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The last time we seen the X-KID Ciaran Michaels he was out all night partying with Ben and leaving him to make out with some hot chick, the next day Ben felt the effects all right as he suffered from a hangover due to their partying antics, things didn’t get much better as they where called into the boss Vince McMahon office to explain why in a PPV week they had been out all night partying, they where warned Now AfterMath is today Emperor Ben and The X-KID Ciaran Michaels have but the fun behind and now it’s down to the seriousness of the business. Tonight The X-KID Ciaran Michaels goes one on one with a new face on EWE TV Nightmare.


The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is at a local Radio station that is doing the build up for the Aftermath pay per view in Detroit. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels has been asked to come into Tony breakfast show to give his viewers an insight of whats happening with EWE at the moment.


Good morning listeners as I promised from earlier we do have a guest on the show today as I am sure you have seen about the place that Extreme Wrestling Entertainment are in town for the Aftermath pay per view and joining me today is one of their top stars The X-KID Ciaran Michaels!!.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Thank you Tony it’s good to be here so early in the morning,


I must warn you Ciaran that I know your man who speaks his mind but as this is a family breakfast show please restrain yourself from swearing

~Ciaran Michaels~

I will try my best Tony.


So Ciaran lets start off by the main topic concerning you at the moment, indeed you have a match at aftermath but your alliance with Emperor Ben seems to be the main talking point with you, why all of a sudden did you decide to align yourself with Ben

~Ciaran Michaels~

I have been in EWE coming about two years Ben I have some experience but I am still young and haven’t been about as long as Ben, who lets not forget is an ex Champion, with Ben I feel I can get back up on top in EWE and that’s why Tony


It came to a shock that the unlikely alliance did happen but it looks quite interesting from a fan point of view. What is Ben like to work with then you two have bound to been working closely now.

~Ciaran Michaels~

I have always felt he was up tight be he’s not really yeah he is a bit older than me but he is a great laugh, we are very similar, we don’t give dam what people think of us, we don’t give a dam what we say, we both voice god given right of opinion and EWE needs more people like that, who are ready to let loose and go out there and give hell.


I heard that you two had some laugh at a local bar on Thursday Night.

~Ciaran Michaels~

I was wondering when that was going to come up, Ben is Australian and I have never been down under so I had no idea what there style of partying is so I showed Ben how I rolled, it seemed new to him yeah maybe we had a bit much to drink but so what we’re allowed to have fun and that’s what we did, went out we had a few beers just like any one else and we had fun so did the women might I add. .


Well everyone is entitled to enjoying themselves that is for sure, right are next question is that your from a wrestling background obviously people have heard of your dad Shawn Michaels. What is it like having to work with him and live up to that reputation.

~Ciaran Michaels~

I don’t, I don’t work with him and I don’t live up to his reputation me and Shawn are two different people, we don’t really talk that much no more just the odd hey but as for living up to his reputation I don’t even think about it, that’s his to worry about not mine, I am in the EWE to live up and to build my own reputation. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels reputation is going to be a lot more lively lets just say that


Well now on to the big story Aftermath, it really is the Aftermath of WrestleMania and a start of a new era the first brand pay per view a new thing to Extreme Wrestling Entertainment, but many people are saying the card lacks the quality of past EWE pay per views.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yeah well Tony is different it’s a new direction for the whole of EWE, I know that there isn’t that many matches on the card but you have to realise that a lot of the matches are taking up a lot of the roster, like in the main event we have the elimination chamber taking up six wrestlers that cuts back on the matches, Wrestlemania was great Aftermath will be good as well, I think that this Elimination Chamber is going to be one of the greatest matches ever as it’s going to be tight to say wins, but I know for fact how good Ben can fight and he is the favourite to win so I would put my money on Ben for now. There is some other great matches like Law versus Predator for the Mid eastern title and Kris Jaxson, Jordan Rage and snake for The IC title is another. That one there might even of been a great match if The X-KID Ciaran Michaels but sh, sorry nearly let it out of me there, lets just say it happens and I just going to have to make up for not being in that match


And how you going to do that.

~Ciaran Michaels~

By knocking the living daylights out of this Nightmare guy who cost me my spot in that match, blood will be spilled that is for sure


Well we’re nearly done here but I’d just like to do a word notation as in I say am name and you give me a word to describe them ok..

~Ciaran Michaels~

Can you just have your censor ready


Ok we will try are best. Ok Edge.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Dead on R rated guy


Randy Orton..

~Ciaran Michaels~

Cocky son of a bitch but one hell of a fighter


Shawn Michaels.

~Ciaran Michaels~



Triple H..

~Ciaran Michaels~



Shane Mc Mahon.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Cock sucking lick assign son of a bitch asshole


Sorry about that listeners Ben..

~Ciaran Michaels~

Fun guy is a natural Champion


Sean Lewis.

~Ciaran Michaels~

Cool Dude and good friend don’t see him as much no more


White Tiger..

~Ciaran Michaels~

EWE Legend will be missed


Well that all for today people sorry for a few explict words Ciaran does apologies thank you for coming Ciaran and good luck to night at Aftermath .

The radio show ends and The X-KID Ciaran Michaels leaves to go back to the arena.


!!!!ARE YOU READY?!!!!

The lights go off and the arena is pitch black except for a glowing X.

You think you know me Emerging from loss Through spheres of downfall divine Annihilate with the Xtreme In a all-dead dimension Embers of anger Revolting passion from inside Obliterate This is the art of mutilation So gently unleashed Degeneration Escaping the maze In cries of uncreation Annihilate with the Xtreme With an all-killing lust The sounds of chaos Whisper in pains your final words Obliterate This is the curse of mankind So sweetly devoured Degeneration Annihilate with the xtreme Obliterate Inside my head ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL OF XTREME

All of a sudden fireworks go off in an X shape, the lights come on, and The X-KID Ciaran Michaels music blast throughout the arena as The X-KID Ciaran Michaels storms out to an amazing ovation from the crowd, he goes wild at the ramp running to each side of the ramp getting the crowd going crazy. Looking just ready to let it all out once more The X-KID Ciaran Michaels does his taunts and makes his way to the ring claping the fans hands as he moves his way down


Ciaran The X-KID Michaels came back last week after aligning himself with Emperor Ben showing that he is a totally new zone now that he wants to go out into that ring and not give a dam no more, all he wants to do is win and cause hell and as we have seen The X-KID Ciaran Michaels can be very unpredictable.

~Johnny Chaos~

Last week Ciaran Michaels went on and on about how he is no longer going to be holding back that this is it no more messing around that he is he and he means business and Ben is the man who is guiding him through it all, Ben must be nut to do it if he hasn’t already got enough to worry about he has a possible loose cannon in his company who could do anything at anytime

~Jonathan Steele~

Yeah like come after you, he didn’t look that too happy with you last week Johnny, anyway back to tonight were the X-KID Ciaran Michaels will be going one on one against fairly new comer Nightmare who is one of the sinister alliance consisting of Nightmare Stormfront and Condor. This match came about as Nightmare owned up to attacking The X-KID Ciaran Michaels before his number one contenders match making him unable to compete for that match and due to that Michaels Aftermath pay pet view is a different story


Yeah Johnny I would watch my mouth this week if I was you this guy could do anything, I was listening to a breakfast show today with The X-KID on it man for a family breakfast show he did give some swearing especially when the name Shane Mc Mahon came up. Some heat there in the mix. This new style Ciaran Michaels hat we have been talking about seems to be quicker in the ring and I am not on about how fast he moves I mean how quick he realises how quick and smart hi wrestling brain has developed which will help his technical side of his wrestling

~Johnny Chaos~

He may be looking good now but The X-KID Ciaran Michaels always looks good before a pay per view but here is a fun fact The X-KID Ciaran Michaels hasn’t won at a pay per view since Wrestlemania two, were as we know he lifted his first title the X-division championship off gothika.


And why did he lift that title cause he is X-KID he is Xtreme and I think we will get to see that once more from him.

~Jonathan Steele~

I think this is a different X-KID Ciaran Michaels this is more like the X-KID Ciaran Michaels from last year the on that had the adrenaline to win his first title at wrestlemania he seems to have that look back and needless to say that must be down to his new mentor Emperor Ben

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels storms to the ring still buzzing from his fantastic entrance to the arena. The X-KID Ciaran Michaels wearing black baggy pants with a X-KID logos in green down both side, with a white T shirt with the question “Are you ready for the Next level of Xtreme” on the back of it. The X-Kid Ciaran Michaels jumps into the ring and runs to the far Turnbuckle, he jumps onto it and does the X-Sign then into the suck it taunt and then he jumps off the turnbuckle and moves to the next one, he does this for the three other turnbuckles before settling down in the middle of the ring and taking the microphone

~Ciaran Michaels~

Hello Detroit is good to be back, we haven’t been here in a long time but you are still buzzing since last time and you are all going to be still buzzing all night long.

Ciaran Michaels is cut off by the Exciting crowd cheering is name

They fade out as he begins to speak

~Ciaran Michaels~

I know you all like cheering for the X-KID Ciaran Michaels and I love it cause it’s me buzzing when your buzzing so you better promise me keep this going all night. Now back to whats important to the X-KID Ciaran Michaels tonight, I haven’t really let loose on this all week I have been sitting back relaxing having fun as I’m sure you all know I have been letting it sit in my head going over and over it, Now it’s enough thinking and time to let it all out like Ive been thinking like who the hell is this guy who attacks me, he just wakes gets out of his sorry little shit hole which he comes from and decides I will attack the X-KID Ciaran Michaels. Does he even know who the X-KID Ciaran Michaels is, the answer to that there is…………HELL NO!!

The crowd cheer as the X-KID Ciaran Michaels paces around the ring

~Ciaran Michaels~

We have this guy nightmare a useless son of a bitch who thinks he can make it big to attack a man when he is in a rut but guess what man the X-KID Ciaran Michaels is back and as you see what I did to your mate Justin I am taking no shit from no one not even some sorry ass jobber like yourself whos trying to act like the big Chief trying to bully people about. Yes I know you can sit back there in your little room way back there with your little threesome with you grunting and snarling and trying to speak you ugly fuck. Talking about how good it was to scare the shit out of a bus load of young talentless wrestlers. Or how good you’s are at attacking from behind but the fact of the matter is that the X-KID is not a jobber and the X-KID Ciaran Michaels will be facing you face to face in the ring and not with his back turned, The fact of the matter is that he is going to kick your ass into every single corner of this ring and make you realise that messing with the X-KID Ciaran Michaels is the worst thing you could imagine. You think that this is all a bit of fun, hell yeah it is going to be for me when I see you lying in the ring in a puddle of your own blood with me standing over the top of you thinking nah I’m not done yet, I am going to keep pounding you to fall asleep. This match is not going to come to an end. This match will go on for as long as I say it goes on. You think that little squash match were I destroyed your little friend Justin was anything that was nothing at Aftermath you will be history and you will join him on the scrapheap, you might be able to wrestle hell I’d say every wrestler could wrestle. But Can You Fight!!!

The crowd cheer with an uproar

~Ciaran Michaels~

I don’t care if you bring your freaky dicky gang down to the ring all at the same time cause I will punch them all right back out of it and send you circus freaks back to the shithole you crawled up from. You might not of realised who the hell The X-KID Ciaran Michaels was a few weeks ago but you will sure as hell know me when I have left you in a mess that you can’t recover from. There is no more holding back maybe your little attack knocked some sense into me, made to stop holding back and let loose again Nightmare who knows, All I know is that all your nightmares have become one when you meet me tonight at Aftermath

~Ciaran Michaels~


~Jonathan Steele~

My god Ciaran Michaels wants to cause a massacre tonight at aftermath he wants to show the whole world what happens to anyone that crosses The X-KID Ciaran Michaels P>

He drops the Microphone and rolls out of the ring.


I’m telling ya Johnny once again this guy could do anything he might even jump you now. Look at Johhny he’s getting all worried don’t worry I’m sure if he does attack you Steele will protect yeah, as for me well I have to commentate it all hahaha.

~Johnny Chaos~

I’m not worried just getting ready for tonight show, it’s going to be a great one people with The X-KID Ciaran Michaels looking to destroy Nightmare, but the biggest match of the night is the Elimination Chamber six men in a solid steel chamber now that’s going to be bloody..

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels walks up the ramp pointing to the crowd and then pointing to himself and walks straight back stage. [SCENE THREE]

The X-KID Ciaran Michaels is in his locker room watching an old video he keeps on rewinding it and looking over and over it. Just then Ben walks in


Whats that you watching

~Ciaran Michaels~

An Old video of a move I used to do well Ive only ever did it once and it didn’t work out.


Wait a minute is that not the move that broke your leg

~Ciaran Michaels~

Yep that’s the one all those years ago, it was a crazy idea at the time but it seemed right to do it, then I didn’t hold back. The leap of fate, the Houston Hang Over with the steel chair in your hands connecting the chair between you leg and your opponents face. .


Wow I heard of your injury that looks nasty but that move is great if only you could pull it off

~Ciaran Michaels~

I can and I will like I said then I didn’t hold back and now I’m not holding back, management have held me back from using this move my whole EWE career but no more the Leap of Fate is back. So you ready.


I’m ready it’s time to wear gold once again, you ready

~Ciaran Michaels~

Of course the X-KID ready, Im always ready for the Xtreme.

The scene fades as they leave the Locker room as Aftermath gets ready go on air