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Brock Lesnar

TheDebut of the Next Big thing!!!!

Brock Lesnar's music hits and the entrance video can be seen on the titantron. The crowd is in a mixed reaction as the next big thing makes his way to the ring.

Brock enters the ring and smiles. He grabs the mic from the announcer and speaks.

J.R.~Oh my god King, he's gonna speak. Look at the size of that man.

King~That's gotta be a lot of stacker 2 he's using, J.R., hehe!

(Brock then speaks) Brock~Ya know I have been watching the czw all my life and I must say that I have been a fan. (crowd cheers) But lately it has sucked! (crowd boos) Ya know, ya got people like Kevin Nash, (crowd cheers)the hurricane, (crowd cheers)Rob Van Dam, (crowd cheers), ya got some fat ass walking around with a golden spoon in his mouth bragging that he runs this place when he probably lies about what he makes just like worldcom and enron did! (crowd laughs)Ya got trailer park trash for wrestlers! (crowd boos)

I'm so sick and tired of watching these broken down nobodys strutting around thinking that they are somebody. Look at me! I'm 25 years old and already in the czw! I'll be competing with people much older than me. Hell, it'll be like wrestling a grandpa! (crowd laughs) You know what, why don't all of you in the locker room just shut your mouths cause you know it's the truth! (crowd boos)

Hell, I can wrestle any moron in the locker room with my eyes closed! (crowd cheers) And if what I say offends you, well, SHUT THE HELL UP! I don't have to listen to a bunch of morons living on welfare! (crowd laughs) So, ya know what, instead of me waiting around here until you wussys decide to face realty, I lay out an open challenge to any wussy who's got the balls to face me! (crowd cheers) I will be waiting this monday night on monday night bore!

King~Did he say bore? J.R.~I think he did king, what a low-life piece of trash!

King~Shhhh, He'll hear you!

J.R.~no, king, he deserves an ass-kicking for what he said! He purposely made fun of some of all of the czw's talents!

(Brock turns his attention to the anouncer table and sees J.R. red hot with anger.)

Brock~What's wrong J.R.? Choking on a hamburger? Ya got something to say fattie? (crowd boos)

(J.R. throws his set down as the crowd cheers and goes inside the ring red hot. He picks up a mic and speaks.)

King~Oh jeez, folks, let's hope and pray he walks out alive!

J.R.~Who are you to make fun of some of the czw's finest? Yer just a ***DAMN BOY compared to them! (crowd cheers and starts to chant J.R., J.R., J.R.)

Brock~Oh really? Who asked you anyway?

(Brock kicks J.R. and picks him up.)


(Brock F5's J.R. while the crowd is booing. King takes his set off and runs into the ring only to get F5ed by the next big thing. The crowd boos wildly.)

Brock~Now you all know what I meant. CZW, be afraid, be VERY AFRAID, CAUSE THE NEXT BIG THING IS HERE TO STAY!!!

(throws the mic down smiling and makes his way backstage. Emt's run to take care of king and J.R. Camera fades to a commercial....)

Stacker 2 commercial

Hungry man commercial

GTA Vice City Commercial

Overdrive of the night

(camera comes back from commercials as we see the next big thing walking down the hallway. Johnathan Coachman approaches him.)

Coach~Hey, Brock, why the attacks on King and J.R.?

Brock~(smiling) Ya know, Coach, it's time that the czw stopped smelling the roses and began drinking the coffee! Brock Lesnar is the next big thing and he is here to stay! (mixed reaction from crowd) As far as I'm concerned, good riddens! They couldn't commentate their way out of a paper bag! (he laughs)

Brock~Yeah, (smiling), and when it's all over, when it's all said and done, I will be the supreme competitor here in the czw with my hand raised in victory while my opponents will see stars while they are laid out on the mat! Coach, I have beaten the Rock in the WWE at Summerslam to capture the WWE championship and set a record in the WWE as the youngest champ ever! I retired Hogan and left him in a pool of his own blood! And at hell in a cell at No mercy, I put the Undertaker through hell in hell in a cell in the largest bloodbath ever! Are you doubting the next big thing, Coach?

Coach~(scared) No, Brock, I'm not, I was only....

Brock~Shut up! (Takes Coach and throws him through a glass window. The crowd cheers in amazement at the sheer power of this athlete.) There's more where that came from, ass****, the next big thing is here to stay! CZW,be prepared! (Brock spits at a fallen coach then walks off smiling. Camera fades off to a commercial....)

Stacker 2

WWE Anthology

WWE Armageddon

UFC 41

Don't try this at home

WWE Divas Undressed

(camera comes back from commercial and we see Brock Lesnar walking down the hallway. We see him walk in front of a door. The camera zooms in on the door and the name says "Paul Heyman." Brock knocks the door down and walks right in. Paul is scared out of his mind and Brock walks right up to him.)

Brock~Ya know word is going around that you resigned Triple H. (crowd cheers) Triple H? Ya know what, I'm glad ya did. That chump thinks he deserves to be the champ, well, nah uh! Heyman, when the time comes, whether you like it or not, I'm taking preparation H (crowd laughs) to school, and the question is, will he graduate with honors or become an early punk-ass dropout? (Brock knocks some chairs down and breaks a lamp right in front of Heyman.)

Brock~I want that son of a bitch, Heyman, so what ya gonna do about it?

OOC:Heyman or HHH please finish......