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The Beast-Machine Carnage

Were at the fresh arena in Miami Florida, as the fans are in a raor. The commentating at the moment seems to be focused on the Beast-Machine Carnage. They seem to be talking about the constant new rumors about the world champion Carnage. The rumors appear to be about Carnage being proclaimed as "soft". And that he has lost his beastly touch for dominating! Whether or not these rumors are true, Carnage has done the unthinkable here in world wrestling entertainment revamped. He successfully won the title almost two months ago, and broke the cursed famed one month title reign. And above all, he has kept a pretty clean cut win/loss record, which happens to be one of the greatest records yet. Now, this week he has challenged three other selective wrestlers to compete with for the his title less than two weeks away from Maui Meltdown. Can he retain his title and be the only one to defend it two straight times in a row? Will he respond kindly to these rumors about him? Knowing Carnage by now, anything is possible. But knowing the Beast-Machine personally, hell will be unleashed upon WWER once again...

...:::Scene One/Part One/Preplanned Hell:::...
Were in a smooth black limo cruising down the streets of Miami. Were about fourty minutes away from the arena full of thousands on hand. The limo driver begins to strike up a conversation with the future hall of famer Carnage. Carnage responds back, asking him what he "wants"..

...:::Limo Driver:::..
Carnage, I just wanted to say, congrats on all of these amazing acomplishments that you keep dishing out. Hell your making history every fucking week!

While I admire your respect and all, but you have to understand one thing here, I don't dish out anything. I earn what I get, and that is the bottom line!

..:::Limo Driver:::..
I understand that, but the way your earning it? Eh well you know, what everyones been saying lately. Eh...

What? What has everyone "been" saying about me as of late? And what do you mean how I'm earning it? What the hell are you trying to say here?

..:::Limo Driver:::..
Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, there have been tons of rumors spreading around about you as of late. Well since your match with Kaos Chase, people now and including backstage wrestlers have proclaimed you as "not the same old carnage we knew". Well eh, how can I put this to you. They think your soft now. And because of the opponents that you picked for this week, they think your trying to take the easy way out...

Me? Me, soft??! How the hell could this be? I'am the phenom of this business, the future hall of famer, and the one and only "Beast-Machine". I have dominated the best, and ended the rest. How could I have become weak? I'am a monster, what do these people take me for?! A freaking joke?!

..:::Limo Driver:::..
Apparently so Carnage. And hell, to tell you the truth because I won't lie to you. I somewhat to also think you have become soft and your no longer the beast nor machine that us fans knew and loved. Your more like Barney on crack dressed in a Kane suit..

What the hell did you say to me boy?! Are you on a deathbed or something! I'am not soft whatsoever!! And if you take me for some kind of joke then your sadly mistaking. And if you want beast, part machine, then you got it!!

..:::Scene Action:::..
Carnage then forces the limo driver to stop as they are just a few blocks away from the sold out arena. Carnage hops out the limo looking angry. He walks up to the drivers door, and punchs his bare knuckles straight through the tent up glass window which causes a scene on the local streets. The limo driver looking so scared at the moment, begs for mercy. But Carnage ignores and and continues on as he now rips the door off the car. He then yanks out the limo driver, balls his fist up, and continues to pound the hell out of his face. He eventually stops, but picks him up high in the air. The people standing near by are running and screaming, just as Carnage drops the limo driver down with a monsterous powerbomb! Carnage steps back, and begins to scream out "Benoit, Seth, and Lance your asses are mine!".

..:::Scene Two/Part One/Whats going on with Carnages opponents?:::..
Scene two kicks off as were back in the arena full of thousands. Were now backstage in Benoits lockeroom. In there happens to be the other two opponents in the match. The three of them appear to be talking over the huge match come this Monday on Raw as they have been "selected" for the "oppertunity of a life time". They are somewhat worried about their very big opponent Carnage who just so happens to be the reigning world heavyweight champion that they face this Monday. Obviously they know of his past, and they want absolutly nothing to do with the beast-machine. But, these three young men are willing to put there careers on the line in order to acomplish there dreams of becoming champion.

..:::Chris Benoit:::..
Now I don't know about you two, but I'm damn sure sick of seeing Carnage as the world heavyweight champion! Now we can just sit here and let his reign continue on, or we can get up and do something about it!

..:::Sinister Seth:::..
Well Chris, what do you soppose we do? I mean were dealing with a 6'10 350 pounder here. Hes no push over and hes certainly not a jobber. Hes a well known respected man in this business, and perhaps the most feared man of them all. And I'm not personally trying to get in his way here, I'm just trying to win myself a championship.

..:::Lance Waters:::..
Nothing personally Benoit, but I have to agree with Seth here on this one. I'm also just trying to win myself a championship here as well. And confronting Carnage at this point, is not healthy for our careers. And I'm not trying to get my head stomped into the ground either...

..:::Chris Benoit:::..
I can't believe you pussy's. Am I the only real man standing in this room right now?! Listen, this is an oppertunity of a life time that we have. And it may never come again. So we should take this chance to make a name for ourselves. Not stand back wondering how far we can push Carnages buttons. This is serious, not a freaking second class match here folks.

..:::Lance Waters:::..
Well Benoit I also couldn't agree with you more as well but, as I said a second ago "confronting Carnage at this point". Maybe you didn't understand the drift of that statement. See Everybody knows that Carnage is very unstable right now, and he made a huge scene on the streets on his way to the arena. And from the looks of it, if your an "anybody", you may want to keep away from Carnage once again "at this point"...

..:::Chris Benoit:::..
Eh yea I heard, I hear he lost it. And hell, a man like that, I'm sure he probably did. Carnage is a very emotional man. And a very stupid man at that. And Ive heard the rumors as well, and frankly I couldn't agree with them more. Carnage is a pussy now, hes soft and a bully. Well come Monday, he will tap out. just like the rest of you two will!

..:::Scene Two/Part Two/Carnage Arives:::..
Were just coming back from Benoits "big" concern of Carnage. Meanwhile minutes later Chris Benoit comes marching out Vinces office with a not so good look. He continues to walk down the hall way looking somewhat scared but yet determined at the same time. And as Benoit turns around the corner heading out to the arena, the scene takes a fast commerical break. After four minutes of waiting, were finally back as Chris Benoit is standing in the ring with a microphone ready to speak..

..:::Chris Benoit:::..
You know something, I'am not in a very good mood right now! *Fans booo* I just got back from Vinces office and well, he told me that I had to be the one to call out Carnage right here right now. *Fans cheer* And the reason for doing this, ha, is because I was the one who started those rumors up about Carnage!! And I don't take them back either. Now, I really do not want nothing to do with Carnage right now, hell this freak scares me. And I don't know what he is able to do to people that he desn't like. But Carnage, look man these rumors were for your...*Benoit is then interupted as all of the arena lights instantly shut off*

..:::Scene Carnages Entrance:::..
As the lights just instantly shut off, the fans are on there feet. Meanwhile Chris benoit is nervously standing in the ring awaiting the beast-machine. The lights then come on again as a thunderous explosion accurs in front of the entrance walk way. Out comes Carnage as fans go insane with constant cheers. Carnage slowly walks down through the fire rising up behind him. His world heavyweight title is straped around his waist, as his tag team title is hanging over his shoulder. He continues down looking like the true beast that we all know and love. He walks up the ring stairs slowly, and then walks over the ropes. Chris Benoit backs up in shock, as Carnage walks up to the middle of the ring. Then with in a flash he whips his long hair back as huge amounts of pyro explode from the ring posts as fans are in aw. Meanwhile Benoit trys to run but before he can Carnage grabs him by his head. He then grabs him by his throat, and hoists him up for a huge one handed chokeslam! The fans let out a happy gasp, and continue to cheer on. Then out of no where as the crowd starts to boo Sinister Seth Yero and Lance Waters come running out to the ring. They hop in with two chairs and slam them into the back of Carnage as he goes down. They continue to hit Carnage as he rolls over on his back in pain. But then, as all hope is about to be gone, some strange demented yet hard rock music hits the PA system as it appears to be the long awaited appearance by non other than Ivan Drako 'The career killer'. Fans give him sort off a loud crowd pop as Ivan Drako runs down to the ring and enters fast. He immediately goes after Sinister Seth and Lance Waters. He uses all his power as he picks both Sinister Seth and Lance waters up and puts them both on each side of his shoulders. He then hoists them up and brings them both back down with the CKO which happens to be a very modified dangerous powerbomb that lands you on your neck! Oh my god Seth and Lance Waters appear to be out as if they have, have been literally "wrestling wise" killed. The fans are cheering loudly now, as all of a sudden Benoit gets back up. As he does he bumps right into the mad man Ivan Drako as Ivan grabs him. He again lifts him up this time, and drops him down with a huge CKO. Benoit has just been demolished, meanwhile Ivan Drako the big 6'6 318 pounder walks up to Carnage who is out and down on the mat. Suddenly Carnage slowly rises up as fans go nuts. Ivan Drako backs up, as Carnage gets to his feet. The two then exchange some words with eachother as they grin and shake hands. It appears to be that Carnage is the one who brought Ivan Drako into this business. They both continue on as they walk out of the ring and into the backstage...

..:::Scene Three/Backstage Caos:::..
The begining of scene three starts off as Carnage along with Ivan Drako are standing back in Carnages lockeroom which is located somewhere down the deep and dark hall ways of the WWER arena. They are both discussing their plans and how Ivan Drako is now the newest member of the proud still growing faction Legends Incorperated..

Man what an impact you made out here tonight kid. You really showed why you are possibly the future of this great business! I'm proud to have you as our newest L.I soldier..

..:::Ivan Drako:::..
Hm, and I'm proud to be the newest member Carnage. First I would like to say, you will soon see my debut and my inring debut. And your right Carnage, I'am the future of this business. And I will end each and everyones career backstage untill I'am the only dominate one left! Now if anybody has a problem with that, then they can come take it up with me! And if Vince or even you Carnage has somebody ragging on him or you, just let me know. Because I'll kill their career just like that!

Theres the promise that I like to see in you! And with you now in L.I, were complete and unstopible! And tonight, Benoit and his lackees are going to learn some damn respect around here. Because this is my house! And when you enter it, you better show me some respect. Otherwise your in for some deep shit..

..:::Ivan Drako:::..
Oh really, what do you have in mind Carnage?

Oh don't worry, don't worry at all...

..:::Final Scene:::..
After the short conversation with the beast-machine and the 'career killer' were roaming around the halls as we here constant angry noises coming from Benoits lockeroom. It appears that Benoit and Lance, and also Seth Yero are yelling because of what recently just went down in the ring several minutes ago. The cameras come in closer, as the yelling gets louder. Meanwhile a huge man that appears to be Carnage runs down the hall way with a red gas can. He then runs in front of Benoits lockeroom and stops. As he does, he sprinkles gasoline everywhere in front of it and all over the door. While he does that, yelling is continued on inside of Benoits lockeroom. Carnage then takes out a match, and lights it. Meanwhile fans watching are going insane with cheers. Carnage then throws the match onto the door which catchs on fire. A big blaze of fire explodes as Carnage jumps back. Benoit and the rest bolt out out in rage as they run down the halls. Meanwhile Carnage comes from behind laughing sadisticly as the inferno continues to burn on. Carnage then walks off still laughing as the scene goes on commerical break..

..:::Narrative Ending:::..
After from what Carnage just did, it appears that no one is safe from the beast-machine. Only question is, can he retain his title this Monday and enter Maui Meltdowns mainevent with the gold? Tune in to find out on Monday!