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The Next Big Thing has arrived!


[- W | L | D RECORD -]

Brock Lesner Vs. The Undertaker

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We are here in the WWE... nobody has made a big impact yet... but there are rumors of a sleeping beast ready to be awoken! The NEXT BIG THING has ARRIVED!!!


~Scene~(The scene opens backstage with a big man,he is very tense looking... THAT'S BROCK LESNER!! Brock twitches a bit, as he stands there with his agent Paul Heyman!)

~Scene~(Paul Heyman is saying somthing... the camer gets a closer look!)

Paul Heyman-"Brock! We are HERE! We have made it to sWa!! We will control this place just like WWE! Now Brock, we must get straight to business on DESTROYING every peice of talent here! So do you wanna go see who it is you are destroying on RAW?"

~Scene~(Brock nods his head, and they start to head out the door, but suddenly Brocks face has a bit of confusion on it! And he stops! He grabs Paul's arm and then lets it go. Paul turns around and gulps, as Brock twitches... then Brock smiles and says...)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Paul,Paul,Paul! Why do we even have to check? It doesn't matter WHO it is! Because whoever it is will fall victum to THE NEXT BIG THING! It's just THAT simple!"

~Scene~(Paul smiles and says...)

Paul Heyman-"You know Brock, you are RIGHT!...BUT!"

~Scene~(As Paul says "BUT" Brock twitches his neck in anger.)

Paul Heyman-"No No! Don't get mad! Here me out! But we should just go check Brock! Just to see how to better prepare for him so it is a QUICK win!! Is that ok? Does that sound like a plan Brock?"

~Scene~(Brock nods his head, and then Paul Heyman opens the door and walks out of the room as Brock follows! Our camera man also follows! Brock and Paul head down the hallway, as Brock passes a make-up lady she stares at him and he twitches at her and she jumps back in fright! Paul and Brock continue down the hall until they see the "sWa Bulliton Board"! Paul scans over all the notices as Brock just twitches some more! Paul seems to have found what he is looking for and a smile comes across his face!)

Paul Heyman-"Brock, your... well I have good news and bad news! Which do you want first!?"

~Scene~(Brock gives Paul an angry glare! Brock says...)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Does it look like I CARE!?"

~Scene~(Heyman's smile leaves him, and he gulps, he barley gets this next part out...)

Paul Heyman-"Umm uhhh the ba ba ba bad news is your in the 1st match... bu bu but the good news is your fa fa facing The Undertaker!!"

~Scene~(Brock smiles. He goes to slap Paul on the back but Paul thinks Brock is gonna hit him so he is all protecting himself. Brock then says...)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Lighten' up Pauly! 1st match? That's fine because pretty soon they will all realise that I am MAIN EVENT and the rest don't even MATTER! 2nd I am facing THE UNDERTAKER! THE DEADMAN HIMSELF! People have been waiting forever to see this re-match... and now they will see there HERO FALL VICTUM TO THE ONE MOVE THAT SURPASSES ALL THE OTHERS, THE...F...5!!!!!"

Paul Heyman-"Well i'm glad your happy. Now lets go out to the ring and address this to your adoring fans!"

~Scene~(Brock and Paul walk off as the transmission fades into comercial!)


~Scene~(Back from the break, we immeddiatly go to the arena and suddenly we hear sur-real noise! And then Lesner's WWE Theme "Next Big Thing" blasts over the PA!! The crowd stands up, and BOO and suddenly PAUL HEYMAN AND BROCK LESNER COME FROM BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!)

~Scene~(Brock and Paul make there way down the asile...)

Lillian Garcia-"Making his way to the ring, accompined by his agent Paul Heyman, please welcome The Next Big Thing, BROCK LESNER!!!"

~Scene~(The crowd boos at the sound of his name! He twitches a little and then rolls in the ring! He gets up and does his little foot to foot taunt as Paul climbs into the ring and grabs the mic from Lillian! She rolls to the outside! Brock stands in the corner as Paul has the mic in his hand! Paul says...)

Paul Heyman-"Hear ye, hear ye! As I walk through the vally of the land of the giants, Brock Lesner has been awakend and THE NEXT BIG THING, HAS ARRIVED!!"

~Scene~(Crowd Boos!)

Paul Heyman-"Oh SHUT UP! You people are so predictable! Especially here in MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! I mean in August when we were in WWE you CHEERED Brock to on to beat THE ROCK! And now you BOO him??? You people are PATHETIC!"

~Scene~(Crowd Boos even louder!)

Paul Heyman-"Speaking of Pathetic... there's a certain man who my client is going to face on RAW and that UNDERTAKER!"

~Scene~(Crowd chants:"WHAT!?" And Paul gets mad and Brock starts twitching in anger!)

Paul Heyman-"Shut up!"

~Scene~(Crowd Says:"WHAT!?")

Paul Heyman-"Stop it!"

~Scene~(Crowd Says:"WHAT!?")

Paul Heyman-"Don't make me come ou.."

~Scene~(Crowd Says:"WHAT!?")

Paul Heyman-"DAMMIT!!"

~Scene~(Crowd Says:"WHAT!?" But then Brock grabs the mic and everyone shuts up!)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"When I speak you WILL shut your mouthes! And open your ears!! Because when I speak you LISTEN...BITCH!!"

~Scene~(Crowd is pretty silent...)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Now, TAKER! You think you can get through ME??? Brock Lesner!!?!? I DON'T THINK SO! Taker many have tried to bring me down! And nobody can stop me! Not you! Not anyone! I am your FEAR Taker! And I know damn well that FEAR doesn't fuel you at all! It scares you! It makes you worried! Taker you will fall fate to the F-5...AGAIN!! And there's nothing you can do about it! I am BROCK LESNER! I am THE NEXT BIG THING! And nobody is gonna stand in MY way! NOBODY Taker!!!!!!!"

~Scene~(Crowd Boos!)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Did I not just say, SHUT UP WHEN I SPEAK BITCHES!!"

~Scene~(Crowd shuts up!)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"That's more like it! Now Austin, bring on your Deadman lifestyle, bring on your soup bowl fists, bring on your "Last Ride", I could care less! Bring on your friends,your half brother Kane,your allinces, bring it all! CAUSE IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE!! KICK! WHAM! F-5! IT'S OVER!! BECAUSE I'M BROCK LESNER! THE NEXT BIG THING!!"

~Scene~(Crowd Boos and then Brock drops the mic and smiles evily as he twitches his shoulders! Paul Heyman picks up the mic and says...)

Paul Heyman-"YES! My client is going to DESTROY YOU TAKER!! Be prepared for the beating of a lifetime!! Everyone, on LAST FINAL WORD OF WARNING!!! THE NEXT BIG THING HAS ARRIVED!!"

~Scene~(With that, he drops the mic and Lesner's WWE theme "Next Big Thing" blasts over the PA! And Paul climbs out of the ring and turns around! Brock leans back outta the ring and lands on his feet! Paul tells the crowd that Brock is the Next Big Thing as they walk up the ramp! Paul goes through the curtain, and Brock stops turns around and holds his hands up and then snaps them down like he is breaking a peice of wood! He then turns around and walks through the curtain!!)

~Scene~(Backstage Paul has a big smile on his face and he walks ahead of Brock and talks to somone on his cell phone really loudly..he says...)

Paul Heyman-"Ahh yes! My cleint Brock Lesner will massacre The Undertaker! It will be great!! Yes just watch on RAW! It's on Monday night, on the NEW TNN!! He is in the second match! Ya I know! I Know! Don't worry, what Brock doesn't know, won't hurt him!"

~Scene~(Brock looks a little confused, and he grabs Paul on the shoulder and says...)

"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesner-"Wait, Paul, what the hell was that about!?"

~Scene~(Paul slowly turns around, and then he gulps... he thinks of somthing to get him out of this... anything... finnally he says...)

Paul Heyman-"Nothing, don't worry about it! Now let's go to the locker room and we can look over old Undertaker-Lesner match footage!"

~Scene~(Brock nods and they walk off...)

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