[ + ] This Is Basic Thug-o-Nomics [ + ]

' J O H N C E N A '

| People Mentioned: Torrie Wilson/Rodney Mack | Record : 0-0-0 | Achievements : none yet?|
OOC Message - -----------! | Victims : ---------? |


The scene opened as a limozine pulled up to the arena. It stopped as a man stepped out. The camera moved up his body revealing John Cena!
[Cena- Yo man..this limo sucked. It didnt even come with ho's. And yo..What up wit dis preppy driver? He looks like Zach Morris in saved by the bell wit the preppy boy hair cut..what the hell?
Cena walked threw the parking lot and to the front door. He walked threw the hallways and came to his lockerroom.. He noticed it was right near Torrie Wilsons and he smiled... He went inside his room and saw a labtop sitting on the table..He put a smile on his face and walked over and sat down. He then started typing somthing...and stopped and stared at the screen.
What the hell?!? That freegin disgusting! What is that! I went on this because i thought dat I would be seein a hotty but instead I see this..

This is a joke..A really bad joke dog. I mean...Yo dis is nasty fo real..
Cena jumped up out of his chair with a disgusted look on his face as he walked out of his locker room. Then cameras zoomed in on what he was looking at.. It was Torrie Wilsons playboy pictures!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FADES TO A COMMERCIAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Stacker2 commercial]
[Bad Boyz 2 commercial]
[car commercial]
The fans of the ECW were cheering in the arena in Toranto Canada waiting for something else to happen. The show was starting as the fireworks went off all over the arena. Then the ECW music played. The ECWs theme music slowly faded out as the arena was scilent for about 5 seconds. Then the scilence was broken by the sound of a disk scratching. Then over the PA system they heard [WORD LIFE!] as John Cena walked out behind the curtain with the ecw logo on it. The fans gave a mixed reaction of cheers and boos as Cena walked down the ramp and pounded his chest twice with his fist. He held onto the lock around his neck then walked down the rest of the ramp. He jumped up onto the apron and got into the ring under the middle rope. Cena got a microphone then began to talk...

Yo yo..Nobody understands me and I dont know why... I insult people when I spit..Then they start to cry.. Like Torrie I made funna your playboys but they were aight..But they sure werent good enough to pleasure John Cena at night! I mean damn girl your boobs are fake they silicone.. Why couldnt you just tell the doctor to leave you alone? But Torrie I know what ure sayin.'Oh John you cant notice my doctor hes a magician' But girl I do notice so you need to listen.. You got fake tits so you just a 2 cent ho!..Sorry but dats just sumthin I though you would like ta know.
[Cena walks around the ring and takes a few breaths as hhe begins to talk again.]
But I aint gunna rag on her all day long because I got another victim and another song. Now we got rodney mac who thinks hes a playa but he aint nothin so ill talk to ya later..No wait I got sumthin to say..Rodney you are the whitest black man I ever scene. You have your gay little manager and yo skin tight jeans! You make funna all the white boys but look at yo self. You make funna John Cena and it will be hazordous to your health. You just mad cause yo skin well it is pretty white..You think yo black but dat just isnt right.
[Cena walks around the ring and takes a few breaths as hhe begins to talk again.]
Your like Michael Jackson you went from black to white.. You hung your manager off a balcony and he prayed to be alright. But I aint just a white boy and y'all know dats right. Im 100% Thug and theres nothin you can do about it so just deal yeah I know that Im heal but I dont care because Im a champ..and I aint with Torrie that stupid tramp so heres what im gunna do Ill tell you what.. Ill kick rodney macs ass and stay away from dat slut! WORD LIFE!
Cenas music hit as he dropped the mic. and rolled out of the ring..He walked up the ramp as some fans cheered and some bood. Cena soon dissapeared behind the back curtain as the scene faded out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FADES TO A COMMERCIAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Stacker2 commercial]
[Bad Boyz 2 commercial]
[car commercial]
Cena was seen walking backstage to his locker room. He saw an employee just buy a water from the machine. Cena walked over and took the guys water and his towel and started to walk off laughing and sipping the water bottle. Cena was still laughing when he was stopped by the backstage interviewer.
Cena- What da hell do you want.
Interviewer-What are you laughing at?
Cena-I stole this water and towel from da janitor dog..
Interviewer- Ok...well...can I ask you some questions?
Cena- Yeah man..buy make it quick ya hear.
Interviewer- Ok..well..why were you ragging on Torrie..she's beautiful.
Cena-Maybe for you preppy. But she doesnt meat John Cenas standards. Shes a dog. She aint no Stacy Keibler man
Interviewer-Well what about rodney mack?
Cena- Yo dog...look at him.. Hes whiter then me.
Interviewer-Do you like anyone here in the ecw?
Cena- Not yet dog. And I dont like you either.
Interviewer-Well...im sorry you feel that way.
Cena-Yo whatever dog..im out.
Interviewer- Goodbye John..and...Word Life.
Cena- You ever...ever say dat again I will kick your ass so bad you wont be able to sit for a year. People like you wid dat haircut..You dont say Word Life. People Like you failed Basic Thuganomics. Im Outy! Word Life!
The scene fades out as John Cena walks away down the hallway.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FADES TO A COMMERCIAL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~