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The Cutting Edge

Disclaimer: This is a page maintained by Armageddon Extreme Wrestling CEO Jim Cutt featuring his views on the federation and its wrestlers. Opinions expressed here are Mr. Cutt's alone and are not necessarily shared by AEW Commissioner Radley or any other federation staff members.
Site updated 2/15/04

Jim Cutt

OK AEW wrestlers. If you have come to this page wanting some answers as to what happened with the federation, I can not help you. I e-mailed Radley and got no responce. I guess he just shut things down. If you guys want to join a good fed e-mail me at and I will put you in touch. Also, I might be starting up my own fed soon. I am working on the pages and seeking wrestlers. Drop me a line and let me know what you think. Please just e-mail me and let me know what you think happened in AEW. I am interested to see of anybody still comes to this page.

Hello fans and wrestlers of Armageddon Extreme Wrestling and welcome to The Cutting Edge. On this page yours truly, AEW CEO Jim Cutt, will be telling it like it is. No bullshit here. I call 'em like I see 'em. If you piss me off, you'll know about it. If you're doing a good job, you'll get a pat on the back. For the real news behind the scenes of AEW, come here daily and see what is going on. You won't regret it.

Here at The Cutting Edge I will be covering a lot of things. You can read about upcoming matches already signed and also hear about future cards in the works. Results will be updated with some commentary on how things played out. On the Cutting Room Floor, I'll be giving my insights and thoughts about everything AEW. Here news and rumors will also be posted. And then there is Cutt Rankings where I list the federation’s top wrestler all the way down to the bottom. This section will not only be updated after each event, but on a daily basis depending on participation in the federation. Who will make the cut?

Wednesday Night Fever (2/11/04)

Number One Heavyweight Contender Tournament

Big Papa Pimp vs. Bruno

Iron vs. Jonny "The Dragonfly" Hind vs. Blaze Matthews

Cable Guy Mike vs. Havoc vs. Real Sexy

Christopher Coronato vs. Phantom Kid

Tag Team Main Event

Original Gangsta and Commissioner Radley vs. Abnormal Behavior and CEO Jim Cutt

Results from Wednesday Night Fever (2/4/04)
Double debut match: Jonny "The Dragonfly" Hind defeated Christopher Coronato
Heavyweight Championship: Abnormal Behavior vs. Original Gangsta - double disqualification

Politics plays a role in any federation, but here I cut through that crap. Only the best of the best will get a high ranking. You must be a great interview, a good wrestler and participate frequently in the AEW. Here is how I see the talent stacked up.

Because of the lack of a complete card on Wednesday, the rankings have not significantly changed. I adjusted them based on roleplays and participation in AEW. I hope we will get a card finished here soon.

Name Record Title Change
1 Abnormal Behavior 2-0-1 None
2 Original Gangsta 2-0-1 Heavyweight
3 Big Papa Pimp 3-0-0 Hardcore
4 Jonny 'The Dragonfly' Hind 1-0-0 None
5 Blaze Matthews 0-0-0 None
6 Havoc 0-0-0 None
7 Ice 0-2-0 None
8 Iron 0-2-0 None
9 Bruno 0-2-0 None
10 Cable Guy Mike 0-0-0 None
11 Phantom Kid 0-0-0 None
12 Jesusfreak 0-1-0 None
13 Real Sexy 0-0-0 None
14 The Red Demon 0-0-0 None
15 Christopher Coronato 0-1-0 None

1. Abnormal Behavior -

2. Original Gangsta -

3. Big Papa Pimp -

4. Jonny 'The Dragonfly' Hind -

5. Blaze Matthews -

6. Havoc -

7. Ice -

8. Iron -

9. Bruno -

10. Cable Guy Mike -

11. Phantom Kid -

12. Jesusfreak -

13. Real Sexy -

14. The Red Demon -

15. Christopher Coronato -


Wrestlers, start to roleplay!
This upcoming tournament is an amazing opportunity.

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