
[Scene:] It is approximately 2:00 on Friday afternoon in North Carolina at the Coliseum. A camera fades in on the inside of Johnny Blaze’s locker room. Johnny is sitting on his nice black, leather couch. He is currently watching some footage from a previous Crazzzy Gerard match. Johnny is wearing a pair of black jean shorts, a tight black shirt that has “Blaze Up” printed across the chest in orange, fiery letters, and a white pair of sneakers. There is a small, rectangular, wooden table that is about two feet in front of Johnny. On this table there are two remote controls, a bottle of water, and the Internet Title Belt. He soon notices that the camera is turned on. Johnny reaches for the larger of the two remotes on the table and presses a small, circular button on it. The tape then stops, and the TV screen turns blue. He grabs the other remote off the table and presses another button. The TV then turns off. Johnny looks up into the camera.

Johnny: In about seven hours, I will be stepping into the ring to fight against Crazzzy Gerard. Let’s go back to talking about your interview that you had with Alex Tyler because I don’t’ feel like I fully covered it in my last promo. You say that I will probably try to hit you with Blaze Up or lock you in the Smoke Choke at every opportunity I get because I will want to put an end to the match as quickly as possible. You say the reason for this is because if the match gets too long, you will be able to beat me. For the most part I agree with you because I do want to walk away with another victory and if I hit you with either the Blaze Up or lock you in the Smoke Choke, the match will be over. But you are wrong about one thing-I’m not worried about how long the match will last simply because I am confident that I can OUTLAST you. Then you go on to say that you will not use all of your power when you step into the ring tonight with me on Riot. All I got to say about that is-you had damn will better use all of your power against me tonight, otherwise, you just won’t win! It’s that simple. Like we have both said a great many time, it is all or nothing. If you don’t bring everything you got, I will burn you! Later, you say that I think I am the next best thing to hit ICW, which is true. But that is only because nobody has been able to prove me wrong thus far. And it’s not exactly like I’ve been fighting against bottom-of-the-line wrestlers either, so I have some reason to think this. Right after that, you say I have some things to work on. I think it’s funny though that you don’t go on to mention just what it is that I need to work on so badly. All you say is that I need to lose hard so that I won’t be cocky anymore. Well, maybe if I did lose I would stop being cocky; I’ll give you that. You then go on to talk about things that I already discussed. Blah, blah, blah. After a while, you finally get to something that could be considered important. You say that winning is allot more than talk, it is about your performance one you step in the ring. And, Gerard, I couldn’t agree more with you. But I just got one thing to say-take a look at my record since my return! I might have been talking allot of shit in the past month, but every damn thing I said I could back up in the ring! For a while, you go back to talking about petty things, then you say that by kicking my ass tonight, you will help me get to the top. Now think about that, Gerard, does that really make any sense at all? I am already well on my way to the top, and if I beat you, I just might get a shot at another title! I don’t need your advice, and I’m not gonna sit back and let you kick my ass just because you say you will help put me in the “right direction!” Gerard, I realize that it is possible for somebody to beat me…it just isn’t likely! There’s a big difference, I have proven thus far to be one of the superior wrestlers in ICW, and I plan to continue on in my journey. Unfortunately for you, that means beating your ass all over this arena! And no, Gerard, I am not scared of you-as much as you would like to think that I am. When I am toe-to-toe with you in the ring tonight, you will look into my eyes, and you will be able to tell just how afraid I am. I can tell you one thing, Gerard-you won’t see the slightest bit of fear in me. Oh no, instead you will see a fire that burns within me. You will see a fire that can’t be extinguished. You might be able to temporarily make the fire dim, but you won’t be able to put out the fire…no matter how hard you try! This fire that burns within me will continue to burn throughout the duration of the match. And as the match progresses, the flames will just get bigger. You can try to douse the flames, but you will soon find out that you are just not capable of it. And eventually, THE FIRE WILL CONSUME YOU!

Johnny Blaze just sits on his couch, and just gives the camera a long, cold stare. After a little while, he gets up off the couch and swiftly makes his way towards the camera. He stops when he is only a foot away from the camera. Suddenly, his hand comes up and covers the camera lens. The camera starts to shake violently. After about thirty seconds, the camera hits the ground with a thud. The camera then fades out to static. [Scene Ends.]