Tucker||- Yeah well actually my name is Tucker? And I’m the star, I was also in American pie as stiflers little bro, nice too meet you..

-||Jake||- Look, I’m not going to act like I’m your buddy because I don’t like to lie to kids, but I will say this…you better lay off my home boy Leon here and cut him some more slack you got that, because as far as I can see he is a better actor than both of you bimbo’s you got that.

-||Leon||- Yeah you heard a wrestler just called me his home boy……COOL!

-||Tucker||- I don’t know what your talking about! Look just meet us on the set the show is about to begin.


Leon and Jake stare down Tucker as he and McKenna begin to look a little scared. After a while the 4 are called over to the set where the director hands them a sheet of paper each with there lines on. The 4 have a quick scroll down the lines before they are joined by Seth green that has only just finished doing his hair. The 5 actors all have a laugh about some of the lines in the script and then mound the positions as the Director begins to yell “lights camera action”. The music from the tucker show blares out warming the actors out. When it stops the show begins and the actors begin to do what they do best and that is act.

-||Tucker||- (Walking down the stairs) LEON…LEON have you seen McKenna yet?

-||Leon||- Erm yeah, she came to pick up the paper in her night gown.

-||Tucker||- WHAT!! And you didn’t call me?

-||Leon||- I was too busy watching mum cook her famous cream puffs in the kitchen.

-||Tucker||- Your mum made cream puffs. Oh cool, where are they then?

-||Leon||- Oh no wait..we can’t have them.

-||Tucker||- And why is that?

-||Leon||- Well my mum is doing this charity thing at the fair today, and she has a bakery stool along with McKenna’s mom, and apparently some celebrity is going to be there to pull the winning ticket for the raffle, I bet its senior evil!

-||Tucker||- Leon he’s from Mexico that means he does not speak le English….MEANING HE CANT PULL THE WINNING TICKET BECAUSE THE GUY DOESN’T SPEAK ENGLISH!

-||Leon||- (looks sad) well ok maybe not. But anyway what do you want with McKenna, you want to see if you can catch her taking a shower again?

-||Tucker||- Naa last time it was her mom, besides McKenna showers with the shower curtain closed.

-||Leon||- Not always.

-||Tucker||- Well when doesn’t she?

-||Leon||- When Seth’s around, I hear they take showers together, cool or what!

-||Tucker||- AGGGGGG I hate Seth, god I wish someone would just…agggg!

-||Leon||- Well maybe the special guest at the fair today will throw him through a table or something.

-||Tucker||- Oh way to be realistic Leon, look for the last time, the guest at the fair today will not be a wrestler, it wont be senior evil and it wont even be anybody that famous. When they say special guest they probably mean like…SETH GREEN!

-||Leon||- But Seth is a star isn’t he?

-||Tucker||- Agg Leon you’re not helping! Now I have got to find a way to ruin McKenna date with Seth today, my whole existence depends on it….I GOT IT!

-||Leon||- What? What’s your plan?

-||Tucker||- Listen you know Seth likes attention a lot, and you know how he never cries or nothing…well I have a plan you humiliate him while forcing him to cry right in front of McKenna.

-||Leon||- How?

-||Tucker||- Well while conducting scientific experiments I figured out that Seth doesn’t wear belts on his pants, now all we got to do is somehow expose with underwear to the public causing major embarrassment and making him C-R cry!

-||Leon||- ……….I’m in.

-||Tucker||- Yes, not the fair starts in 5 minutes, meet me by the cotton candy stool at 12 and we will meet Knicky, from there mission humiliate Seth and win me McKenna will begin.

-||Leon||- All riggggght!

Commercial and next scene at the fair
-||Knicky||- Where is Leon I thought you told him to be here at 12, it’s almost 1 for crying out loud!

-||Tucker||- Shhhh, look McKenna over there and I don’t want to blow our cover, she thinks I’m at home remember.

-||Knicky||- I don’t know why you just don’t approach her and say “look where both cute but only one of us has you number” or something and just go make out with her.

-||Tucker||- Ok problem, 1 I have her number, 2 she lives next door so why call in the first place, 3 Seth is

right next to her!! -||Knicky||- Ok ok, so I was wrong sue me…Oh hey look there’s Leon.

-||Tucker||- Damnit Leon it’s about time!!

-||Leon||- Sorry you but my mom saw me coming in and I had to help out at the stool, besides the raffle is going to start any second.

-||Tucker||- Well…ok I guess the mission can wait after the raffle, besides I think we all want to know who this mystery star is.


The three stroll over into a red tent where a stage has been set up. Two tables filled with prizes are in front of the stage, the prizes include a TV, and tickets to any event in the country. The tent is packed with over 300 people eagerly waiting to see who has won the main prize. Suddenly a clown comes out from behind a curtain with a microphone in hand.

-||Clown||- Hello folks, I’m bongo the clown, and I know you may think I’m the celebrity but infact I am not. The real star stands being this tent, and let me tell you this guy is big, he is, really big.

-||Leon||- In his pants?

-||Clown||- hahaha, well no young man I don’t know…yet hehe. Anyway this guy hails from Detroit Michigan, he is 6 ft, and 23 years old…he is from CWO…he is the wrestler Jake Douglas!

-||Leon||- Oh my god I knew it!!

-||Knicky||- So I guess the town is in administration now, I mean this much have cost the town millions!


Jake jogs up the steps and onto he stairs to a roaring ovation. Jake then shakes hands with the clown but instead of letting go he rock bottoms him leaving the whole cast in shock as it is not in the script.

-||Director||- (whispers) What is he doing!

-||Assistant||- I-I don’t know sir?

-||Jake||- Ok, now I’m sorry but the clown was pissing me off. Now enough with all the bullshit, the winner of this thing is Seth green so get up here and claim your prize.

-||Seth||- Erm but I don’t have a ticket?

-||Jake||- You want a prize or not?

-||Seth||- (Walks up the stage) Erm sure I guess.

-||Jake||- So what do you want…and make it quick.

-||Seth||- the TV, definitely the TV.

-||Jake||- Ok he wants the….oh I’m sorry there is a problem the TV is in pieces.

-||Seth||- No it isn’t?

-||Jake||- Oh yes it is!!


Jake kicks Seth in the stomach causing him to squirm in pain. Jake then hooks Seth’s belly and delivers a devastating liger bomb of the stage through the tables and onto the grass.

-||Leon||- OH MY GOD COOL!

-||Tucker||- Well I guess Seth looks embarrassed?

-||Knicky||- Yeah and unconscious!


-||Jake||- Oh really well in that case I say fuck you moron and don’t ever address me in public again!


Jake’s away from the set and back into the building. Jake looks around until he spots the receptionists desk. Jake smiles and walks over to the desk only to find Kandis is nowhere to be found.

-||Jake||- Kandis? Kandis? where you at, common the limo is here? Kandis you back there?


The back door opens and out comes Kandis in a stunningly tight and revealing dress. Jake’s tongue practically hangs out as he looks on at Kandis who poses in the doorway.

-||Kandis||- Miss me?

-||Jake||- I think I did, man you look hot! Where did you get that suit it looks skimpy and great.

-||Kandis||- Something I had lying around, you know haha.

-||Jake||- Wow well you look great….oh shit well sorry to rush you but time is running out. We got to get rolling.

-||Vicki||- Oh ok, well lets go hehe.


Jake puts his arm round Kandis as the two walk out the NBC studio’s and out towards the parking lot where Jake leaves his car and heads straight towards the limo. Jake lets Kandis get it first and then climbs in himself. Once inside Jake and Kandis can see a bottle of champagne on ice and two plastic bags with costumes in. Jake looks at the suits and asks the driver.

-||Jake||- Em Mathew what is this?

-||Driver||- The award ceremony wants you to wear them, I told them about Kandis and they got her a dress designed by Gucci , isn’t that great madam.

-||Kandis||- Oh well erm yeah but I already had something planned.

-||Jake||- Shit, well erm I guess we have too go with what they say, well you want to get out and let you get changed or what?

-||Kandis||- Oh no that would waste time, I’ll just have to change in here along the way.

-||Jake||- You heard her Mathew, drive!

( car starts and begins too move)

-||Jake||- (Takes out suit) Are you sure your ok with this Kandis I mean you don’t have to.

-||Kandis||- Are you kidding I have always wanted too make out in the back of a li….mo opps! Oh I’m sorry

you must think I’m a tart! -||Jake||- No actually I’m glad you feel that way, because I feel the same.

-||Mathew||- Do you want me too close the window sir?

-||Jake||- Damnit Mathew yes!!

-||Kandis||- Well I might as well change( takes off all clothing apart from bra and knickers.

-||Jake||- (Bites on finger) Oh lord she is fine, so erm….nice…panties?

-||Kandis||- haha, look let my lips do the talking ( Kisses Jake) That break the ice.

-||Jake||- I think it melted the whole damn Antarctic!

-||Kandis||- Good..( snuggles over to Jake and kisses him one more time)

-||Jake||- You know what… I think this should prepare me for you .

-||Kandis||- How?

-||Jake||- Because nothing fires you up more than a girl at ringside.

-||Kandis||- Oh my god…your joking, oh my god I’m going to accompany me to ringside?

-||Jake||- Along with ice yes.

-||Kandis||- Oh my god I love you!!!

-||Jake||- Ha well I hear that alot, well it’s an hour or so till we get to the arena so you wanna.

-||Kandis||- Blow you? Hell yes!

following scene cannot be shown due to adult content and sexual swear words
-||Jake||- (in uniform for show) Well I guess we are almost there.

-||Kandis||- God I am wiped.

-||Jake||- And sexy, and lets not forget dynamite in the back seat of the car!

-||Kandis||- First time was in the back of a car

-||Jake||- Enough said.


The limo pulls up outside the big arena where thousands of metal rock fans await to see who is in the limo. Jake puts his hand on the door and opens it up. He holds Kandis hand and accompanies her out of the limo, and down the red carpet and hundreds of press take photos of the new couple. Once a brief spell of posing Jake holds Kandis hand and walks inside the arena backstage where the like of, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, and Ozzy Osbourne are around. Jake smiles and waves at a few of the stars as Kandis looks on another world. Suddenly Chester from Linking park spots Jake and calls him over.

-||Jake||- Yo Chester! (to Kandis) common I’ll introduce you too them.

-||Kandis||- Oh my god they are so cute… yet not as cute as you.

-||Jake||- Ha, well just act cool and you will fit in.

(walks over to Chester and punches his fist)

-||Jake||- Hey Chester, , erm this is my new flame Kandis, she worked at NBC until she agreed to be my new valet.

-||Chester||- Oh hey cool, hi Kandis man you look nice.

-||Kandis||- Oh thanks so do you.

-||Chester||- Yeah can you believe they made us wear this? I mean I had a totally cool number planned.

-||Jake||- Yeah we did too, but what’s up with it anyway?

-||Chester||- Oh they were afraid that Marilyn and Ozzy would turn up in there ropes and shit, so they set a dress code. But hardly anybody has followed it, I mean Eminem has his usual white top and jeans on, and you brother has on his cowboy gear.

-||Jake||- Brother? Oh you mean Kid Rock, naa man we aren’t brother’s just good friends.

-||Chester||- Well man you mamma and daddy must have had the same jeans as his then, you look identical.

-||Jake||- So I’ve heard, so where is Marilyn I wanna bust his chops about one of his interviews where he literally said I love you mamma.

-||Kandis||- So the monster is human.

-||Chester||- Well hey you like puppies?

-||Kandis||- Oh yeah there so cute!

-||Jake||- Why what’s up with all this puppy crap, some guy at the door asked me the same question.

-||Chester||- Well rumor is that Marilyn is taking 12 puppies on stage with him and sending them out to the crowd and won’t perform until they all come back dead. Sick or what.

-||Jake||- What a sick fuck!

-||Kandis||- That’s awful!

-||Chester||- Well this is why I asked you, well we all think it is a sick idea too, so me the Slipknot and Korn are all going to attack him when he hands out the puppies and we are all going to sing our own version of beautiful people, and we wanted to know weather you would be our front man to lead to whole attack.

-||Jake||- Ahh I don’t know man, I mean I’m in enough trouble with NBC, after I put Seth green through a table, but erm I guess if all you are going to then yeah.

-||Chester||- Great, well he is on in half an hour so meet at the curtain then.

-||Jake||- Will do, common Kandis lets go talk to slipknot, I hear they like woman and don’t hurt em.


Marilynn Manson makes his way towards the curtain and steps out with the puppies in hand. The camera watches on as Chester along with Slipknot and Korn all runs up after him. Jake spots them and quickly introduces Kandis to Courtney love and runs off after them. The bunch wait at the curtain as Marilyn begins to pass out the puppies. Jake then stands at the front of the crowd and with one swift hand movement he signals the gang to run on stage. Suddenly the crowd inside the arena is amazed to see Slipknot, Korn, and Linking Park along with Jake run onto the stage and all jumps Marilyn from behind. The fans give off a monstrous roar of cheer’s as slipknot begin to savagely beat upon the skinny body of the anti Christ. The main singer of slipknot lets out a roar of fury as they attempt to slit his head open. Korn and Jake pull them away before they kill Marilyn as linking park continue to beat away on him. Strangely enough security does nothing to stop this and let it go ahead. As linking park continue the onslaught Slipknot grab a Mic and yell.

-||Slipknot||- Now that’s how you party!!


Everyone stops beating on Marilyn as the background of beautiful people starts up. The all 3 bands and Jake begin to do there very own version of the song, taking there own solo parts. And when its Jake’s turn he begins to sing it as if he was kid rock. Everyone seems shocked as Jake sounds identical to kid rock on stage and all laugh as his solo comes to an end. After the song the bands bow to a massive roar of cheers from the crowd, and such things as pig’s ears and kickers are thrown on stage as a sign of respect.

-||Gags||- You maggots are the greatest.

-||Jake||- Oh and the winner of the best band 2002, are slipknot, korn, linking park and myself, we are the ultimate destruction of the music industry today, and this was a one off but I think it deserves the award anyway.


The group members walk over to the podium and grab the gold award and hold it up to the crowd as they walk off behind the curtain to an absolutely deafening ovation from the crowd. Backstage the group celebrates by getting in a huddle and shouting “Death to Manson”, after 5 or so chants of this the huddle disbands and Jake walks over to Kandis whom is still talking to Courtney love. Jake walks over and begins to talk to Kandis.

-||Jake||- God I’m bushed.

-||Courtney||- Hey Jake you sounded great out there almost like kid rock, I mean if I didn’t know better id say you two were twins.

-||Kandis||- Baby you were absolutely hands down the best singer out there.

-||Jake||- Well when it came down to singing and wrestling I took wrestling otherwise who knows I could be with linking park or someone like that.

-||Courtney||- Oh and great job on beating Marilyn, I tried to do what you did a few years back, but I guessed it failed.

-||Jake||- Does he put a cross up to you when he see’s you?

-||Courtney||- Yeah why?

-||Jake||- Well then you succeeded.

-||Kandis||- HAHA, well oh I forgot some bald guy was looking for you…lays, lomz..

-||Jake||- Lawz?

-||Courtney||- Yeah that’s it, he’s over there with the camera crew.

-||Jake||- oh ok, well I guess he wants an interview..shock horror. Well Kandis you want to stay here or come with me?

-||Courtney||- Oh no its ok she can go, I want to hit on Ozzy anyway…he is such a god!

-||Jake||- Well ok, you want to come then?

-||Kandis||- What do I have to do.

-||Jake||- Well not to sound corny or anything but you need to act sexy and worship me. Like basically run you hand up my body and shit.

-||Kandis||- Well I was planning on that anyway.

-||Jake||- God you are just perfect.


Jake and Kandis hand in hand walk over to lawz shamrock and begin to talk to him. -||Jake||- Yo…baldy

-||Lawz||- look I don’t want any trouble….Jake! oh I’m glad I caught you, the CWO wanted you to cut a promo as you were not scheduled to be at the arena tonight.

-||Jake||- Ok I’m fine with it.

-||Lawz||- Ok you and …

-||Jake||- Kandis..

-||Lawz||- And Kandis are on in 3-2-1..


So Azazel, thought I wouldn’t show up huh? Thought I would steer well clear of the CWO arena tonight because of your being there. Well think again, the only reason I’m not there kicking your ass now is merely due to the fact that I have a life outside that arena.. So as I see it, I make a few appearances, I’m the worlds biggest celeb. I was half way there when I want champ and now only a quarter away after I beat you ass at Chaos. Don’t act shocked, Surely you knew that you wouldn’t survive me in this match did you? You see when it all boils down, who used to be my friends are really my enemies. Do you smell that? Do you feel what the meaning in the air projects? The scent of your defeat drifts. Take a good breath of it. You can almost feel the atmosphere which will take place Tomorrow Night. The atmosphere of shovel after shovel of dirt hitting the battered and bruised body which once belonged to you. You see you will witness the event, but you will be so out of it, that you will not be able to do anything about it. I will not regret any of my actions that are the difference between you and me. Only one man can leave that Ring triumphant, that man will be me. I will leave you lying in that open ring, with no mercy. I’m happy in a way that it was you who I was booked against, and not any other moron, I mean I know I can beat you, so at least it’s easy going for me. So on the other hand you have everything to prove yourself, to actually make people believe you can wrestle and not just sing along to songs on the radio. Come on let’s think about it, look at you compared to me. What chance to do you actually stand of beating me at a type of match I was brought up amongst. I used to sleep nights in a ally, looking for shelter open tribute blocks were where I would go. But now it will be you who sleeps in the dark allys’. It will be you that rests in peace. You see all my life, I’ve survived alone, no parents, no family, and no friends. You were probably protected all your life, still you use bodyguards. I have never had protection from the bad and evil things. In result to that I know not from right or wrong, from good or bad, just think of that as the reason why you will not have a wrestling career after Monday Night. Nobody can survive the Game, you stand no chance in Hell. The place you will end up. I am everything you ever feared, all your nightmares will come true, on the night of nightmares. You see it’s lucky that I’ve been here about 2-3 days, and already I am the most noticed name on the roster. After years of living on the streets I realize that surviving was a talent god had gifted me with, that is why I no put other people to the test that is the test which you will face on Chaos. The night time shall stand still, the night I shall roam free. The night you take a trip on the one way train to hell. You see, quite frankly all this smack talk that you run your mouth on and on about means nothing, it means jackshit. Because once it’s down to us face to face, you won’t have a chance in hell, your little smack talk will mean nothing, I have taken you out the whole of last week, I have lurked in the shadow of your ego, but yet appeared to dominate you inside the ring, I know I am better than you, I know I can beat you, that is why I am the game, and you are not. When the push comes to shove I don’t think you can handle it, I don’t think you can cop with the pressure I will be putting on you. You see when you’re six foot under, I will rest at my cause. But until then you must battle against nature itself to survive. Chaos approaches, your clock ticks, time runs out, your time in the CWO is over. It’s my time now... where as I know you fear the day you step toe to toe with the game, however I can also feel the hate you have towards me. And Azazel as you say, you will feed on that hatred, but that is not a bad thing. As you will be a man possessed by a will to destroy, a man out of his mind.. You see I need no hatred, I need no fuel, I just burn the candle of darkness in my mind. Are you down with the sickness? You see that, you will do nothing that I cannot do over and over again in more devastating ways. I need nothing to kick start me, all I need is you to be standing inside that Ring come Monday. For that night a Storm will break loose, a Storm will open from the parting of the black clouds in the sky, and that Storm will destroy you. You have left yourself wide open, all this anger, all this hatred, you cannot handle it, if, when I beat you, you will be down and out, if not dead. Your best bet is to arrange for an undertaker to be around to dig you out of the grave I put you in. Your headstone has already been written, everybody knows I will be the victor of our match, everyone knows I cannot be beaten by someone like you. We all know it in away. It’s just common sense. It’s as simple as A-B-C, yet you still have this inclination that one of you are going to win at Chaos, you make me laugh. Let me rephrase that, you make me laugh at your expense, and when I throw your ass out of the ring, I will laugh yet again. The last thing you will hear is Jake mocking your broken body. It will take a lot more than you to take this pride away from me, it will take a lot more than anybody in the CWO has to grab my pride, for now the Storm carries it onward, and when you are six foot under, you are no threat. you I will dispose of you come Monday, doing myself a favor, doing the CWO a favor, and doing all the fans a favor. All of you think you are some big shot wannabes, you will realize after Monday night that you cannot succeed! The clock is running out, your time is running out, come Monday will be put into your worst Nightmare, FOREVER!


Jake looks at Kandis and kisses her before grabbing her hand and leaving through the main door and too the limo waiting outside for them.

"Where Ever I Roam" by Metallica