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MG : Solid Snake
- My Review
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The year is 2010, I am Eric Phillips, a soldier in a Special Forces Unit, nicknamed FOX-HOUND II, organized by a group of men unknown to me, but known to be greater than the U.S. Government. I am 19 years old and I am currently on a Black Hawk helicopter from Washington, D.C. to New York to find a group of terrorists that disobeyed the orders of "the organizers".


I'm finally here. We are stationed in an underground group of areas. I met my unit today. There is Lt. Mark Daniels, a 45 year old who unlike me, has experienced war. He was just starting in the army in Desert Storm. Also there is my best friend from back home, James Wesker, and many others that I haven't met. They told me that tomorrow we will be raiding a camp and to be prepared.


We all were supposed to wake up at 0300 today, but I was already up. I couldn't sleep at all. The idea of my first raid was scary. What if they had guns and mine stalled. The terrorist's AKS 74U and AK 47 are two of the assault rifles ever built. But the Army's M4 could stand up to them, unless it stalled, which was highly unlikely. I double checked mine just in case.


I slowly crept up towards the brick building following Daniels and Wesker. Ten other men were behind me, some I recognized and some I didn't. I held the M4 so tight that my fingers were hurting, but I couldn't let that bother me. Then I saw one of the men I didn't know go up to the door and plant some C4, a very powerful plastic explosive, on the door. This is what we use for a breach, bang, and clear.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! Go!" he whispered as he pressed the detonator. We all rushed in so fast that I got confused. I didn't know who was who. So I followed one of the men and began to search.

"Downstairs is clear." the radio said on my way up towards the stairs. The other man slowly crept up the stairs. I followed. Then I heard a shot and another and another. 12 in all. Then a yell. I began to run up the stairs when I saw Wesker on the floor. Blood gushing from his chest, legs, and arm.

"Eric..." he said as he held up his hand. I grabbed and tried to help him up but he just fell back to the floor. I checked his pulse. He was dead. I grabbed his dog tag and put it in my pocket. Then I prayed for him for a moment and continued up the stairs.

Suddenly I heard a burst of fire and saw five bullets going straight toward me. I jumped and somersaulted behind a table and flipped it on its side. I could feel the cool perspiration dripping down my forehead. I crossed my heart and lifted my gun over the table. I held my finger loosely over the trigger and aimed at the man's head that shot at me. He had run out of ammunition. He yelled something in a language that I didn't understand. I stood up still aiming at his head. I pointed my trigger finger to his AK and told him to slide across the floor. He did as I told. I told him to get up and to stand against the wall, he again he understood me. I heard a sound and turned around. I saw nothing. But then I heard a yell from behind me. Then the room got blurry. When the room cleared up, I stood and walked towards the man. I looked at his body. His throat was slit cleanly. I picked up his wrist and checked his pulse. Another dead.

I looked out of a window and saw a figure, all in black, running very quickly outside. I blinked and he vanished.

When I met back up with the others they told me that they found six men, and three fired at them and were killed and the other three were already dead. That night I thought about what I had done that day. I thought about Wesker, he was my best friend, one of the only people I knew here. But now he was gone. I reached into my pocket and pulled out his tag. It read:

BORN: 7/15/92

After the born date I carved with my knife: DIED: 7/14/10

He died the day before his nineteenth birthday. I was so tired that I went to bed while the others drank and celebrated. Although I shouldn't admit this I cried myself asleep that night.


I woke up to an extremely loud noise. It sounded like gun fire. I jumped out of my bunk and put my boots on. I went to go talk to Lt. Daniels. He told me that we were under attack by about 30 men. He told me to give the order to attack to the others. I ran back to our camp and told. The M4s were not loaded but everyone had a Standard Issue Beretta handgun so they would be fine until the M4 were ready. I was ordered by Lt. Daniels to help load the weapons so I got right to work. It took about 30 seconds to load one gun so I had 20 done in a half hour and Daniels did as well. I brought out the M4s, but when I did I saw 12 of my men on the floor bleeding from either their head or chest. The terrorists were now somewhere in my camp. I ran back to where to the weapon room. Daniels was sitting back towards me in a chair.

"Sir, ARMS Team 1 is down. The terrorists are in the camp," I told him.

No response.

"Sir, did you hear me? OUR TEAM IS DEAD! They are all dead, don't you care?!"

Again no response. This time I walked up towards him to yell at him but then I saw. Blood oozed out of his stomach like it was coming out of a faucet. I checked his pulse. He was also dead. Now it was up to me to find ARMS Team 2 and those terrorists. I knew there was another team because they were at the raid yesterday. I took an M4 and two boxes of five magazines of ammunition.

As I began to run I heard gun shots and yells. I slowed down and hid behind a box for a moment. Then I poked my head and M4 up above the box. I saw 2 men both with an AK47. I turned around and heard one of them yell, then the other. I walked forward. There were the two men's bodies lying there. Both with their heads sliced clean off. I ran past them and towards a freight elevator, but I had to wait for it to come down, which means someone had gone up. When it came down I walked in and pushed the button marked R and sat in the corner of it. When it stopped I walked out and on to the roof of our underground camp which was really the street. There I saw 6 bodies, five terrorists, again with their heads clean off and one body of one of the men of ARMS Team 2, except he was shot in the chest. I noticed he had a radio in his hand. I suspect he was calling for back up when he was shot. I grabbed it and started to talk.

"Is there anybody there? This is Private Eric Phillips from ARMS Team 1." I said.

"Private Phillips, this Lt. Junior Grade Doug Marx of ARMS Team 2. Do you copy?" a voice on the radio said.

"Yes I do, sir. What is your position?" I responded.

"Me and four others are in a small shack about a quarter of a mile to the west of your camp. Can you meet us here with more ammunition?" Lt. J.G. Marx asked.

"Yes sir I can. I took about 10 mags so I should have enough for your team. I will be there in a few minutes." I answered.

After I told him I began to run to the west. On the way I saw two men, one had an AKS 74U and the other had a Uzi .9 mm. I decided that I shouldn't waste any ammunition. I silently ran by. I estimate it was about 0300 and the sun was not up yet. I started feeling a little weird so I sat down, but it didn't help. Then I realized that I had caught a bullet. I looked at my side, I could see the blood poring out like a slow stream of red water. I took my jacket off and looked closer at the wound. Apparently the bullet went right through my skin without me even feeling anything. I tied my jacket to where I was shot to apply pressure. I took my pack of cigarrettes and smoked one to ease the pain, got up, and continued on my journey. I took out my scope and looked through. I could see a shack in the distance. I began to run and reached it in under a minute.

I wearily walked in the shack. As I did I said:

"Private Eric Phillips, reporting!"

No response.

"Is anyone here?"

Again no response.

I walked further into the small building and flicked on my M4's light. I looked around a little and saw only a few things. A couple empty ration containers and some empty Beretta magazines. I slowly did a 360o turn and looked at the inside of the shack. I saw a rusted door. I walked towards it and cautiously went through. I held my gun out in front of me and crept in. I walked two steps and stopped. I smelled something. Something terrible. I looked down, there was a pile of 7 men being eaten by flies. I rushed out of the door immediately. I walked towards where I came into the shack. Then I felt a strange warm on my back. I quickly turned around and saw that there was a red light beam pointed right at my chest. Before I could move I heard a click, then darkness.

I awoke to a sharp discomfort in my ribs. I lightly touched them and immediately felt pain. I tasted something salty and warm. I touched the inside my mouth and realized I was internally bleeding. I tried to stand but to no avail. I looked around and saw a small crack of light. I crawled toward it. Then I heard two men talking.

"...have they found the other man yet?" one said.

"No, but I'll rest a lot easier when they do. How many has he killed?" the other responded.

"About 20. We have the Kasatka after him now. There is no way he can outrun that machine." the other one said.

Then another voice came in. It sounded like it was coming from a radio.

"Sir...uh...the Kasatka is down!" the voice exclaimed.

"What do you mean? That's impossible!" another voice yelled.

"The man, he...uh...he brought it down." the other voiced explained.

"Make a call to all of the Execution Teams, send them to find him and kill him now!" the voice roared.

"Yes sir." the other voice responded.

Then I heard a call through a P.A. system:

"All Execution Teams to your positions! Find the man in the black mask! All Guard Teams, stay alert!"

Then I heard light footsteps and two yells. Then a thud and silence for about ten seconds. But suddenly a sound of a lock turning and a door opening. The light got larger. My eyes took a little while to adjust but when I looked at the doorway I saw only a silhouette. I could make out the shape of a blade behind his back. He walked closer and the light faded to black.

"Up," the figure's deep voice said as he held out his hand.

I grabbed it and the man helped me up. I tried to talk but no words came out. He told me to follow him and I did. I looked at his face for the first time and saw that it was completely black but had thermal goggles on so his eyes were red. I looked at his blade. It was at least 6 feet long. Made of titanium like most were. It could easily slice a limb off with a quick swoop.

We snuck toward the elevator down the hall. As we stepped inside I began to speak.

"Wh-Wh-Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Gray Fox 065174, a member of the program nicknamed the GFS," he responded.

"What is the GFS?" I questioned.

"The GFS means the Gray Fox Simulation, I am one of millions of young men bred for battle to be as good or better than Gray Fox, the greatest member of the disbanded FOXHOUND Special Forces unit. He was believed to be the one who would surpass Big Boss, the leader of FOXHOUND, but did not." the man answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he was killed in battle. By Big Bosses son, Solid Snake. But nine years ago Gray Fox came back in the Shadow Moses incident, as a cyborg ninja: half man, half machine. Wielding his blade he helped Snake destroy Metal Gear: REX, but was again killed in battle. We were being trained at that time in a Special VR. We could not have helped. The training that everyone in GFS Program went through taught 3 main things: Stealth, Power, and Intelligence. But 1 year ago the program was stopped, by a man claiming to be Fox himself. He had the entire group killed saying that he was to be the only one. I escaped. But he would not have killed me. You see I was the only one who was not a clone. I am thebiological son of Gray Fox..." he told me.

As he said that the elevator stopped. We stepped out. I began to walk forward but he stopped me. He crept slowly and silently forward. I saw him rise and take out his blade. I then saw a flash of light and heard a yell. He came back and gave me one of the enemy's AK47s. We walked forward and reached a hatch door. I tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. Fox told me to step out of the way. He took out his blade and sliced through the door. I stared in awe. He just walked right through. I followed still surprised.

As I walked through I saw a knife flying straight toward me. Adrenaline took over my body and I held the trigger of the AK down. I looked forward. A white figure with red slowly oozing down his chest.

"Vamp!" Gray Fox said.

"Fox! Welcome. You shall be number 2!" the man said.

"Phillips, back up!" Fox yelled as he lunged forward, blade in hand. His lightning quick speed amazed me. When he reached the man, he made a quick slice, but suddenly it looked as if everything had slowed down. Vamp, as Fox had called him, leaped to the side wall and clung to it. I aimed my rifle and took a few shots. He deflected them all with his army knives and ran past me as he yelled:

"We will meet again Gray Fox!"

"Damn!" Fox roared.

"What was that thing?" I asked.

"That 'thing' was Vamp. I grew up with him. He was in the same training as I was, but he was a rogue. He left after his training was done to join a Special Navy SEALs Team called Dead Cell. The team wasn't really taking orders from the Navy though. They were taking orders from a man much more powerful than that: Solidus Snake, the third clone of Big Boss. The godfather of the young man, Raiden, who helped Solid Snake take out Dead Cell in 2009. Vamp and I had fought in the past, basically because he was jealous of my skill."

"But why? I thought all of the men cloned from Gray Fox have the same skills," I stated.

"Well you see. Vamp's real name is William Jaeger. He is my brother. Put up for adoption when he was 1. I was 5 at the time. He was adopted by a Romanian couple. In a church bombing, his family and many others were killed. Vamp was the only survivor. He had been stabbed with a giant crucifix. He survived by drinking the blood of all the corpses. He now craves and needs it to live, like a vampire. When he came back to the U.S. he entered the GFS Program. I only recently found out that he was my brother." Fox told me.

After we were finished talking we started to saunter again. I took out a pack of cigarettes I had found and began to smoke one.

"What are you doing?" Fox asked.

"A terrible habit, don't start," I responded.

"OK." he said.

We continued on. Vamp was no where to be seen. The building seemed pretty clear. The next room was clear so I walked quickly forward. Suddenly an ear piercing sound. I ran towards the door but it closed before I could get through. I ran towards the other one, but the same thing happened. My heart was beating intensely. I glanced at Fox and he looked back at me.

"You might as well just smile for the camera," he said as he pointed upward.

"Shit..." I mumbled as two mini guns protruded out of two holes next to a minute lens.

"Phillips, get back!" Fox screamed at me as he leapt forward blade in hand.

I did as told and watched in awe as he deflected hundreds of bullets.

"Sh..ot...t!" I heard.

"What?" I yelled back.

"SHOOT THE DAMN GUNS!" Fox boomed.

I aimed the AK at the rotating cannon and took a steady shot. Dead on. My chest was pounding and sweat literally dripped down my face as if it were poured down onto my head. I couldn't let that bother me now. I again aimed at the mini-guns and shot. Then silence.

I glanced over at Gray Fox as he put his blade back in its holster.

"That...was...insane!" I said, "How did you deflect all of those, there must have been a few thousand?"

"Practice," was all that he said, "Let's go."

We began to tread down through the area again. Fox sliced the steel door right through the center. He led through this time, probably to make sure that I don't get us caught again. I cautiously followed. We entered a room filled with many wooden crates. Fox told me to check for ammunition and rations. I walked towards the west side of the room and looked at the first crate I saw. On the top I found a gray bandana with the word "LIMITLESS" sewn in silver lettering. I pocketed it and continued to look around.

"Phillips, come here," I heard Fox say, "Take this."

"What is it?" I responded.

"It's a enemy uniform, I found it one of these crates," he told me, "After you put it on I want you to cuff me, so that we can infiltrate their system and find Vamp," he said.

I went into the corner and put on the camouflage uniform but as I did a metal necklace fell out of the pocket. I picked it up. The dog-tag read:




He was Russian...

I walked over to Fox and put the hand cuffs around his wrists. We walked towards a door and went through.

"Geirgovich reporting!" I said loudly in a fake Russian accent, "I have the ninja."

"Excellent," one of the men in the room said.

"I'm going radio in. What's the frequency again?" I asked.

"96.04, you have to remember!" one of the others yelled at me.

"This is Xavier Geirgovich, I've captured the ninja. I'm about to bring him up to you," I told.

"No, 'He' wants to see him," the man on the other line told me.

"Yes, sir," I finished and disconnected.

Fox and I walked towards a door on the opposite side but were stopped by one of the guards.

"Your not going anywhere," he said.

"What?" I wearily asked.

"Not by yourself, at least. I'll go with you." he said.

"OK," I told him.

The man followed me out the door and up through a long corridor. He stopped me from continuing.

"Hold on, I'm going have a smoke," he said as he reached his pocket. I watched his hands closely. I looked at up for a moment and looked back down. He was holding an M9 tranquilizer hand-gun.

"On the floor. If you want to live, you'll cooperate," the man said in a different voice.

I dropped.

"Hold on, hold on," I said as I took off my balaclava, "My name's Eric Phillips, USSF46721 Unit XKP."

"FOX-HOUND II, huh? Nothing compared to the original."

"And how would you know?"

"Never mind,"

"Wait a minute. Who are you."

"Solid Snake,"

"Your a terrorist!"

"Only to some."

"There's a serious order out for you and I'm going to follow it!"

"Yeah, let me see you try."

"Tell me this, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for information."

"About what?"

"A friend."


"It's not important."


"We don't have any time to waste," Fox interrupted.

"He's right, lets move. You can arrest me later." Snake said.

We continued through the corridor and finally reached a door. On the side of it read: LV1.

"Phillips, do you have a card?" Snake asked.

"No, do I need one?" I responded.

"I have an extra, you can take it. This card will open all Security Level 1 doors, but your going to need to find a different card if you want to get into Level 2 areas," Snake told me.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem. But one more very important thing. The next room we enter is filled with sensors that check the vital signs of the people who walk in. The computer operator on the other side of the room will enter in the number of guards he sees in the room. After that the sensors test the guards vital signs and tell the computer who they are. Then the operator will ask him his identification code. I take it that you didn't plan on being this Geirgovich, right?" Snake asked.

"N-No sir," I stammered.

"This is going to be a little difficult then. The room is very dark so I want you to walk around the outer edge. But avoid touching the wall. If you do it will detect your presense and set off the alarm. When you get to the other side wait for the door to open and sneak in. Got it?" Snake said.

"Yes," I responded.

Snake entered the room with Fox in front of him and I snuck towards the outer rim of the room. I crept forward until I reached the other wall. I heard Snake's fake Russian accent. But then another voice:

" you copy?"

"Yes," A deeper, American voice said.

"What is your position?"

"I'm outside of the detection room, about to greet the guard that caught the ninja."

"It's not necessary that you do that right now."


"I'm sending Guard Team 3 down there, it will be enough security."

"Why do you want me to leave?"

"I want you to come back up here, I have a mission for you."

"Yes, sir. I will be up in a minute. But what about Emmerich?"

"He's to be 'disposed of' within the hour. He won't be necessary for this mission."


Then silence.

I thought to myself. An American traitor? Why? And who is this Emmerich?

"Ready?" Snake said.

"Jesus Christ. You scared the hell out of me," I said, "Yeah I'm ready."

We walked through the door. But when we did 5 guards were waiting for us.

"I thought he said there was only one guard," one of them said.

"I guess not," another said.

"We're taking this upstairs right?" Snake asked.

"No, Vamp wants to see it," one told us.

"What are your names?" another asked.

"Geirgovich," I said.

"Never heard of a Geirgovich. Let me call it in," the guard said.

"That won't be necessary," Fox said as he ripped his cuffs off.

"Get him!" one of the guards exclaimed.

"No," Snake simply said in his normal voice.

"What? Your voice..." the guard said.

Snake pulled out his SOCOM and aimed at the man and took a few steady shots. He then moved onto the next guard. I pulled the trigger down on my AK and shot 1 of them. I glanced over at Gray Fox as he levetated and flipped over two guards. He took out his blade and then another. He then crossed his arms and shoved one of the blades into each of the guards. I thought he was finished. But no. He then flung his arms out and sliced each of the men literally in half. Without any remorse he walked back toward me, their severed remains all over the floor.

"By the way Snake, before we came in, I heard an American sounding voice talking on a radio about someone named Emmerich..." I started.

"Otacon!" Snake quickly interrupted.

"Who?" I asked

"A friend," he answered, "What else did he say?"

"That he was to be 'disposed' of within the hour," I added.

"Damn, he's always getting me into trouble," Snake told me, "OK, this is what we're going to do: Fox, I want you to go deal with Vamp. I've got to go find Otacon. Phillips, your coming with me. Got it?"

"Yes," Fox and I both answered.

(Note: At this point in the game there would be a choice to choose which character's scenario you would like to play: Gray Fox, Eric Phillips, or Solid Snake.)

We all walked until there was a split in the hallway. Fox took a left and Snake and I took a right. I saw a few crates further down the long hall. Suddenly I heard a few gun shots. Apparently Snake did too. We ran up the hall and hit behind the crates. I looked over and saw a tall blonde haired figure shooting 3 guards. I heard Snake mutter the word: "Raiden". I ducked back down to load my gun just in case he came over to me. When I looked back up, he was gone and so were the guards' bodies. Snake got up to investigate.

"Stay here," he said.

I saw him walk down the hall and then heard a scream.

"Snake!" I yelled.

No response.

"Snake!" I repeated.

Again nothing.

As I crept over, I saw a black object lying near my feet. I ducked down and picked it up. It was a military issue M16A2 with added laser-sight. I check the magazine. Luckily, it was full. I held it out in front of me as I got back to walking.

Farther down the hallway, it was extremely dark, making it hard to see. I wearily snuck forward. Then I felt a coldness on my forehead.

"Don't shoot!" I said.

"Oh, it's you," Snake said as he put away his gun.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing," he quickly responded.

"What about the scream?"I pointed out.

"What scream are you talking about?" he asked.

"Never mind," I said.

"There's an elevator down here, we're going to have to take it if we want to find Hal," Snake told me.

"OK," I said.

When we reached the elevator Snake and I both walked in. Half-way through Snake took out a supressed Beretta M9.

"When did you get that?" I asked.

"Shut up!" he said as he pointed it to my forehead.

"Stop playing around man," I pleaded.

"I thought that I told you to shut up!" he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Like I told you before, I am Solid Snake," he said.

"No, your not. Snake would never act like this," I said.

Then the door opened. Outside stood a man in a black trench coat.

"You know, he's right," the figure said.

"Ah yes, sir," the impostor said.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I, am 'Him'," he said.

"That's not a name," I pointed out.

"I have no name. But some refer to me as..."

"Stop!" I heard Snake's voice say.

"What?" "He" said.

"Let him go!" Snake said.

"What if I don't?" the impostor Snake said.

"Then I'll take him by force: Decoy Octopus!" Snake stated.

"What?!? How the hell did you know?" the impostor asked.

"7 years ago in the Shadow Moses incident, inside the cell where I first met you, I dropped a bloody pack of cigarettes. When I went to check for them, they were gone along with the DARPA Chief's body," Snake said.

"Of course, how could I forget? Your foolishness let me use your body for numerous missions." Octopus said, "And you also saved me from FOXDIE. Many thought I was dead. Even the Patriots. They gave up on me, one of there most trusted members. Until now, I have been the main contributor. But then I met 'Him' who, like me, has hated Solid Snake from the beginning!"

"I'm sorry Snake, but this beautiful story must come to a sad ending," "He" said as he flung of his coat as pulled out an M4A2 and aimed at me, "Say good-bye kid!"

A string of bullets came towards me. I tried ducking but it was not in time. The bullets hit my chest and blood gushed out. I tried to pick up my gun, but more bullets hit me.

I saw Snake's lips moving, the only word I could make out was: "Raiden"...


Snake and Phillips took a right and I took a left. I didn't tell either of them, but I had a map of the entire complex. Vamp was in an area on the 13th floor. Right now I was on the 5th. I knew there was a staircase ahead as I walked toward it. Unknown to either of the two men I was working with, I have a stealth camouflage system. How else would I have gotten into this highly guarded complex.

I heard footsteps coming from further down the hall. 4 guards walked by. "Did Octopus tell you about what happened?" one asked.

"No," another said.

"Shalashaka is coming back," another stated.

"Why?" another asked.

"An 'anonymous' tip told him where to find the Patriots." one answered.

Shalashaska, I thought to myself. Who the hell is that?

The guards were now right next to me. One had thermal goggles.

"Who's there?" he said as he aimed at me.

I switched off my stealth and flipped up. I clung tightly to the ceiling. I dropped down and landed on the shoulders of one of the guards. I turned my body around, snapping his neck and instantly killing him. They began to shoot at me. I sliced off the barrel of one of their AKs and held the guard by the throat. The other guards tried shooting at me but hit their own by mistake. I dropped him and equipped my blade. The remaining guards were on either side of me. I kicked one in the temple and stabbed the other in the chest and walked away.

I know that some people think that I enjoy killing, they are incorrect. I have no feelings about it. If I have to do it, then I will.

I continued down the hall at a fast rate. When I reached the stairs, I walked up. The next floor was completely empty. I went toward the other staircase. On the way I found a radio, I picked it up and heard a voice:

"Shalashaska has arrived."

"Excellent. Where is he now?"

"7th floor."

"Call Execution Teams 2 and 3 down."

"Yes, sir"

There's that name again. I walked up the stairs just as the teams began to fill the room. A bearded man with long gray hair stood a few yards in front of me.

"Get down!" I yelled as I lunged forward. I took out my two blades and attacked the guards. There must have been at least 60. I heard loud gunshots from behind me. I sliced through 5 at a time. Blood stained the metal. Soon the men shot their AK's at me. I easily deflected them back. A crowd began to form around me. I yelled and sent a force-field of electric power all around my body. I blinked and there were no more bodies, only bones on the floor. The man called Shalashaska was still shooting off a few men. I went up to two of the guards he was fighting off and took a slice at the their necks. Shalashaska shot the last two guards with a revolver.

"Who are you?" I asked the man.

"I am Shalashaska, Revolver Ocelot. And you are?" he answered.

"Gray Fox 065174, son of the great warrior," I told him.

"Why did you help me?" Ocelot asked.

"I hate these people. I came to destroy this complex and everyone in it," I told him.

"I remember your father. He's the one who helpled Snake defeat REX," Ocelot said.

"Snake killed my father," I said.

"Indeed he did," Ocelot agreed.

"I must find Vamp," I told him.

"I thought that he died," Ocelot told me.

"Apparently not. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I was told that the Patriots were here. 'He' tricked me," he said.

"Who is 'He'?" I asked.

"The hero of the Big Shell incident a year ago. Perhaps you heard about it," Ocelot said.

"Yes, briefly," I told.

"''He' 's re-creating something...something terrible. Something that only Snake can tell you about," he said.

"Are you going to be all right?" I asked.

"I should be fine. I'm going to look for 'Him', we have some unfinished buisness to take care of," he said.

"Well, if you need my help you can reach me on codec at 140.48," I told him before I ran down the hall.

The next floor had a few guards, but I decided to spare their lives and go past. I did this for the rest of the floors until I reached the 13th.

I crept towards the room that Vamp was most likely in, where flamenco music was playing. I reached behind me and gripped the blood-tainted katana. Holding it at my side, I cagily stepped into the room. The music played, but Vamp was no where to be found. I sensed his presence, but could not see him. The diminutive room had few things in it. A desk, a record player, and an assault rifle.

Suddenly the music stopped.

"I've been waiting for you, brother!" Vamp's voice announced.

"Vamp, you are not my brother," I stated.

"What's the matter Fox, afraid of the truth," Vamp uttered.

"Brothers are bound by blood, and you have no blood!" I exclaimed.

"But I will soon. The blood of Gray Fox!" Vamp said as he dropped in front of me.

I swung the blade forward. Vamp easily dodged the attack.

"Don't you remember your own father's words: 'Only A Fool Trusts His Life To A Weapon'. Put the sword away and let us fight hand to hand,"

I placed the blade on the ground and got in a fighting stance. I leapt at Vamp and threw a punch. He grabbed my fist and flipped me on my back. I kicked him in the face and jumped up. I jabbed him in the ribs and kicked him in the face again. He deflected the kick and ran towards the outside wall and stuck to it. I followed and threw him off. I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the jaw.

"So you do know how to fight," Vamp said.

"And apparently you do not," I indicted.

"Shut the hell up!" Vamp exclaimed as he threw a knife at me.

I dove for my katana and deflected the dagger. I jumped towards him and swung. I blinked and he vanished.

I heard a ring. I ducked down and put my finger on my Codec.

"Fox, this is Ocelot. I need your he..."

"Ocelot! Ocelot!"

No response.

"Ocelot, do you copy?!?"

No response again.

"Damn!" I moaned.

I walked out of the room and went through the corridor. I held my blade at my side as I inched closer to the staircase. Suddenly footsteps, then a voice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just get the hell out of there. I have some more things to deal with."

"All right, I'll see you later. Hopefully."

I saw him knelt right above the staircase. I skulked up the stairs and crept behind him. I held the tip of the blade up to the back of his neck.

Get up and turn around!" I ordered.

He did.

I-i-it can’t be..." the man stuttered as he slid across the floor, "You d-died in Shadow Moses."

"Legends never die!" I told as I gripped his shoulder and pulled him back.

"Please d-don‘t kill me," he begged.

"Who are you?" I asked,

"M-my name is Dr. Hal Emmerich," he stated.

"The designer of Metal Gear: REX?" I questioned.

"Sadly that’s true." Dr. Emmerich said.

"Why’d you take the job if it made you feel guity?" I asked.

"I didn’t know what it was capable of," he told.

"Liar! You knew, and you still didn‘t have the courage to stop the development!" I accused.

"I didn’t think that it would be used to kill human beings, but protect them," he said.

"It killed my father!" I said.

"You mean your Frank Jaeger’s son, that would explain the exoskeleton," Dr. Emmerich

"Yes, I am his son," I told him.

"I was foolish. I wanted to live up to the Emmerich family history,"

"Death and destruction is your family's history?!?" I yelled.

"My father and his father before him, both nuclear scientists. My grandfather took part in the Manhattan project..." Dr. Emmerich began.

"I don't care about your sad life-story! It doesn't even compare to mine," I interrupted, "I met my father only once in my entire life, when I was born. He then handed me over to the program. Father didn't even come to see me, he was training for his pointless fights with Solid Snake. I was being trained at that time, too. To become what Gray Fox was, an emotionless killing machine. But I failed that training. I hate killing, but I will do it, if it is necessary. I had no identity until last year, when I found my file in the Patriots database. Countless videos of myself as a child. My birth, my training, everything. The only that was not there was the name of my mother. I have no friends, no family, nothing at all, just my blade and my name."

"My God," Dr. Emmerich said, "That's horrible."

"Get up," I ordered, "Your coming with me."


"You son of a bitch!" I yelled as I held out the SOCOM.

"I wouldn’t do that if I were you," Octopus said pointing to the men surrounding Raiden and I, "If you shoot at us, they will shoot you."

"Let’s leave them the pleasure of killing the ‘legend’," Raiden said as he stepped into the elevator, "See you in hell, Snake!"

I ran toward the elevator but the doors closed before I could enter.

"Otacon, I’m going to be a little late. Leave without me for now," I stated over the codec.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, just get the hell out of there. I have some more things to deal with."

"All right, I'll see you later. Hopefully"

"So we finally get to meet Solid Snake," one of the guards said.

I kept my hands behind my back.

"Too bad I forgot my autograph book," another mocked.

I carefully gripped a grenade.

"So how do you want to die, in the head or in the chest?"

I pulled the pin.

"Neither!" I yelled as I threw the explosive.

I started to fire with the SOCOM, but began to feel dizzy. I reached out for something to hold on to. Could it be?


I forced Emmerich up and began walking towards a door.

"There are four guards on patrol in this area," he told.

"How did you get by then?" I asked

"I have my ways," he said.

"Well stay here for now, if you take one step away from here I will kill you myself. Got it?" I warned.


I crept through the door. The room was empty. I surveyed the area. No sign of anyone.

I heard a single footstep. I sprung up to the ceiling.

"He’s falling for it," a familiar voice said, "It will be great to have another against Snake."

I crept towards the outer wall of the room.

"Where is Snake anyway?" the voice said.

"Getting his treatment from Execution Team B," another said.

"Excellent," the familiar one said, "Hold on."

"What is it?" the other asked.

"Someone’s here,"

Damn! I thought.

I turned the corner and faced the barrel of an Army Colt .45.


Snake lie motionless on the ground as a dark figure’s shadow has been cast over his limp body. He opened his eyes and the shadow vanished. In front of him were 20 fallen soldiers. Snake crawled behind a crate and got in a crouch. He felt for his codec.

"Campbell! Are you still in contact with Naomi?"

"It’s been a while, but I have her frequency. Why do you ask?"

"I have some questions for her."

"It’s 141.73, don’t do anything foolish."

"Naomi! What the hell just happened to me?"

"Snake? It’s been a long time."

"I asked you a question, now give me a goddamn answer!"

"Let me get the readings of your FOX-DIE monitor."


"Everything has been normal."

"Then why did I pass out?"


"Don’t think so. Could it have something to do with your ‘nephew’?"

"I don’t know. You two will have to talk. Confront him."

"I’ll talk with my SOCOM."

Snake arose and crept to the elevator. He pressed the button. The doors opened, but all he could see was a dangling cable.

"Colonel, the elevator is…uh…out of order. The cable has been cut."

"Snake, you’ll need to substitute the cable for a rope and rappel down the shaft. But be careful, Philanthropy can’t afford to lose you."

Snake leaned into the shaft. Sweat trickled down his face as he reached for the thick wire. He carefully wrapped his legs around the cable and descended into the shaft.

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