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The Next Big Thing


::The scene opens inside the arena. The camera scans the parking lot, stopping on Josh Matthews. Josh is looking at his watch as the camera picks up on him::
Coach: We’re waiting for Stone Cold Steve Austin to arrive, so we can talk to him about the Royal Rumble. He has to be considered the favorite going into it.
::Suddenly a black Hummer H2 drives up. It stops, while Josh runs up to it.::
Coach: This may be the Rattlesnake himself!
::The door opens and Brock Lesnar steps out of the Hummer. Josh looks extremely baffled to see him. He stares at him, speechless. Lesnar walks up to Josh and stares him up and down::
Josh: Ladies… and gentlemen…. Brock Lesnar has apparently arrived here in the WWE. Is that what this means?
Brock: Well Josh, basically I’m here in the WWE to take everything to a new level. Let me first acknowledge that Stone Cold Steve Austin is the man you were awaiting. Austin is the so-called favorite in the Royal Rumble match-up. Not anymore. Dave Batista is considered another so-called favorite. Who else do you got for me?
Josh: Well Brock, let’s see. RVD, Sting, Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Rey Mysterio, just to name a few.
::Brock chuckles a little bit::
Brock: Yes, Josh, I will acknowledge the favorites. They are talented wrestlers, who can definitely get the job done. And sitting back and watching all that is going on, I also consider them the favorites.
Josh: Well, yeah, they are very talented. It is really wide open though, I must say.
Brock: Yeah Josh, it was really wide open. I stress the word was too. You see Josh, when you have a nice little match going, anyone of those men could be the favorites. Not anymore Josh. You see, right now, I have officially entered the Royal Rumble, upon signing my contract here in the WWE. I know what they’re thinking. Brock’s a rookie, hasn’t even been in a match yet. Well boys, I want each and every one of you to think that. Before I showed up, this was a weak match. But you are all about to witness just how dominant this rookie can be. I have a little goodie bag I will be bringing to the Rumble, to show my appreciation of the other superstars.
::Brock pulls a bag out of his Hummer::
Josh: Oh yeah? Whatcha got there?
::Brock begins pulling items out::
Brock: First, we have a 12-pack of Coors Light. This one’s for you, Austin. After I personally eliminate you, go to the back, relax, and watch me win the Rumble with this case of beer. Next, we have a syringe.
Josh: What’s that for Brock?
Brock: This is for Batista. Batista, you are obviously a steroid addict. I thought that after I eliminate you, you’d want to pump your veins full of more steroids. You will never beat me, so you might as well keep pumping up to give you hope. I have another one for Steiner, I mean please, Steiner’s fooling nobody. I have a new baseball bat for Sting, you can play with it after I kick your ass and eliminate you. Goldberg, I have a razor for you. Why don’t you shave your head some more after you’re eliminated, it’ll help pass the time while I’m winning the match. RVD, I have a trampoline for you. You can, I guess, jump on it or something. You like to do that sort of thing. Rey, I have a nice pair of contacts for you. Why contacts? Well, frankly, your eyes are a little creepy. I think you should try to put these colored contacts in after I eliminate you, you’ll impress the ladies a little more. That’s all I’ve got. To everyone else in the Rumble, I dare you to try and stop me. I will win the Rumble on Sunday, mark my words. It’ll be the greatest first match you’ve ever seen. I will walk into the Royal Rumble, kick every single person’s ass, then come out the number one contender for the WWE title. I look around the roster and I see a lot of people that can’t measure up to my talent, a lot of people that are jokers posing as tough guys. That’s not going to happen anymore. I am guaran-damn-teeing that I will put the punch into the WWE. This was all a game before I showed up, now it’s serious. To every single scrub in the WWE locker room, watch out, cause here comes the pain!
::Lesnar turns around and walks away from Josh, who is watching him, with a puzzled look. He turns to the camera::
Josh: Well, we thought we had a favorite, but perhaps… things have just changed. Ever since the pain showed up, who knows…
::The scene fades out with Josh giving a blank stare at the camera::