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When Scott Steiner was signed by WWE, a fierce war broke out between RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff and SmackDown! GM Stephanie McMahon. Both wanted to bring Big Poppa Pump to their brands, and for good reason. Just look at him. The Big Bad Booty Daddy has one of the most impressive physiques in the world. At 6' 2", 255 pounds, Steiner is a suplex master and excellent mat technician. His skills and his brute strength suggest that Steiner will put some great accomplishments underneath his belt before his time in WWE is done!


(-- Scene --)

(-- The scene opens up with one of the WWE's newset talents, Scott Steiner, walking around backstage looking around and catching up with old friends. Suddenly, interviewer Terri Runnels runs up to Scott Steiner. --)

(-- 'The Blonde Bombshell' Terri Runnels --)
Scott! Scott Steiner! Can I get an interview with you? It will only take a second, I promise.

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Terri. First of all...What's up East Ruthorford, New Jersey!

(-- The crowd go's nuts and starts chaning, "Steiner!, Steiner!, Steiner!" --)

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Now Terri, you said you wanted an interview with The Big Bad Booty Daddy. Well, since im in a pretty good mood tonight i'll give you your interview but you have to do something for me.

(-- 'The Blonde Bombshell' Terri Runnels --)
Ok sure, fine. Anyways how do you feel about WWE and them giving you one of the biggest contracts in WWE history?

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Terri, it feels great. Ya know, at first I didn't think id like it but now im getting use to the atmospher and the boys in the back ain't so bad. As for my WWE contract, you can throw all the money ya want at Freakzilla but the bottom line is that Big Poopa Pump will come in here night in and night out, and kick ass for all my freaks and peaks. I think im really gonna enjoy here in the WWE.

(-- 'The Blonde Bombshell' Terri Runnels --)
Sounds good. How do you feel about the current talent here in the WWE. Anyone who you would like to work with? Either being, tag teaming or fighting against?

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
It doesn't matter who I face Terri, you can line em' all up and i'll knock em' back down. If I have to team with someone I don't like thats just too bad. If I gotta go out there against a guy 6 inches bigger then me weighing 350 pounds im still gonna kick his sorry ass. I don't care, i'll do whatever it takes. That includes one of the most devistating move in the WWE...The Steiner Recliner!

(-- 'The Blonde Bombshell' Terri Runnels --)
Well Scott, we've just learned that this coming Monday you will compete in a match. It will be you in one corner and in the other corner...Kurt Angle! How do you feel about that?

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Kurt Angle huh? This coming Monday...Excuse me Terri, this interview is over. Oh Terri, here ya go...

(-- Suddenly Scott takes out a hotel key and tosses it to Terri. --)

(-- 'The Blonde Bombshell' Terri Runnels --)
Uhh Scott? What's this?

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Oh yeah, that's my favor. 4 Seasons, 13 floor, Penthouse section, room 2105. See you there......

(-- Scott laughs and smiles as he walks off leaving Terri holding the key and smiling. --)

(-- Commercial break. --)...

(-- After the commercial break the 20,000 + fans are shown in the Raw Arena. --)

(-- Suddenly the arena blacks out and sirens from the ceiling start going off. Red flashes throughout the arena amazes the fans. Suddenly the camera cuts to the top of the ramp where non other then Scott Steiner is shown posing. --)

(-- Steiner makes his entrance and immediatly walks down the ramp yelling to the crowd and shouting things censored out by WWE TV. He slides into the ring and poses on all 4 turnbuckles. --)

(-- After Scott finishes the lights come back on and Steiner is shown pacing in the ring while fans start a "Steiner!" chant. After a few seconds Steiner walks over to ring announcer Lillian Garcia and demands for the mic. She quickly runs over to the ringside area and gives the mic to Scott Steiner. He begins to speak. --)

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
So I hear this coming monday i've got a match with Kurt Angle.

(-- A sudden outbreak of boo's are heard for the name of Kurt Angle. --)

(-- 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner --)
Yeah I know, ya know this guy claims to be the All-American Olympic Hero? Ya know what I see when I look at Kurt Angle? A scared little boy who's nothing but a pile of crap. Angle, as long as im around im the man! You got me? Do I male myslef crystal clear? Now, I know your gonna come out her and talk stuff and flap your gums but to me you ain't nothing but talk and talk is cheap. Cause you see Kurt, im not one of those guys....Yeah, you heard me, im not one of those guys who you can just plow through! No no, ya see im Scott Steiner and as you know there's nothin finer, then Scott Steiner! You may be a 1996 Gold Medalest Winner and the thrilla but buddy, im Freakzilla! I'm The Big Bad Booty Daddy and I don't care who you are, you can't compare to that. So Angle, I say we don't have a match on Raw...I say we have a FIGHT! Ya know Kurt, I know what your going through. I was once myself an NCAA Champion for Michigan! And boy and ain't s*it compared to me! Angle, you may be the best wrestler in the WWE but i've got something you don't...The best body in the WWE! Kurt, ya see this? 26 inches around pal. A great legend in this sport once said he had the largest arms in the world. Well ya know what? That was then and this is now. And now, I have the largest arms in the world! So Angle, what are you gonna do when you step into this ring against Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner? Angle, you call yourself The American Hero? Well boy, come this Monday The Olympic Hero will be become The Big Bad Booty Daddys personal BITCH! And that's a promise!