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~:::: ViCtOrIa Is ThE hOtTeSt WwE dIvA eVeR!!! ::::~

~: SCENE :~

~: Victoria is sitting in a makeup chair talking to the hair stylist :

~: Victoria :~ Hey Evelyn how are you? (Hair Stylist) :~

~: Evelyn :~ I'm fine Victoria, I hear you're managing John Cena :~

~: Victoria :~ Yeah, hes really nice I don't get why people dont like him :~

~: Evelyn :~ Yea me either I personally think hes hott :~

~: Victoria :~ Yeah me too :~

~: Both Evelyn and Victoria laugh :~

~: Victoria :~ Its crazy how some people actually hate him can you believe it? :~

~: Evelyn :~ I know, its so annoying :~

~: Victoria :~ Yeah and so is that skank Dawn Marie im facing at Velocity,she goes up to everybody sayin shes bitter like anyone cares she lost she lost. :~

~: Evelyn :~ She should definetly stop trying to beat you she doesnt stand a chance :~

~: Victoria :~ Hey, its not my fault she cant wrestle, well evelyn I should get goin now :~

~: Evelyn :~ Yeah, bye Victoria see you later :~

~: Victoria :~ Yea, bye :~

~: Victoria makes her way down the ramp as "Jenny From The Block" by: J-Lo hits over the PA System :~

~: Victoria makes her way up the steps :~

~: Victoria gets a mic and talks :~

~: Victoria :~ Face it Dawn, you cant beat me if you tried Dawn I guess im just gonna have to end your career just like I ended Lita and Stacy's so ivedecided to make this match a little bit more interesting hows about we make this match a no disqualification cage match that way I can annihate you 1,000 times more then I would normally annihate you.Its gonna be hilarious watching you take that humiliating trip to the hospital good luck Dawn beacuase your gonna need it.Its over before it has begun Dawn! :~

~: Victoria drops the mic :~

~: "Jenny From The Block" By: J-Lo hits the Pa system as Victoria makes her way back to her loockeroom :~

~: Disclaimer :~

~: Dont Steal My Layout Or Ill Kick You Mo-FO ASS!!! this layout was made by me and for me if you steal anything youll get your ass kicked so advise you to leave this layout the hell alone! :~

© Copyright Tiffany Sanchez 2004