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Bill Jones
Bill "The Prince" Jones

Name: Bill Jones

Age: 54

Date Of Birth: 15/May/1950

Hometown: Manhattan, New York

Height: 5'11

Weight: 195lbs

Finishing Move: None

Description: None

GWF Title History:

Other Title History:

Bio: Now in his early fifties, Jones is one of the main commentators in the GWF. Before working in the GWF, he worked for the UEF, and before that, he worked for numerous other companies, most being wrestling companies, but not very good ones. The height of his career, for him came when he was a newsreader for a local news station. But, his career as newsreader only lasted 2 months before he was fired for causing an uproar by supplying alcohol to underage drinkers. To this day he still maintains that, "they didn't look like they were eight!". But now, he is attempting to propel his career to new heights by working for the GWF. He is nicknamed, "The Prince", because legend has it, that he at one time had a relationship of some sort with a member of a royal family, although this has never been proved.