'Drop The Bombshell'

|| Role-Play # : 02 || Record : 00 - 00 - 00 || Achievements : None Yet ||

R o l e - P l a y T i t l e : No Discount for a R-everon

Forward - Less then 24 hours away from WME Vengence! So much on the line. Tonight nine men will put it all on the line to become the first ever X champion. Who will it be? Will it be D-von? Could it be his brother? How about Bradshaw? Who knows.. Also don't forget the slam main event. 16 superstars will compete to earn a title shot at Summer Slam to face Sean O'haire. Eight teams will compete. Then when only one is remaining, the two will turn from partners to enemeys. From freinds to foes all in a matter of seconds. Smackdown has a very exciting show also. I'm sure both will be up to par and it will be one hell of an event. The supserstars have surely spoke the peace about the event so far. The anticipation is as high as it can get. Be sure to tune in and see who is the first ever X champion. See who will face Sean O'haire so they can go one on one at Summer Slam for the wm2k1 championship! Also don't forget the return of a true living legened. Triple H!

Scene- The wme scene opens up but not from the arena or anywhere near it. Instead there is a wme cammera crew in a car, driving on the interstate, following a motorcycle. The man on the bike is wearing a Dudley jacket, and we know that it's D-von. Soon the bike takes an exit for a nearby suburb. The car follows close behind. D-von takes two lefts and then pulls into Burger King. He stops and thinks wether to pull into the drive thru or to go in. He parks by the building and decides to go in. Quickly the camera man opens the door and runs into the restaurant. It's quite busy as it's just opened up for breakfast since church just go out. After waiting in line for about two minutes D-von steps up to the counter to order with the camera zooming in.

'Employee named Jan'- Hello welcome to Burger King on this great Sunday morning, how may I help you today?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Ugh, didnt you just say good morning? Ya I think you did. So, why did you ask me what you can do for me today, if it is still morning?

'Employee Named Jan'- Excuse me? What in the world are you talking about?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Nevermind. Just take my freaking order already.

'Employee Named Jan'- Ok so what is it?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> It's about time. Ya get me a double whopper meal. Make it a large to. Coke to drink

'Employee Named Jan'- Sorry sir, we don't start serving lunch until eleven. It is clearly 10:15.

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Damn this is like that stupid thing in the movie "Big Daddy"

'Employee Named Jan'- I am sorry what was that?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Nevermind. Just give me a sausage biscuit.

'Employee Named Jan'- Right, so that is a sausage and egg biscuit and would you think something to drink with that? Perhaps some hashbrowns to?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> First of all I just want sausage on that biscuit. Second, yes I would like a coke and also some hashbrowns. I was getting to that before you rudley interupted me.

'Employee Named Jan'- I apologize mister. We only have a sausage and egg biscuit. You can just take the egg off if you would like. That be a large coke?(D-von nods yes) Ok so your total comes to four dollars and twelve cents. For here or to go?

D-von unsips his shirt and the lady steps back realizing that he is a Reveron. She then comes to her senses and talks again

'Employee Named Jan'- Whoa! Sorry Reveron if I was a little rude back then. Once again your total is four dollars and twelve cents.

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Hold on a minute. It would be four dollars and twelve cents for a regular customer. So what is it for me?

'Employee Named Jan'- Um it is the same for you. There's no discount or anything.

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> What? No discount. That's some god damn bullshit. I know you have a discount for senior citizens, and I am way more important then them. I mean hello, I'm a fucking Reveron for God sakes.

'Employee Named Jan'- Good for you. But you still have to pay just as much as everyone else. So are you going to pay or not?

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> No I am not. I hate this damn city. I hate this damn state. I hate everything. I come here for wme Vengence and find out that I have to fight these losers that shouldn't even be in the WME. Like my half brother. He shouldnt even be a wrestler, and he wouldn't be if it wasn't for me. Hell they should just hand the me the X title. I deserve it, for crying out loud. Now I have to deal with a bitch like you. You know I deserve a discount. I work for God. Do you need witnessed to?

'Employee Named Jan'-No I do not. Wait a minute. Wme? Isn't that a wrestling federation. Haha, you mean to tell me that your a Reveron and your also a wrestler. That is funny.

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Yeah, is there something wrong with that?

'Employee Named Jan'- Yeah there is. First they are both fake proffesions. Wrestling is fake, and being a Reveron is fake because you dont have any clue what your talking about.

<*/>Reveron Dudley<*\> Ok I am going to stop you right now before you say one more thing that is a lie. Wrestling is a fake as God. And everyone know's that he is real. Shit if you don't think it is real then why don't you come tonight. Your poor as probably can't even afford tickets. Anyone that works at Burger King or any fast food restaurant is a loser. That's what is real. Shit I have been in more pain then you will ever be in and all because wrestling. Now tell me it isn't real.

' Been Dropped By The Bombshell: Gonna be all 8 bastards in the X title match!

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