
Real Name: Paul Duffy
Also Known As: The Foundation Of Sensation and The Sensational One

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 237 lbs.
Age: 29
Birthdate: 10/20/74
Hometown: Battle Creek, Michiagan

Alignment: Heel (Pop)
Theme Music: "Downfall" by TRUSTcompany

Past cWF Titles and Awards: cWF World Champion, cWF Lightweight Champion, 1st Ever and only Fade To Black Rumble Winner.
Previous Federations Wrestled In: N/A
Non-cWF Titles and Awards: N/A

Years Experience: 12 years
Wrestling Style: Technical Highflyer
Specialty Match: 2 Out Of 3 Falled, Stipulated Match.
Weapon of Choice: Black Steel Chair, with red Paul Duffy Foundation-Of-Sensation logo on it.

"Duffycanranna" (Hurricanranna Of The Rope Into A Pin.)
"3 Time Over" (Moonsaults From Bottom Rope tTo Top, Non Stop Followed By A Pin.)
"Surfboard With a Vengeance" (Mexican Surfboard, To Legs Only, A Reverse Camel Clutch Manouver Is Applied To The Opponent On The Upperhalf Of His/Her Body.)
The "Duffarooni." (Showmans Helicopter. ::Break Dance Manouver::)
"The Sensational Down Take" (Springboard Backflip Head Scissor Take Down.)
"911" (Top Rope Shooting Star Press.)
"The Sensational Break" Flipping Neckbreaker From The Second Turnbuckle.
"Defying Gravity" (Moonsault Leg Drop From The Top Rope, But Preferably From A Ladder.)
"Steel Twister" (450 Splash Over The Top Rope, From The Outside In.)

Major Trademark: Reverse Rolling Thunder (Backward Roll, followed by a Moonsault.)

Finisher: "The Hit The Deck" (Spinning Superkick)

Growing up in Michigan, Paul was origanally BORN in Scotland, UK, and as any normal kid he loved wrestling, he always thought from about when he was five until he was about 10 that he'd never make it as a wrestler so when he was seven he decided to take up Kickboxing, Paul achieved alot in his jnr Kickboxing career such as the battlecreek lightweight champion in his jnr division when he was 8, he also went on to win it for the middleweight division when he was 11 and held it again when he was 12. He has made his mark in kickboxing by also achieving student of the year for 3 years running and has won wot he calls his biggest kickboxing achievement ever, the olympic crown of shadow kickboxing which involves Muh Thai aswell, he won that in the olympic year of 1992 at the age of 15.

Paul is a third generation superstar who always wished to grow up as a pro wrestler like his father, Pauls grandfather the underated "Sensation", who lived in Scotland did some work for various orginisations, had travelled alot with other big time stars at the time, mainly one in particular, Dorey Funk. Pauls father was also a wrestler who was well known for his type of kicks, his father had pin point accuracy with these and never missed a kick in his career, his father was who got Paul into wrestling by teaching him all the skills and sending him to a wrestling school in London, UK. He had trained alot with his father, and both men meant the world to each other. Paul's father, figured Paul had enough of what it takes and sent him to attempt the pass of a scholarship in London University.

Paul then moved back to Michigan after 4 years of hard work after being promoted, and picking up a degree in physiology of wrestling. He set back home in Michigan to accomplish what he could, and start his new career in the good ol' USA. Paul wrestled for several different organisations such as the PPW, (Pheonix Promotion Wrestling), BWF (British Wrestling Federation) and XPW (Xtreme Pro Wrestling), but the biggest organisation he has ever worked for would be EF'NW (Extreme F'N Wrestling) where he won well known titles like the EFC World Television Championship and EF'NW Tag Team Championship with good friend Steven Green also known to this day as "Uncensored," who has wrestled in cWF before. Paul was told about the Championship Wrestling Federation by his father who persuaded him to sign the contract with the cWF. Pauls Father was murdered on 11/03/01 by what was written as a gang attack in Scotland. Paul was devasted after the breaking news was told by Paul's Mother days later, Paul didn't know until a few days after, as he was doing house shows on the road with the cWF. After Paul's Father's death, it has given him more adrenelaine, and charisma to do what he loves to do. Which is why Paul has his sights set on acheiving as much as he can in the cWF. Growing up in Michian, being born in the Uk. Paul Duffy trully has what it takes to be a competitor in the cWF. He is well known around the globe and is on a collision course with stardom.