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Utica, NY

October 11, 2002
Utica Memorial Auditorium

These are a little better than Binghamton. Our seats were a bit closer and Utica isn't as big as Binghamton, so a lot of the pics came out rather well. For now I am only posting these ones. I will make a note of which matches have more pics, and if anyone wants to see the rest of the pics for a certain match, let me know and I'll scan and post them.

Also, the comments in white are my own comments for the matches.
I'm thinking about adding the comments from Don as well. He had fun, and had some rather funny comments for some of the pics I caught, so I might share those as well. However, before I do so, please understand that though he enjoys wrestling, he hasn't seen it in a while so a lot of the new guys are just that. He has no clue who some of the newer guys are csg
So conversations between us are in Crimson and Gold. *sorry but too much white got confusing*

Match I: D'lo Def. Raven *13 pics total*

The only turnbuckle Raven perched on at the beginning of the match, and isn't it nice that he happened to be facing toward where I was sitting. Nice shot BirdBoy. *ss*
Don: *with added sarcasm after he found out this was one of the matches I planned on taking the most pics of* THAT'S Raven? Ummm he's wearing a skirt.
Me: Yeah but it's Raven.
Don: Yeah but he's wearing a skirt.

Had to get the corner shot.

Everyone else seemed to be cheering for D'lo, so when Raven got the upper hand, yall know I was the one cheering. ;)

End of match. Raven lost but still posed for the crowd. Very cool.
Definitely one of the better matches of the night. D'lo and Raven really kept the fans attention. Great match.

Match II: Mark Jindrak Def. Steven Richards *sorry only 1 pic*

Not a lot of people knew who Mark was, but it was obvious that the guy is good. Sorry, but didn't get any really good pics of this one. Missed a couple good opportunities though rme.

Match III: Big Show Def. Goldust in a 10 minute or less Match.
Big Show said he would beat Goldust in 10 minutes or less or kiss Goldust's ass. *11 pics total*

Goldust going airborn.
No real comments from Don on this one besides him trying to figure out exactly 'what in the hell is it?'

OMG this was too funny. Show and Goldust were crisscrossing the ring coming off the ropes and finally Goldust just stopped and hopped up on the ropes where he is in the pic, and Show just kept running across the ring off the ropes until he finally lost steam. The crowd was rolling. It was sooo funny.

Well when it was announced that there was 15 seconds left, Show went for the slam. We figure by the time he got the 3 count, there had to be about 5 seconds left lol. Talk about cutting it close.

Match IV: Booker T Def. William Regal *8 pics total*

Of course a lot of USA chants. Not a bad match, but even from our seats there were a few obvious misses. Regal went for a couple knee lifts to Booker's face and obviously didn't connect and a lot of people noticed that. *shrugs*

Aight, I got it. Couldn't pass it up.

Match V: Batista & Charlie Haas Def. Justin Credible & Red Dogg *3 pics total*

Justin Credible and Red Dogg. I noticed a lot of people when they read the program that were wondering if the whole 'Dogg' was a typo or something. Lots of people wondering 'WHO? They don't mean Road Dogg, do they?'

Again, people were wondering who exactly Haas was. It was an interesting match, although obvious.
Don: Ummm is there any real doubt as to who is going to win this one? I don't know who that Batista guy is, but he's huge. Those other two don't stand a chance.
Boy wasn't he right csg

Match VI: Kane *IC champ* Def. Test in an IC Match *11 pics total, but only 10 good ones*

Kane walked in and layed that belt on the mat as if drawing the line in the sand. It was great.
Don did make the comment that Kane seemed to be wrestling much more unlike himself. Don pointed out that Kane is moving much quicker than he seemed to have remembered him being.
Of course this is true. Kane has changed. I mean come on, if you go by the original story line where he was burned by his brother Taker, you have to ask yourself, considering the way his costume is becoming more revealing, where was he burned? On his big toe? *lol*

Airborn and Look out below!

Very nice clothesline. As I said, I got some decent pucs from this show. *ss*

Someone call for a chokeslam?

Hey Test, what do you want on your tombstone??

Match VII: Billy & Chuck Def. Rosey & Jamal w/ Rico *5 pics total*

Another really good match, with a lot of side comments from Don. Although none of the comments were really for the action on this one, they were directed toward Rico.
Don: Does that guy know what a shaver is? Doesn't he know the werewolf look went out in London? He looks like the guy from Xmen the movie.
Me: You mean Wolverine?
Don: Yeah, Wolverine, but only from the movie cause of the sideburns.
Me: Nah, Wolvie looks better.
Don: Hey, I never said he did the look WELL.

FYI- check the bottom of this page for some really cool info about after the show.

Match VIII: RVD Def. Ric Flair *technically 17 pics, but not all came out due to catching too much glare from flashes on the other side of the arena and the spot light*

Well they both got into a bit of a fan following showdown. RVD had fans chanting his name, then Flair had fans doing his Woooo. This went on for a couple minutes. It was fun, but I noticed quite a few people on the floor walking out during this little exchange.
Don: As much as I don't like RVD, I don't like Flair even more, so I have to cheer for RVD on this one.
Basically Don thinks that RVD is really talented but that he plays the Jean Claude lookalike too much.

Flair got the Figure 4 on RVD, and they fought back and forth as RVD kept trying to flip himself over to either get out of it or in attempts to reach the ropes.

Well, as I said about the spotlight and all, I still managed to salvage this one. Really nice shot of RVD flying.

I have to admit, for as much as RVD seems to be so full of himself in the ring, he's a great guy. After the match he was walking around ringside shaking hands, giving hugs and high fives to the fans. It was cool.

As I said above, FYI...After the show, Don and I went downstairs to the backdoor area to see if we could get pics of anyone leaving. Well as it turns out, we caught Rico. There was probably about 20 fans at the barricade and after he dropped his bag at the backdoor, he came over with pen in hand and spent a good 15-20 minutes it seemed signing autographs, talking to the fans, and even taking a pic with a lil girl that was standing in front of me with her mom.

I DID get one pic as Rico was walking toward us. However, once people realized he was coming over, I pretty much missed out on any other pics. I'm going to try to play with the pic and hopefully I can crop it enough and lighten the background so you can actually see the pic. *shrugs* Will post it if I can clear it up.

Rico, as much of an ass as you are in that ring and in front of the camera, you're ok in my book. That was really awesome that you took the time out for the fans like that.
I know I speak for every fan that you talked to and signed an autograph for, when I say Thank You, we really appreciated that.

And so, to everyone there Friday night, Thank you. It really is like the commercial where it says nothing beats a WWE live event. It's true. Nothing beats it. The energy is amazing, it's a pure rush. Thanks for the memories guys.
Luv yas.