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What an Explosive episode of Xplosion plenty of action, plenty of fighting and must of all full of surprises and unfortunately tragedy but the show must go on and what a shocking show it ended up being. In the mist of the tragedy of a superstar passing on we had a shocking return of one from the past wrestlers. Eighteen brutally took care of Jeff Jarrett to win a great match, but after that hell broke lose as all of a sudden we had Jeff Payne on the ramp staring at Eighteen, Brooke attacking her from behind Rikku and Seancoming down for save as Payne stands outside the ring staring them both down, Then all of a sudden DDD attacks Rikku from behind outside the ring, and with sean inside the ring by himself he is attacked by Revolution X, Snake and Johnny Chaos. Jeff Payne backs up to the ramp staring Revolution X down who stand tall in the ring with all the broken bodies lying around. Jeff Payne begins to laugh but no for long, Steel chair to the face by Steel Payne is knocked out and the man standing tall at the end is the underdog Steel. Then the shock happens, the moment people had been waiting for as Steel takes his mask off. Snake and Johnny are shocked they can’t believe it, DDD is staring hard at him with disbelief, Sean Lewis and Rikku think they are dreaming. The X-KID CIARAN MICHAELS IS BACK!!! The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is in the King of Xtreme tournament. Who would of thought it. But where has he been, we know he was Steel before then what happened.

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is back in action in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment , well her barely left. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels shocked the wrestling community on Xplosion when he Steel took off his mask after knocking out Jeff Payne with a steel chair to unveil himself as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels. No one was shocked more than his quarter final opponent for the king of xtreme tournament Johnny Chaos who thought he was going up against a simple rookie. It can safely say that no one had expected The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to be here in The King Of Xtreme. So it has been finalised that the former Revolution X member goes one on one against Revolution X member Johnny Chaos in a Last Man Standing match. What a great set up for one of the opening matches for The King of Xtreme Tournament. In the last promo by The X-KID Ciaran Michaels we saw what happened to him when he got literaly kicked out of Revolution X the stable he created and left Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels went back to the drink, getting wreckless, causing trouble in bars and getting in to fights in dark alleyways and ending up in a bloody mess. Thankfully The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was rescued by a dark mysterious stranger. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels then woke up in an unknown room and recognised that the mysterious stranger was an old friend from Japan who helped train The X-KID Ciaran Michaels while he was there training for the super J tournament in MWA. Master Matjitsu talked some sense into The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and invited him to train and wrestle in his own promotion, The Tokyo Wrestling Federation. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels got onto the plane after he had healed and started his intense training with Master Matjitsu, going through rigorous regimes trying to get his xtreme back, and back to fighting fit. Getting physically and mentally fit ready to getting back in the ring. Finally Master Matjitsu told him he was ready to fight, but it was time to learn a new style and to have a new image, it was time to start from scratch become a nobody, a rookie, That rookie was Steel, wearing a dark black mask, leather jacket and dark pants. He went into the Tokyo Wrestling Federation and shuck things up, competiting in some Extreme matches he has ever seen, once being burnt bad in an inferno match. Being ripped apart in a barbed wire match and taking up challengers for handicap matches with four on one, with Steel being the one. At last the time had come to go back to Extreme Wrestling Entertainment after news of White Tiger disowning his name and becoming Jeff Payne and forming the nWo and with Revolution X running wild, it was the right time for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to come back and sort some unfinished business. He left Japan and headed right away to sign a contract for Extreme Wrestling Entertainment but not under The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels but as the rookie Steel ready to mess things up for Revolution X and the nWo. Steel saw that the King of The Xtreme tournament to get The X-KID Ciaran Michaels back to his best.

Finally The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has broke his silence for the up coming match for King of Xtreme Tournament. At the end of his last promo The X-KID Ciaran Michaels had enough of what Johnny Chaos trash talking was all about and decided to confront him, that frontation became more of a brawl when the X-KID Ciaran Michaels launched Johnny Chaos across the corridor and hitting him with his signature move, The X-Effect. Johnny Chaos got a taste of what is to come at King Of Xtreme. Also in The X-KID last promo we saw for the very first time, X-KID TV the new show behind the scenes of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment as we saw The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and his camera man Pete cause havoc in the EWE Control room, wrecking preparations for The King Of Xtreme Tournament. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was very curious on how the whole control system worked but his interest didn’t go to far as he fell asleep during the explanation of the machines whole workings. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels also had another Confrontation but this time someone a bit more personal, even blood. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels ran into his father The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels as these two exchanged words things got really heated in the moment of arguing. It was just not the way things were meant planned to go for The Heart Brake Kid Shawn Michaels as his son rejected an offer of teaming up with him, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels not obviously pleased with his fathers recent actions in the EWE had no choice to turn him down. Then all of a sudden Shawn Michaels turned nasty on his boy, this has only fired up The X-KID Ciaran Michaels even more to win The King Of Xtreme Tournament. Now The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has left America and has headed over to England to promote the up and coming King Of The Ring PPV by appearing on various programmes, He has now even got the opportunity to go see his favourite Soccer team Manchester United play Wolves in the prestigious FA Cup tournament.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels gets off the plane and makes his way to his limo which is waiting at the airport for him, with The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is his camera man Pete, the leading and only Camera man for XKID TV, They get into the limo and the drive off to there hotel.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hello and welcome to X-KID TV I am The host and the star of the show The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, over the next few days me and Pete are here in England to promote The up and coming King Of Xtreme pay per view, which I myself am in. Usually they get the fantastic Divas to come over and do this sort of thing but none where available and plus Manchester United were playing this week so I jumped at the chance to come over here and meet my English fans. First of all we have to go to the Hotel and we have a photo shoot there and all waiting for us, we will have a bite to eat and then we go to BBC Studios to film Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, Ive spoken to this guy before and he seems like great fun. Tomorrow I have planned to gatecrash some places and then on Sunday we go watch Manchester United play Wolves, which I can’t wait to see as it is been a while since I have seen them play so lets get the show on the road

They arrive at the hotel and they check into their rooms The X-KID Ciaran Michaels lies down for a while getting some rest before having a shower and going down stairs to have a photo shoot, He arrives at the shoot for the The Sun News Paper where he is surrounded by beautiful women, He is told that they are the page three girls and they were joining him in the photo shoot, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels wasn’t complaining as they started to get the shoot going. Pete was watching from the distance with his tongue hanging out of his mouth drooling all over the place as girl after girl walk by. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels seems to be enjoying himself as they get closer to him with each shot, it’s nearly like a mass orgy happening. He doesn’t get this much attention in America. The photo shoot is wrapped up and things are brought to a close and the page three girl models leave to get their clothes back on

~Ciaran Michaels~

Wow now that was interesting people The X-KID Ciaran Michaels surrounded by loads of stunning, fantastic looking sexy as hell women, Pete is not happy peeps, he had to stand and watch as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was face to face with them talking away with them, even managing to get a few numbers, now lets be honest who could resist the Charm of the X-KID Ciaran Michaels. I can’t wait to see what the photos turn out like but, WOW I won’t forget about this visit that’s for sure. Lets hope the rest of the visit goes aswell.

The two of them walk off to go and get a bite to eat before making their way to their rooms and getting ready for the Chat show, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.

[SCENE TWO] The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and Pete arrive at BBC studios and make away to the correct set of where Friday Night with Jonathan Ross is filmed. They make way to there own locker room with a big star on the door, Saying Ciaran Michaels. They are briefed on the ins and outs of the show and who else will be appearing on the show. Then make up is brought in and he is prepared for the show. Finally they are brought into a VIP area as the show is about to start in 5,4,3,2,1

~Jonathan Ross~

Hello and good evening to another addition of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, we have a wide mixture of guests tonight we even have two Americans with us tonight yeah, from the promise land we have Extreme Wrestling Entertainment superstar The X-KID Ciaran Michaels with us this evening, and another star who many of us didn’t know that well until a few weeks ago when he walked into a house with no boxers but plenty of condoms looking for a quick shag, It’s Denise Wodman everyone, and here tonight singing for us is The Artic Monkeys. Wow what a show it’s going to be, but let me introduce my first guest, He has fallen through tables off ladders twenty feet tall, he has more bruises than Djbrill Cisese wife, and he does this al for fun all the way from San Antonio Texas weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds The Xtreme Kid Ciaran Michaels.

The crowd laugh and cheer as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels makes his way out from the backstage, a bell sound is played as the crowd laugh even more, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and Jonathan Ross shake hands before the sit down and let the crowd clapping fade down.

~Jonathan Ross~

Welcome Ciaran for the first time to Wriday Night with Jonathan Woss. So how wsa your flight I hope it was good, you just arrived this morning didn’t you.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah yeah the flight was great just arrived this morning, long flight but I’m use to flying now I seem to be always in the air these days travelling around, Is that the way you really talk

~Jonathan Ross~

What you mean is this the way I weally talk

~Ciaran Michaels~

You can say words with R’s in them haha

~Jonathan Ross~

Yes Ciaran I can’t pronounce words with R’s in them thank you very much

~Ciaran Michaels~

Oh shit man Im sorry I just thought you where talking like that earlier on as a joke, sorry dude

~Jonathan Ross~

Don’t worry about it your used to flying, I’m used to getting abuse cause of my speech impediment.

The crowd laugh at the joke being made

~Jonathan Ross~

So wrestling, It looks like a really rough form of sport, I was going over some of the things that you have done in your career, jumping off balconies being put on fire, running into ropes of barbed wire jumping off twenty food ladders, this is some mad stuff, like what drives you all to do that.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well I guess it is the adrenaline rush that gets me going, in the heat of the moment things get a little crazy out there in the ring and you would do just about anything to win the match.

~Jonathan Ross~

Too me it sounds like a great way to kill yourself if you ask me. Now I take it that you have to do some intense training to get to be as good as you, like you seem to be really fast in the ring for the size of you, look at you, You might even be able to take Denise Wodman down.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well I don’t know about that now, I have had to face some tough people but never Denise Rodman he is a big guy, but anytime Denise wants to jump into the ring with me I will have no problem with that. But yeah your right there is a lot of training involved you always have to be kept fit if you want to succeed, the fans don’t come to watch slow and sluggish match they came to see a fight and after all the training and fitness your able to give them what they want.

~Jonathan Ross~

Do you think that I could become a wrestler., I’m fairly strong and well Im small.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah well I don’t know, you have to work hard at it but yeah I see no reason why you couldn’t become a wrestler, the first chat show host to ever become a wrestler

~Jonthan Ross~

Ok can I stand up to you, me and you face to face just like in a real wrestling match

The two stand up face to face trying to keep a straight face

~Jonathan Ross~

Nah this aint so bad, Wait a minute what are you doing

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has Jonathan Ross on his shoulders as if he was going to hit the Xeffect but he sets him down again, after jumping him about a bit.

~Jonathan Ross~

Wow I wouldn’t want you to hit that move on me I have seen it being done before, It looks like a devastating move, one of your many moves, you want to see a clip of him in action folks, this is The X-KID Ciaran Michaels at his best, hitting all his favourite moves

The video starts and it shows The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, hitting the Judgement day slam, Sweet Tune Music. The San Antonio Crossface, The X-Effect and last but not least The Leap of fate. The video ends with The X-KID Ciaran Michaels holding up his X-Division Championship at the end of his match with Gothika at Wrestle Mania. The crowd cheer as The video comes to an end.

~Jonathan Ross~

Yeah they are some great moves, lets move on now, you’re here to promote the up and coming Extreme Wrestling Entertainment Pay per view, King Of Xtreme, which you’re a part of. Your in the quarter finals of the tournament, tell us a little about it then

~Ciaran Michaels~

The King of Xtreme Tournament is a new concept brought in this year, the Royal Rumble was great last year, hell I nearly won it but I think EWE were looking for something unique and that’s why the came up with The King Of Xtreme tournament which I think is going to be great as it’s new and hasn’t been done before so it should be great.

~Jonathan Ross~

Yes The King of Xtreme Tournament is on Sunday night and can be seen here live on Sky Sports one. You weren’t always meant to be in the match is that true.

~Ciaran Michaels~

No what had happened was that I qualified for the match under the name Steel in which I wear a mask so they didn’t know it was me, in the end I decided to take the mask off to show them that they would be dealing with The X-KID Ciaran Michaels in the tournament and not some rookie kid.

~Jonathan Ross~

I would of take it that they where quite shocked that you would do that to them

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah they where, some of them are kind of pissed of that I fooled them so well but well shit happens and theres nothing you can do about it

~Jonathan Ross~

You where in Japan recently, I was in Asia aswell What do you think of Asia is it a place, like I know you have worked there but is it a place you would settle down and live there,

~Ciaran Michaels~

I loved Japan, it was such a different type of lifestyle to what I am expected to and the whole different way of living, food , tv, cinema. Even there wrestling styles are different, yeah it’s a great place proud of there traditions but I couldn’t see myself permently living there, I travel a lot but at heart I’m still a home boy.

~Jonathan Ross~

You mentioned films there, I am a film critic by the way, We have seen The Rock make his way into cinema, and some as characteristic as yourself, would you like to go in the same direction.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well I haven’t really given it much thought but I guess it would be cool to do movies, but I wouldn’t want to go in the same direction as the rock, they guy is funny and all but I would only start being an actor if I could actually act.

~Jonathan Ross~

If That was true for everyone we would only have a dozen actors

The Crowd laugh out loudly, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels laughs with them.

~Jonathan Ross~

Well thank you very much Ciaran it’s been a pleasure having you on the show, good luck with the tournament on Sunday night, we can see it on Sky one. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels everyone!

The crowd cheer as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels shakes hands with Jonathan Ross and waves goodbye to the crowd. He makes his way back to the backstage area. The Show ends with Jonathan Ross thanking once again all his guests and is played out by music by the artic monkeys.

[SCENE THREE] The X-KID and Pete make the most having the Saturday off going out having fun in London then at night hitting a few clubs ringing those page 3 girls getting them to come out to have fun with them. They wake up on Sunday morning with slight hangovers after their night out. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels wakes up beside a nice blond in his bed, he takes a shower and quietly takes his clothes and puts them on and makes his way to Wolverhampton Wanderers stadium the Moniluxx. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and Pete arrive at the stadium with tens of thousands of fans ready to enter the stadium, lucky for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and Pete they have VIP tickets which allow them to stay in the directors boxes at the Stadium. The settle down into the seats and start to watch the match. The first half is going well for Manchester United with them winning by two goals to nil at the half time whistle, things are looking good for them going through to the next round of the cup. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is then approached by Sky Sports to do a half time interview for them

~Sky Sports~

Good evening Ciaran Michaels and welcome to Sky Sports, we never would of thought that an American such as yourself would be interested in soccer.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well you should never presume what you think, well I have been a Man Utd fan since about 1989 when I first came over to England, I had the opportunity to see them play, and naturally as they where the team I saw at their home ground I kept with them and followed them ever since, I just get over when ever I can.

~Sky Sports~

So what do you think of the match so far

~Ciaran Michaels~

It’s been a good match now, I have been really impressed by how the strike force of Saha, Van nistoroy and Rooney are combining and how the new boy Vidic is palying in centre back, but most shocking of all I am really impressed by how well Rio is playing in that holding midfield role.

~Sky Sports~

Yeah I think everyone is shocked at that decision to put Rio there, risky one and it looks like its paid off

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah it looks like it has but when you are out of options you have to take risks, something I know too much about.

~Sky Sports~

So how you that they have done so far this season, there going well in the cup competitions.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well I have mixed fews about the season, to be honest there has been just games were we have had just no luck what so ever. I think they also need to get there pass and moving game up to scratch before they could ever challenge Chelsea for the title. It was a bit of a blow to be knocked out of the Champions League but we will bounce back and by the looks of things we are set to at least win one cup, either The Carling Cup and hopefully FA cup.

~Sky Sports~

You have your own tournament coming up tonight which we are showing on sky sports one. The King Of Xtreme tournament are you looking forward to it.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Definitely looking forward to it, it’s the chance of a lifetime to win The King Of Xtreme tournament and win the chance to main event at wrestle mania and challenge for the undisputed Championship. I just hope I can advance just as good as these guys here can.

~Sky Sports~

It’s in about ten hours time are you not going to be tired travelling the whole way back. Your not going to get much preparation done for your big match

~Ciaran Michaels~

Well I have had plenty of sleep over the last few days and was training intensively last week, I do however have to leave straight after the match lets hope I will be leaving with a smile on my face.

~Sky Sports~

Thankyou Ciaran and good luck for your match tonight

~Ciaran Michaels~

Thank you

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels goes back to his seat and continues to watch the game. It ended up being a great match with Manchester United winning three nil After the game ended The X-KID Ciaran Michaels had to go straight to the airport and fly back to America.


It is hours away from King of Xtreme The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is still on his way back from England, but it gives us a chance to view some of the superstars views and thoughts on The X-KID Ciaran Michaels coming back to EWE. The scene opens up in a small room with just a chair infront of the camera. It is set up for every superstar to come in and Express their views on The X-KID Ciaran Michaels unveiling himself on Xplosion. First to enter is Mr Man

~Mr Man~

What did I feel like when Steel took off his mask to unveil himself as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, I felt shocked and betrayed at the fact that he wasn’t man enough to face me without his mask on, no wonder he beat me, he knew who he was going up against did I no. I had no idea who he was so he had the advantage, now he is in The King of Xtreme tournament where I should have been. The son of bitch cheated and that’s all I have to say about that.

For The King Of Xtreme tournament who do I expect to win, probably Carlito

Next to enter is Dynamic Derek Daniels


What did I feel like when I saw The X-KID Ciaran Michaels standing instead of Steel, I felt like shocked yes, after all I thought it was Ben trying to fool everyone going after White Tiger, the reason no one thought it was The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is because he was a nobody. That’s the real reason I was shocked, as for him being in the King Of Xtreme tournament with me so what he will probably be beaten in the first round by Johnny Chaos anyway so it doesn’t make a difference, he won’t need to get in my way as I go on to become the first ever King Of Xtreme Champion and then go on to Wrestle Mania to win back my Undisputed Championship. He just better not get in my way

Next to come in is Mark Chaos

~Mark Chaos~

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels turning up like that, wow that was a surprise, who would of thought it that he would just pop up like that. It’s good to see that the Kid is back and is looking in good shape, He has caused some upsets in the past and I have a feeling that he is going to do the same tonight at King of Xtreme, where anything is possible. Hell I remember he defied the odds last year and was unlucky not to win against White Tiger as they both fought to win the Royal Rumble, that was a close match. Unfortunately My team mates are in the King of Xtreme Tournament as well and my loyalty must go with them however Ciaran good luck.

The Next superstar to enter the ring is Carlito.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, Steel are they not two different guys. What there the same guy, that not cool. So who is going to King of Xtreme, Ciaran Michaels, who is he I haven’t heard of him before, he doesn’t sound cool. I just spit in his face if he isn’t cool. Carlito doesn’t care much for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels the only thing that matters to Carlito is Carlito winning the King Of Xtreme tournament. Now that is cool

The next person into the room is Sean Lewis

~Sean Lewis~

Well I don’t think that that question is needed for me, I already know who he was all along, what did you think he was going to be able to do it all by himself, Anyway it is good to have my old pal back in EWE, It just wasn’t as fun without him. What a way to come though, although I knew everyone else is shocked, and going nuts cause of how he fooled everyone to make it to the King of Xtreme quarter finals, hell even as The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels it is a great achievement cause Ciaran knows just aswell as I do, that he hasn’t been on form for months now even when he was last here, but for him to just come out of the blue like that and make it to the last eight of the King Of Xtreme tournament, The eight best superstars in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. Now that’s just awesome. The only bad thing is that he ahs to get past Johnny Chaos to get to the Semi Finals, and to get to the final, he has to get past me. And I have never lost a TLC match, so don’t worry Ciaran I’m ready for you, I was ready ever since you told me that you were Steel and you told me that you where going to be in the last eight of the King of Xtreme tournament

The next person to come into the room is none other than Revolution X leader Jeff Rodgers

~Jeff Rodgers~

So he decided to show his face again, and what is this supposed to scare me out of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment, well I am leaving but don’t kid yourself, I’m not leaving cause of you, I’m not scared of you, I already proved that you were a useless piece of garbage many months ago when I kicked The X-KID Ciaran Michaels out of Revolution X. Now don’t give me all this shit about how you got to the quarter finals and I didn’t look at the X-KID Ciaran Michaels qualifiers, how easy can you get. At least I know when to stop, but you acctully think that you have a chance of winning this thing, come back to the real world X-KID or do you want me to kick some sense into you again. At least Revolution X have some real superstars in the king of xtreme tournament and one of them will replace me as leader when I leave. Something that you will never ever be able to do. Revolution X are going to dominate The King Of Xtreme tournament, Like it or not. We have the most sexy and seductive diva in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment, The Womens Champion Candice. Then we have the most Evil son of a bitch in EWE who you have to face first X-KID Johnny Chaos, and then last but not least we have the former Undisputed Champion Snake. So I guarantee this one of these members of Revolution X will win the King Of Xtreme

One last person comes in to give his views

~Jeff Payne~

Whats my views of Steel talking his mask off to Unveil himself as the X-KID Ciaran Michaels and then hitting me in the face with a steel chair. Lets just say that he will pay.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels at last made it back to the EWE arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania only a an hour away from The King of Xtreme tournament. He is standing beside Matt Peterson wearing tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt with a logo Saying “Are You Ready” with Dark cool Shades on.

~Matt Peterson~

Well X-KID we are just under an hour away from what can only be said as your toughest test yet In Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. You are going into the most Extreme tournament in this history of sports entertainment, up against a possible of three opponents out of the eight quarter finalists.

Matt Peterson has the microphone to The X-KID Ciaran Michaels face,he starts to hear the chants in the background for The X-KID name. X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!! The X-KID Ciaran Michaels tilts his head to the left and looks all around him taking the chants in finally he speaks.

~The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels~

At last The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has came back to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, yes Matt The X-KID Ciaran Michaels knows what he is up against tonight of all nights, he has the most hardest challenge of his lifetime and Matt Just as for sure that The X-KID Ciaran Michaels scared the shit out of as Steel standing side by side, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels will walk into that tournament and go one on one with anyone who comes up to him and that is the way it is going to have to be.

~Matt Peterson~

It’s great to have you back with us X-KID, we have seen how you have brought yourself back to being one of EWE top superstars. Tell me do you think you have got yourself to being the best in The EWE.

~The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels~

“X-KID, X-KID”, don’t you “X-KID” me, do you know who I am, I am the X-KID Ciaran Michaels the star of X-KID TV. Of course the X-KID Ciaran Michaels has got himself to being the best in the EWE, at the moment I am at least eighth best but is only by default, we will soon see that that will be risen to about fourth best, and then at least second best and come the end of the tournament The X-KID Ciaran Michaels will be The Best wrestler in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. Now I have listened for the past week about all these snipping comments these seven other buffoons have being saying, we even have Sean Lewis casting a swipe at The X-KID Ciaran Michaels. Hell they all rate The X-KID Ciaran Michaels as the underdog yet again, when are these people ever going to learn. We have Candice Michelle as sexy as she is she had a real blonde moment when I heard that she didn’t even know who the X-KID Ciaran Michaels was. Dam was I really invisible in Revolution X Candice, I know I got kicked out ages ago but you couldn’t of forgotten all about me already. Then we have her fellow Revolution X team mates who think that it’s going to be an easy ride for them and that at least one of them will get to the final, well I have news for you hommes The X-KID isn’t going to let Johnny Chaos win, he is going to take his boot turn it side ways and kick it so far up his ass he won’t be sitting down till wrestle mania. Lets not forget about what Sean Lewis has been saying about me, lets not forget about my buddy Sean. I haven’t forgot about him running his mouth off to Chris Burgess in the middle of the airport on how he was going to be facing Johnny Chaos and not The X-KID Ciaran Michaels. Sean I know this isn’t 2005 it’s 2006 and it’s the year of The X-KID no more leaving no, more returning it’s just going to be win after win after win. And that’s including when I meet you in the semi finals. You see the reason why Sean wants Johnny is cause Sean has never ever beaten The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, although he can beat Johnny Chaos, but heres another interesting fact, Johnny Chaos has never ever beaten The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, so it’s a wonder to me where these guys are feeling so confident up against the X-KID Ciaran Michaels

~Matt Peterson~

So eight opponents Ciaran but you only get to face three of them for the chance to go to WrestleMania and challenge for The Undisputed Championship. Will The X-KID Ciaran Michaels do it?

~The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels~

Well put it like this Matt, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels will take anyone on at any given time, in any type of match that his opponent sees fit. I have eight opponents and I know to win The King of Xtreme I must beat Johnny Chaos in the first round which means eh I must beat the shit out of the woman beater eh, and kick his ass all over the ring eh and he has a two dollar bitch for a girlfriend eh, Johhny Chaos is R rated The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is X-rated, The former Revolution X member going one on one against the current Revolution X member, in a the biggest grudge match in this tournament.

Then we move to the semi finals where we have in a TLC match the most fun match you can in, we have the choice of fighting Snake or Sean Lewis, So to get to the final I may have to beat Snake which would mean that I will have to pack his bag, buy a donkey, knock him out put the ass, on an ass, and slap the ass, ass to send him the whole way back packing back to Mexico ESSA ARIBA ARIBA ADDIOS!!!

Or maybe I will have to beat The Triple Champion himself Sean Lewis, my good old buddy one on one, the two prodigies of White Tiger the best will come out so that would mean that The X-KID Ciaran Michaels will have to simply beat Sean Lewis again and stop his winning streak by getting the kid stalker kicking his ass and hand cuff him so he would stop hanging about with kids, Earth to Sean, Time to grow up.

So far so Good The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has prevailed from the Xplosion side of the Tournament and for the final there is a whole load of options, he could go up against the sexy bitch Candice and maybe this time she might remember me, or we could have the sweet and innocent Rikku who has came out to play today. But my money is on these two jackasses. Will it be Dynamic Derek Daniels which would me I will need to get my basket ball, jump some hoops, do some skills, makes sure I don’t hurt someone in this non contact sport. What kind of sissy game is non contact, what you too afraid you might brake a nail. Go watch one tree hill or something, Jesus Non contact I think your in the wrong game mate

Or The X-KID Ciaran Michaels may have to beat big daddy cool himself Carlito Erm hmm, Which would mean

There is a roar of laughter from the background as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels puts on a huge afro and starts to chew on an apple.

~The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels~

Which means that I have to look cool, eat cool and spit cool chhh chhh dam I nearly choked on this thing, I guess my mouth isn’t as big as Carlitos. Maybe in stead of beating your ass I will give you your first haircut in seven years.!

The crowd laugh out loud as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels takes the props off and puts his glasses back on.

~The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels~

With all jokes out, make no mistake The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is going into The King Of Xtreme and do all what he must to do what he does best and that is going to the next level of Xtreme and become the first ever King Of Xtreme. ARE YOU REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAADDDDDYYYY!!!!!!!! FOR THE NEXT!!!!!!! LEVEL!!!!!!! OF XTREME!!!!!!!!!!!!

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels walks off leaving Matt Peterson stunned and to roar of cheers in the background. [END ROLEPLAY