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Name: Korner

Age: 26

Date Of Birth: 21/Jun/1978

Hometown: London, England

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 260lbs

Finishing Move: Sharp Korner

Description: Like Steve Austin's stunner except it attacks the back of their neck rather than the front and it starts from the torture rack position to get that extra swinging torque and force when it hits.

GWF Title History: GWF World Tag Team Champion (1)

Other Title History:

Bio:Korner used to be A hardcore wrestler, but in recent years he's toned down his over the top weapons use to only times when he really wants to hurt someone. Korner is now try to focus on technical wrestling, his in ring wrestling has been compaired to Christopher Daniels. His disgust with, in his opinion, the weak bad guys from the WWE has lead him to never back down or run from anyone bad or good. He'll stand toe to toe never being run off.
His signature moves are the running leg drop, the boston crab and the five star frog splash.