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I've broke into little Scotty bear's web site to let all of you know his day's are numbered and I will have my justice now that my brother-in-law has come to town James Justice will handle the big bad bear.

Now that I have this control over the web site I feel the urge to vent on the world backstage in pro-wrestling. You see you have some people who think they are the cream of the crop but in reality they couldn't wrestle there way out of a wet paperbag you have some who think the show would fall apart without them they have to be part of every thing going on.

Their ego's are so large they can't see that they have a large group of guy's who could contribute to the angles and storylines and could really turn an average show into a great show and if you haven't guessed I'm talking about a few promoters in this area as far as me giving it all I have anymore they can forget it except for maybe for TWA them I have no problem with. Well I feel better now oh yeah I bet you're wondering how a backwoods hillbilly could crack into a web site well maybe Mr. Bear I'm not as dumb as you thought I was. Maybe I'll drop another line into you're little site soon.

 Hillbilly Slim


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