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Welcome to the BRWF Wrestling Site Bridgewater Raritan Wrestling Federation If you would like to join this wrestling site, please email me at, (John), or (Sergio) or talk to me on aim at (John) tallguyatbrhs07 or (Sergio) surge500402.


Last Updated September 17- by Surgizo





Last Updated September 17- by Surgizo

I don't how many more ppv's we'll be able to schedule during school. Next time I talk to John I want to award the belts for the hell of it. Another thing for the hell of it, I put a secret page somewhere on the website. Find it and its full of valuable information.


Last Updated August 10- by Surgizo

Capital Carnage actually happened! The titles were not awarded and the matches happen in a discoordinating fashion so were pushing everything over down to Revenge.  To all who showed up I found the charger.  I'm going to be doing some work on the website. I have to read still for school so I may be busy. Here we also got the reactivation of the request page and the resignation of the news page. I've also noticed many of you want your pictures on the picture section of the website.  Well first take a picture of yourself on a digi/web cam. Then IM me or one of my associates.

Last Updated August 3- by Surgizo

Here's the shiz nat, yo! [I am actually anti-ghetto so please disregard that]  If you are going to be at capital carnage you !!!MUST!!! contact me. If you do not you will not get a match. I will try to contact you but if you are not part of my posse [please disregard that too, but get the idea] you better be sure you contact me.  So far the matches are as follows...... The Lone D vs. J-Assault vs. Brad for the BRWF Undisputed championship..... Surgzio vs. The Real Deal "J" for the Cruiserweight title.  The Lone "D" vs. the imaginary bear (don't worry, it's a trained bear)  If these are the only matches you want to watch on  your VCR that's fine with me. If not [one last time] contact me!!!  By the way I will take the Rey  demo off the website as soon as I can because thats not what were going to do until we get the right technology.

Last Updated July 16- by The Tank Moran

Attention Capital Carnage is postponed to August 7,2004.  Now, everyone listen I have planned to do this on the 7th because that is the Neshanic Stations town wide garage sale.  This event will start 1:00 pm but be there at 12:30 pm.  Any questions call Brad or e-mail me, or if you are interested in selling at the garage sale also call or e-mail.  

Last Updated July 8- by Surgizo

 John dosn't have FrontPage, La Resistenza Nella Maschera has been hacked, I've been on vacation. El Gran Luchadore is from London (HINT-HINT) I'm going to try to contact everyone and tell them if July 17 is ok  starting with Brad.  If you feel noncontacted [yes I made up a word]  then just I M me.  Good Blass Ameerica! ;>|)

Last Updated June 26 - "The Real Deal" J

It's been a month since my last update so here's the real deal~ Capital Carnage is to be held on July 17 (July 10 if we can  get a miracle) the reason for this is because Sergio will be at the beach, and without a cruiserweight title (as some of you may have observed) or more importantly, a camera, we cant do it. Have an eXtreme day!

Last Updated June 20- by LRNM

Due to the actions of G-Money as hereby quoted by "Real Deal J" G-money has been suspended due to his actions at last nights house show he will be suspended  indefinitely.

Last Updated June 17- by SERGIO

I made an article. Yaaaay!  Read it. Its in the PPV main page. We had a big event last night.

Last Updated June 12- by SERGIO

I believe Bad Blood is cancelled, but I'm not here to talk about that, nor shall I.  The plan to video tape our PPV is as follows: 1. Capital Carnage at Brads house, it will be taped on my Mini DV camera's mini tape.  2.  The mini tape will be put into a full-size tape adapter and be copied to a DVD using John's converter. 3. From there John will edit it using Windows Movie Maker by putting better entrance music and announcements on it.  4.  He'll e-mail it to me from there I'll put all the special effects and little BRWF logo on it (see video section)  5. I'll e-mail it back to John. 6. John will make one master DVD-RW and DVD-R to all who wish to purchase one the price  = amount of unit DVD-R + 4.50 rounded to nearest 50th of a cent.  Video previews will go on sale after Capital Carnage.  No set date as of yet.  Approx: May 25