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Hi Webmaster! Thanks for downloading this template called "Nuclear Matrix" created by the Flash Crew @ FreeFlashIntros.com!

This template is provided free of charge as long as the button and/or link to FreeFlashIntros.com remains under the sections they currently are under-- check out FFI if you haven't already for awesome Flash additions to your website! If you would like to buy this template, please contact the Crew. Buying the template gives you access to the Photoshop files and gives you ownership over the template.

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  "New Design! " written by: Webmaster on 5.26.02
Check out this awesome new design I found @ FreeFlashIntros.com! I decided to use it and highly suggest Free Flash Intros.com for any webmasters because of the tons of stuff they have!
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Name: Cubby-Krazy-Etc.
Email: =]
Age: 15
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