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CEWA Wrestlemania 2

The show opens up with a video package of the history of wrestling. Then it switches into clips of the CEWA. The package ends with Raven and Kurt standing face to face. Raven looks at Kurt’s title on his shoulder. Raven then takes it and places it on his shoulder as the package fades.

“Set It Off” by Audioslave blares erupts throughout the arena as the Wrestlemania 2 logo pops up on the titantron. Pyro blasts off around the stage as the fans go nuts. The camera pans the fans then goes to Jim Ross and Ted Dibiase.

J.R: Fans, it’s been awhile since we’ve entered your homes, but we’re back and in full force! We are live in the Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California!

Ted: We are making an enormous comeback with the biggest show of the year. I’m “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase, alongside Jim Ross.

J.R: We have 9 explosive match-ups for you folks tonight. We have the long rivalry of Brock Lesnar and The Rock finally coming to a close tonight, as The People’s Champ takes on The Next Big Thing for The Intercontinental Championship.

Ted: Also, a power-hungry Raven takes on the American Hero Kurt Angle for the CEWA Championship!

J.R: But first we have the re-crowning of the Tag Team Titles. 15 of the CEWA’s finest competitors will step into that ring for the honor of becoming the tag team champions. But first we must show you this.

The “Earlier Tonight” screen appears, as the titantron shows Brian Lawler and Spike Dudley looking happy.

Brian: Spike, tonight, you and me are going to team up to win the tag titles.

A knock on the door is heard. Vince McMahon walks on.

Vince: Gentlemen, I have come to inform you that both of you have been taken out of the battle royal.

Spike: But why Vince? I mean you already have 13 men and you said you had 2 up your sleeve!

Brian: Yeah, what’s the big idea?

Vince: Now settle down boys, it’s nothing personal. You see I know have 4 men up my sleeve. 4 men making a return to the CEWA. Billy and Chuck have come back to re-claim their throne making it 15 men. However, I promised my returning 2 men a spot in the battle royal. So I decided to hand pick 2 men from the tournament and take them out. I hope your 2 understand.

Vince begins to leave, but Brian pushes Vince into the door.

Brian: I refuse to put up with this bullshit! I will compete in that match! I am an official member of the CEWA roster dammit!

Vince: Not anymore! As of now Brian Lawler, YOU’RE FIRED! NOW GET OUT!

Brian throws Vince to the ground and stomps out of the room. Spike helps Vince up. Vince throws Spike off of him and stomps out of the locker room angrily.

J.R: Well we know 13 of the men in the tournament, and the other 2 are Vince’s “business partners”. So here we go!

The bell sounds as the Tag Team logo is shown. Thirteen CEWA men are introduced: Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Al Snow, Maven, Rico Constantino, “Prototype” John Cena, Test, Steven Richards, Justin Credible, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Billy Gunn, Chuck Palumbo, and Eddie Guerrero. Suddenly, “Ready Or Not” by The Fugees hits as The Outsiders come out to major heat. Hall and Nash look at the fans with disgust. Nash and Hall slide into the ring. The other wrestlers enter and a brawl is under way!

J.R: I can’t believe it Ted! Vince brought back The Outsiders!

Ted: But not with the New World Order J.R. The Outsiders are back in full force by themselves.

The men in the ring go at it. Test eliminates Maven with a giant boot to the face. Test turns around and Hall blasts him with a right hand. John Cena and Rico attack The Dudleys in one corner. D-Von tries to throw Rico out. Eddie comes up and tosses both men out. Cena holds onto the rope and slides back into the ring. Al Snow works on Tajiri while Flock members Steven Richards and Credible take out Chuck and Billy. Nash comes out of nowhere and sends Chuck, Billy, and Test out the ring. Snow hits Nash in the chest with many chops but to no effect. Nash then throws Snow out of the ring.

Ted: Nash is acting like a monster! He hasn’t changed since 1995.

J.R: He’s showing he’s a real powerhouse in the ring right now.

Bubba punches Rico in the face many times. Bubba then winds up. He goes for a punch. However, Rico ducks and sends Bubba flying. Cena and Rico high five. Credible and Steven double superkick them out of the ring. This leaves Eddie Guerrero, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Justin Credible, Steven Richards, and The Outsiders. Eddie dropkicks Steven in the face. Steven falls to the corner. Tajiri sneaks up and tries to throw Steven out. Justin pulls Tajiri off Steven and tosses him to the outside. Eddie knocks Steven over. Justin and Eddie push each other. Justin tells Eddie to stop. Both men turn to The Outsiders. Nash kicks Justin in the stomach and Hall kicks Eddie in the stomach. Nash Jackknife’s Justin out of the ring while Hall threw Eddie out with The Outsider’s Edge!

J.R: What a comeback! The Outsiders are the new CEWA Tag Team Champions.

Ted: You know something J.R? I wonder how Hogan feels about The Outsiders return.

J.R: I am sure he has bigger fish to fry, and his mind is set on his 6 Man Tag tonight.

Ted: Speaking of which…

We go backstage to see Taz, Rhino, and Chris Benoit talking backstage while walking in the hall. Kevin Kelly bumps into Benoit.

Benoit: Can I help you?

KK: Well Mr. Benoit, last month you attacked Hulk Hogan causing him to lose to Justin Credible. Everyone is dying to know: are you in The Flock?

Benoit: You know I think one thing lost in wrestling today is friendship. Even though I don’t need anyone’s help, doesn’t mean I can’t help anyone else. To answer your question: No, I am not in The Flock. Though I am a friend of there’s. They needed me to even the score, and that’s what I am going to do tonight.

All three men leave.

J.R: I must say this is going to be one intense contest. Let’s go to the ring!

“Debonaire” by Dope hits as newcomer Rhino comes out to heat. He walks to the ring and slides in. He poses on the top rope waiting for his partners.

Ted: This is Rhino’s in-ring debut J.R. I am excited to see how this will go down.

“War Machine” by KISS hits as Taz comes out to heat. Orange pyro explodes behind him as he walks up the steel steps. He stands in the middle of the ring with is arms folded across his chest. Taz throws the black towel off of his head. “Whatever” by Our Lady Peace blares through the speakers as The Canadian Crippler comes out to even more heat. Benoit slides into the ring and leans against the ropes.

Ted: What an alliance J.R! My money goes on these three men.

J.R: I don’t know Ted, my money’s on the other team.

The countdown begins on the titantron. It hits one and there is an explosion. “Break Down The Walls” hits as Chris Jericho appears. He turns around and walks down the aisle to a loud ovation. Chris stands on the ropes looking out to the enormous crowd. Jericho steps through the ropes. “Walk” by Pantera hits as Rob Van Dam comes out to a pop. Rob looks around. He points at himself while mouthing his name. Rob runs down the aisle and slides in. He leaps to the top rope and again points to himself while mouthing his name. The crowd goes silent and the arena goes black. The music starts up with a guitar riff. Suddenly “Voodoo Chile” by Jimi Hendrix explodes throughout the speakers as The Immortal Hulk Hogan appears. The audience is on there feet cheering for Hogan.


Ted: I can’t hear you J.R! It’s deafening in here!

Hulk looks out to the crowd to see all his fans. In disbelief he walks down the aisle still looking around. Hulk walks into the ring. Hulk stands in the middle with yellow and red lights flashing. The Hulkster rips off his shirt and throws it into the crowd. The other team gets into the ring and the bell sounds. Hogan and RVD go to the apron, as Rhino and Taz go onto the opposite side. Benoit and Jericho circle each other. Both men lock up. Jericho gets Chris into an arm bar. Jericho pulls and pulls. Benoit then pushes Jericho into the corner and knees him numerous times in the stomach. Benoit picks up Jericho by his hair. Benoit throws him into his corner. Benoit runs at Jericho. Jericho blasts Benoit in the face with a boot. Jericho climbs to the top rope. Taz shakes the ropes and Jericho falls right onto the top.

J.R: C’mon now, that isn’t right!

Ted: Well it’s Jericho’s own damn fault he climbed the top rope of the opposite corner. As if his opponents wouldn’t take advantage of the situation.

Jericho falls to the mat. Benoit gets to his feet He picks up Jericho by his hair. Benoit throws Jericho into the ropes. Benoit trips Jericho. Benoit tries to lock in the Crippler Crossface but Jericho grabs the ropes in time. Benoit is forced to left go. Jericho goes to his corner as Benoit heads to his. Benoit tags in Rhino. Rhino runs in and stops Jericho from reaching his corner. Rhino cracks his arm across Jericho’s back. Rhino flips Jericho onto his back. Rhino knee’s Jericho in the groin. Rhino then picks up Jericho. Jericho elbows Rhino in the face twice. Jericho then runs off the ropes. Jericho clotheslines Rhino down to the mat. Jericho then turns to his corner and tags in RVD. Rob goes to the top. Rhino manages to stumble to his feet. Rob jumps off and kicks Rhino in the face. Rob stomps away at Rhino. After a few stomps, Rhino catches Rob’s foot and pushes him to the mat. Rhino gets to his feet and stands in the corner. Rob gets up slowly. Rhino runs full speed at RVD and hits him with The Gore!



J.R: You’re not Paul Heyman Ted.

Rhino covers Rob 1-2-NO! RVD somehow kicks out. The fans go wild as Rhino gets to his feet. Rhino pulls Rob out of the corner. Rhino picks up Rob by his head and feet. Rhino places Rob on the top rope. Rhino slams RVD with a Scoop DDT off the top rope! Benoit and Taz applause Rhino. Taz reaches out his hand for a tag. Rhino tags him in. Taz steps in over RVD. Taz picks him up by his ponytail. Rob punches Taz in the stomach many times. Rob stands up. Rob runs off the ropes. Rob dropkicks Taz to the mat. Rob leaps to the top rope. Rob leaps off and lands a huge 5 Star Frog Splash on Taz. Rob pins Taz 1-2-NO! Taz kicks out. Rob gets up. Rob picks up Taz by his singlet. Taz wraps his arms around Rob’s waist and suplex’s him out of the ring. Rob’s head bashes against the steel steps. Rob falls to the mat as the fans stand in awe and fear. Rob lays on the mat unconscious. Jericho and Hogan come off the corner. Both men check on Rob. He doesn’t seem to be moving. All 3 men in the ring point and laugh at Rob. In anger, Jericho grabs a steel chair. Jericho comes in and whacks Taz and Rhino with a chair. Benoit dropkicks the chair into Jericho’s face. Rhino, Taz, Jericho, and RVD are outside the ring. Hogan grabs RVD’s wrist and tags in. The fans go wild as Hogan gets on the apron. Hogan points at Benoit. Benoit comes into the ring.


Benoit punches at Hogan in the face 4 times. Hogan then catches Benoit’s fist. Hogan then knocks down Benoit with some punches off his own. Hogan stomps away at Benoit then. Hogan then picks up Benoit. Hogan throws Benoit into the ropes and catches him with a huge big boot! Hogan then runs off the ropes and hits Benoit with his signature leg drop! Hogan pins Benoit 1-2-3!!! “Voodoo Chile” by Jimi Hendrix hits as The Immortal one stands up and looks at the fans. The fans go wild.

Ted: What a match! The Immortal one picks up a huge victory!

J.R: I knew he could do it.

Hogan flexes his arms to the fans. Hogan then cups his ears to each side of the audience. Hogan then points all around. Jericho slides into the ring. Jericho and Hogan give each other a hug and then raise each other’s arms.

We go backstage to see Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Vince McMahon. The Outsiders have the tag straps on their arms smiling drinking champagne.

Vince: Congratulations guys! This is only the beginning.

Hall: Me and Nash here were going to run over the competition. No one will take our titles, if we have anything to say about it.

Vince: And that’s why you’re on my team.

Suddenly, The Rock walks into the room with the Intercontinental Title on his shoulder.

The Rock: Well well…it’s good to see Scott Hall (The Rock pretends to chug a bottle) and Kevin Nash (The Rock pretends to limp) back in the CEWA! It’s good to see a young, talented team in the WWE…Rico Constantino and John Cena. Vince, speaking of John and Rico, I want them, along with Paul Heyman and Randy Orton banned from ringside. I want to take on Brock one on one. I’ve been waiting for this to damn long for someone to ruin it.

Vince: I'm sorry Rock, but Paul has a managers' license. He can be allowed. However, Rico, John Cena, and Randy Orton will be banned.

The Rock nods at Vince. As The Rock walks away, he looks at The Outsiders and snickers. The Rock leaves.

The camera cuts back to the ring where Lord Steven Regal stands with a microphone in hand. His music plays as the fans boo.

J.R: What was that all about?

Ted: You’ll have to turn in to Mayhem to find out.

Steven’s music stops.

Steven: Hello to all my fans in The Arrowhead Pond! My opponent for this evening is a barbaric man named The Undertaker. What the devil kind of name is that?

The fans boo Steven.

Steven: Please hold your applause. Tonight I am going to teach The Undertaker proper respect and wrestling skills for any superstar that-

William is interrupted and “American Bad Ass” erupts. The Undertaker rides out on stage. He zooms down the aisle on his motorcycle. An American flag waves on the back of his bike. The Undertaker gets off taking his flag with him. The Undertaker gets into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring waving the flag. Steven grabs the flag out of Taker’s hand. Steven snaps it in half over his leg.

J.R: That wasn’t a smart idea Ted.

Ted: Uh-huh.

Steven looks scared as The Undertaker looks in his face. The Undertaker punches Regal in the face. The Undertaker runs off the ropes and smacks Steven right in the face with a big boot. Steven falls out of the ring to a pop. Steven gets up holding his back. William climbs the steel steps and gets back in. The Undertaker runs William into the corner. The Undertaker knees William in the stomach many times. The Undertaker then chokes him with his boot. The Undertaker lets William sink to the mat then lets go. The Undertaker walks away. Regal gets up. Regal jumps onto The Undertaker’s back. Taker flips Regal over his shoulder. Taker then picks him by his hair. The Undertaker rams his head into the corner. The Undertaker holds onto his arm and climbs the top rope. The Undertaker hits Regal with The Old School. The Undertaker picks up Regal and places him on the top rope. The Undertaker climbs up to the top rope.

J.R: What’s The Dead Man setting up for Ted?

Ted: What am I Ross, a mind reader?

Taker sets up Regal upside down. The Undertaker jumps off the second rope and blasts Steven with a devastating Tombstone Piledriver! The Undertaker folds Steven’s arms across his chest and pins him 1-2-3!!! “American Bad Ass” hits again. The Undertaker leaves the ring. He gets on his bike and rides up the ramp. He stops at the top and raises his fist. Red, White, and Blue pyro blast off as he rides away to the back.

Ted: A hell of a finish for The Undertaker! Steven will feel that one for weeks. Right J.R? …Uh, J.R?

Ted looks over to see J.R on the phone. J.R.hangs up.

Ted: Who was that?

J.R: Nobody…nothing, I’m not no…nothing.

Ted: Ok you’re weird. Next up we have The United States Championship match. Let’s go to ringside!

“Here Comes The Money” hits as Shane dances down to the ring in a referee’s outfit. Shane slides into the ring and continues dancing. WOO! “Thus Spoke Zarusthra” hits as Ric Flair comes out to a loud pop. He too is wearing a referee’s uniform. Flair comes out and stands by the ring. "El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-o-Rama (Wine, Women, and Song Mix)" by White Zombie hits as challenger Lance Storm approaches the ring. The fans boo him as he enters. CAN YOU DIG IT? SUCKA? Booker’s music plays as he comes out to a loud pop. The U.S title shines around his waist. Booker looks at his hand as it shakes. Booker jumps in the air as pyro explodes into fire. The flames simmer and Booker gets into the ring. Booker hands the title to Shane. Shane holds it above his head. Shane then turns around and knocks Booker out with the title! The bell rings.


Ted: Amazing!

Lance covers Booker. Shane counts 1-2-Flair pulls Shane out of the ring. Flair punches Shane in the face. The crowd goes crazy as Flair rips Shane’s shirt off. Flair pushes Shane into the aisle. Shane walks up the aisle and points to Flair. Shane calls for a microphone.

Shane: You know what…Flair; you’re now the official referee for the match. I am calling in a replacement enforcer. Ladies and Gentlemen, THE BIG SHOW!

“Big” hits as The Big Show comes out wearing black jeans and a “Big Nasty Bastard” T-Shirt. He stands outside the ring. Lance comes from behind and dropkicks Booker into the corner. Shane goes to the announcer’s table and takes a seat.

J.R: What the hell was that?

Shane: All my master plan! Couldn’t cut that one, could you Daddy? Huh Vinny Mac?

J.R: So this was all to get back at your father.

Shane: Of course! Show works for me baby, yeah! Why wouldn’t I want him behind my man Lance Storm?

As Shane puts on a leather jacket Lance stomps away at Booker. Lance throws Booker into the ropes. Booker comes off the ropes. Lance goes for a clothesline but Booker ducks. Booker comes off the opposite ropes and blasts Lance with a hard elbow. Booker pins Lance 1-2-kick out. Booker picks up Lance by his tights. Booker puts Lance against the ropes. Booker tries to throw Lance, but Storm reverses it. Booker comes off the ropes as Lance catches him with a drop toehold. Booker’s face hits the middle turnbuckle. Lance climbs up to the top stepping on Booker’s face. Lance comes down driving his knee into Booker’s back.

J.R: Your boy seems to play dirty Shane.

Shane: A titles on the line J.R! All’s fair in love in war.

Lance rolls up Booker in a School Boy. Flair makes the count 1-2-Booker squeezes Lance’s head with his feet. Lance gets to his feet. Booker kicks him in the stomach. Booker comes off the ropes and hits Lance with a Scissors kick. Booker looks at his hand. He gets down on one knee. The fans erupt as Booker gives the crowd a Wrestlemania size Spin-A-Roonie! Booker stands up. He turns around only to be met by a super kick from Lance. Lance stands on the ropes yelling at the fans, as they give him heat. Lance waits for Booker to get to his feet. Lance back flips off the top rope onto Booker. Lance pins Booker 1-2-The Big Show pulls Flair out of the ring!

Shane: What’s going on?

J.R: You should know!

Ted: Has your main man screwed you Shane?

Shane: No, it can’t be! Of course not!

Flair yells at Show. Show rams Flair’s head into the turn post. Show then blasts Flair with a final cut. Show comes into the ring. Show counts 1-2-Booker kicks out.

Shane: Oh I get it now…HE wants to reward a fellow partner the title…GENIUS!

Lance picks up Booker by his hair. Lance throws Booker into the corner and runs after him. Booker jumps up, wraps his legs around Lance’s waist and his rolls him up again. Booker pins him 1-2-Lance kicks out. Lance grabs Booker by his legs and drags him out to the middle of the ring. Lance straps Booker into The Sharp Shooter! Booker screams in pain reaching for the ropes. Show gets on his knees watching Booker. Booker grasps onto the bottom rope. Show tells Lance to let go. Lance refuses. Show then yanks Lance off of Booker. Lance looks at Show. From behind Booker nails Lance with a dropkick to the back of his head. Booker stomps away at Lance. Booker picks up Storm and chops him across the neck. Booker stood on the second rope and blasted Booker in the face with a ton of punches. Lance picks up Booker by the legs and slams him against the mat. Lance pins Booker 1-2-Show picks up Lance by his tights. Show then choke slams Lance to the mat.

Shane: What the-

Shane takes off his headset and runs to the ring. Shane yells at Show. Show then choke slams Shane outside of the ring. Booker gets up picking up Lance. Booker lays out Lance with The Book End! Booker pins Lance 1-2-3!!! Booker’s music hits. Show gives Booker his U.S. Title as he leaves. Show leaves the ring. Lance and Shane remain lying on the ground. Booker stands at the top of the stage posing with his U.S. title.

The camera goes backstage to see Kurt Angle walking into the building. Fans stand around his limo.

Kid #1: Angle, Angle can I get an autograph!

Kurt: Why sure kid.

Angle signs his autograph. Another kid comes up.

Kid #2: Can I have an autograph?

Angle: Piss off kid! I am too busy to do more than one autograph!

Kid #2: But...I...I...

Angle: Should've gotten here first kid.

Angle pushes Goob aside. Angle walks to the locker room.

Vince stands in his office smiling.

Vince: I am very happy you have decided to come to my team. I thought I had my back covered, but now it’s confirmed.

The camera shows The Big Show smiling. Show and Vince shake hands.

Show: I can tell already this is going to be a great relationship.

We go back to the arena. Triple H’s music is playing. He is in the ring posing on the top rope. Stephanie is outside the ring.

J.R: I am ashamed that Kurt is our champion…treating kids like that.

Ted: Hey c’mon now, he signed it for that one kid.

J.R: Triple H is in the ring right now about to take on…

STAND BACK! THERE’S A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH! “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by The Scorpions hits as The Hurricane comes out to a pop. The Hurricane slides in the ring. Triple H kicks at him. Triple H picks up the superhero. Triple H punches him in the corner. He throws the super hero off the ropes. Hunter jumps up to hit Hurricane with his knee. Hurricane ducks and runs off the opposite ropes. The Hurricane hits him with a flying cross body.

J.R: Hurricane really holding his own against the former world champion.

Ted: Hey, he’s the one who cost Triple H the match at Survivor Series.

J.R: What does that have to do what I just said?

Ted: He wouldn’t even be in this match is he didn’t stick his nose into Hunter’s business!

The Hurricane drags Triple H over the corner by his hair. Helms cradle’s HHH’s head and climbs to the second rope. Hurricane jumps off hoping to hit Triple H with a tornado DDT. Triple H has Hurricane land on his feet. Triple H lifts up Shane and drops him face first on the top turnbuckle. Triple H then runs off the ropes and hits the superhero with a bulldog. He pins Helms 1-2-kick out. Triple H places The Hurricane’s head on the second rope. Triple H runs off the ropes off the opposite side. Triple H slams his knee in the back of his neck. Triple H runs off the ropes and does it again. He runs off the ropes to do it again. The Hurricane slips off the second rope, pulls the top rope, and Triple H flies out of the ring. The crowd cheers and The Hurricane gets on his feet. Stephanie jogs over to Triple H with an upset look on her face. She checks on her husband and picks him up. The Hurricane uses the ropes and leaps on top of both Triple H AND Stephanie!

Ted: That’s no way to treat a billion dollars!

J.R: You mean the billion-dollar princess?

Ted: Oh no, I am watching the new “Ted Billionaire” on FOX and Wrestlemania at the same time. Now quiet down!

The Hurricane throws Hunter into the ring. The superhero goes to the top rope. The Hurricane jumps off and blasts him with The Overcast! The Hurricane reaches Triple H’s leg and pins him 1-2-Hunter kicks out. Both men get to the mat. Triple H pushes The Hurricane into the ropes. Triple H goes for a slap, but The Hurricane ducks under him. Triple H turns around. The Hurricane jumps up and blasts Triple H with a Shining Wizard! Stephanie cheers for Hunter outside. The Hurricane gets up quickly. The Hurricane chokes Triple H with his boots. Triple H pushes The Hurricane outside the ring. The referee yells at Triple H. Stephanie outside the ring slides a sledgehammer in. The referee turns to The Hurricane. Triple H picks up the hammer. He makes the outside count. The Hurricane slides in. Triple H tries to hit The Hurricane with the hammer. The Hurricane tanks the hammer out of his hand. The hammer falls outside the ring and knocks Stephanie on the head!

J.R: Stephanie has just taken a fatal blow to the head! My god!

Stephanie lies on the ground unconscious. Triple H goes for the outside. The Hurricane though, sets him up on his back and nails Hunter with The Vertebreaker! Helms pins Hunter 1-2-3!!! “Rock You Like A Hurricane” by The Scorpions hits again. The Hurricane quickly runs out of the ring and up the ramp. Triple H checks on his wife. Vince comes out of the back looking worried and upset. Triple H signals to Vince to speed up. Vince jogs over to ringside. Vince calls to Stephanie but gets no response. A referee and EMT crew come out with a stretcher. They place Stephanie on the stretcher and take her to an ambulance backstage.

The camera cuts to a dark room where the only light is the TV. The TV shows Kurt Angle beating Triple H at last years Frayed Ends Of Sanity. Kurt holds up the title.

Voice: Turn it off Steven.

A man walks up to the television set and turns it off. Another man turns on a light on the ceiling. We see Raven sitting in front of the TV with Steven Richards and Justin Credible standing next to the TV. Raven looks at the camera.

Raven: For months Kurt I have studied hours and hours and hours of countless video footage of you. Watching you perform, watching your strengths, and your weaknesses. Through the number of tapes I have watched I probably know your wrestling skills more than you know yourself. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a long damn time Kurt, and if you think I am going to give it away, think again. I was at the top in ECW and I am looking to achieve the same success here in the CEWA. The only person, who is going to stop me, is myself. Don’t say your prayers Kurt…because even the lord himself couldn’t change the way I feel. Quoth the Raven…Nevermore. Now get the hell out of here.

Steven and Justin then lead the cameraman out of the room and close the door.

Billy and Chuck are shown throwing items around their locker room. Billy kicks a stand over while Chuck slams a chair into a wall.


Chuck: You know whose fault this is? Vince McMahon’s. As the owner he can get what he wants, and right now his men are the champions. If we want to be the champions we need to find a way around Vince.

The door opens.

Voice: I think maybe I can help.

Billy and Chuck turn to the door. The camera shows Shane McMahon standing at the doorway with Lance Storm by his side.

Shane: Vince has screwed me in more ways than one over the course of the past year and a half. He took my main bodyguard, the Big Show away from me and took him under his own wing. He cost my number one talent the United States title, and now he has The Outsiders, the most powerful tag team in wrestling history. But you know what? I am going to change that. I see potential in you two and I think I can help you fulfill that potential. What do you say?

Shane extends his hand. Billy shakes it, and Chuck shakes Lance’s. All men show signs of smiling, except Lance, who in true fashion shows no emotion at all.

Ted: I haven’t seen so many compelling storylines since Who Shot J.R!

Jim looks at Ted.

Ted: WHAT?!

J.R: Fans, we deeply apologize, but Jeff Hardy, Crash Holly, and Hardcore Holly have all been released. Therefore, Jeff vs. Matt and Crash vs. Hardcore will not take place.

“Next Big Thing” hits as Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar walk onto the stage. Major heat is shown towards these 2 individuals. Brock jumps onto the mat as Paul circles the outside. Brock stands in the middle of the ring. “Do You Smell What The Rock Is Cooking?” The Rock’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion comes out. He quickly walks to the ring with his title shining off the lights. The Rock steps onto the ropes. He lifts the title above his head. Brock comes up from behind and yanks The Rock off by his tights! The champion slams against the mat and hits the mat very hard. Brock rips off his title and holds it over his head. Brock walks over to every corner of the mat. Paul smiles and applauds his agent’s work. Brock throws his title out of the ring. Paul catches it and holds onto it. Brock goes back to The Rock and slams his huge arm across his back. Brock picks up The Rock. Brock goes to throw The Rock into the ropes, but the People’s Champion reverses. The Rock ducks under Brock as he comes off the ropes. The Rock runs off the opposite corner. The Rock tries for a flying clothesline, but Brock ducks catches The Rock in his arms, and slams him into the mat.

J.R: Brock showing off his power in the ring! I think The Rock is going to have his hands full.

Ted: I have all my money on Brock…well…not all of it…

Brock flips The Rock onto his shoulders. The Rock slips off the back. The Rock runs off the ropes and knocks Brock in the back of his head. The Rock picks up Brock by his tights. The People’s Champion pushes the challenger into the corner. The Rock kicks into Brock’s gut and then begins to punch. The Rock tries to throw Brock into the opposite corner. Brock holds onto the ropes. After giving up, Rocky throws a clothesline. Brock ducks and slams The Rock right into the mat. Brock grabs The Rock’s leg pinning him 1-2-kick out by The Rock. Brock gets up while Paul encourages him to fight. The Rock gets to his feet. Brock sets up Rocky. Brock nails The Rock with an inverted power bomb. Brock goes for the cover but Paul tells him no. Brock looks at Paul. Paul smiles and nods. Brock then begins to go to the corner.

J.R: What’s going on?

Ted: Why don’t you tell me Miss Cleo?

J.R: Brock’s heading to the top rope…I don’t think he’s ever been up there before…

Brock climbs to the top and gets settled. Paul screams for Brock to go for it. Brock leaps off going for The Shooting Star Press. The People’s Champion moves. Brock slams onto his stomach. Paul stands outside the ring with his jaw dropped open in shock and fear. In a frantic, Paul slides into the ring and tries to help Brock up. Brock and Rocky both get up. The Rock pushes Paul out of the ring. The Rock Samoan Drops Brock to the mat. The Rock then stands above him. He takes off his elbow pad and waves his arms. The Rock runs off the opposite ropes. Paul grabs The Rock’s foot causing the Intercontinental Champion to slip. Paul walks away as if he did nothing.

J.R: That just isn’t right Ted! A manager is there for moral support, not for cheating.

Ted: You can’t blame a guy for wanting his man to win. I remember in the days of Money Inc. when Kama took on Freddie Joe Floyd, I…

J.R: Will you shut up Ted, this is Wrestlemania 2! A title match no less! Not 1995!

The Rock looks at Heyman with an angry look on his face. The Rock jumps out of the ring and chases Paul around the ring. A fan with a hooded sweatshirt on comes from out of the crowd a lays The Rock out with a hard punch. The fan takes off his hood and reveals himself to be Randy Orton! Randy hops the railing. Paul kicks away at The Rock while Randy taunts him and punches him. Referees rush out to the ring and force Randy out of the ringside area. The Rock gets to his knee and is bleeding from the mouth. The Rock grabs Paul by his jacket. The Rock pushes Paul towards the announcer’s table. The Rock sets up Paul and Rock Bottom’s him right through the table! The Rock notices Lesnar regaining consciousness inside the ring. The Rock decides to take it all. The Rock goes inside the ring. The Rock sets up Lesnar on his shoulders. In all humiliation, The Rock hits Lesnar with the F5! The Rock pins Brock 1-2-3!!! “The Rock Says” hits as the arena erupts in a pop. The referee helps the Rock sit up. The Rock spits out blood and grabs the IC title. The Rock stands onto the second rope hoisting the title over his head. The Rock rolls out of the ring and walks backstage only semi-conscious.

We cut back to see Raven, Justin Credible, and Steven Richards walking to the ring. Ric Flair stops all 3 men.

Flair: Fellas, I must inform you that both Justin and Steven have been banned from ringside.

Steven: What?

Justin: You’ve got to be kidding me! Why?

Flair: I can’t take a risk of interference like last match. Not to mention neither of you have managers’ licenses. Raven, you will be going out there alone.

Raven: Guys don’t worry about it. Thou who are above, and thou who are below are both in one un-humanly force sided for me to lead to a victory. No worries.

Raven walks to the ring as Flair goes down the hallway and Steven and Justin go back into the locker room.

We cut to CEWA Champion Kurt Angle looking ready and nervous at the same time. Joey Styles catches up with the champion.

Joey: Kurt, it’s unusual we have yet to have a word from you since you are main eventing the biggest show of the year. What are your thoughts?

Kurt: You caught me at a bad time Styles. I am a nervous wreck to be brutally honest. Usually I am overly confident in every single one of my matches, but I believe that Raven may be my only match. So I am going to go out there and give it my all, just like I did in 1996 when I won my gold medals. Just like I did when I beat Triple H for the title. This title is like a drug. Its addiction is so powerful; that once you taste it you can’t or won’t let it go. So you can bet I am going to give it my all and do whatever it takes to keep my hands on the prize. It’s true…it’s DAMN true.

Kurt leaves looking the same as we caught him.

A package of Raven and Kurt is shown as the Wrestlemania theme, “Set It Off” plays.

“Come Out and Play” by The Offspring plays. The challenger Raven comes out onto the stage looking at the fans Raven poses in a cross position on the stage and continues to walk down the aisle.

J.R: Fans this is it. This is what we have been waiting for. The main event of the show: Raven vs. Kurt Angle for the CEWA Title.

Ted: It’s an honor to be in the Main Event of such a spectacle, and it will be a hug deal for whoever the winner of this match is.

Raven poses on the second rope and takes off his jacket. “I Don’t Suck” hits as the champion Kurt Angle comes out to the ring. Kurt looks up to the sky as Red, White, and Blue pyro explode all over the entranceway. Kurt has his left hand taped up. He steps into the ring taking off his title and medals. The bell rings. Kurt and Raven stand face to face in the middle of the ring. Kurt says something to Raven. Raven blasts Angle with a right. Angle runs back at Raven and begins blasting him left and right. Angle gets Raven in a corner. Raven blocks Angle by giving him a rake to the face. Raven stands on the second ropes. Raven jumps off and knocks Angle in the skull with his elbow. Raven gets Angle into a headlock. Angle bends down carrying Raven on his back. Angle elbows Raven off of him. Angle picks up Raven by his hair. Angle slams Raven into the corner. Angle throws Raven off the ropes. Raven carries Angle with him reversing the hold. As Angle runs towards him, Raven nails Angle in the stomach with a knee. Raven grabs Angle’s arms. Raven throws Angle behind him. Raven pins Angle 1-the champion quickly kicks out.

J.R: The champion showing he will not give up this one.

Angle and Raven both get to their feet. Angle blasts Raven with his taped hand. Raven lands kneeling in the corner. Angle sets the challenger upright and smacks him right across the chest with vicious chops. Angle throws Raven off the ropes. Angle goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks. Raven runs off the ropes. Raven tries for a jumping clothesline. Angle catches him in his arms. Angle puts Raven on his arms giving him a backbreaker. Angle slams Raven onto his head. Angle pins Raven 1-2-Raven puts his foot onto the rope. Angle takes his foot off and pins him again 1-2-Raven kicks out. Raven uses the ropes to get to his feet. Raven kicks Angle in the stomach. Raven goes for The Raven Effect. Angle flips Raven onto his feet. Raven then hits the champion with a neck breaker. Raven and Angle both lay on the mat.

J.R: This back and forth and action leave both men lying on the mat.

Ted: Both men said they weren’t willing to give up, so don’t expect them to give up.

Both men slowly get on his feet. Raven rips off his shirt angered. His ribs are taped up. He waits for Angle to stand up. Angle stands up and takes off the upper half of his singlet. He turns to Raven. Raven hugs Angle and then slams him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Raven begins to un-tape his left hand. Raven strangles Angle with the tape. Angle reaches for the ropes while the referee tries to get Raven to release. Angle begins to lose consciousness. The referee then pushes Raven off of Angle. Raven picks up Angle and puts him into a chokehold. Angle twists his body in hope to knock Raven down. Angle accidentally elbows the referee in his face. The referee is knocked out. Raven signals to the back area. Angle checks on the referee. Raven then picks up Angle and slams him on his back. Then, Justin and Steven run to the ring.


Ted: I believe it was Jesse Ventura who guided us all to “always cheat”.

J.R: I don’t give a damn who said it, that doesn’t mean it’s right.

Ted: It’s a title match…you had to see this coming J.R.

Steven and Justin jump all over Angle. All 3 men begin kicking away at his stomach. Raven hits The Evenflow onto the champion. Raven then picks the champion back up holding him by his arms. Steven and Justin take cheap shots to his face. Steven and Justin then set up. Justin and Steven go to blast Angle with double superkicks, but Angle ducks and both men blast their leader! The fans erupt as Justin and Steven’s jaws drop. Both men check on Raven. Flair at the time then runs down to the ring. Flair yells at both men but neither of them wants to leave. Flair punches Steven right across his face and delivers a DDT to Justin. Flair then rolls both men out of the ring. Angle gets to Raven. Angle picks up Raven and places him on the top rope. Angle climbs up and hits an astonishing Olympic Slam off the top rope. Another referee runs out to the ring. Angle pins Raven 1-2-NO! Raven kicks out!

Ted: How did he do it?

J.R: My god…what will it take? What will it take to keep one of these 2 men down?

Angle sits up tired and frustrated. Angle picks Raven back up by his hair. Raven pulls Angle down and puts him into a cradle. The referee counts 1-2-3!!! The crowd can’t believe it! Raven stands up in amazement as “Come Out And Play” erupts through the arena. The referee hands Raven the title. Raven pushes the referee out of the way. Raven stands on the top rope posing with the title.

J.R: Fans, I am in utter shock and disbelief. I thought Angle had it in the bag. After being the champ for 8 months we have a new champion.

Ted: Folks we are out of time, but thank you for joining us on this very special night. For J.R, I am Ted Dibiase saying, good night.

The camera shows Raven still posing with the title as the camera fades to black.