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# 01 0 / 0 / 0 Chris Beniot? None Yet

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Global Wrestling Entertainment, GWE, opened up on the 16th of April, just one week ago. Since then, the GWE Administration have had their hands full of signed contracts. Already, in only a week, GWE have managed to sign Superstars like The Rock, Triple H, The Undertaker, Steve Austin and Chris Jericho! Even some Divas have signed up, such as Stephanie McMahon, Victoria, Debra, Trish Stratus, Torrie Wilson, Lita and SABLE! With a total of thirty-two Superstars, the GWE's Talent Roster is just about full. Just three days ago, the GWE announced its first ever Card! Not only that, it will be the FIRST EVER GWE Pay.. Per.. VIEW! A Night where history wil be doubled, and a night where you get your last chance to impress the owners.. Because on the 27th of April, this Sunday, the DRAFT Will be held! It will be whitnessed by the thousands and thousands of anticipating GWE Fans! On this night.. Brock Lesnar will be taking on Booker T. A N0.1 Contender Match to the Womens Championship involves Stephanie McMahon, Sable and Trish Stratus! Also, Steve Austin will go head to head with Christian! In the other Contendership Match to the Womens Championship, it will be Lita, Victoria & Debra in a triple threat Diva Match! Though, thats not all.. In a Submission Match, is the BEST technicial Wrestler today, Chris Beniot.. and the Self Proclaimed Living Legend, Chris Jericho, going one on one, toe to toe, to see who has the better 'finisher'.. Crippler Crossface Vs. Walls Of Jericho! Dont Miss it! And of course, the Main Event.. between The Undertaker and Triple H! Two of the very best, fighting it out in the Last Fight.. Who will come out the winners? Who will go to which shows? All to be revealed this Sunday.. Dont MISS IT.. Initial Independance LIVE! From the SuperDome, New Orleans!

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The scene opens up backstage in a GWE House Show event, where cameras head backstage into 'The Living Legends' Locker room. Thats right Ladies & Gents, Chris.. Jerichos Locker Room! Inside, we pick up conversation right at the start where Chris Jericho is pacing around back and fourth holding his head, while Stephanie sits on the couch. As soon as the Fans see Jericho and Steph, they begin booing lightly. Soon after Jericho begins speaking to his GWE Manager, Stephanie McMahon about The Pay per View Match and The Grand Opening of the Global Wrestling Entertainment!

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " Heh .. You know sumthin' Stephy. If the GWE want Mr. Roboto to be kicked out of this pisshole of a country, then thats fine. But they better not come complaining to me, because Steph.. this Sunday.. like the old saying goes, I wont be leaving any prisoners. And when that comes out of the mouth of The Living Legend.. then its a fact junior! It means.. heh.. It means, you can take THAT.. To the bank! "

' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " You couldnt be more right Chris.. hah.. There will be no more Chris Beniot after GWE's First Pay per View, Initial Independance.. Nothing left! But Chris, I have to ask you something.. What happens if he somehow gets you into the Crippler Crossface? I mean, he wont, but what if he does Chris? You need to think stradgety here.. "

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " Stradgety? heh, are you kiddin me Steph? Me, think stradgety? haha! You know, not only are you the Billion Dollar Princess, but you're also quite funny sister..haha. (Steph doesnt crack a smile) Wait.. you ment that? What? I dont need stradgety. Chris Beniot is nothing compared to me. His Assclown of a move, Crippler Cruise Control, or wait.. is it Crippler Crossface? Who the hell cares.. that assclown is gonna get a Beating of a lifetime, from yours truely.. Y..2..J! Hah! Crippler Crossface.. what a jackass! I mean, come on Steph.. All his bloody life hes been knocked around.. Lets face it.. He cant wrestle.. He Is a LoOoOosSeRRrr.. and thats why that punk doesnt have any friggin teeth left! Heh, its Toothless agression. And you know Steph.. I warned him.. I told him.. Dont.. Be.. AN


' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " You know.. (Smiles at Chris) Your right. You dont need to think over what you have to do in the match against Beniot.. You have the skill.. You are a Living Legend.. and their aint a DAMN way I am going to let you lose this Sunday. You will be 1 and 0 after Initial Independance.. And everyone, will see the new ERA in Sports Entertainment today..hah! That era Chris.. is the McMahon mind, and a Legends mind put together.. And their is NOTHING!... NOTHING.. That can stop us, because WE will BE.. The Champs of the GWE.. We will be DOMINATE DUO! Hahaha! "

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " Y'know.. Thats exactly, what is going to happen. You, The Billion Dollar Princess, the future GWE Womens Champ.. and me.. The Living Legend, The Future UNDISPUTED KING.. OF THE WORLD!! (Smiles) Every mans dream has to start and end at some point and time.. and Steph, I prommise you.. No.. I GUARANTEE You.. That after Sunday Initial Independance, yours truely.. will have made a complete ASSCLOWN out of Mr. Roboto! Haha.. They going around sayin' its Crippler Cruise Control versus The Walls Of Jericho! They are a whole bunch of dumb bucks! (Crowd Boo) I said Bucks.. Not what you filthy Juniors are thinking.. EH! These people make me sick. Why the HELL did we have to come to this pissworm of a place. It stinks! Its horrible.. and its not fitted for the Billion Dollar Princess and The Larger Then Life, LIVING LEGEND! (Crowd Boo Louder) Ah shut your mouths! (Crowd Continue To Boo) Whether these jackasses like it or not.. or whether the Assclowns in the back like it or not.. They are lookin at the Ayatollah.. Of ROCK..N...ROLLA! They are lookin at THE NEXT.. Undisputed Champ.. because BABY! I AM

Y .... 2 .... J !

' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " Your damn right Chris! haha.. GWE.. Get Ready! (Jericho goes to walk out the door) Where are you going? "

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " To the ring.. To address all of these JERICHO-HOLICS! (Crowd Boo) And the Jackasses that are left..haha! "

' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " Hah! Well, Do you want me to come? "

Jericho smiles, and then holds his arm out. Stephanie stands up, and with a smile, grabs jerichos arm. The two then walk out of the locker room muttering a few words, and laughing, as the scene fades too a Commercial Break.

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Once the GWE Returns from the Commercial, The Cameras are foucased on the top of the ramp. All of a sudden the 'Y-2-J COUNTDOWN' appears as the fans boo. The film clip of Jericho then starts showing on the Tron, as Y2J's back is to the ring. With his arms up in the air, he swings around, wearing A White, Black Checked Jacket, and White Black Checked Pants, with his Black Boots. With his cocky walk, he slowly takes steps down to the ring, chewing on some gum, and talkin some trash to the Fans on the ramp as he goes by. A man aged about 40 has a 'Jericho You Suck' sign and waves it in the face of Chris. With Stephanie then coming out of the backstage area and walking down the ramp, Jericho grabs the sign and rips it up, beginning to talk trash to the guy. SLAP! Jericho Slaps the 40 year old! Ha-Ha! As Jericho continues to walk down the ramp with a smile on his face, Stephanie is right behind him, looking as hot as ever, wearing a Black top and black Pants, and high-heels. Stephanie climbs up the steel steps first, climbing into the ring, waving her arms in the air. She then walks over to the corner and receives a microphone. The Living Legend, Chris Jericho climbs up the steps then, and walks along the appron. He then leans on the ropes staring over the Crowd, with a confident smile on his face. A few seconds or so later, he climbs into the ring through the middle ropes and strolls over to the opposite side of the ring. He then has his legs about half a metre apart, with his arms on the ropes, talking a bit of trash. Once this is done, the lights return to normal, the Music dies down untill it stops, and the crowd begin to get a little bit quiet. Steph hands the mic over to Chris, as he paces around a bit. Finally, after stroking his goatie, he speaks into the microphone.

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " WELCOME TO.. GWE.. ISSSSS JERICHOOO!! (Crowd Boo Y2J) Did ya miss me? haha.. (Crowd Boo) Of course ya did.. of course you missed me.. Because I am the only bit of LIGHT, in your misreable, horrible, PATHETIC..LIVES! (Crowd Boo Y2J Again only Louder) Look at you pigs. You should be ashamed of yourselves.. You are disgusting.. Rotton.. Filthy! You everything a CANDIAN ISNT! (Crowd Boo Again) Oh yeah, You know its true! But enough of you Assclowns.. And lets talk about whats going to happen here, this Sunday, on the First EvAH GWE Pay per view.. INITIAL.. INDEPENDANCE! (Crowd Cheer for the PPV) You know what? You jerkys can wait.. I'll save the best for last.. Because baby, Im gonna tell all you JACKASSES in the crowd how things will work around this Joint! First of all.. You refer to me as KING! .. Thats right, KING JERICHO! And soon enough, You can call me the Undisputed King Of The Woorlld!! (Crowd Boo) Because yours truely, is going straight to the top! No Pussey-Foot around! I Am A Living Legend DAMMIT.. And I am LARGER THEN LIFE! (Crowd Boo) You do not boo Legends Juniors! I am a Legend! An Idol! And the Future GWE Champion.. Jerky! It doesnt matter which show Chris Jericho, The Ayatollah Of Rock.. N..ROLLA goes to! Because if its Souled Out, or Mayhem.. I Will be the Ruler! The King! The LEADER.. Of that Program! Not only that, Stephanie McMahon is going to become the Womens Champion! And then.. (smiles) then we will be.. The King and QUEEN.. OF THE WORLD! Haha! (Crowd Boo Very Loud) So for all you Jackasses in the back.. Im afraide theirs a problem! Infact.. Its a HUUGGE Problem! Nearly as BIG as Me! The Huugge Rockstar! Haha, Yeah Baby! Its the Problem for all you ASSCLOWNS who call yourselves Wrestlers.. Its the


Chris takes a few seconds to catch his breathe, and re-think some things up again while the fans are booing their asses off!

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " But moving on.. To Mr. Roboto, Toothless Agression, Mr. Chris Beniot! Now, let me get this straight.. this jackass wants to wrestle me? The Living Legend with no firggin teeth? Hah? What is he, One of those damn Whale Sharks that dont have any teeth! haha.. Its amazing! Hell, they could probably do some sort of discovery show on this creature! Just look at the guy.. Two Teeth.. A Brain the size of his Balls! (Crowd Laugh A Little) You know, Why the hell is the guy? Lost in some Dentist trying to get False TEETH!? Hah.. He aint no damn wrestler.. I am what you call a wrestler.. I am the only Larger Then Life Superstar on the Roster! Hah! Christ.. In WWE.. I Was the FIRST.. EVER.. Undisputed CHAMPION! How about that Beniot? Have you been Champion? Oh no I forgot.. You got beaten by that Bald Ass jackass, Kurt Angle! Haha.. Junior, To tell you the truth.. You are the biggest LoOoOOoOseRrRrR I Have EH EH.. EVEEERRRR! SEEN! After Sunday, Im going to make sure I have put you out of business.. Because its time for you to go Beniot! You are the DOWNFALL To Canada, And I am here to erase you from the GWE! (Crowd Boo) So whether you show your Toothless ass up or not, You are going to lose. Because lets face it Beniot.. you and I both know that The Walls Of Jericho, have always conquered your Stupid Pissy little Crossface! I am back to win Gold Roboto, and their aint a DAMN Thing yo, or any other Jerk-Off Can do about it because I am The KING! Of the WORLD!.. And you Junior, are just livin in it! (Crowd Boo Y2J) Sunday Night will be your last night on the face of this earth Junior, because come Monday Morning, when your laying in bed all beat up.. You know, its because you just got your ASS BEAT! (Fans Boo In The Arena at Y2Js Remarks) See, you can have these stupid Jerky's in this arena, and all over America, but they are Nothing Beniot! They wont help you beat me this Sunday at Intial Independance! What they will see.. Is you ya big nosed Jerky, Getting a Y-2-J BEATING OF A LIFETIME! You walk your pathetic-self around yelling 'Prove Me Wrong'..hah! Well this Sunday Junior, I will do that exactly.. And you will NEVER! EVVVEERR BE THE SAME.. A-GAIN! And like I told Steph, When I speak it, I Mean it, which means you can take it straight to the bank! Your first up Beniot! Your Toothless Ass is First.. So be prepared, for you will find out.. That I truely am not only a HUUGGEE ROCKSTAR! Not only The King Of The World! Not only.. A Living Legend.. Not only The Future GWE World Champ.. Hah!.. But The


"Break The Walls Doownn!" Chris Jerichos music hits again as Y2J Hands the mic back to Steph. She then tosses it over to Howard Finkle, as Jericho lifts up the ropes for Steph. Steph climbs under and climbs down the steps, while Jericho jumps down from the appron, after climbing through the ropes. The two slowly walk backstage, with jericho getting a few words from Fans on the rails. Of course, jericho has his few words to say while he still chews on that gum. Finally, Jericho and Stephanie dissappear behind the black curtains.. The Theme cuts out, while we switch Cameras backstage in the hallway, where Jericho and Stephanie are heading towards there Locker Room. They have a few last lines to say, before the GWE House Show goes to a Commercial Add!

' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " You did a great job out there. See, thats what I love about you Chris! You can talk trash, and back it up at the same time.. With me on your side, you will go STRAIGHT to the top of the Ladder, no questions about it! "

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " Haha.. Why tahnk you Stephy, but what do you expect? Really? I mean afterall I am A Living Legend.. And I am, The King Of The World!

' Billion Dollar Princess ' Stephanie McMahon : " Hmm yeah.. Well lets go shopping, You can buy some new snazzy clothes, while I can buy myself some stunning Dresses! "

' Larger Then Life ' Chris Jericho : " You know me and my fashion style.. heh.. I have so many clothes that Chris Beniot couldnt even think of paying for. This Sunday.. He will be Victim Number..ONE!

The two then walk around a corner, before the camera fades too another commercial..

The Y2J Layout © Micheal Brockem -