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[AIM] TouchOfRealityJA

-BloOoOoOp, BloOoOoOoOoOp...the sound of water dripping is heard as the scene opens up in complete darkness. Suddenly, a small beam of light shines through a window and casts a shadow of a male figure. The camera pans around, as the shadow seemingly sits down. Suddenly, a buzzing sound accompanies the overhead lights as the switch is heard being flipped on. In the doorway stands a janitor, who begins to sweep the floor. The camera follows him around, and as he turns to sweep a pile of trash onto his pan, the man jumps and screams, throwing his pan and pulling his broom up into weapon-attack position. He grabs his chest, and sighs a relief when he notices that it is Caelan Tyler, setting on the cold concrete floor, leaning against some very old lockers. Caelan smiles and looks up apologetically at the janitor.-

[Caelan]: Oh, hey Bob, I didn't mean to startle you. I just needed some quiet time ya know.

-Caelan looks down, staring at his hands and what he holds between them - the CWF Paramount Championship.-

Bob: Ya know, despite what happened, at least you were man enough to work things out with Rish. Look, I have to get back to work. I'll leave you alone down here, I'll go clean the other rooms first.

-Caelan stares up at Bob and smiles.-

[Caelan]: Thanks pal. Hey, don't worry about the change over. I'll do my best to get you a job in OCW.

-Bob smiles and thanks him.-

Bob: Ah, this place has such a history, the memories. People make fun of janitors, because we are nothing but common workers, doing common jobs for crappy pay...but I wouldn't ask for the past four years back if I could become a millionaire. The road trips, the guys - you know, despite the few and rare assholes in the bunch, CWF's wrestlers were very good to me, being a "janitor" and all.

-Bob turns and heads towards the door.-

Bob: Hang in there Caelan ... hang in there.

[Caelan]: Thanks Bobster...oh, and flip those lights back off when you leave.

-Bob smiles and agrees, walking out the door and flipping the lightswitch off. The camera gets close to Caelan as he slams his head back into the metal locker, the faint outline and shadow of him visible. He continues to stare down at the belt in his hands.-

[Caelan]: I knew it would happen ... Josh warned me about it when we first met and discussed the idea of getting me into this job. He told me, he would say "Caelan, you are going to be pressured greatly. You have a great talent, but if you let your ego get carried away, things will explode and ruin your career. You respect what happens, and remember that you are not the one in charge." ... Ah, if only I had listened to him. Such a guy, someone who knows his way around this world, someone who ... well, someone who now signs my pay check.

-He once again slams his head back into the locker.-

[Caelan]: I don't deserve this title. I don't deserve to be called a CWF champion, and I don't deserve to be written down in history as a CWF champion. Although I could get a good laugh out of it if I could tell everyone that first, Titan 3 backed away from our match, and then Triple X backed away ... Heh, scared 'em off ... Chyeah, right, who am I kidding? My days were numbered on the wrong side of Triple X's way in this federation. And Angelica? Ah, I can't believe the shit I started. How could I stoop so low as to mock her, and to make false accusations?! I turned into a beast, I turned into something that doesn't deserve to be called a human being. Angelica was probably my best friend in CWF, and what do I do? I try splitting her and her boyfriend up for amusement. Amusement?! Hell I'm no better than Drake Hazard ... or, hell, whoever else pulls stupid crap like that. ... Paramount champion? Angelica should be Paramount Champion ... she's been underrated for way too long, it's time that change. A final match, the third time we have met in life ... and I will prove that I have the honor and dignity that a true man should be. No more snobby, stuck up bastard Caelan's time to show the entire federation that I will admit my mistakes, and I will wrestle as a wrestler. Putting everything else aside ... Angelica and I will steal the show Sunday night ... we will take CWF the right way, and the true Paramount champion will walk out victorious.

-Caelan rubs the large metal plate on the Paramount title, and runs his thumb over his name, inscribed on the name plate. He shakes his head in disgust, remember the things of the past week, as the scene fades to blackness.-