The scene opens on a complete contrast from the previous time we were here, the weather is humid and storm clouds are rolling in. In the distance flashes of lightening become visible and the roll of thunder announcing its approach. The camera pans slowly showing the surrounding trees blowing in the wind. As the camera continues to pan…Jason West walks into the picture dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight white sleeveless t-shirt. He stops and turns toward the camera and crosses his massive arms and prepares to speak

We all have a breaking point huh? We all have some point we reach where we cannot take anymore? Jon…you can pretend to know me all you want, hell man you can pretend to give a damn about me all you want, but I know that the only person who cares about me…is me. That being said, I have to laugh at the thought of you overpowering me. Don’t get me wrong…I’m sure you are quite tough and can hold your own, but overpower me? I don’t think so. You are concerning yourself with my life and what is occurring in it and paying less and less attention to the task at hand, that being the match you have between Xander and I. Now Xander is not going to be a problem, that I can almost guarantee but if you keep your thoughts on saving my soul and life, well Jon you are going to end up on your back staring up at the lights as I pin you for the three count.

he turns his head as a flash of lightening stretches across the evening sky followed by a huge clap of thunder. His lips curl into a sneer and he returns his attention back to the camera.

Why do you keep wanting me to believe that you know where my head is? Or that you were once the same way I am? Do you even know anything about me…about my past? No, Jon you don’t so you can’t really say with any degree of certainty that you were like me. Listen closely to me Jon…I am not someone that you want to patronize or even cross. I have the ability to hurt you and anyone else I desire, it is in your best interest to just fight this match and then steer clear of me. I have nothing to gain really from beating you…there is no belt at stake, there are no number one contender spots on the line…nothing. So, I have to ask myself why I am taking this match as seriously as I would take one that has more to gain? Simple, because way back when I would take the small matches for granted and it just f***ed up my career. No more…In the Colosseum there is no small match and there is no easy win. There is more talent here than in any other place I have been and believe me when I say there has been a lot of talent everywhere else. Are they as good as I am? Some yes others no, Are there people that are over rated? Hell yes….I could name names, but what would that accomplish. DO I believe I have been held down or over looked? It depends on where and when. The bottom line is that I am taking a lot more care in working my way back to prominence not only here but in the sport as a whole. I start with you Jon Quake, so maybe you should pray less for me…and more for yourself.

Huge drops of rain begin to slowly fall to the ground, the wind has picked up tremendously and the sky is now a deep dark black.

Yes…yes, that’s it show me your discontent; prove to everyone how angry you are…that you are a vengeful being. Let them all see just what you really are…

Lightening flashes knocking the picture out…snow instantly replacing the picture followed by a quick change to a black screen.