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|-RP Title-|
Adrenaline RP
|-People Used-|
|-People Mentioned-|
The Rock, Torrie, Stacy
None as of Yet
I know this look sucks but I'm working on a new layout

|-SCENE 1-|*The lights in the arena dim when all of a sudden a big blast of pyro hits and Test's music starts to hit over the P.A. system. The lights brighten back up as Test and Torrie make thier way to the ring hand in hand. They walk down the ramp and Test helps Torrie up on the apron and holds down the ropes for Torrie to step in. They walk around the ring together taunting and posing for the corwd and then they kiss eachother and smile as Test grabs a microphone and puts his arm around Torrie.*

"The Canadian Hunk" Test: Well first off I would like to say that its great to be here with my lovely beautiful girlfriend Torrie Wilson. And I want to say I feel sorry for STacy Keibler who has to face her on Adrenaline because I have seen each and every one of her moves and trust me you're in trouble because that Woemn's Title is leaving with her and I will put money on that. Now let's talk about my match and the Rock. The first thing I have to say to The Rock is that I run & hide from no one and I do mean no one so you can take all your crappy advice and shove it up your ass because I definately don't need advice from you of all people. Now Rock I do understand that I am in the big leagues now but what you should be concerned with is that you're out of my league. See Rock you may have been one of the top players in World Wrestling Entertainment but if you look around here there are no WWE logos. There's no Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff helping you get to the top. See Rock this here is PWE and you don't run things anymore. Things aren't gonna go your way anymore. And now if you want to beat me you gotta be one bad son of a bitch to do it and to tell the truth Rock I don't think you got the heart to do that anymore. See Rock the first time you left wrestling to do the The Mummy II and came back you came back better than you were before. When you left to do the Scorpion King and came back you came back even better than before. But when you left to do Helldarado or what ever its called and you came back you were soft. See Rock you're nothing compared to what you used to be. Now you're nothing but an all talk no walk bastard that's gonna get his ass whooped Monday on Adrenaline. See on Monday its gonna be The Great One, The People's Champion, The Best There is and on the other side of the ring there's gonna be The Rock. See Rock You're nothing anymore and I'll prove it on Adrenaline. Now Rock you can set your mind on advancing in this tournament all you want because that doesn't mean its gonna happen. Hell the Lions set their minds on winning the SuperBowl and that's not gonna happen. The Golden State Warriors set their minds on winning the NBA finals and that's not gonna happen. And Rock you can set your mind on winning at Adrenaline and I will guarantee right here and now that, that doesn't happen because you may have your mind set but my mind is focused on winning this match and no one is going to stand in my way of doing it. Rock see you think that just because you are The Rock that I can't beat you well who cares that You're The Rock I couldn't care less if you were Hulk Hogan because I am gonna kick your ass from one side of the ring to the other on ADrenaline. See Rock you have this famous line that you're gonna lay the smackdown well Rock on Monday its gonna be put up or shut up time and I know that your ass is gonna be silent through out the rest of the week when you suffer a lost and get kicked out of this tournament.

"The Canadian Hunk" Test: Now Rock you told me to RUN & HIDE. Well that would benefit you way more than me. See to me Rock it sounds like you're trying to run away from this match. It sounds like you're trying to get out of facing me in the ring. To me it sounds like you're getting a like chicken Rock. See Rock I know that you aren't half the man you used to be but you don't have to run from me Rock. You shouldn't run from me because that just makes me hurt you more. Rock I know you because I've been in WWE with you and I know when you're trying to give hints to people and you're trying to tell me you don't want to face me when you said RUN & HIDE well guess what Rock I'm not running and I'm not hiding I'll be right here in the ring waiting for you to climb in this ring and get your ass kicked all over the arena because as much as you may call yourself the great one you haven't proved it here. And if you plan on trying to prove it on Andrenaline you better think again because all you're gonna prove there is that you are nothing but a soft loser. That's right Rock I talking junk to you and about you and that's because I don't fear you. Now Rock I have some advice for you and that's stop dreaming and thinking and start doing because all you do is talk about doing this and doing that and I never see anything done. You have dreams of winning this tournament and I have dreams of beating you and becoming the first Champ around here. See Rock I am going to tell you a difference between the two of us. Its that you dream about beomcing the champion where I know I am going to become the champion. See Rock you talk a big game for someone who hasn't earned anything in his wrestling career. You have earned anything you've gotten. You just suck up, while I bust my ass each and every week to get what I want and deserve and to tell the truth Rock I'm sick and tired of you getting everything handed to you on a silver platter. See your record may be 0/0/0 now and mine may be 0/1/1 but I guarantee Tuesday morning if you look in the PWE rcord books your record is gonna say for your first match The Rock defeated by Test due to pinfall because that is exactly what is going to happen.

"The Canadian Hunk" Test: Rock once again your mouth is gonna write a check your ass can't cash. But trust me you will pay dearly while I kick your ass. See Rock you're talking about going straight to the top here in PWE while I am talking about making a name for myself. See Rock I'm gonna need your help with something on Adrenaline and I'm more than sure that you're gonna help me because you don't have any choice. See Rock whether you know it or not you are gonna help me make a name for myself you're gonna help me after I pin your ass one two three. See Rock after I pin you on Adrenaline not only am I going to be the one moving on in the torunament but I am also gonna be the one move up in the card and be the one getting all the opprotunites and I should have got in WWE but didn't get because of bastards like you. See Rock people like you make me sick. See you may be called The Rock but I'm gonna crush you like dirt and I will be the one talking about the match with my head held high. I'll be the one with all the bragging rights while you are walking around pissed making excuse on the match about how you lost. Well Rock I got news for you I don't cheat unlike you. I am going to win this match fair and square something you know nothing about. And ou're right Rock no one can be like The Rock and who would want to be I mean you didn't here those boos when you came out Rock or are you really as stupid as you look. See Rock you should worry less about my record and more about your because yours is about to have a major loss after I am threw with you. See Rock I plan to kick your ass so bad that they aren't gonna put a L in your column they are gonna put a D and that D won't stand for draw its gonna stand for Damn Test Kicked The Rock's Ass. And that's exactly what is gonna happen and if you keep running your mouth not only are you gonna having my boot going smackd across your face but you are also gonna have my boot up your ass. Rock you may have thought I wasn't in your league in WWE but like I said before this isn't WWE and I am definately in your league not if not higher see Rock I have somethings that you don't haven that's gonna help me through this match.

"The Canadian Hunk" Test: See Rock I have the crowd on my side for one see while they are getting in your head screaming and yelling Rocky Sux Rocky Sux they will be getting in my head to screaming my name cheering. See Rock that's something you forgot when you came back to wrestling you forgot the people that made you and I'm not talking about Vince McMahon I'm talking about the fans but that's okay because with the fans on my side I knwo I am going to beat your ass. Rock something else that I have that you don't have is heart. See Rock heart is something that will definately be a factor in this match and will defitnately be in my favor because you don't have a heart to begin with. That is why your are so much like Vince McMahon because you're both heatless bastards. See Rock I want this match more than you. You knwo what that means? That means I'm gonna work harder to get that win.See Rock for every bit as hard as you work in this match I'll be working ten times as hard to secure a win. For all the sweat you sweat out during this match I'll be sweating more because I will be working harder. Rock its time that you find out that here in PWE tehre is no one here to help you get to the top. See to get to the top here you're gonna have to do something that I know you are not used to doing and that's earning it. See Rock right now both of us are at teh bottom but there 's only rooom for one at the top and that eprson is me. So while I am waving down at you from the top you will still be at the Bottom but without any help you will be even lower than that. You'll be at Rock Bottom. See I was one of the people over looked in WWE but that ain't gonna happen again and I don't care what I have to do to prevent being overlooked but I am not going to have to worry about that because I guarantee victory on Adrenaline. Now you say the amount of fear I'm feeling now is going to increase three times as much as it is right now well I got news for you Rock. There's no fear in me now for you and there won't be any fear in me towards you on Adrenaline. Rock if you thikn you are going to be setting some news record against me I got news for you thinkg again because the only possible records you could set against me is The Big Namer getting his ass Beat silly by someone who's trying make a name by his self record.

"The Canadian Hunk" Test: Rock I'll admit I am lucky to square off against you because this is giving me a big opprotunity not only to make a name for myself but also to shut your ass up forever. Because me along with everyone else in the locker room is tired of hearing you run your mouth all damn day tlalking about The Rock says this and The Rock says that. Well Rocky Test says that you won't be talking all your junk for too much longer. See time is ticking down until Adrenaline and Adrenaline is also the day of reckoning for The Rock. It is gonna be known a the day the Legend was shut up be the up-an-coming. And most of all its going to be known as the day that The Rock got his ass kicked like no other kind of ass whooping he's ever recieved from anybody. Rock let me tell you how this match is going to go. We both get in the ring and after the biggest one-sided match there ever was is over my hand will be raised in victory while your head will be hanging in shame. So Rock I want you to remember this just because you were the man in WWE doesn't mean you can just walk in here be be the man all over again. No no no that won't happen and you know why? its because I won't let it happen. And if I have my way you won't make it past Adrenaline. So Rock you might as well get yourself an acting coach and brush up on your acting because after the match you will never want to act again. But then again I doubt anyone will want to hire you with your face all smashed in from a big boot shot to your face. Rock you're lucky I'm a nice guy because if I wasn't I'd just send you home to Florida permanently in a wheelchair but in the mean time I am just going to kick your ass and rub it in your face. See Rock playtime is over and I am tired of playing games with you so the words I expect to hear you say to me is Please stop kicking my ass. But that won't help because I am out to prove a point to you and that point is that times change and so do people and Rock I'm gonna prove to you that between us I am the better. So Rock I am going to leave you with this I Hope You're Ready For Me To Kick Your Ass, Because This Is A Test That You Can't Pass!

*Test's Music hits over the P.A. sytem again as The crowd cheers for him and Torrie. Test helps Torrie out of the ring as they walk up the ramp together while they are under the TitanTron the two kiss again as the show goes to a commercial break.*