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' J O H N C E N A '

| Roleplay Number : 1 | Record : 0-0-0 | Achievements : .....?|
OOC Message - Its just a Debut my Match Rps will be better | Victims : ---------? |


NCW starts off and Theres john cena talking VIA satallite at hes hometown boston MASS.

$$JohnCena$$: Yo yo yall all suprised to see me. I just got a call and i dont even know who im going to fight on Smackdown!Whats wrong with you owners yall just like Kobey briant and the white girl.See see see!John cena has one thing to say.....This smackdown.John cena will lay the F-U on any superstar who wants to fight me!All the other superstars....CANT SEE ME!
(Scene fades...NEXT WEEK)
(The cameras turn on and it shows funakiutside for a superstar....When a cadilac pulls up and it parks and john cena comes out.He gets hes bags and John stops him for a interview)
-Foreign-Funaki: Yo yo funaku is the man And john cena cant see me!
$$JOhncena$$: Hahah!Very funaki man!But lemme tell you somethin..Yo yo yo Its funaki the chinese sumo wrestler.He tryin john cena he better stop eating chesse pizza!
(John smiles and walks into the arena when commercial hits)
||COMMECIAL|| ---- ---- ----
(John cenas music hits he comes out)

(He walks down the ramp while the fans cheer he slides in the ring and does hes finger pose and he grabs a mic)
$$JohnCena$$: Yo yo yo!See i heard brock is in NCW yo brock i see your man titties didnt get any smaller so i bought u a little present man.Here..
BRA.See now now chill people chill i know im out here to tell ya people something John cena wants a title shot cuz,Cena knows nobody cant see me!See like a train i dont wanna wrestle him thats like wrestling chewbaca.And hes name aint the A train its the ape train.And Y2J little rock punk. Y2j man take a pill chill you aint like ozzy osbourne man ur like john elton with hes gay partner.And the Rock You know people chant "Sell out!" Yall didnt know what he did before wrestlin' did ya?I saw him at a sperm factory. No wonder people chant "Sell out" man.Also man randy orton shouldnt say anything about you the women will get mad at me..See randy you aint nothing but a fake Michael jackson man.Soon youll sleep with lil kids.Kurt angle man i saw your unifrom with the -A- i saw it man nothin to hide see your uniform "A" stands for Anus.I know you aint got one but its cool man you chill chill see angle you call yourself a americanhero but you aint nothing but a american(Fans say ASSHOLE!...John cena drops the mic and goes out the ring and slaps some fans hands and he goes backstage and scene fades)