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We can see a nice sports car pull up to a halt somewhere in London, the engine shuts down and the door opens and out steps Barty in Jeans, Leather jacket, his usual shades and chewing some gum as usual. Barty looks around and sniffs the air.

Barty B. Bad" Typical, he would live in a place like this"

Barty whips out a piece of paper out his back pocket and takes a look at it then looks around the area, Barty then sneezes onto the piece of paper by mistake

Barty B. Bad" Ah damnit!, gross!"

Barty throws the piece of paper on his floor and looks about for somewhere to wipe his hands

Barty B. Bad" Damnit to hell, i need some tissue or a BG T-shirt"

Barty walks into a building and walks up to the receptionist stood at the desk.

Barty B. Bad" Yo dude, don't suppose you got something I can wipe my hands on behind there have you?"

The guy just looks at Barty and ignores him, Barty mutters to himself then looks around when he see's an American flag hanging on the wall across the room, Barty wonders over there and wipes his hands on it and mumbles to himself while grinning, Barty then walks back over to the receptionist.

Barty B. Bad" Hey"

The receptionist just looks at Barty with a blank expression and Barty looks confused

Barty B. Bad" Yo?"

The man just stares at Barty and Barty shakes his head and mutters to himself.

Barty B. Bad" Typical, just like Brian's promos, wooden."

Barty leans over the desk a little

Barty B. Bad" Dude I’m a busy guy, can you tell Shane I’m here"

The receptionist finally moves and Barty leaps back

Barty B. Bad" Shit you're alive!"

Barty laughs and steps forward again as the receptionist looks unimpressed

Barty B. Bad" I'm just messin' with you man, anyway run along and tell Taylor that Barty is here to see him"

The receptionist shakes his head

Receptionist" Shane is in a meeting sir, please come back another day"

Barty nods and laughs a little

Barty B. Bad" Look Lurch, I have a butler myself, I give that line to him too. Shane isn't in a meeting, the only interests that guy has is women and that green wine junk he drinks, you don't do meetings about them ok. So run along and tell Shane that Barty is here to see him, he won't mind trust me"

The receptionist sighs and picks up a phone and phones through to Shane. After a few moments the receptionist turns around to see Barty talking to some pretty ladies who have come into the building.

Receptionist" Sir, Shane says to go on through"

Barty turns around and nods, then slips his number to the girls and walk off towards the doors. Barty continues walking down the hallway and looking about when suddenly he hears a familiar voice and hears some foot steps coming closer, Barty freezes and looks about, Barty suddenly spots Larry Hall coming down the hallway.

Barty B. Bad" What the hell!?, Larry is everywhere I go, can't i get a day without him!?"

Barty looks around and then runs and hides behind and a big plant, Larry passes and heads out the door then Barty comes out from behind the plant shaking his head.

Barty B. Bad" So Larry makes home visits to Shane"

Barty laughs to himself and continues walking down the hallway then stops at a door and knocks. The door opens and Barty is faced with a slightly shocked looking LG, LG then smirks and laughs

LG" Hey Shane... Speaking of has beens...

LG laughs

Shane Taylor" Who is it?"

LG just continues to laugh at Barty, Barty nods and grins sarcastically

Barty B. Bad" Speaking of has been's huh?, I guess the subject has revolved around you then LG"

Barty winks and laughs at LG, LG just laughs

LG" It's not like I didn't go out in style. Because I did... How did you go down again? Wait, you're jobbing to BG, huh?"

Barty looks down for a moment and then looks back up at LG grinning

Barty B. Bad" But lets face it LG, your career was never exactly "special" anyway, where as mine is bigger than Kilo's neck, besides mine is FAR from over junior, how about stepping aside and letting me in, i know you must be star struck but lets face it last time we spoke, I was the man who had just won you one half of the US Tag titles, and before you ask, yes you can take my jacket"

Barty takes it off and hands it out to LG, Barty then laughs

Barty B. Bad" Oh sorry I mistook you for his butler, after all you answered his door, spoke to the guest and you’re not exactly anybody are you"

Barty puts his jacket back on and grins arrogantly Shane notices Barty and laughs

Shane Taylor" Well well well.... Barty. B. Bad... What is it? On the Ryan Dice bandwagon or something?"

Barty sarcastically laughs

Barty B. Bad" Just checking up on how the man who got crushed by Brian Graves is, I mean you hit your finisher, that Steroid pumped freak Kilo hit his 515, even LG's butt ugly face appeared and still you lost!"

Barty laughs

Barty B. Bad" That's pretty pathetic"

Barty pushes past and walks into the room and looks about

Barty B. Bad" Nice digs, how long you lived here?"

Shane Taylor" Since I came to the U.K."

Shane pauses and laughs

Shane Taylor" Alright.... You're kissing ass. What do you want? Barty B. Bad coming to Shane Taylor's house seems pretty out of the ordinary, don't you think? You must want something... What you think, LG?"

LG nods

LG" Knowing Barty..."


LG" He must be up to something...."

Barty laughs

Barty B. Bad" Can't a guy come and hang out with a guy who once ruled America with?, or a guy I beat to a pulp in the XWD?"

Barty grins and gets up walking around the room; he pours himself a drink of Shane's Absinthe and takes a swig of it.

Barty B. Bad" Come on guys ease up, it's not like I’m here to beat on you, what would be the fun in beating up a never was like you LG and a cripple like you Taylor?, no in fact I’m just here to wish you luck at SuperSlam 3, not that Ryan is much of a challenge anyway, but you know how it is.

Barty takes another swig of the drink then puts it down.

Shane Taylor" You must think you're such a big shot. Because nobody who's anybody f**ks with my wine. Absolutely nobody.... "

Pauses and smirks

Shane Taylor" But you got a good point. Thanks for the luck nonetheless... I won't be needing it. But still... Thanks... Because I talked to Damo earlier. And the I Quit Match... Gone... Not happening..."

LG" The match is off?"

Shane laughs

Shane Taylor"Hell no man!

Shane laughs

Shane Taylor" Only just decides to make this match more worth watching. It's gonna be two out of three falls...."

Shane arrogantly smirks

LG" dude are you nuts. You can barely stand..."

Shane just laughs

Shane Taylor" But look who I’m facing man... Rollin' Ryan Dice. A guy who lost to fucking SVD man... And I can tell you right now. Everyone in this room is gonna have a good night at Superslam...."

Looks at Barty and laughs

Shane Taylor" Well... Hopefully everybody..."

LG and Shane laugh. Barty doesn't, Barty then suddenly bursts out into a huge fake laugh.

Barty B. Bad" Ah, that’s a good one, a rib burster, ha ha, yeah real funny. Shane I could talk all day dissing into you but we all know that would be a boring topic, on the other hand dissing LG is quite funny, hey "Little Guy"

Barty wiggles his little finger and laughs then finishes off his drink of Taylor's absinthe then puts the glass down on a desk

Barty B. Bad" Seriously though, SuperSlam 3 will be a great, not only will I, Barty B. Bad become the new World Champion, not only will Brian lose, not only will that GCW ass goblin TDK get his ass kicked, but Shane Taylor is going to leave. perhaps I’ll pay you a visit after you operation Taylor and show you what the World title looks like on a man other than Brian, as after all you failed to bring the belt home.

Barty grins and laughs to himself.

Barty B. Bad" Ah this is too much fun, where's the TV at?"

Barty looks around but can't find a remote

Barty B. Bad" Shane you should hire a maid or better yet, put LG in a dress and get him to clean this place up"

LG’s smirk disappears

LG" Funny… But it would be a shame. Because after Superslam 3… You may need to hire a nurse… And don’t look at me… I’m booked solid…"

Shane and LG laugh

Shane Taylor" And I see you’re a funny guy. You actually think you got a chance against BG You don’t even have that great of a chance holding my jock. Or better yet. Washing my underwear.

They all laugh. Barty keeps his arrogant grin on

LG" That was cold man…."

Barty grins and nods

Barty B. Bad" Look man, I stand more than a "chance" it's next to a guarantee, I WILL leave SuperSlam 3, the world heavyweight champion, something you failed to do, something that's eating you up Shane, I’m capable of doing it and unlike you...I WILL. Now you can sit in that pathetic mid card "I’m close to retirement but I’m desperate to be a star" match which Ryan Dice and warm up the fans, but the only reason they are even turning up is to watch Brian get his ass handed to him by myself. Nobody cares about Sean and they all support Brian because let's face it, before I reappeared on the active roster there wasn't one person worth watching other than Brian. Now I'm here for one thing Shane, you took Brian to the limit in your match and failed! I can beat him and will, I’m in 100% condition and you weren't"

Barty looks down then back up

Barty B. Bad" Now I need a favor from you Shane, I want to know how you caught him off his game like you did, if you do this for me, I can go that one extra step that you couldn't and take that belt, then I’ll give a man of your choice the first shot, what do you say?"

Shane scratches his chin

Shane Taylor" What do you want man?

Barty B Bad" Lets face it Shane, you out smarted Brian in the ring, you wound him up in your promos, you through him off his game Shane. But I'm better than you ever were in the ring, if you help me through him off his game, I can de-throne him from the top of the WuW, I can beat Brian. Nobody can match my skills in the ring, Brian will go down faster than Jenna Jameson and never return to the top. You've worked with him, you've got closer to him, what the hell is it that you know, that I don't. I want him to fall more than you can imagine and I know that you want him off the top too. He beat you and made you look stupid. He beat Kilo and made you stupid LG. Unlike Shane, unlike Kilo, I can beat Brian in the ring if I’m given the tricks that you guys used to through him off."

Both LG and Shane laugh

LG" Dude, for starters. It's like the game of chess. You gotta keep track of every move. And keep track of each move as it's done. Pretty predictable...."

Shane nods and cuts in

Shane Taylor" Not sure about LG's chess strategy. But Brian is pretty predictable. All you gotta do is...."

The scene fades out as Shane talks to Barty.

:::::Hours Later:::::

Barty arrives at the Millennium Stadium in his flashy sports car with a huge grin on his face, he exits his car and locks it up then heads into the arena with his bag over his shoulder.

:::::The Camera Cuts To His Locker Room Later:::::

Barty is sat watching tapes of Brian Graves and Sean Graves from ECWL when there is a knock at his door, Barty puts down his Orange Juice and walks over and answers it to be faced by none other than Larry Hall. Barty sighs and rolls his eyes.

Larry Hall" Hey Barty, I was wondering if we could catch an interview with you today concerning your match at SuperSlam 3 this week?"

Barty laughs

Barty B. Bad" Why do you bother with that pointless question every time you interview someone?, we all know why you've come to see us you numb nut"

Larry Hall" Well I’m just doing my job"

Barty B. Bad" Well if you want to talk for hours and have boring conversations maybe you should tag along with Brian Graves and do one of his famous seven hour long promo's that put everyone to sleep"

Barty laughs as Larry just shakes his head

Larry Hall" Well lots of people want to know what you and Shane Taylor spoke about earlier"

Barty just gives Larry a blank stare then looks around outside the locker room then back at Larry with a slightly confused expression.

Barty B. Bad" How in all that's holy did you know I went to see Shane earlier?"

Barty stays looking at Larry as Larry goes to reply

Larry Hall" Well I...

Barty cuts of him off

Barty B. Bad" You know what, I don't care, you people seem to know everything we do. Do you bug us?, use tracers?, hell you guys have caught me dancing to Britney Spears before, what's wrong with you lot!?"

Barty shakes his head

Barty B. Bad" Well why I went to see Shane is none of your concern Larry, we had to talk some business that's all"

Larry Hall" Well word has it that you asked Shane for advice on how to beat Brian"

Barty nods and says 'yes' then realizes what he heard and said and his eyes widen in shock, Barty looks around panicking as the crowds laughter can be heard.

Barty B. Bad" What!?, no, that’s a bunch of crap!, I don't need advice on how to beat an overrated blabber mouth like Brian Graves!, Barty doesn't need help from anybody damnit"

Barty can still hear the crowd

Barty B. Bad" And you idiots can shut up too"

The laughter changes into boo's and Barty grins and nods

Barty B. Bad" Yeah that’s right boo me, but we all know your jealous because I’m a BIG man and you know what they say about you Welsh guys"

Barty uses his thumb and finger to make a small gap and laughs and the crowd boo

Barty B. Bad" Yeah you'd better hold your ladies back, now Barty's in town they're gonna be trying to get some of this REAL man, not you weird speaking, 3 inch wiener sissy's who can't play football to save your life!"

The whole arena erupts with boos and asshole chants which can be heard back in Barty's locker room as he laughs and looks back at Larry.

Barty B. Bad" What’s the matter Larry?, you look a little star struck, you gonna interview me or stand there checking me out like some flaming ass groper?"

Barty laughs

Barty B. Bad" You know I’m just playing Larry, go ahead with the questions"

Larry looks a little nervous and the crowd gets loud again, Barty looks around and shouts back at them

Barty B. Bad" Ah shut your damn mouths, can't you see we're trying to conduct an interview here!?"

Barty shakes his head as the crowd boos loudly, Barty looks back at Larry

Barty B. Bad" Just ignore these moron’s, they’re just angry that they have, *looks to the side to shout at the fans* Nobody worth cheering that's ever come from this crap hole of a country!"

The arena erupts with boo's again as Barty laughs then looks back to Larry

Larry Hall" Now this week we've already seen Sean a few times this week, have you managed to catch his promos?"

. Barty nods

Barty B. Bad" Yeah I’ve seen Sean this week, we can safely say SuperSlam 3 is a night that I’ll get payback on him, he's been running and hiding for to long now and this is the match people have waited for, Barty and Sean Graves FINALLY, step into the ring, the only thing getting in the way of this is...Brian Graves. We don't need him in this; we've already heard that he doesn't feel we deserve a shot at his belt. Sounds like a scared man to me. But who cares, Sean and myself have a score to settle, TWO YEARS!, two LONG years this has been building up now and now we have the chance to finally fight it out. Why he hates me like he does is beyond me, he's a man I just can't figure out. Yet still I hate him with every breath I take, I will end Sean Graves once and for all at SuperSlam 3 and prove without a doubt that I am the only man worthy of being number one."

Larry Hall" Well speaking of Brian Graves; he too has cut a promo this week, did you catch his?"

Barty smirks

Barty B. Bad" Yes indeed I did, he rubbed his Fuzzy Nuts, yapped about how I repeat myself blah blah blah, then continued another one of his boring conversations to his bimbo wife and then showed the world how he owns a pair of Barty B. Bad limited edition Boxer shorts"

Barty shakes his head and laughs

Larry Hall" But he says he hasn't worn them"

Barty laughs again

Barty B. Bad" This is the same man who says he hasn't lost in over two years yet records clearly state I beat Brian is June 2001, now if we come back to the real world...not the one Brian lives in, that means he hasn't lost in NEARLY two years, Brian once again proving he's not as smart as he makes out."

Barty laughs again

Larry Hall" Well Brian and Angel seemed angry at you for firing off at Brian like you did the other day and they believe that YOU should apologize for it"

Barty nods and sighs

Barty B. Bad" You know what......they're right, I should have understood that Brian had no option but to believe it was all down to me, I can't blame him, the guy was shot. But you know what Larry...I'm going to go do something I should have done before.."

Barty pushes past Larry and walks out off his room and heads down the corridor, he stops by a few guys

Barty B. Bad" Hey where is Brian Graves's locker room?"

The road agent points down the corridor and Barty nods and heads there, Barty stops outside the door as the fans cheering can be heard. Barty then knocks and walks straight into the room coming face to face with Brian Graves as the fans roar with cheers. The two men stare each other down not moving or saying a word as Angel Baby looks on in shock. Security run into the room to make sure things are kept non-physical.

Security" Shall we take Barty out of here sir?"

Brian shakes his head and stays face to face with Barty.

Brian Graves" What the hell do you want!?"

Barty looks down and then back up at Brian

Brian Graves" What's wrong Barty?, cat caught your tongue?"

Barty B. Bad" Brian, look man we go back a long way, I didn't shot you and I was just mad at how you turned on me, you know. We were friends and you didn't even take my side, I was guilty before charged and it hurt man. And then your woman kicked me in the nuts on national TV, which kinda sucked"

Barty laughs a little and winks at Angel as Brian just stares at Barty

Brian Graves" So!?, what is it you want, I’m a busy man and I’m taking you AND Sean down once and for all at SuperSlam 3!"

Barty nods

Barty B. Bad" That you might Brian, you're a good kid, but I want to go into this match on a clean playing field with you man, I didn't shoot you and we have no real reason to hate each other, It's Sean we hate, he's my arch nemesis and you two have a rocky past too. So I’m here to say.........I’m sorry"

Barty extends his hand and Brian looks at it then back at Angel who shrugs

Barty B. Bad" Come on man, Together this match at SuperSlam 3 will be bigger than anything, anybody could have ever imagined. I'm doing the manly thing and apologizing for how I acted to you man, how about it man?, friends?"

Brian nods and goes to shake Barty's hand when Barty pulls away and slaps Brian across the face hard, the Security grab Brian and hold him back as they drag Barty from the room. Brian looks furious as Barty grins from ear to ear, he spits his gum out at Brian and laughs as the security is between them. The crowd is going ballistic with boo's.

Barty B. Bad" Brian, BOY!, that belt is coming back with me Sunday, you know I can stop you Brian, deep down you know if anyone will knock you from the top, that it's gonna be me! See you Sunday, BEYATCH!"

Brian tries to get at Barty while shouting abuse back at him but is held back by security, Barty spits at Brian as security drag him away as he laughs.

:::::Later That Day:::::

Barty is being escorted out of the arena due to his actions earlier, he puts his bag into his car and looks at the security guards, when he see's Mr. Chasez walk out into the car park, Barty sighs and rolls his eyes as Damo looks pissed off.

Damo Chasez" What the hell do you think you are playing at!?"

Barty B. Bad" Ease up man, I was just playing with him"

Damo Chasez" PLAYING!?, This is the WuW you don't PLAY here, you just jeopardized the Main Event for the biggest damn show in history, Brian could press charges and have you removed from this match for physically assaulting him, do you realize what that would do to my show!?"

Barty gets in Damo's face

Barty B. Bad" But that’s the thing man, Brian is looking for a reason to have me kicked out of this match because he knows damn well that I can beat him!, but he also knows if he doesn't go through with this match and beat me fairly, that the world will call him a coward. Brian has to keep me in this match to keep his reputation strong, that’s the beauty of it, I don't have to listen to the rules, I can do as I please"

Damo grows angrier

Damo Chasez" You WILL obey the rules, I own you, I made you, you will do as your damn well told, do you understand me!?"

Barty laughs and grins

Barty B. Bad" Damo you didn't make me, you didn't even make WuW. I made the WuW and the WuW made me, so technically I'm my own creator, you take credit for everything that I have done here, ask anyone, the man who made the WuW is NOT Damo Chasez...the man who made the WuW is Barty B. Bad!"

Barty just grins and laughs in Damo's face then turns his back to Damo and gets in his car. Barty starts the engine up and puts his shades on; Barty puts on some 50 Cent, then looks up at Damo and grins once again.

Barty B. Bad" Look after MY Company for me"

Barty laughs and puts his foot down driving off leaving Damo looking absolutely furious as the cameras fade out.