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The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is back in action in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment , well her barely left. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels shocked the wrestling community on Xplosion when he Steel took off his mask after knocking out Jeff Payne with a steel chair to unveil himself as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels. No one was shocked more than his quarter final opponent for the king of xtreme tournament Johnny Chaos who thought he was going up against a simple rookie. It can safely say that no one had expected The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to be here in The King Of Xtreme. So it has been finalised that the former Revolution X member goes one on one against Revolution X member Johnny Chaos in a Last Man Standing match. What a great set up for one of the opening matches for The King of Xtreme Tournament. In the last promo by The X-KID Ciaran Michaels we saw what happened to him when he got literaly kicked out of Revolution X the stable he created and left Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels went back to the drink, getting wreckless, causing trouble in bars and getting in to fights in dark alleyways and ending up in a bloody mess. Thankfully The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was rescued by a dark mysterious stranger. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels then woke up in an unknown room and recognised that the mysterious stranger was an old friend from Japan who helped train The X-KID Ciaran Michaels while he was there training for the super J tournament in MWA. Master Matjitsu talked some sense into The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and invited him to train and wrestle in his own promotion, The Tokyo Wrestling Federation. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels got onto the plane after he had healed and started his intense training with Master Matjitsu, going through rigorous regimes trying to get his xtreme back, and back to fighting fit. Getting physically and mentally fit ready to getting back in the ring. Finally Master Matjitsu told him he was ready to fight, but it was time to learn a new style and to have a new image, it was time to start from scratch become a nobody, a rookie, That rookie was Steel, wearing a dark black mask, leather jacket and dark pants. He went into the Tokyo Wrestling Federation and shuck things up, competiting in some Extreme matches he has ever seen, once being burnt bad in an inferno match. Being ripped apart in a barbed wire match and taking up challengers for handicap matches with four on one, with Steel being the one. At last the time had come to go back to Extreme Wrestling Entertainment after news of White Tiger disowning his name and becoming Jeff Payne and forming the nWo and with Revolution X running wild, it was the right time for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to come back and sort some unfinished business. He left Japan and headed right away to sign a contract for Extreme Wrestling Entertainment but not under The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels but as the rookie Steel ready to mess things up for Revolution X and the nWo. Steel saw that the King of The Xtreme tournament to get The X-KID Ciaran Michaels back to his best.


All of a sudden A green Mitsubishi eclipse speeds into the car park at fast velocity near going into a few other cars in the process, he hand breaks into the corner and parks with style. He opens the door and we hear a large cheer in the background as the X-KID Ciaran Michaels steps out of the car with his gear. He walks backstage and takes a look around as he walks towards his locker room, the name on the door has steel on it, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels rips it off and laughs, he throws his gear in and makes his way towards the ring.

!!!!ARE YOU READY?!!!!

The lights go off and the arena is pitch black except for a glowing X, and someone standing in front of it.

You think you know me Emerging from loss Through spheres of downfall divine Annihilate with the Xtreme In a all-dead dimension Embers of anger Revolting passion from inside Obliterate This is the art of mutilation So gently unleashed Degeneration Escaping the maze In cries of uncreation Annihilate with the Xtreme With an all-killing lust The sounds of chaos Whisper in pains your final words Obliterate This is the curse of mankind So sweetly devoured Degeneration Annihilate with the xtreme Obliterate Inside my head Degenerate X is back baby and we are here to stay

All of a sudden fireworks go off in an X shape, the lights come on, and The X-KID Ciaran Michaels music blast throughout the arena as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels spins around to an amazing ovation from the crowd, he goes wild at the ramp running to each side of the ramp getting the crowd going crazy. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels does his taunts and makes his way to the ring

~Kenny Greenwood~

Here he is the man who fooled us all, who could believe it that all along the man making an impact as Steel was the X-Kid Ciaran Michaels. What a shock that was on last weeks Xplosion, Steel knocking out Jeff Payne and shocking Johnny Chaos his former team and letting him know that he will be at King of Xtreme. It’s amazing that the Xtreme Kid Ciaran Michaels is in the King of Xtreme it’s going to be awesome

~Jimmy Justice~

I knew it all along, That Steel was someone from the past I knew that he wasn’t a rookie but I didn’t think once that the X-KID Ciaran Michaels would be him. It’s just like Johnny Chaos worst nightmare just came true, did you see his face when Steel took off his mask to unveil the X-KID Ciaran Michaels, that expression was priceless. I just can’t believe that it was Ciaran Michaels the whole time, his whole style of fighting and movement in the ring hasn’t been the same. It’s like we have a completely different wrestler in the ring and no wonder no one could tell that it was The X-KID Ciaran Michaels underneath all that black mysterious attire.

~Kenny Greenwood~

you know what Jimmy Im just glad that it was The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels, we have one person here who would stand up to Jeff Payne and not let him get away with the things he was getting away with. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels after all was the first one to turn on Jeff Payne aka White Tiger, we didn’t know why but it definitely loos like it was the best decision now, after all Sean Lewis Rikku and Eighteen stuck with him and looked what happened to them.

~Jimmy Justice~

Yeah but what about Revolution X, they were the people who kicked The X-KID Ciaran Michaels out of his group. After his last match in EWE he had to go against the two most dominant wrestlers at that time, Muhammad Hassan and White Tiger. How was he meant to win a match like that, after he took the match to them, he just couldn’t last any longer and was locked into the tiger snare, you wouldn’t see Jeff Rodgers man enough to step in the ring to face them two on his own. Then what did he do, attacked The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and told him to get lost. I just wonder what he is going to do at King of Xtreme when he has a chance to get revenge on some of his old Revolution X team mates

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels storms to the ring still buzzing from his fantastic entrance to the arena. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels wearing black baggy pants with a X-KID logos in green down both side, with a white T shirt with the question “Are you ready for the Next level of Xtreme” on the back of it. The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels jumps into the ring and runs to the far Turnbuckle, he jumps onto it and does the X-Sign then into the suck it taunt and then he jumps off the turnbuckle and moves to the next one, he does this for the three other turnbuckles before settling down in the middle of the ring and taking the microphone as the crowd get ready for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to speak

~Ciaran Michaels~

At last.

Ciaran Michaels is cut off by the Exciting crowd cheering is name

X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!!X-KID!!! They fade out as he begins to speak

~Ciaran Michaels~

At last........The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has came back to EWE in Chicago

The crowd cheer

~Ciaran Michaels~

WOW it feels great to be back here yet again, but it’s true to what they say there is just no place like home, I mean this place this crowd man you are all going nuts, I have missed the atmosphere of this place, I don’t know where I would be with out it. Lets see now did ya all miss me, man that was some wild weeks we have been getting over the last few months, well for me epically after all I have got my shit kicked in and was left for dead, I travelled half way across the world and back again, I have been in some of the most xtreme matches I have ever seen, I got my skin ripped apart in a barbed wire match, and oh yeah lets not forget my little stint as Steel now. So did I fool yous all, yeah I thought I would, I was just wondering how long I was going to be able to keep the act up. I remember I had people saying that I wasn’t even going to make it past the first round of the King Of Xtreme tournament, looks like I have proved them all wrong, way wrong. Then all of a sudden I was in the quarter finals facing Johnny Chaos, I couldn’t face this son of a bitch as Steel, no it was the right time for The X-KID Ciaran Michaels to come back, and what a come back I thought it was. It felt great hitting that other son of a bitch Jeff Payne right in the face with that Steel Chair. I couldn’t believe my luck when that opportunity arose.

Now I have heard once again The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is not expected to get far in this tournament. Dam didn’t they not say the same thing last year in a certain Royal Rumble match, and didn’t The X-KID Ciaran Michaels nearly won that match on for that Son of a bitch again, Jeff Payne to get the last laugh. Last year I came from no where to win and this year Im going to do the same. I remember at the start of the tournament when everyone was signing up to get in, everyone was saying how they are going to win, how they where going to be The King Of Xtreme, Hell I remember when I was under that mask as Steel I was getting advice from Chris Steel, and he said how much he was going to win The King Of Xtreme, hell I beat him in Steels debut match. Lets not also forget we had the likes of Mr Man and Johnny saying how they where going to be king of Xtreme, I near died of laughter when they where out here weeks ago talking crap out of their mouths. Hell I bet any money you there, you camera man, you wanted to sign up to The King of Xtreme and say that you where going to win it all, everyone was. Come on say it. You wanted to win King Of Xtreme. Dam man no one can see you saying it give me that dam camera and Say to the millions and millions of Xtreme fans in EWE.

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels takes the camera off the camera man and started jumping around the ring with it on his shoulder. With the camera man looking nervous, he doesn’t have an idea what to do now.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hey this isn’t such a bad job now, this is easy, why you looking all sad for dude, you’re on X-KID TV. HEY ALL YOUR ON X-KID TV Smile.

The camera man smiles as the X-KID Ciaran Michaels moves around him trying to get the best angle. The X-KID Then moves outside the ring see people and start getting close ups of everyone, showing posters saying Welcome back X-KID Ciaran Michaels, Im ready for the next level of Xtreme etc. All the fans are waving frantically trying to get on X-KID TV. He walks over to Jimmy Justice and Kenny Greenwood and get them to be on X-KID TV They sit there and laugh as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels tries to get into there faces he then pokes Jimmy in the face with the camera and moves on to get back into the ring. He focus the Camera on the real camera man.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Now dude what is your name, Come on here dude your on live TV here, don’t mess up X-KID TV for all the fans.

~Camera Man~

My name is Pete

~Ciaran Michaels~

Now Pete, for the first time Live on X-KID TV say that you wanted to win The King Of Xtreme Tournament.


I wanted to win the King Of Xtreme Tournament

The crowd cheer as he answer as Pete lifts his arms pumping self up

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hey dude calm down a bit you know what I’m saying, your not The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, nah nah, But I am and Pete thank you for being on X-KID TV, heres your camera back

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels hands back the camera to Peter The Camera man.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Now Pete is one of the many people who at the start thought that they could win it, now the tournament has been brought down to eight of the top Extreme Wrestling Entertainment superstars. All have seem to fight well on the way to the quarter finals, and you know what, no mater what anyone says fair play to all of them they have done well, me on the other hand I have to admit this, out of all the qualifying I had the easiest route to the finals, Look at this way, Mr Man was prolific nobody and Javi was just a sore loser who let his own promotion go burst, then I busted him. As easy as that, Now the competition has really started up with me now facing the self proclaimed Extreme Johnny Chaos in a last man standing match. Right believe it or not this is a first, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has never ever been in a last man standing match, so therefore obviously I have never ever won a last man standing match, but there’s always a first for everything. So Johnny Chaos ooooooooo I’m shaking in my boots, I bet you didn’t see that one coming on last Xplosion, me just appearing like that. Now you have been attacking me from behind for the last few weeks and as Steel I didn’t do anything, I didn’t want to do anything I was giving you a free pass for the last few weeks, but that free pass is now over. I saw your face at Xplosion I saw the fact that your got scared of a sudden and now, it’s still in your head of can you do now. Dude I know I have fucked your game up, you weren’t expecting me, but too bad you’re going to get me. I’ve never liked you Johnny, even when you where in Revolution X, I just really didn’t want to know you. Hell you’re just a sick woman beater and that’s wall you ever will be. I remember when Jeff came to me to ask who should we bring into Revolution X, he said you but I didn’t want you anywhere near me, the fact is the only reason you where brought into Revolution X is because there was no one else to get and Jeff always liked the sick freaks, after all he is one himself. I bet you where glad that I was kicked out of Revolution X the stable I created and now it was being run be useless bastards such as yourself. Anyway I’m getting a bit off the point here, At King of Xtreme It will be the Revolution X member Johnny Chaos going one on one with the creator and former member of Revolution X, The Xtreme Kid Ciaran Michaels in a last man standing match, to advance to the quarter finals of the king of xtreme tournament. Now this might come as a surprise but The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has never ever been in a last man standing match so naturally I haven’t ever won a last man standing but there is a first time for every thing after all Johnny there was that first time you stuck it up Jeff Rodgers ass, but lets not get distracted here Johnny I saw your face at Xplosion last week, I saw how scared you got when I took my mask off, all of a sudden you went like what the fuck am I supposed to do now. Week after Week after week you have been attacking me from behind, and you know I am quite disturbed that it always has to be from behind by you, but as Steel I gave you a free pass but now The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is back that free pass has expired and you with to grow some balls cause you will have to face the X-KID Ciaran Michaels face to face for the very first time. Oh I can feel you shivering Johnny, I just can’t wait to get into the ring with you and destroy any hopes of Revolution X member winning the King Of Xtreme.

Well I’m Sick about talking about Johnny lets move on, way on to the other quarter final match between Snake and my good friend Sean Lewis, Revolution X versus Poetic Justice yet again, can we please get over this Poetic Justice are number one Revolution X are number two and for nWo there way down there at number sixty nine. What I don’t get is how come they get the interesting match, a barbed wire match, I would have loved to of faced Johnny in one of those matches that would even scare the self proclaimed Extreme one even more. What can I do, there’s nothing that I can do now just have to live with it and beat Johnny Chaos senseless, I’ll knock him out for two hours never mind ten seconds. I heard Johnny and Snake talking about how Revolution X will meet in the semi-finals, I have a different story, it will be The X-KID Ciaran Michaels taking on Sean Lewis in a TLC match to get to the final, now that is a match that will go down in the record books, two of EWE most talent, fast and unique wrestlers going one on one in one of the most exciting matches ever produced man that’s what I am looking forward to. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels going one on one with the triple crown champion, the man who hasn’t been beaten since august if I am correct. Guess it’s time to be beaten cause I haven’t forgot what this tournament is all about, yeah I want to win king of xtreme cause its my very essence of my existence, xtreme is my life and this will only prove it more, but winning this tournament gives me a shot of winning the Undisputed Championship at the grand daddy of them all, main event of Wrestle Mania 3. Just three challenges and I can be there, I missed out on this golden opportunity last year and I will not do the same this year, Sorry Sean were mates and all but in the ring there can be no friends, only one winner and man I am going to give it my all to win that tournament even if it means kicking the shit out of you and taking you to the next level of Xtreme.

The crowd cheer as The X-KID Struts around the ring.

~Ciaran Michaels~

So that takes me to the final where I hope The X-KID Ciaran Michaels will be there, facing off with one of the quarter finalists from the Chaos side, now which one could it be, We have the two stunning beauties of Extreme Wrestling Entertainment, Rikku and Candice, both have skill and talent in many ways but lets be realistic here girls unfortunately you are not going to be in the final, Then we have the two jackasses, Dynamic Derek Daniels , and too cool Carlito, DDD an old foe from the past of mine, is a former undisputed Champion and can get the job done but some how I think it’s going to be the unknown Carlito, the man with the funny hair and thing, he is new which undoubtly gives him more of an advantage than you think. I look at all the competitors in EWE and I know each and everyone of them except for this guy, he is the complete unknown and will cause a surprise as we do not know what to expect, well Im going against what I would normally predict and say that he will be in the final of the King Of Xtreme which is going to make things very very interesting. On one side we possibly have The X-KID Ciaran Michaels, a former X-Division Champion, The Next Level of Xtreme, and on the other we have Carlito supposedly the coolest man in EWE, I guess you could call that a title too. Never seen each other before, don’t know each other, never met each other, so it could go either way but listen up, I won’t come that far just to be beaten in the final. I wouldn’t have gone through hell not to walk out a winner. I am going to give all that I can in that match. A steel cage match for the man formally known as steel. Quicitice I think so. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is ready but let me ask all you. ARE YOU REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAADDDDDDDY!!!!! FOR THE NEXT!!!!! LEVEL!!!! OF XTREME!!!!!!!

The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels drops his microphone and starts going crazy in the ring getting the crowd all pumped up after the X-KID has told his little speech, he finally leaves the ring but still is going wild going up the ramp and into the back stage. .

~Kenny Greenwood~

Well The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is really up for it letting all his fellow opponents know that he is back to his best. I remember last year when the X-KID Ciaran Michaels stunned everyone when he made it to the end of the Royal Rumble and nearly winning it if it wasn’t for White Tiger being at his best and catching the X-KID Ciaran Michaels out and tossing him over the ropes.

~Jimmy Justice~

Yeah The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was unlucky that year, the kid did well lets see if he can keep it up this year, he isn’t exactly the favourite then again he wasn’t that last year either, and whats this about X-KID TV what the hell is that all about getting Pete the camera man to embarrasses himself like that. Not fair on him, Pete wouldn’t have the guts to sign up for The King Of Xtreme.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is backstage walking about as he sees Pete The Camera man standing at the coffee machine. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels goes over to talk to him.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yo Pete that’s was some good work you did out there tonight, That there brought me an idea to my head. Now how would you like to be the leading camera man of X-KID TV.

~Camera Man Pete~

Yeah that sounds cool, anytime I’ll be up for it

~Ciaran Michaels~

That’s just what I wanted to hear Pete. I’ll keep in touch with you I got to go here. See ya around man. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels continues to walk down the corridor but sees someone standing leaning against the door laughing and smirking away. He moves closer towards him and sees that it is his dad The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels

~Shawn Michaels~

You know what son, you had me fooled, how did you manage to get away with it for so long is a mystery to me and everyone in Extreme Wrestling Entertainment. Now aren’t you not going to give your old dad a hug.

~Ciaran Michaels~

No I don’t want to go anywhere near you old timer, what the hell are you doing here again. You shouldn’t of came back here I don’t want you messing things up for me again. You sticking your nose in where it shouldn’t of been put. The way I see it is that your always looking to be the center of attention

~Shawn Michaels~

Hell I always am the center of attention, I’m the show stopper, the main event star, I will always be at the top of my game.

~Ciaran Michaels~

What the hell are you doing here anyway, coming here being the spiteful bastard you are and once again stabbing Bret Harte in the back again. That’s sick even for your standards.

~Shawn Michaels~

I’m here cause I have had an idea of my own, just like the old days, me rocking the wrestling world one more time, One more time the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels to be top of the world, and since you’re here again, what do you say of the Michaels family reuniting, Father and son against the EWE and The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels and The King of Xtreme X-KID Ciaran Michaels together side by side again.

~Ciaran Michaels~

I have already told you, we have been here before and I don’t want to go there again, with you interfering with my matches and getting in my way, I don’t want to be a part of what ever you are thinking of doing. I have more important things to be concentrating on, like you mentioned there, The King Of Xtreme Tournament, I haven’t won it yet and dam I have hell of a long road to go still. Three more challenges and I am there. King Of Xtreme something that you have never done and something you will never do.

~Shawn Michaels~

Listen up son enough of me being nice here, I asked you nicely before to join up with me if your not with me your against me and I will do what ever it takes son, what ever it takes, even if that means that I have to put my career before my own blood, I will do it. Now you better wise the hell up I was trying to give you some encouragement but you just throw it all in my face, your just nothing but a spoilt little brat who always got what you wanted, now your grown up you think you can still get what you want, your wrong son, way wrong. This tournament your in you have no chance your not good enough simple as that, If I was in the king of Xtreme tournament I would have it won before it even started. Just like I did in the Royal Rumble something you wouldn’t be able to do, starting as number one and being the last one to leave, winning the entire match. You know why you wouldn’t be able to do something like that, cause your not in the same league as me, your no where near as good as me. Look at my accomplishments and then look at yours, they don’t compare. The only reason you ever became a wrestler was because of me. If it wasn’t for me you would be a nobody, that’s all they know you as, The X-KID Ciaran Michaels son of the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. Realise this maybe you should go back home and just live the life as a spoilt rich kid and do us all a favour. Stop trying to be who your not, and your not me.!

~Ciaran Michaels~

Your dam right I’m not you, I am the X-KID Ciaran Michaels, you know what that X stands for, it stands for Xtreme, something your not. Your happy with your little soft core WWE life while us real wrestlers are out here bursting are balls to and why just for the fun of it. You know what I couldn’t careless to what you think your just a has been now looking for more winning ticket while else would you be looking me to help you out. As for your achievements in the rumble fair play to you, you did something good for once in your life but other than that what have you got, I have this opportunity not you, you wouldn’t last two minutes in an xtreme ring while me, I live for that shit. You think I was a spoilt rich kid, nah I’m nothing like that, how the hell would you know you where never around to see me, You don’t even know me, so stop telling me who I am. I became a wrestler yeah at start to beat you, but already I know I am better than you, what age am I, Im twenty three years old hell I bet you didn’t even know that. And I will win the King of Xtreme tournament just to sicken you, and then you will realise that your son has became better than you.

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and The Heart Brake Kid Shawn Michaels stare each other down. With intense looks on there faces. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels smirks and walks off.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels and camera man Pete are walking around backstage into areas never seen before on camera.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hey all Xtreme fans and Welcome to the very first ever X-KID TV where we take your deep inside the world of Extreme Wrestling Enterianment that you have never seen before, behind this door is where it all happens, where all the camera work, all the editing where all the music, basically where the show is produced and directed now if you would like to follow me into this room we will learn all how the show is made. Come on lets go.

The two walk into the room and see the whole crew walking around getting very busy and hectic as it a day away from King Of Xtreme is being put on air. They go towards the live control board where Phill the producer is standing.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hey Phill you are Live on X-KID TV say hello to all the Extreme fans Phill.


Hello and welcome to the control room

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah that’s enough Phill, ok So we are here to see how this thing works then Phill, wow all these screens are for each camera and what does this button do then

All of a sudden Fireworks go off all around the empty arena

~Ciaran Michaels~

Holly shit sorry man didn’t mean to do that, wow, well that was awesome can we do that again, never seen so many fireworks go off at once in my life. The ones in green going up in the X-Sign they where the best, yeah there The X-KID fireworks, dam that was cool.


Well that was the tester switch for all the fireworks and now they all have to be reset cause we already DID THE TEST AND NOW HAVE USED THEM ALL UP!

~Ciaran Michaels~

Calm down now Phill, don’t have a heart attack you thong wearing fatty. Now I see this is where you can control all the music, put The X-KID Music on, come on, your not going to use that all up now are ya.

Phil puts on the music as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels smiles

~Ciaran Michaels~

Now that is some good music, nothing beats that in EWE, Phil yeah you can turn it off now, I don’t want my fans to grow sick of it, dude where they hire you from. So Phil If I wanted to use one of these in another promotion would they work the same way.


Yeah they should work the same way

~Ciaran Michaels~

Ok well do me a favour Phil show me what this button does, and what that button does, Hell just give me a brief summary of how all this works.


Well ok, the receiver here is where I get my instructions from the director, we keep also a list of what is to be done at the right time through out the show here, as you know things can be changed and we have to reset a few props to do this we do it manually pressing this button here fpor firework control and then we log onto this computer here where we access what fireworks, or what music we………

~Ciaran Michaels~

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Oh sorry there Phil you board me to sleep well this has been a great eposide of X-KID TV Pete cut the camera, Im going to kill you Pete you said this place would be interesting. Wait a minute, Phil can we have sound for this camera feed here, I want to hear what that jackass is saying.

They look at the camera and see The Extreme on Johnny Chaos on camera. They turn the sound up and listen to him speak

~Johnny Chaos~

Well Trixy obviously I’m going to win The King Of Xtreme, I am the extreme one after all, Who do I have in the first round, I have The X-KID Ciaran Michaels a man who wasn’t even good enough for Revolution X that he had to be kicked out. Then he was too scared too come back, he had to wear a mask so we wouldn’t go after him. He hear he keeps on going on about being man enough to wrestle face to face, this is coming from a man who wear a mask. I’m not afraid of him he can go to hell for all I care, when he came back there at Xplosion yes I was in shock but that’s about it, I’m over that shock now and ready to face him anywhere at anytime. Hell he hasn’t even won a match as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels since August what does that tell me, It tells me that he’s just nothing more of a fluke to be in this tournament

~Ciaran Michaels~

That’s it I can’t listen to this shit no more, he’s asking for it, anytime anywhere I got ya. Pete don’t try to keep

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels storms out of the control room and down the stairs leaving Phil and Pete watching the TV screen listening to what more trash Johnny Chaos is talking about. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels runs as fast as He can barging through any superstar ho got in his way. He sees Trixy interviewing Johnny and just runs at Johnny attacking him from the front as Trixy jumps out of the way. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels throws Johnny into the wall Lifts him up and Gives him up on to his shoulders and nails The X-effect. Security grabs Ciaran Michaels and holds him back from doing any more damage.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Anytime Anywhere I thought you said, Your not ready man, you have to get to my game, stop talking your trash that your not scared of me, your terrified you think this is bad, wait to I get you in the ring, This here doesn’t even count as revenge this is only because you’re a Jackass. Get off me I’ve a plane to England to catch. Sorry for ruining your interview Trixy maybe when you want to interview someone half decent you can give me a call.

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels puts his glasses back on and makes his way to the car park to get his car.