WDW Statistics: Win: 03  Lose: 02  Draw: 00   -   Roleplay: 17
WDW Achievements: Signing with the WDW! WDW Hardcore Champion(c)!
Defeated: Tazz, Vader, Hulk Hogan, Johnny Stamboli, Chavo Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero!
WDW Rankings: Heavyweight: 14  Cruiserweight: 05
Next Match: Christian Vs. Hardcore Mayhem - Hardcore Title

Forward: Hardcore Mayhem! What else is there to say, One of the most lethal matches ever to be exposed in the World Domination Wrestling, Not 1, Not 2... but 11 Men will all do battle for one thing, That being the WDW Hardcore Title! Christian having the biggest test of the night at Summerslam having to defend his Hardcore Title against 10 other men all with the desire, determination and the quality to win the Hardcore Title! This time a month ago at the biggest showcase of them all... Wrestlemania! Christian walked out the Hardcore Champion, After winning a Fatal 4 Way against three tremendous superstars... Tazz... Hulk Hogan... Vader! These three men were left shell-shocked as Christian walked out the Hardcore Champion! Can Christian keep hold of his Hardcore Title any longer, Or is Hardcore Mayhem just out of reach for Christian? Tune in to Summerslam to find out how Christian does, Also at Summerslam The Rock, John Cena and Chris Benoit all do battle for the World Title and the Intercontinental Title, Also the US, Womens, Tag Team and Cruiserweight Titles being on the line! Dont miss Summerslam, Or you will be missing out! WDW 4 Lyfe!

Scene: The first scene opens in Merry old England, The scene opens up down a street... Christian and his trusty camera man are seen walking down a local residential street on there way into town when to teenage boys come up infront of them.. Christian and Freddy Baby stop and look at the boys, the boys then stop and look at Christian and Freddy Baby... Christian begins to talk as the scene begins....

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: So...... What can I, The peoples champion do for you? You want an autograph? A t-shirt? Well i would understand if you did because i totally rule!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Why the hell would they want that, I mean your a loser!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Hey Shutup you boner-bing!

Scene: The two teenage boys start to laugh....

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: What the hell are you laughing at!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: What? Eugh, Your so unfair, I hate you..

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: Excuse me sir, but you said a naughty word, you said... err.... boner!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Oh my god! That is totally pathetic dudes... What the hell is wrong with you, How old are you? You need to grow up and get some more Christian-ified!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: No we dont, That is really sad! I mean, All me and Perry here wanna do is do it!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Do What?

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: You know, It!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: It is?

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Stick it in and out good! Boom Boom whooooo BOOM! Stick it in and out!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: You mean have sex?

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: Yes, Course we do!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Dude... You two guys have got to grow up! I mean you are really reeking of... How would you put it? Your reeking of Sadness! I mean you two are, How can you understand? Some sad bitches!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Were sad, Look at you...!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Anyway Ginger Pubes, Your mum is one lippy bitch! She totally reeks of sexual-ness!

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: Hehehe!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Shutup Perry! I just realised who he is...!

Scene: Kevin whispers to Perry...... "You know what world famous World Domination Wrestling thing, He is the Hardcore Champion in it man, He is a superstar"

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Hahaha.. Good Joke there Christian! very funny...

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: See you around lads, I have to go!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Ok, Bye then Christian.. Take care now!

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: Bye c!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: What a bloody nice bloke! He really likes us!

' Sad Act ' Kevin & Perrys - Perry: Yer, he's out new best friend isnt he Kev!

' Ginger Pubes ' Kevin & Perrys - Kevin: Yeah Course..!

Scene: Christian and Freddy Baby walk off leaving Kevin and Perry behind at the street corner, Christian and Freddy Baby turn the corner onto the next street and they once again begin to talk to each other!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: What weird kids!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Yeah, Most English people are kind of weird like that, Its totally... err... Weird!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Anyway... Your pretty relaxed!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: About what?

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Hardcore Mayhem! Its tomorrow night dont forget!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Oh Thankyou Very much! I was trying not to think about it but you and your big head have to come and blabber about it, Im not relaxed anymore! I have the biggest match of my life tomorrow night, Of Course im not relaxed!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Well you have been in pretty good form recently, I mean.. You won your last match last week!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Yeah i know but do you know how many wrestlers i have to beat tomorrow night at Summerslam? I have to beat 10 freakin' wrestlers, It will totally be one hard ass match... I wont have to Reek of Awesomeness! I will have to Reek of Ass-Whoopin'-ness! I will totally have to be on top form tomorrow night and i will be shocked if i dont come out with an injury of some sort!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: No way Christian! Your an athlete and in great condition! You can do it!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Yeah i know im an athlete and in good condition but so are all the other 10 men in the match thats why its so damn hard! I mean look at my competiton! Mankind and Tommy Dreamer! Not mentioning Tito Ortiz.... and that little bitch Spanky! It will be a damn hard match and i have to be more than be on top form... I will totally have to rule the ring!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Yeah i know, but you got what it takes Big C.. Trust me!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: I have a small chance to do well! I mean i am the Hardcore Champion now and I have been for a month, So yeah i could totally prove everyone wrong and whoop some ass in this match but it will still be hard, I just gotta get in that ring! Get a chair.... and swing..! You know it and i know it, I just gotta kick some ass... Im fighting to keep this title!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Its just another match Christian, Just think of it that way!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Another match!?! This is not a match, This is an all out fight for my damn title! I will defend my title at all costs and the only way to win that match will be to avoid me in that match! I will totally whoop everyone's ass and its not for myself... Its for my peeps! The peeps need to see me, They peeps all need there daily dose of Christian-inity!

' That C-C-Crazy Cameraman ' Freddy Baby: Yeah right... but Hey Christian we gotta go and train! Your match is tomorrow night!

' The Peoples/Hardcore Champion ' Christian: Yeah i know, Lets go... Tomorrow Night there will be a new Christian! From now on, Its not all totally about Christian... Its about all my peeps! Every single one of them, Everything i do... I am totally doing it for the peeps, No actually! To hell with that, I reek of awesomeness, Not the peeps! I am the Hardcore Champion and I am the Peoples Champion... You will all see the power of Christian and you will feel my Christian-inity! Being released on all of you... Now Gimme a Christian rulez.....!

Scene: The scene ends With Christian standing up and looking around waiting for the Christian Rulez.... Silence..... Nothing but silence... Christians smile suddenly turns to a snarl and Christian looks around, He spots a trash bin which he is next to, He kicks the bin down and smiles! He then see's an angry mother come out of her house as Christian and Freddy Baby run away!