Nicole & Matt's Quick Smackdown Commentary for 13 April 2002

Hey. It’s Nicole and her Matt-in-a-boxes quick Smackdown Commentary for 13 April 2002. If you didn’t get to catch Smackdown, there were a few funny moments that we will commentate for you. Hope you enjoy. Oh, sorry for the shortness. Haven’t been able to get online much the last few days.

Nicole: Welcome Matt and to all our fans over the world.

Matt: Its been a great week so lets finish it off with a dose of good ‘ol fashioned fun. Firstly, we see Kurt Angle come out to the ring. Normally, I hate it when we first see Kurt come out and usually complain about somethingorather. But as we know what’s gonna happen……well lets just say, its worth reviewing.

Nicole: Yeah. Well guess what?

Matt: Kurt’s complaining about something.

Nicole: You guessed right. We know Kurt too well. And the crowd obviously knows that he sucks, which is true.

Matt: Kurt is going off about Vinnie Mac choosing Hulk Hogan to be Triple H’s opponent at Backlash. I mean, I like Hogan and all but he has only just come back to the WWF and all of a sudden he’s good enough to be the #1 contender. There would be someone more deserving for sure, like Rock or Stone Cold. I can sort of see Kurt’s point but I don’t agree that Vinnie should have chosen Kurt over Hogan.

Nicole: I agree, Kurt would rather whine about not getting a shot than actually fight for a shot at the Undisputed title. The crowd seems to know what to say about this. “You suck, what?” *laughs* Kurt then proceeds to tell us that he is better than anyone on Raw or Smackdown. What an egomaniac. As if you’d say that about yourself.

Matt: Don’t forget, we are talking about Kurt Angle here, right. Now, Kurt tells the crowd that he didn’t have people yelling out “What?” when he won his gold medal at Atlanta. And he wants the crowd to say “It’s true” after he says something but they just say “What?” instead. Kurt’s getting peeved. He says “No, It’s true” over and over again.

Nicole: When we hear Edge’s rather cool music hit, we hear Michael Cole say “Finally, someone to stop the pain”. I couldn’t agree more with you Cole. hehe. Cole Cole.

Matt: What are you on about? Anyway, it’s Edge. And he’s out to put Kurt in his place. Nicole stop staring at Edge. Its rude.

Nicole: It’s hard for my eyes to NOT look at Edge. They just wander over that way. I love it when Edge comes out….holding a mic. hehe. You always know that you will be entertained.

Matt: Edge tells Kurt that his Olympic gold medal win was inspiring, it was uplifting, but more importantly, it was 6 years ago. Kurt needs to get out of the past and start living in the present.

Nicole: He does dwell on that Atlanta moment quite a bit, hey. And as Kurt isn’t going to get a title shot in the near future, Edge suggests that they settle some business at Backlash, ie. A match. What a great idea. Kurt is fine with this. And Edge replies “Well, Kurt. I’m gonna say something you don’t hear very often, but it’s a date”. Then Edge comments on Kurt’s earlier statement about the crowd chanting “What?” Edge thinks the people shouldn’t chant “What?” after everything he says. Stone Cold came up with that and he’s on Raw now. The crowd should chant something special, something very Kurt Angle and the way they can show their appreciation for him is by chanting “You suck” instead. *laughs. Oh my god, I’m a Edge-head. Yay* Kurt is disagreeing and “You suck’s” are aimed at Kurt. He calls for his music to be played and then after it starts, changes his mind because…..well, you know what happens when it plays.

Matt: You suck, what? You suck, what? You suck, what?

Nicole: Ok, another Smackdown moment. Vince was holding interviews for his personal assistant job in the ring. 2 ladies and a guy end up being interviewed before the one gal, who is gonna make Vince an offer he can’t refuse comes out. Can you guess who?

Matt: Urgh, Stacy Keibler. Oh, she’s ok. I like her a bit more now that she isn’t with the Dudleyz. Stacy saunters to the ring, looking very professional but wearing a mini skirt to show her legs. Stacy wants to show Vinnie Mac how much she wants the job. Her music starts playing and gets up on the interview table and does this provocative little dance in front of Vince, who by the look on his face, could have a heart attack at any second. Somehow, Stacy pulls the back of her skirt up slowly just to show a bit of her ass and Vince, who is paying close attention, falls back and his chair topples over. What a sight. After this, Stacy sits down on the desk facing Vince and sits her ankles on his shoulders, he just looks at them and smiles. Stacy’s hired. She’s Vince’s personal assistant now.

Nicole: Does anyone think that Tazz and Michael Cole make for an annoying pair commentating?

Matt: Don’t hold back, Nicole. Yeah, I’m not sure about Tazz as a commentator. He’s a bit irritating. Cole is fine, I suppose. When I just said ‘irritating’ then, can you think of who it reminded me of?

Nicole: I’m not saying a word. *zips her lips and tries to forget that the ‘S’ word nearly popped out* Whew, that was close.

Matt: Now it’s time for the main event match between Triple H and Kurt Angle. Not that this was a particularly fabulous match but you’ll see why we….ah, I mean, Nicole and the crowd liked it.

Nicole: On with the match. Kurt puts Triple H in a wristlock. Triple H knocks Kurt down on the mat. Kurt starts looking angry again. He knocks Kurt down two more times. Kurt gets Triple H in a lock again and then pulls the straps of his outfit down, as he usually does.

Matt: Oh, what a mistake that was. Triple H starts to pedigree Kurt when Triple H flips over and lands laying down on the mat and tries to pull Kurt down for a pin. Instead, Triple H pulls on Kurt’s trunks and they slip down at the back to reveal…..

Nicole: Kurt’s ‘lil white ass and he’s wearing a black g-string (or thong). The crowd starts cheering and laughing at the sight. I thought it was hilarious. Kurt doesn’t even seem to notice that his ass is on show. Not that I care about that. Triple H knocks Kurt down a few times and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Triple H drags Kurt to the announce table and bangs Kurt’s head on it. Triple H stands back to admire Kurt’s butt and then slaps him a good one on the right cheek. Kurt gets back in the ring and finally pulls his trunks up so we don’t have to look at that god awful sight anymore.

Matt: That’s put me off my dinner, thanks Kurt. Ok, the rest of this match was wrecked due to interference from Jericho and Hulk Hogan. So that’s it for tonight.

Nicole: Matt, you know what to do.

Matt: *takes of his shirt* Have a goodnight everyone.

Nicole: That makes it a great night from me.

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