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Mad Dog


Name: TJ
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Titles Held: BWA Heavyweight Chapionship(2), BWA Tag Team Champion(1), BWA Hardcore Championship(2)
Signature Moves: Dog Byte, Figure 4 Leg Lock

Mad Dog is the CEO and the Owner of the Backyard Wrestling Alliance. During his days as a dominating wrestler in the Backyard Wrestling Federation Mad Dog was on a winning streak of 25 wins in a row with 0 losses. No one could beat him! After the conversion from the Backyard Wrestling Federation to the Backyard Wrestling Alliance the immage of Mad Dog became weaker. He no longer had time to work on the hardcore immage that was he. Spending more money, time, and dedication to the reformed backyard wrestling. He soon lost his first match and many more after that. When Gigantic was injured and could no longer wrestle in the BWF, Mad Dog decided to go solo until the arrival of Johnny B. Goode in the BWA. These two huge wrestlers hooked up to start a tag team called the Goode Dog Connection. Mad Dogs old partner Gigantic has returned and only the future can tell us what will happen between these three men. Will Johnny B. Goode accept Gigantic or will he reject him and start a feud within the Goode Dog Connection?