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Blaze- The Hot One
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Blaze vs Pyro
Current ECW champion
.::[¤Start Promo¤]::.

Are you
ready to be
The Hot One

The scene opens to the entrance way of the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York. Suddenly a muscular figure steps out from the corner with some fans trailing behind it. The fans stare in awe at Blaze, while he casually signs a couple autographs, and takes some pictures with them.He finally grabs his gym bag and walks down the hall. He is wearing a blue t-shirt, black jeans and the habitual black sunglasses. He walks down into his locker room, all alone. He sighs and grabs a Pepsi (take that American Idol) from out of his mini refrigerator. He then sits down upon a small couch and begins to read a magazine. He finally throws the magazine down and looks intensely at the camera.


Now listen up, a lot of things have happened. I will only say this once so you better be paying attention. I don’t know what the hell is going on around here, but I will find out. Firstly, If Alexi never died, who the hell was I talking with? Who is messing with my head? I am going to beat the living hell out of you when I find out. I can’t believe this, maybe the Alexi we see isn’t real, or an imposter? I seriously have my doubts on this one. I’m so perplexed at this situation, I want to hold a sit down with Alexi on Wednesday Night Hardcore Heaven. Right before my match with Pyro, which brings me to another topic. Who the hell does my brother think he is?

Blaze grabs the magazine once again, and reveals the cover to the camera. It shows a picture of Pyro and Shane ‘The Franchise’ Douglas standing up to Blaze and the letters ‘Civil War’ spray painted over ‘The New Age’.


Now, if you seriously think you can take me Pyro, I will be happily surprised. I have taken care of you for most of your life. It was just you and me, brother. I made sure Mom wouldn’t lay a hand on you. Ages two through fifteen, until I couldn’t stand my mother any longer. You see, our Father left us shortly after the birth of Pyro. He was smart. My mother was a controlling vindictive bitch. She ordered us around, even when we were still in diapers. She had us working once we could, while she would be popping pills or selling her body for drugs. We grew up on the streets, Pyro and me. I looked over him with my life, knowing he would be there for me. Once I could fend for myself, I took Pyro along with me and we ran. We would do odd jobs for food. I remember this one time, where this lady offered us money if I slept with her, but Pyro told me not to lower myself that low. Soon a great guy named Gold, who owned a gym called, well, Gold’s Gym, picked us up. There he taught me how to fight and box. He got Pyro into weight lifting and he became our illegitimate father. Later on, we found out he was our actual father. But before we found that out, he sent us to a wrestling camp where we met a girl named Brianna. Soon, all three of us became inseparable, in all sense of the word. The ECWF took us all, because we came as a package. We soon formed a threesome in that company, called Xplosion. Then I was offered a chance at stardom in WEW, but the problem was that I was the ECWF World Champion. So I decided to wrestle my baby brother in my last match. We had a great match, and Pyro ended up upsetting me. The thing he never knew about it was, I was supposed to drop the belt that night. I could have beaten him, but the Owner said it was Pyro’s night, and that him winning the title would start a new reign in the ECWF. I dropped the belt and lost on purpose. But ever since, Pyro thinks he is better than I am. I left ECWF behind, along with my brother and soon to be girlfriend. I enjoyed minor success in WEW, until I joined the Wolfpac. There, I was extremely happy and on top of the mountain. I decided to pressure management to hire Pyro and Brianna. They did, but Brianna ended up joining my rivals in Team Just Bring It. But Pyro joined the Wolfpac. Soon after, the title win from way back in ECWF went to his head, and he brutally turned on the Wolfpac. We had some great matches after that, I won some, and he did also. But all had interference or a tainted victory somehow. So we had one last match before I came to ECW, one last match for the number one contendership. It was a classic three stages of Hell match and I was the one staring down at Pyro as he cringed in defeat. I went on to winning the World title, but dropped it to come here. I knew I never should have had Pyro join us, I knew he would turn on me. But if he wants this…

Blaze points to the title, and takes his sunglasses off and continues his promo…


He will have to bring all he has, then some. I am the big thing in the ECW and Wednesday night, I will prove it to you little brother. Do you really think you and that little washed up piece of trash Shane Douglas can really compare to the actual Franchise? I don’t think so. Wake up from this little dream…and welcome to your worst nightmare.

Blaze walks out of the dressing room and down the hall. There he looks at a monitor with Rage on the beach. Blaze smiles corruptly until the camera cuts to show the man spearing down Iron Bull and then cut a promo on the World champion. Blaze sneers and walks down towards the black curtain. He gives the technicians the cue and the camera fades to ringside. Rows of fans stand on their feet in anticipation as the lights cut out. A slow pulse begins to vibrate through the air while ‘Cochise’ by Audioslave blares out the arena stereo and red lights flash up in the rafters. Suddenly tons of huge red fireworks explode in the sky as Blaze walks out onto the ramp. He carries the World title around his shoulder while advancing down the ramp, fireworks blasting behind him. He slides into the ring and jumps onto the top turnbuckle. He slowly lifts the title over his head and stares vacantly into the crowd as cameras flash, sending brilliant light that illuminates the body of Blaze. He climbs down the turnbuckle as the music fades and the lights come back on. He grabs a microphone from a ring attendant and immediately begins to speak.


Now, I’m sorry to be in such a hurry but I need to make a simple points clear. All the assholes in the back if you want some come get me. Now I may not be the longest reigning ECW Heavyweight Champion, but I will be a fighting champion. I will put this belt on the line against any challenger because I have to prove to everyone that I am the best there will ever be. I want it to be crystal clear, I will not hold back on anyone. Not Pyro, not Rage, not The Rock, or any of the other rookies who want their asses handed to them. I am here to make the ECW the greatest there is, was and ever will be. I was at home, watching a little t.v and suddenly a knock comes at my door. Now, I don’t have many visitors and I was with my niece, so I wasn’t in a very pleasant mood if I do say so myself. Bri opens the door, and there standing in the frame is my dead best friend. That's right ladies and gentlemen I said dead. Alexi, the sun to my solar system, the pearl to my oyster, the rainbow to my rainy day, standing there crying. Now, I become a little bit flustered and maybe a tear or so came down…Blaze doesn’t cry well. So she tells us that she never died. Now I’m happy about this, and also very confused. I may have been in La La Land but for the past three weeks, I have been talking to Alexi’s angel. Now before you go around saying Blaze should be in a room with I.V dripping needles, listen up. Whatever the hell is going on, I don’t know. I swear I saw a body in the morgue, it looked just like ‘Lexi. But then again, I don’t remember Alexi having a tattoo of a spider web on her bicep either. Well, I guess I’ve been living a lie for quite some time so far. My best friend is here and I am going to carpe diem, seize the day. Live for the moment or the moment will pass you by. I’m glad she’s back, but then I find out she still carries a torch for Rage. Am I cool with that? No. Am I going to be happy for them? No. Do I have to live with it? Yes. Then I realize, Rage is in deep, and I mean deep. He has an amazing girl, mother of his child, girl of his dreams, the best of the best way better than the rest, sweetheart that loves him. Then he has a girl who gets in bed on the first hour of the first date. Now, not saying anything’s wrong with Big Bird, but if he dares to break Alexi’s heart once more, I will have to break his god damn neck. I don’t care who the hell you chose Rage, just remember the repercussions of your actions. You pick Alexi, you have me breathing down your neck for the rest of your life. Pick Missy, and you will have me breathing down your neck for the rest of your life, or about an hour because that’s how long you would live if you broke Alexi’s heart. But enough about Rage time to start some mayhem. That’s one of Rage’s fifty siblings. Didn’t your Dad ever learn how to use protection? I knew he was dumb but come on, is it really that hard? Why the hell would the government let them reproduce anymore? Didn’t they learn from you Rage? I mean how many ugly babies do we need?

The crowd laughs while Blaze smiles out at them. He continues once the laughs die down.


Yeah, well it’s true. How many brothers and sisters does he have? Oh and did I forget to mention that most of them are all, coincidentally, in the professional wrestling business? Rage doesn’t have enough balls to face me himself, so he brings in his mentally challenged brother? Let’s just say that Mayhem or whatever he calls himself can bring it and get ready. Take all the vitamins you need, bring your posse, but the most important thing of all is…get ready. Be prepared ugly and ask yourself if you can stand the heat. Are you ready to be BURNED?!

Blaze drops the mic and looks out to the crowd while waving his World title above his head. ‘Cochise’ hits once more while the scene fades to black.