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Hey what is up. My name is Bryski. This site is brand new and in the early stages of development. Let me briefly explain what this site is all about. This site first and foremost is for fun. I will write weekly columns concerning Raw and Smackdown. In these columns I will voice my opinion on each of the matches and the show in general. Keep one thing in mind, I am not an expert by any means. My grammer and spelling is horrible. I am an opinionated wrestling fan who wants to piss and moan when wrestling is bad and I want to jump for joy when it is good. Also I will write about characters and talk about how I feel about them. Last but not least I will search the web high and low to give you some of the funniest stuff that I can scrounge up on the internet. So sit back and enjoy shall we! And don't forget to send me your feedback just below.And be sure when you send your feedback give me your name because I don't open anything I don't recognize. Thank You.

get this gear!

Something To Chew On Kiddies

Raw Rant And Rave (Click here to go to page 2)
Smackdown Smack(Click here to go to page 3)
The Daily Vent(Click here to go to page 4)
Funny Shizzle(Click here to go to page 5)