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Austin has NO WAY OUT</a></font>

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(the scene start outside the entrance for VIPs at the Madison Square Garden Media Room, we can see that a large amount of cameramen and reporters are waiting for someone they chat to each other like they are best of friends but like in any business - once the real business happens, friendship goes out of the window. A large group of the general public has also gathered as if they are expecting someone famous to arrive. The press talk happily as powerful, expensive automobiles drive by them. Occasionally some pull up at the entrance and some man or woman steps out in their expense clothing but they are not who the press is looking for. Each time a car pulls up the respective reporters huddle around they car but each time they are disappointed.)


(However this one time, one of the reporters looks through his binoculars at the incoming traffic and shouts to the rest, 'He's coming! He's here!". In reaction to hearing this the reporters clamber to get in the best position for when this car they have been waiting for pulls up. Suddenly a long, black, stretch limousine pulls up. The press are excited by this limo and flickers of light shine and the photographers take their pictures. The chauffeur of the limousine gets out and opens the rear door...)

('Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner gets out of the limo! Reporters immediately go towards Steiner bombarding him with questions about No Way Out, Austin and the nWo. However Steiner goes over to the fans that have assembled to catch a glimpse of the WWF superstar, he walks over and the fans scramble to get close to him as the 'Genetic Freak' starts to sign autographs for the fans. As he is doing this the photographers continues to take their picture as the flashlights nearly blind the onlookers with the intense of the flashes of light, as Steiner continues to sign autographs he answers some of the reporters' question...)

Reporter #1 – "Mr. Steiner, Mr. Steiner – you will have your 1st shot at WWF gold in the Inter-Continental championship, are you feeling nervous or frightened going into this match."

(Steiner is obviously outraged, but doesn't react in his usually manner, with the crowd's chants and the reporters shouting questions means that he can hardly be heard)

"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner – "What the hell did you say! Did you say that I was scared! You better not have said what I thought you did, just because I'm in public doesn't mean I would beat your pathetic ass. You think that I’m scared of some guy that thinks goes around swilling beer and saying WHAT?!? That’s bullshi[censored], I am scared of no one – NO ONE! I am the hottest damn wrestler there is today; there is no fear in me. I have been around the wrestling business for a long time, and I have seen too much blood, sweat and tears to be scared of anything now. Do you think I'm joking? Huh?"

(Steiner stops signing autographs and looks the reporter who asked the question straight in the eye...)

STEINER - "Austin talks a good fight but we all know that Austin can deliver the talk.... but not the walk. I heard him complaining earlier on that he wanted to keep this match strictly business between ourselves but as I've explained before, the moment Austin's foot touches the floor inside the ring that is when things between him and I get personal... the only way that this match would stay strictly personal is if he did the decent things and didn't even turn up for the fight. I heard him talk about how 'we both know' what Austin is made of... damn it... that is my whole point... I DO KNOW WHAT AUSTIN IS MADE OF!! 'The most dangerous wrestler in WWF'? (Steiner makes an 'incorrect sound') "that is exactly what he is not, as most this guy should be making the mid-card never mind trying to hand with the men that make what this business is today. "I'm not the best damn wrestler in the world on potential"... actually I agree with you... your not the best wrestler in the world - PERIOD! Austin, you will never make it in this business and if you continue to run around this sport thinking that you will, then one day you are going to get up very, very bad and that could just be at No Way Out. Austin, get your facts straight, you are not some big shot in the WWF, you are one of the guys that warms the crowd up for guys like me that deserve to be the main event... not some Big Poppa Pump wannabe like you... and believe me, Austin, there is a hell of a lot of things I can do! You are nothing, you are a nobody in this business and I will show the millions of Scott Steiner fans why I am that damn good and there nothing you will be able to do to stop me from obtaining my IC TITLE... but I won't beat you any old way... I will beat you NWO STYLE! Austin, you will never be good enough to beat me, it's a simple fact and its about time you accepted it. When this fight is No Way Out is where my hand will be raised in victory and the IC belt will be presented to its rightful owner... no one will give a damn that you will have to be rushed to the hospital.... Austin, expect the worst because it will be a hell of a lot worse..."

Reporter #2 - "Scott! Scott! SCOTT!"

STEINER - "Hey man, no need to shout!"

(Steiner goes back to signing autographs and posing for photographers in the group of the fans, not the photographers for the media)

Reporter #2 - "I just want to ask one question, how do you rate your chances of defeating Austin and becoming IC champ?"

STEINER - "Well how close to one hundred percent can I go? Austin is not a threat to the 'Genetic Freak' and he never will be... that is just the plain truth that I'm afraid I have to tell you all. I would love to be able to tell the millions of Steiner fans around the world that at No Way Ot, they are going to see one hell of a match, a match that will live in their memories until the day that the die... but unfortunately - they are not... because Sunday will simply be another predictable Scott Steiner fight. Scott Steiner's fans get their hopes up that they are going to see their idol actually being challenged for his championship, perhaps maybe a classic wrestling match that they will tell their grandchildren about some day.... but it always ends up the same damn way. My opponent walks to the ring with a confident stride in his walk but that is when this whole illusion that he can beat the 'Genetic Freak', this whole illusion that he has made for himself evaporates into thin air. He steps into the ring and then is  confronted with the sight of possibly the best damn wrestler that has ever been... Scott Steiner, and that is when I look to see if their ready for this match, if they really have what it takes to beat me... but like so many time before, and this is how it will be will Austin, I will be disappointed as I will look into their eyes and see nothing but a look of total terror coming from them. Then they will freeze with fear, their muscles with tense up and I will beat them down so hard, that if their lucky they will still be able to get up again... but only with their lucky. You know, I know, the dogs on the street know, that Sunday's IC Championship match will be no different.... I will beat Austin, I will hurt Austin, and I will love each and every second of seeing him struggle in pain... but remember one thing...

(the crowd gives off a pop as Steiner walks off, the cameras flash as they catch the final glimpses of Steiner ...)

This announcement has been paid for in full by the nWo

Scene # 2

(The Scene starts a few hours before No Way Out at Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, however something is very different about the cameras position. The quality of the pictures show that the camerawork is not up to the usual high standard, it soon becomes clear that we are viewing coverage from a fan's camcorder!! Loud rap music plays out in the arena to try to get the crowd hyped for tonight's action, the crowd is in good voice as they wait to see their favorite or most hated WWF superstars, the camera pans to show that some fans are already holding up some signs, examples of what they say are - "I Am The True Genetic Freak", "I Am That Damn Drunk, "I Want Puppies!". Suddenly the rap music cuts out, no one realizes that something of huge significance is about to happen, the crowd continue to talk to each other until...)

(Suddenly the Titan-Tron comes into life and the nWo black and white logo comes on screen, then numbers countdown from 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. then they lights in the arena go out, no one quite knows what to make of what is happening, then... BOOM!! A series of silver and white fireworks goes off right beside the Titan-Tron and the nWo's usual Titan-Tron video comes on as 'Breathe' by The Prodigy starts to play and strobe lighting begins to shine. Suddenly Scott Steiner appears at the entrance way and walks of towards the ring, halfway down the ramp he stops dead in his tracks and stares at the ring, he walks on towards the ring and steps inside and walks over straight towards the announcer and demands the microphone, the announcer immediately gives Steiner the microphone and the announcer runs out of the ring, Big Poppa Pump speaks up...)


"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner - "Another week goes by in the WWF, another week of violence and brutality, another week of Scott Steiner dominating this federation. But what happened at Smackdown! was simply another reason to hurt Austin, will his stupidity ever stop against me. First he attacks me out of pure jealousy...  (The Game's voice is drowned out by the crowds' chant, 'WHAT, WHAT') ...You people need to realize that when 'Big Poppa Pump' speaks, you shut your pathetic little mouths and listen to me... (this angers the crowd and the crowd boos) ...yeah, whatever. As I was saying he victimized me, he comes on every show and tries to beat up the hottest damn wrestler there is today! He comes on tries to hurt me, to maim me but I am too damn smart for him and he knows it. He will never be able to get rid of me, he is just making me more and more determined to hurt him.

The fact of the matter is this, Austin you should not use what happened at Smackdown to inflate your already huge ego. May I remind you that you never defeated me, you attacked me from behind. Austin, one week ago you came nowhere close to beating me. You didn't show any intelligence by attacking me. All you did was simply give me more and more reasons to destroy you which I'm well capable of doing. You can try to take out The Genetic Freak but you'll never do it. I have your number Austin; there is nothing that can help you know. The sheer intensity and ability that I posses is too great for any man, let alone you. I want that belt Austin and what Big Poppa Pump wants, he gets - simple as that, just ask Debra. Your attempts to intimidate me have failed much like how it will be when you try to cling onto your title when you have the courage to face me - you will fail to do so. That belt is mine no matter what excuses you come up with you know, I know... (the crowd chants, "The Dogs On The Street Know") are nothing but a thief, I am the true champion and that is the plain truth. Tonight I will get a small part of my revenge against you Austin, so if I was you I would watch your back because you just won't know if I am going to strike you down or not. I did not forget what has been done to me Mr. Austin and as long as I remember what you did to me there can only be one outcome, me winning the IC title. But Austin no matter how hard you try there can be no other result than a victory for Big Poppa Pump.

(the strobe lighting and 'Breathe' by The Prodigy come back on as Steiner drops the microphone and gets out of the ring, and walks up the ramp as he walks up it he stops and taunt some of the fans and as he gets to the entrance/exit he turns round to face the crowd once again and raises his clinched fist in the air, he turns around and disappears into the back...)

(the strobe lighting and music die down as the camera goes out of commission)


This announcement has been paid for in full by the nWo