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(A video comes on of a debut)

He has been waiting in hell. waiting to be freed. Biding his time until he was free to cause chaos to all that try to stop him.

(The voice of Brandovirus is talking)

Brandovirus- I have been waiting to break loose of my prison. Waiting for my chance to cause chaos. But where? The XOW for a start. I will Infect all of you with a virus. Not and STD. It is a virus that can injure your neck with my finisher which is the InFeCtEd. Are you afraid? Well you better be. Because I am Brandovirus and I am ready to cause hell. And I will start with Randy Orton. Orton, you have no idea who you are up against so you should be ready for a fight to the death. You better be ready for the monster to hit you.

Get ready to be InFeCtEd!

(Video Stops)
