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Cattle Mutilation Tape Trade

Updated: May 16, 2004

To make things easy, I made this crude and ineffective web page. I don't have as much as some people, yet, but hey, if you're looking for some cool tapes to trade be it pure wrestling, sports entertainment, puro, lucha, whatever, I've got it. If you want to set up a trade, my email address is at the bottom of this page and at the bottom of my want list.

First things first, some rules:

1) You come to me first, you send first. By God man, I always have to send first, it's someone else's turn!

2) Use your brains when you send, don't use crap blanks, use something good. And new ones too. Don't tape over your prom night or one of your soccer games or that marathon of Babylon 5.

3) Check out the terms and all:

I affirm that I am not working for any television or movie production studio, network or affiliated organizations. I am not employed by the government be it U.S or Canadian, affiliated agencies or any type of sub-contractor or independent agent. I am not a postal inspector. By contacting you I understand that these trades are collector to collector and any incidental costs that are involved are not for product or labor but transportation of said goods, and the wear and tear on my VCRs, compuers, and other equipment. No profit is made from my tape trading and is done only for my enjoyment, to help out others and the chance to expand my own collection. Tape trading is a hobby not an occupation or a business to me. This site is not for commercial use. This site is to catalog my own collection only. You also agree to not fine, imprison, or be mean to me, David Murphy.

No tape on this site is for sale. My ISP, angelfire, or myself make no money from the footage on the tapes or can be testified against because of it. Basically nothing on this site is for sale. Including its creator.

4) Be honest about quality, I will try to do the same. Unless its bad, then I'll lie (joke).

5)I like to go event for event. Makes things easier. And if you would, One event per tape. We can discuss this, but thats what I prefer.

5) After you're done here, you have to go to because sometimes I write a column there.

Hey, click to where you want to go.




Independent Shows

Best Ofs and Shoot Interviews

Other Stuff Puro, Lucha, AWA, Etc.

Want List

Coming Soon

Here are some cool people that I have traded with in the past. They have neat stuff. Neater than mine even. I have traded with a ton of people, but so far these are the best. If you need other sites, I can get you other sites.

Carl Metzler

Eric Grosso

Dennis Johnson


Aerial Assault

Blue Thunder Video

Nick and Brak


Claude Provost

Mike's Extreme Tapes

James Slabinski

Dennis Orahovac
