Another Victory Is Near
Royal Rumble 3 Preview

~~ As you all know, Gail Kim has made quite the impact since she debuted in the Anarchy Wrestling Federation. From going to a no named rookie to Women's Champion in a matter of only 3 events, it's safe to say that nobody has ever risen to the top as quickly as she has. With a record of 4-0, Gail has yet to be knocked off of the high pedestal that so many have placed her upon. However, that could all quite possibly come to an end at Royal Rumble 3. While Gail has already stated that she plans on no longer having anything to do with the Tri-Elimination Rumble, Gail still has to go one-on-one with Torrie Wilson in a non-title streetfight. To add even more spice to the match, a special guest mystery referee has been assigned to officiate this battle. This match is a high stakes match because if Torrie wins, she'll get a shot at Gail and the Women's Championship on the following Mayhem. If Gail wins? Well, then it'll be just another victory on her record. Who will win this huge battle of the divas? Find out by ordering AwF Royal Rumble 3 on Pay-Per-View! ~~

Scene One
Relaxing With A Nice Dinner

~~ The scene opens up inside of The Embers, a restaurant in downtown Pontiac, Michigan. Inside is a beautiful setting, people sitting at tables, eating their food and engaging in conversation. In a booth near the far corner, Gail is sitting with Shannon. The 2 of them have just returned from the buffet bar and are beginning to eat their food. ~~

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
*sighing happily* I just love getting away. Sometimes it gets so busy and hectic that I feel like I have no control over anything. Getting away for a couple of hours is nice because it keeps me sane. And especially coming to a place like this! It's so wonderful, I feel like it's a fairy tale in a way.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Well, being here with you makes it even more perfect.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
You say some of the sweetest things sometimes.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
*teasing* Only sometimes?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
*grinning* Yep. The rest of the time you act like a big moron.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Hey nothin'. You set yourself up for that one, you have to admit it.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Yea, I guess I did. Anyways, let's talk about something else shall we?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
And what do you suggest we talk about my dear?

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Well we can talk about your career so far.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Well yea, because that's acutally an interesting topic to talk about as of late. I mean, Torrie Wilson, this whole thing with the Rumble...

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Don't forget Lizzy Borden.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Huh? Lizzy Borden? What the hell are you talking about Shannon?

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
You didn't know that Lizzy Borden's back?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Nope. To be honest, I haven't been paying much attention to stuff like that. As I've stated numerous times, I'm focusing on my match with Torrie and that's it. To hell with the Rumble, win or lose, it's no big deal to me. I'm tempted to go talk to Russo and talk him into taking me out of the match.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Why though? The winner gets a shot at the Universal Championship at Battle of the SeXes 2. I just don't see why you'd want to pass something like that up.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
I've already told you Shannon. The reason is because I've already got all the gold I want right now with the Women's Championship. The Universal Title is in my future without a shadow of a doubt, but I want it to come later on after I've been around for a while proving myself.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Well that wasn't the situation with the Women's Title, so why is it like that with the Universal Title?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Because, it's just different. The Universal Title is the highest belt a person can get in this company and when I finally get the chance to go for it, I want to be completely prepared. I don't know how many times I have to say that.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Alright, alright. I'll drop it. So moving on....are you looking forward to your match?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Duh, you know I am. Honestly, I really have to wonder about the things that you ask sometimes. I've been waiting for this match all wekk long.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Do you think Torrie Wilson's prepared?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
I highly doubt it. She's probably off doing some nice little family charity fundraiser. And if she's not doing that she's off at the clinic picking up this week's supply of her happy pills.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
C'mon Gail, you don't really think she's that bad do you?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
I think she's that bad and then some Shannon. She's so sickeningly sweet to everyone and everything, it's not even funny. I cannot stand her!

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
There's nothing wrong with being happy is there?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
No, there's not, but she over-works it just a little too much. Besides, you're supposed to be on my side.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
I am!

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Then why the hell are you defending Torrie Wilson?

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
I dunno.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Is that the best you can come up with? Because if so, that's pretty damn sad.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Sorry, I just don't know what to say.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Well I do. *gets up from the table* Consider this night to be over!

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Hey! Where're you going?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
I'm leaving...and I'm leaving without you.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €
Why? What did I do?

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Figure it out for yourself. Ciao.

€ 'The High Flyin' Hunk' // Shannon Moore €

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
Spare me the explanation because as I said, I'm gone now bye bye.

With a huff, Gail leaves the restaurant, leaving a dazed and confused Shannon still sitting at the table as the scene fades out.

Scene Two
An Inring Promo

~~ The scene fades in to the enourmous Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, the site of the Royal Rumble 3 Pay-Per-View. The crowd in attendance is a wild one, cheering and screaming and making all kinds of noise. Suddenly, "Set Me Free" begins to play over the P.A. system and the fans begin to boo as Gail comes out from the backstage area with her title over her shoulder, a smug look on her face as she flips the fans off.

As the fans continue to boo, Gail makes her way down the ramp, and sees a sign that says "Gail Kim Sucks!". Enraged, Gail yanks the sign from the fan's hand and rips it in half, spits on it and then tosses it onto the ground. She then walks over to the black steel stairs and makes her way up and enters the ring through the second rope. She then walks to the center of the ring and raises her belt into the air. She then walks over to Lillian Garcia and snatches the microphone from her. As Lillian leaves the ring, Gail holds the microphone up to her mouth and once her music fades out, she begins to speak.

€ 'The Asian Sensation' // Gail Kim €
If you'll all please just quiet down for a moment, I have something to say. *Fans shockingly quiet down* Thank you oh so very much. Anyways, I'm out here to talk about my Royal Rumble match against Torrie Wilson, as I'm sure you all know. Since her little thing on Confidential, it seems as though Torrie's gone into hiding. I wonder why that is? Some say that the fear has finally hit her, some say she just simply hasn't gotten to Pontiac yet. What's my opinion? I think I'd have to go with the first one. I don't know why, I just always seem to strike fear into the hearts of my opponents. Maybe I'm just an intimidating person, I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm a winner. You all know I dropped out of the Royal Rumble match so I could focus on this match with Torrie, and I know some of you are disappointed by that but you shouldn't be. Because with that match no longer in my way, I can fully focus on this whole ordeal with Torrie and I can put all of my efforts into making her life a miserable and painful version of hell on earth. I know that everytime she's actually had the guts to speak up, she's been confident in the fact that she'll beat me and convinced that she's going to have the storybook career by becoming the Women's Champion. Well I can assure you that none of that is going to happen anytime soon, at least not while I'm around. The only way this title is coming off of me is if I'm seriously injured, or if I quit-which will never happen-or get fired, or retire. And while I may not be a fortune teller, I don't see any of that happening in the nearby future. Hell, I haven't even hit my prime yet, so why would I leave? That would be a bit stupid of me to do something like that when everything's going so perfectly for me. The thing is, that since I'm still pretty new in this company, people don't think that I'm deserving of the success that I've achieved. They immediately assume that I've slept around to get my way to the top. Well, I can assure you that's not the case. I am where I am because I'm good at what I do. And I will show you that when I break apart your precious little Torrie Wilson at the Royal Rumble. Because no matter what type of match this is, and no matter who the referee is, I will be walking out the winner. And that my friends, is the truth plain and simple. So get one last look at Torrie if she ever shows up at the arena. Because that will be the last time you ever see her like that again. I promise you, Torrie Wilson will never ever be the same again. Until then folks...ta!

"Set Me Free" begins to play over the speakers once again as Gail smirks and drops the mic. She raises her title into the air and slides out of the ring and makes her way up the ramp, holding her title in the air the whole time as the scene fades out to black.
