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Next Review: Impossible Coming Soon!


It's been a long time coming I know. The episode has been completely filmed and edited, except for one important thing... THE ENDING! I want to do something really cool for the ending, but it depends on a few things. Let's say my ducks haven't been in order. I finally got everything ready to film Sunday, and guess what? It rained. Just my luck huh? Well, as long as nature decides not mess with me, and my ducks stay in a row (Aflack!) then the next video will be up sometime this week.

iPen Productions Site Now Up!


That's right! I've been wanting to get a website up and running for a while now. Why? Who knows. But, I think it would be a good place to post memos to those who want to know what's going on, and a good place to store all my videos. So, what will you see here? Well, you'll get to see my hit video game review series where I review a video game at complete random, Review: Impossible. Also, you can see some of my short films, as well as my other projects and test runs. Maybe some exclusive clips for those who visit the site? Sounds like a good idea.

Well, until next time, I guess that's all for now. Stay tuned!