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Wins: 18
Losses: 2

EBWF People's Championship (current) x1
It was like the culmination of everything Patrick Martin, born May 23, 1983 worked for. Although the man known to the EBWF fans affectionately as Alex "motherfucking" Shelley made his debut on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania 5...somehow this seemed bigger. Alex has spent so much time on the road over the course of the last 5+ months with the EBWF he has barely had time to stop and smell the roses so to speak, well now he has that chance. No getting up early for a 10 o'clock flight to some distant arena for Alex Shelley this time, for EBWF Destiny is taking place in his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. Alex is excited, he is beyond ecstatic, and for the first time in his EBWF career...he is nervous. Not nervous because his opponent at the pay per view Ken Kennedy, but he was nervous because he didin't know how his hometown fans would greet him. It's like in the music business you can land a record contract and tour all around the world but nothing would come close to the thrill you get from playing infront of your hometown crowd. Well Alex Shelley is not a musician, he is an artist and more importantly he is a professional wrestler. Alex wasn't always "Mr. Popularity" growing up in Detroit. In a black and white world he was about every shade of grey imagineable. Most kids back then in Detroit would watch football and drink beer, Alex on the other hand would paint and wrestle. Most kids back in Detroit would listen to pop and rap, Alex was more of an oldschool punk rock kind of guy. He always had some kind of enigmati charm but the non-conformist slightly derranged teenage Patrick Martin was never like the rest, so Sunday, September 24th was as much of a judgement day for Alex Shelley as it was for fellow Detroit native and EBWF president Wes Ikeda. Some people say that Alex Shelley stole the show last month at SummerSlam when he emerged victorious in a four way I quit match against Ron Killings, Rene Dupree, and Vampiro, is he prepared to do so again?

**Alex Shelley pulls his light blue Honda into the parking lot at the arena in Detroit early Sunday afternoon. Alex is dressed in a plain black shirt along with creme colored khakis as he turns his vehicle off, steps out of the car, then grabs his black duffle bag from his trunk before beginning to walk towards the arena. Alex's mind was running a mile a minute as he knew his first chance to perform infront of his hometown crowd in Detroit since joining the EBWF is upon him. Alex told his older brother Ryan that he would be meeting him along with some of his other friends from high school that would be attending the event out front. When Alex gets to the front of the arena near the entrance gate there are already a number of fans there but nothing too crazy. He is then met by his brother Ryan along with his Detroit buddies Pete Shuek, Matt O'Reilly, and Chris Anderson. Alex slaps hands with all of them including Ryan before the five old friends start catching up.**

Matt O'Reilly: Patrick, man it's been awhile! What have you been up to?

Alex Shelley: What does it look like I've been up to?

**They all share a good laugh**

Matt O'Reilly: Yeah so Ryan was just talking about how he could be the mystery opponent for the main event tonight, what do you think the chances of that are?

Alex Shelley: Zero.

Ryan Shelley: Hey man you don't know that, me and Wes are good buddies, he could have totally put me in that main event!

Alex Shelley: Ryan you have only met him one time, plus I already know who the mystery opponent is going to be.

Pete Shuek: It's Shannon Moore, it's got to be Shannon Moore!

Chris Anderson: Yeah...I mean, how obvious could it be?

Alex Shelley: Do you really think Wes would bother making it a mystery opponent if it was Shannon? Everyone is expecting that, and no it's not him.

Pete Shuek: Really? Then who is it?

Alex Shelley: I'm afraid that is classified information.

Matt O'Reilly: Classified my ass, that's a fucking secret and you know it!

Chris Anderson: Oh come on Patrick, we won't tell anyone!

Alex Shelley: Sorry guys, you're just going to have to wait like everybody else.

Ryan Shelley: Then why didn't you have to wait?

Alex Shelley: Well that's easy, because I'm special.

Ryan Shelley: What the hell is so special about you?

Matt O'Reilly: It looks like the Rymeister is a tad jealous of his little brother.

Ryan Shelley: What!? I am not!

Alex Shelley: Oh really? So Ryan, how is that quest for picking up a Playboy Playmate going?

Ryan Shelley: Oh I've already got plenty, I just don't want to introduce them to you because you'll embarass me.

Alex Shelley: ME embarass YOU?

Chris Anderson: Remember that one time when Ryan went into the girls bathroom on accident and tried to say it was Patrick.

Pete Shuek: *Pete laughs* Yeah, because they looked so much alike when they were little.

Ryan Shelley: What??? I don't remember that...

Alex Shelley: Bullshit! I was just teasing you about that the other day!

Ryan Shelley: You were not! Ahh...fuck you guys! *Ryan gets all playfully angry at the rest of the guys*

Matt O'Reilly: So it looks like Patrick is facing Mr. Kennedy.

Ryan Shelley: I still say you guys are full of sh...

Matt O'Reilly: *Interupting* ...Kennedy!

Pete Shuek: That's really too bad, he was SmackDown's saving grace.

Chris Anderson: Yeah, SmackDown isn't even really worth watching anymore, except for for JBL and King Booker.

Alex Shelley: *Mockingly* You wish to joust with King BOOKAH!!!!!

Matt O'Reilly: Speaking of SmackDown, it looks like WWE will be the only company with a SmackDown soon.

Alex Shelley: And thank god for that.

Ryan Shelley: You're welcome!

Pete Shuek: Oh can it Ryno!

Ryan Shelley: You can it! Everybody knows I'm a wrestling.........GOD!

Alex Shelley: All this talk about SmackDown makes me want to hit someone with a shillelagh. Any volunteers?

**Pete, Chris, and Matt all point to Ryan simutaneously**

Ryan Shelley: Oh come on! Screw you guys...I'm going home!

Alex Shelley: We already are home Ryan. *Alex nods his head and smiles*

Ryan Shelley: That we definitely are.

Matt O'Reilly: To Detroit! *Matt extends his fist to his friends signalling for a fist bump*

Chris Anderson: Detroit!

**The five old friends all bump fists and then Alex leaves the group and enters the arena to get ready as the scene fades**


This roleplay came from the twisted mind of Benjamin Anthony Nichols. I honestly don't really give a fuck if you steal my layout or roleplay, but some originality really couldn't hurt you...could it? © 2006 Afterfive Inc.