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'The Canadian Evolution' Chris Ontario

Promo Title: Turning a bad thing good...

--- Diva of the Year ---

{Set-back a step, nothing big for ‘The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario. Chris Ontario has been tied down before, but he’s fought his way right back up to the top. You can try to hold Chris Ontario down, but you won’t succeed. Vince McMahon has demoted Chris Ontario down to Terror but Chris Ontario will fight his way back up. The Cabinet has made a lifetime enemy of ‘The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario and no matter how long it takes Chris Ontario will work his way up to main-event status, Chris Ontario will become the next World Heavyweight champion. Chris Ontario will take so much pleasure in being the first man to dethrone ‘The XXX Nightmare’ Sean Dahmer and taking the world championship for his own. Sean Dahmer better count his days because ‘The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario is coming for his gold, he’s going to work his way up once again. Chris Ontario was the single greatest Canadian Heavyweight Champion. The scene opens up to ‘The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario sitting in his dressing room watching a replay of Vince McMahon’s first promo announcing Terror and mentioning how he has demoted Chris Ontario to a lifetime stay on the Terror roster. Chris Ontario begins to turn red with anger at the mere thought of being kept down. Chris Ontario stands up from his metal chair and roundhouse kicks the small television monitor on a stool in front of him. Chris Ontario runs his hand over his hair and then scratches his head. Chris Ontario then grins as he grabs a Louisville slugger and heads out of his locker room. Chris Ontario heads towards the ring as he is stopped by some female stagehand. Chris Ontario stops and looks disgusted at the sight of her.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “What the heck do you want? You’re an American, talking to ‘The Canadian Evolution’? What the heck do you want? No, don’t even bother to answer, you’re not good enough to talk to the ‘Canadian Evolution’! Do me a favor miss, move to Canada and make something true out of yourself. You’d be doing yourself a favor because if you just stay here you’re going to be another little street whore to ‘Homicidal’ Keith Hardin. Now if you don’t mind miss, I have a promo to give in ‘my’ ring so be gone you little trailer park Steve Austin prostitute!”

Chris Ontario walks by the stagehand and heads towards the ring. The scene shifts to ringside where Mike Tenay and Paul E. Heyman are sitting ringside ready to call the action.

Paul Heyman “It’s bad that Chris Ontario is a permanently placed on Terror never to be promoted back to Blood Loss, but he hasn’t been booked for one show or one promo!”

Mike Tenay “Well from what my sources tell me Paul, Chris Ontario has been out nursing an injury he sustained last time he was in the ring.”

Paul Heyman “Would that be the second time he helped Sydney in one of her matches?”

Mike Tenay- “Well I don’t know I just heard he was out with an injury as of late, but now my sources are telling me he’s ready to return to the ring!”

Paul Heyman “Like it will mater, Vince McMahon has permanently placed him on this show! Chris Ontario will never make anything more of himself!”

Mike Tenay “What makes you so sure that Chris Ontario cares about being successful? What makes you think that Chris Ontario isn’t happy just being able to step into the ring?”

Paul Heyman (laughing) “You moron, Chris Ontario is in this business to win gold and make a name for himself! And if you by chance were right, then I would say this, Chris Ontario is a damn fool!”

Mike Tenay “Well he’ll be making an impact here on Terror!”


‘Hang On’ by Seether hits the XWFE PA system as the fans begin to boo and chant ‘Blame Canada’ throughout the entire arena; then Chris Ontario steps out from behind the black curtain, his back to the fans and his arms out wide by his side. Chris Ontario turns around and steps down the ring with a world title belt draped over his shoulder. Chris Ontario slowly walks up the ramp and stands on the ring apron staring out at the fans. Chris Ontario then looks out at the fans and then spits out towards them. Chris Ontario holds up the title belt as the fans boo even louder. Chris Ontario has a big grin on his face as he turns his back on the fans and steps into the ring over the middle rope. Chris Ontario straps the title belt around his waist and snatches the microphone Lillian Garcia has in her hands. Chris Ontario then shoes her out of the ring as he turns his back to her and looks directly at the black curtain under the tron. Chris Ontario begins to speak.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “Oh how I didn’t miss your boos, you future ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin’s! Now you may be wondering why I’m insulting him, he’s done nothing to me and quite frankly I don’t even know the ignorant redneck, but truth be told I care as much about him as I do each and everyone of you! Not to mention he shares the most in common with each and every one of you! However he’s not the reason I’m out here tonight! I’m out here tonight to announce myself as the XWFE Terror Canadian World Heavyweight Champion!” (the fans boo) “That’s right!” (nodding his head up and down) “I have officially named myself the Canadian World Heavyweight Champion of Terror! Seeing as how I won’t ever make it back to Blood Loss or another XWFE Pay-Per-View again unless I pay for a ticket and sit in the crowd! Which speaking of which, I’m going to go against what I just said…and yes, that makes me a hypocrite, but really who’s going to do something about it? It’s not like anybody in the entire XWFE has what it takes to go one-on-one with all that I am!”

The crowd begins to chant ‘Keith’ ‘Hardin’.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario (grinning) “Yeah keep chanting the name of the man who can’t beat me without the assistance of over ten other guys surrounding the ring! Because the simple fact of the matter is I am Chris Ontario, I am ‘The Canadian Evolution’ and whether you fans like me or hate me, I am THE BEST that the XWFE has! Saturday Terror is the best show! Saturday Terror blows Blood Loss out of the water starting this week! Saturday Terror has me, in the house! Then again technically so does Blood Loss because I will be there! Vince McMahon will have to have me hauled out of the building! I will be at Blood Loss this week! I will be sitting in my locker room, the XWFE Terror Canadian World Heavyweight Champion! You know I’m feeling a little generous tonight though I’m willing to give any superstar a shot at the title around my waist, but not this week.” (the fans boo as Chris Ontario grins) “Or the week after this one!” (the fans start up another ‘Blame Canada’ chant) “So after this Terror and the Terror after, I will grant a title shot to the winner of a number one contenders match! I will give a title shot to whoever can earn it! This week I will announce the two men who will have a chance to go one-on-one with the Canadian Evolution! Anticipate it because it’s going to happen! I’m going to lock in the ‘Canadian Dominance’ and make my opponent tap out like the punk they are or the punk I make them be because I am simply…better.” (grinning) “Now as much as I’d just love to stay here and continue to grace your presence I have a lot more important things to do, like workout or take a shower! The filth of each and every one of you is beginning to cling to my body and make me reek! I think each and every one of you smell worse than the XWFE World Heavyweight Champion ‘The xXx Nightmare’ Sean Dahmer!”

‘Hang On’ by Seether hits as ‘The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario steps out of the ring with his title and head backstage as the fans continue to chant ‘Blame Canada’.

Paul Heyman “Yeah you were right he’s not going to work his way up from Terror, he’s going to make Terror better than Blood Loss!”

Mike Tenay “Can he really just make himself the world champion?”

Paul Heyman “Weren’t you listening Tenay? He just did! Chris Ontario is the new World Canadian Heavyweight Champion of Saturday Night Terror! Chris Ontario isn’t going to look at being grounded to Terror as a punishment but as a chance to prove what he can do! Chris Ontario is going to raise this show to the potential I know it has! I for one applaud Chris Ontario!”

The scene shifts to Chris Ontario backstage with the Terror World Canadian Title draped over his shoulder. Chris Ontario is about to enter his locker room when a stagehand walks by, in fact the same female stagehand that ran by him before he went to the ring, Asian stagehand by the way. Chris Ontario looks up and sighs as he turns around and looks at the cute female stagehand.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “Listen miss, I realize that you have a little crush on the ‘Canadian Evolution’, but I’m a one woman guy and the woman that has caught my eye is not you, it’s Sydney. She’s the only one who gets any sort of respect from me! Sydney is the XWFE Women’s World Champion! Sydney is the most dominant female the XWFE has, as for you, you’re just a little Asian prostitute with a crush.”

Asian Prostitute “The…name’s…Kinnino Funaki…niece of wrestling…superstar…and…number…one…announcer…Funaki!”

Funaki walks over and stands behind Chris Ontario crossing his arms.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “Yeah so? I’m ‘The Canadian Evolution’, why would I care about a nothing like your Uncle Funaki? What has he done but lose matches and turn to announcing because he sucks?”

Kinnino Funaki points behind Chris Ontario at her uncle and then waves at Funaki. Chris Ontario turns around slowly and sees Funaki.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “FUNAKI! What’s up man, how’s it going? Man it’s been forever, are you losing weight? You’re looking good Funaki!”

Funaki “Cut…the…crap…Crap Ontario! Next week how…you put that title on the line against me?”

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “Whoa, whoa, whoa there Funaki, I said you were looking good, but you’re not that good, you don’t have what it takes to put up in the ring against ‘The Canadian Evolution’. Why do you want to be mutilated?”

Funaki “So what you are…saying…is that you’re…chicken?”

Chris Ontario lowers his head laughing.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “Listen Funaki, I realize your English isn’t so good, so let me put this challenge acceptance in a way you might know, the universal wrestling language, something you should know.” (grinning)

Chris Ontario takes Funaki down with a title shot to the face and stands over him.

’The Canadian Evolution’ Chris Ontario “You want a shot at Chris Ontario? You want a shot at the title! You don’t have to wait until next week, you have me this Saturday Terror! And I don’t care what Vince McMahon says, this match happens where it belongs and that’s the ‘Main-Event’!”

Chris Ontario steps inside of his locker room and locks the door as Kinnino kneels down by her Uncle Funaki to see if he’s okay. The scene cuts off to black.