Last Week on Mayhem

Last Week, on Monday Night Mayhem, Christian shocked the the world when instead of announcing his retierment, announced that he would face Rey Mysterio Jr. at the biggest event of the year, WrestleMayhem Five! What does the co-Owner of the Anarchy Wrestling Federation Rey Mysterio Jr have in store for Christian tonight, as the contract signing to the big Malce Through The Looking Glass Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship Match takes place?

With WrestleMayhem a few weeks away, what will the AwF Superstars do to take the advantage, leading up to the biggest show of the year! Find out tonight!

The Birmingham NEC
Birmingham, England

August 28th, 2006

QUEEN OF THE WORLD MATCH: AwF Baddest Bitch Championship
Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee
Gorgeous George

Kimberly Page

Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain

Queen Victoria and Johnny Stamboli
The Godfather and The Rock

Dawn Marie
Vince Russo

-This Week's Superstar Awards!
-AwF WrestleMayhem Five Main Event contract signing TONIGHT!
-The Mayhem Girls debut tonight!
-AwF superstars in action!

AwF Monday Night Mayhem opens up, and we see Rey Mysterio Jr looking at his office door. It has Lizzy Borden and Rey Mysterio Jr on the door, but he see's that Lizzy's name is above Rey's. He see's this as a mistake, and begins to fix this when Lizzy Borden walks up to the scene with her axe in her hand. Rey turns around with the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, and looks at Lizzy.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.:...What?

Lizzy Borden: What the fuck do you think you're doing?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Somebody made a mistake, i'm fixing it.

Lizzy Borden: Should I get you a step ladder, you short shit? Or maybe I'll just kick your fucking ass.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: I'd like to see you try it, you fucking slut. Don't you have a penis to gag on? I got a show to run here.

Lizzy Borden: You've got a show? Come on stop joking you can't be so dumb that you actually think this is your show.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Well..*Rubs his belt*..I am the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion.

Lizzy Borden: So what bitch? You only have the belt because I haven't come after it...yet! Besides, if you hadn't had been all up in my business this fucking show would completely belong to me, but since you don't have an original idea in your head and copied my idea, I do own half of it.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Let me tell you something, Lizzy. You don't know the first thing about running a company. You don't know what it takes to handle a whole roster. Now i know you know alot about handling alot of men at one time, but you don't know how to put on a show like me. Now, just sit back and watch me put on a great Mayhem, and maybe after the show is over, i'll let you touch it.

Lizzy Borden: I'm sorry, Rey but you have to be at least this high...[she puts her hand over his head] to talk shit to me. I ran a whole fucking wrestling company, it was called XPW, remember, what the fuck have you done other than stick your dick in Trish's dirty pussy and have your little fucking minions win titles for you.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Bitch, how long did XPW last? Who gives a shit about one of those little porn and clown filled promotions anyway, And you are making yourself look like a fucking fool with your "short" jokes. Anyone would look short in yuor high heels. If you toom those damn heels off, i would stand over you, fucking hoecake.

Lizzy Borden: Yeah you probably would bitch, but the difference is, I'm a girl and you're a sorry excuse for an attempted man, you should be taller. [She laughs] But moving on...if you move my name from on top of yours I'll break the fucking door down and then neither of our names will be on it. It's either my way....or no fucking way at all.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Bitch, you got me fucked up. We might be "buisness partners", but i can't wait for this shit to be over. After i beat Christian at WrestleMayhem, i'm going to take total control over AwF. but untill then, you are going to do as i say..and MAYBE i'll keep you in this company as my personal fuck slave.

Lizzy gets angry at first but then starts to laugh.

Lizzy Borden: Little boy, there is no way I'd be a slave to two inches....sorry....unlike these other bitches I have standards and I'm hate to be the one to inform you, but you don't meet them. [She smirks] And once Christian beats you at WrestleMayhem, hopefully you'll take your overrated ass back into obscurity....or...[she licks her lips] I could take matters into my own hands and break your neck....AGAIN

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Get's in her face*..I'd like to see you fucking try it..

Lizzy Borden: *Lizzy grips her axe* You give me a reason and I will! Don't fuck with me Rey, or you'll get the same shit that's coming to that pansy ass Showtime on Mayhem. I would hate to have to make an example out of you.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: You're lucky for the fact that i want to see him much as i fucking hate you..i know you can pull it off..or at least i THINK you can.

Lizzy Borden: Oh, babe, I can and I will and after WrestleMayhem when I reclaim my fucking Intergender US Title, I'm coming after you....that is unless Christian kicks your fucking ass like I know he will.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Number one..don't you EVER in your fucking life call me babe. Number Two, don't you ever question me when it comes to WrestleMayhem, i am undefeated at WrestleMayhem, and number three, i dare you to challange me. I fucking dare you, Lizzy. You almost ended my fucking career a few years ago, and i swear to fucking god if i ever meet you in the ring, i'll fucking murder your ass.

Lizzy Borden: Blah...blah...blah...blah...whomp...whomp...are you done with your little speech? Or should I continue to pretend to listen?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: You don't have to listen, you can get the hell out of my sight. As a matter of fact, leave me alone, i'm going to relax in my office.

Lizzy Borden: Uh...don't you mean our office? [she smirks.] And as a matter of fact, I think I might come and relax myself...after the day I've had I deserve it.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Um..i'm sorry, but i was here first, and i need some privacy, so if you will excuse me...*Opens the door*...

Lizzy laughs and walks up behind him.

Lizzy Borden: I'm sorry too because it's my fucking office too and I'm coming in. You know if it bothers you so much maybe YOU should be the one to get the fuck on.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Oh i ain't going nowhere.

Lizzy Borden: Well, neither am I.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: It looks like we have a problem then..*Leans up against the door and waits for Lizzy to leave*..

Lizzy Borden: *Crossing her arms* The only problem I see is you.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Takes off his title, and sits on the floor*..This sure is a nice office.

Lizzy looks down at him and laughs.

Lizzy Borden: You just can't admit that you're below me can you? You're shorter than me, you're name is below mine on the door and now your ass is on the floor...*she shakes her head and tsks* You're pathetic.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: I'm sorry, are you talking right now? All i hear is some meaningless moans coming out of your cum infested mouth.

All the sudden VIRGIL! walks up to the scene as the fans erupt in cheers, even starting a VIRGIL! chant.

VIRGIL!: Hi guys! Can i have a match tonight!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: HELL FUCK NO FUCKING HOECAKE! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!

*Virgil crys*

Lizzy Borden: Don't talk to him like that you fucking bitch! Only I can yell at him!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: I can yell at anyone i want! Virgil, you are fired!

VIRGIL!: Noo! Please!

Lizzy Borden: *She gasps* Nope, Virgil you're rehired!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: No, you're Fired!

Lizzy Borden: You're rehired!

*virgil passes out*

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Dammit Lizzy!

Lizzy Borden: Fuck you Rey, leave him alone, he doesn't mean any fucking harm!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: We don't need talentless losers in this company. You are enough.

Lizzy Borden: Well then, by you're own words, you're fired mutherfucker and so is the rest of your pathetic crew!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Laughs*..You wish you could fire me.

Lizzy Borden: I wish you would shut the fuck up, actually. *She nudges Virgil* Virgil, wake up!

VIRGIL!:..*Virgil wakes up*..Hi Lizzy!

Lizzy Borden: Get the fuck out of here, before Rey fires your ass again.

VIRGIL!: Ok! *Virgil runs away*..

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: I don't get it..why would you want to keep him around?

Lizzy Borden: Why don't you mind you're fucking business.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Shakes head*..You are such a fucking softy...*Grins*..

Lizzy Borden: You take that back mutherfuker, I'm evil and I'm goddamn cruel!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Aww..*Pinches her cheak*...You are so cute.

Lizzy Borden: Cute? I'm fucking hot bitch! *She slaps his hand away and grips her axe* Don't fucking make me kill you!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Pushes her by the shoulder*..Don't you ever fucking touch me again.

Lizzy Borden: *She pushes him back* You fucking touched me first bitch. *She frowns* I'm not going to play your little preschool games, move the fuck out of my way, so I can go into MY office!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Bitch, i'm not going anywhere. It looks like we are roomates.

Lizzy Borden: What the fuck ever, let's just go into the goddamn office already and stop standing out here like two idiots!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: ..*Walks into the office*..You're the idiot.

Lizzy Borden: *Follows him inside* Your mama bitch now shut the fuck up!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: You shut the fuck up first.

Lizzy Borden: *rolls her eyes* Grow up a little and I'll think about it.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Close that door, where where you raised, a barn?

Lizzy Borden: I was raised in the barn but yet you're the jackass! *Lizzy slams the door*

Lizzy slams the door behind her as the fans in the arena laugh and cheer as the Mayhem intro starts up.

Video Image: Raven falling off the Anarchy-Tron through the glass stage at WrestleMayhem One.

#Free, you better love me#

Video Image: Godsmack drummer pounding the drums.

#And hide or run away#

Video Image: The Rock drinking a beer.

#From all your yesterdays#

Video Image: Serenity walking out to the stage with a smerk on her face.

#Speak the truth or make your peace some other way, oh yea, yea#

Video Image: Trish Stratus nailing Court Caution with a Chick Kick.

#Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me#

Video Image: Rey Mysterio Jr jumping off a boucany with the Westside Dive.

#Will speak to me!#

Video Image: Christian beating his chest with his hood on.

#And way beyond your controlling mind (mind)#

Video Image: Austin Aries walking down the isle.

#And no more believing in all your precious lies#

Video Image: Mr. Showtime screaming on the top of a building at night.

#Speak the truth or make your peace some other way, oh yea, yea#

Video Image: A logo that reads 'Since 2000 Years, Still the Origin of Extreme"

#Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me#

Video Image: Vince Russo laughing.

#Will speak to me!#

Video Image: Motorcycles spinning out in the parking lot.

#Speak the truth or make your peace some other way, oh yea, yea, yea#

Video Image: Serenity with "Reality's a bitch" on Dawn Marie.

#Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me#

Video Image: Edge spearing Showtime.

#Will speak to me!#

Video Image: Mizz Debra with Stephanie Bellers.

#Speak the truth or make your peace some other way, oh yea, yea#

Video Image: Jake Matthews smiling at an AwF fan.

#Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me#

Video Image: John Cena falling off the top rope after a conchairto by Trish Stratus and Regina DiMaggio, then falling through three table's.

#Will speak to me!#

Video Image: Lizzy Borden holding up her Wooden Axe.

#Speak the truth or make your peace some other way, oh yea, yea#

Video Image: VIRGIL! dancing at the entranceway with some gummy bears in his hand.

#Well I never knew, but I believe that your trust in me#

Video Image: Mr. Showtime hitting Rey with the Showtime Split in the Malice Through The Looking Glass Match.

#Will speak to me!#

Video Image: Johnny Stamboli hitting a ref with the Stamboli Stick.


Video Image: Kimbelry Page hitting Gorgeous George with a Diamond Cutter.


Video Image: Austin Aries in a lightning Storm.


Video Image: Vince Russo and Stephanie Bellers French Kissing.


Video Image: The Godfather dancing with his hoes.


Video Image: Rey Mysterio Jr holding up his AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship and kissing it.

Anarchy Wrestling Presents...
Monday, August 28th, 2006


(("The scene fades in with the AwF Monday Night Mayhem Theme "Speak!" by Godsmack blasts over the arena speakers.The arena that is PACKED to the raptors! Fans of many shapes,sizes,colors,and smells are jam packed in The Birmingham NEC in Birmingham, England! The ring has a huge red "AwF:The Origin of Extreme" label in the middle of it,and is surrounded by black and red ropes.The top and bottom ropes are red,the middle is black. As the huge pyro and lazor show continues,various AwF Superstars are shown on the huge Russo-Tron. The lights come back to normal as fans signs are shown throught the arena such as,"CHRISTIAN=NEW WORLD CHAMPION","I STOLE LIZZY'S AXE!" and "A-W-FUCKIN'-F!".The pyro calms down as fans explode in cheers of,"A-W-F!" ))

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

((Joey Styles and The Macho Man start off the show as the crowd calms down. ))

Joey Styles: The Birmingham NEC in Birmingham, England is packed tonight! Welcome everyone, i'm Joey Styles alongside The Macho Man Randy Savage, and tonight, we will see the official contract signing for the Main Event of WrestleMayhem Five as Rey Mysterio Jr put's his Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship on the line against Christian in a Malice Through The Looking Glass Match! Also, we will crown a new AwF Baddest Bitch Champion tonight in the first ever Queen Of The World Match!

Macho Man Randy Savage: OOOOH YEAH!! Before this night is over, we will see who will gain the momentum, heading into WrestleMayhem!

Joey Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, i'm getting word that something is happening backstage..

[ The lights go out and "When I Am Queen" by Jack Off Jill blast over the PA system. The crowd comes alive as the strobe lights start to flicker. In the darkness a figure appears on the ramp as the crowd starts to chant. ]


[ The strobe light continued to flicker as a blood red spot light shined down on the ramp. Queen Victoria stood in red light with a sick smile on her face and her crown on her head. She slowly made her way down the ramp and to the ring. Victoria stopped at ringside and looked around, getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. But like always she spotted her boys. A group of five guys in the front row with their shirts off bowing to her greatness. Queen Victoria smiled again as she made her way up the steps and into the ring as she did the lights came back on. She then grabbed the mic and adjusted her crown just a bit as her music started to fade. ]

Queen Victoria: [ Victoria placed her hand on her hip as she brought the mic to her lips. ] I'll try to make this as short and sweet as I can. So that even you people here in.. [ She paused looking around. ] wherever the hell we are tonight, can understand. [ The crowd booed. ] I've requested this time to introduce to you someone who is very important to me. A man who at WrestleMayhem Five.. along side yours truly, will dominate in the NO FUCKIN' LIMITS match! We will single handedly take turns in destroying the competition. A man who on any other night would need no introduction! Which brings me to why I'm out here. Tonight is unlike any other. For I have found THE KING OF ANARCHY! At this time I'd like to ask you.. NO, I DEMAND that you ALL rise! Turn your attention to the entrance. [ Victoria points up to the ramp. ] FEAST YOUR EYES ON THE GREATNESS THAT IS..... KING ARIES!

[ The lights in the arena go out again as "Dig" by Mudvayne hits the PA system and the lights suddenly come on red as a liquid looks as though it pours over the Russo-Tron Austin Aries name appearing in a barbwire looking font. Smoke pours over the stage lightly coating the surface as he comes out to the top of the entrance ramp with his head down. A crown on the top of his head as he puts his head back looking at everyone in attendance throughout the crowd before he walks down the entrance ramp. He reaches the steps and gets to the middle before wiping his feet in the general direction of the fans with a smirk on his face. He then climbs the rest of the way and walks to the middle of the ropes and climbs in accepting the microphone from Victoria whose hair he pulls back and he proceeds to what looks like attack her with a kiss before pulling away abruptly. ]

King Aries: That's right everybody feast your eye upon what a true King of Anarchy looks like. You see each and every one of you needs to realize what this means for the Anarchy Wrestling Federation. This means that at WrestleMayhem, we are going to be providing you with the single greatest spectacle that anybody has ever seen. You see we may be going up against one another. [ He walks over to her and kisses her softly on the lips. ] But that isn't anything that we haven't done before.

Queen Victoria: [ Victoria looked him in his eyes as a smirk slowly came over her face. She then ran her hand down his arm grabbing the mic from his hand. Victoria brought the mic back to her lips as she took a step back. ] That's right. [ She turned away from him facing the crowd. ] Even though we're facing each other, we both know what will come of the match. I will be the next Intergender United States Champion.

King Aries: [ Aries gets a smirk on his face, as he walks over an genlty takes the mic from her hand. ] Honestly, you don't know me as well as you thought you did huh? I mean, we all know that I'm going to be the one at the end of the night with my hand raised and with the Intergender United States Championship wrapped around my handsome waist. [ He now motioned with his hands at his waist. ] Because let's face it dear, you don't know what I'm capable of truly, and you're sure to be surprised come WrestleMayhem.

Queen Victoria: [ Austin handed her the mic. ] Correct. I don't know what you are capable of. [ She smiles. ] Inside the ring. [ She paused for a second raising her index finger. ] But I do know what I'm capable of. And more importantly.. I know what I'm capable of at an event like WrestleMayhem. After all.. I am undefeated at WrestleMayhem, I won my first Championship at WrestleMayhem One. A Championship I single handedly made synonymous with the name.. Queen Victoria. [ She licked her lips placing her free hand back on her hip. ] I think you should just cut our loses now.. save yourself and your male ego the embarrassment.

King Aries: [ He shook his head with a slight chuckle as he took the mic back. ] I would tell you that you are out of your mind, but that would be stating the obvious. [ He slowly ran a hand over his chin. ] So you are undefeated at WrestleMayhem, but have you ever had me as an opponent. When it comes time for the biggest events, I'm in prime condition. [ He walked up to her and placed a hand on her cheek. ] Let's face it, what it all is going to boil down to is who is hungrier and you know I can never get enough. [ He leaned in and licked at her neck before taking a bite. ] And you should know that better then anyone.

Queen Victoria: [ She grabbed the his hand raising it to her mouth so she could speak into the mic. ] Right again. I do know better than anyone else in this arena. [ Victoria smirked to herself before grabbing the back of Austins head gripping his short hair between her finger nails as she yanked back his head getting in his face. ] Which is exactly why.. I'll be looking forward to it. [ Austin nodded a bit as Victoria let go of his head and pushed him away snatching the mic back at the same time. ] All in due time as they say.

King Aries: [ Aries grabs her hair and pulls her back towards him and wrapping an arm over her shoulder before grabbing the mic back. ] As AROUSING as this arguement is for the both of us, my Queen. I feel it's time that you properly made me your King. After all, I'm looking forward to what I was promised.

[ Without saying anything Victoria pulled away from Austin. The crowd grew silent unaware of what was going on as Victoria exitted the ring and lifted up the apron. Victoria now pulled a person out from under the ring that had a black sack over their head. She rolled the person into the ring as Austin now grabbed them setting them up so they were on their knees and Victoria got back into the ring. Queen Victoria slowly strutted over to the person on their knees and grabbed the black sack. She looked at Austin with a sick smile as the unknown woman, whose hands were tied behind her back, began to kick about. Austin let out a slight chuckle amused by the cries for help coming from inside the sack. He stepped back as Victoria pulled the sack off and tossed it away, revealing a scared and helpless blonde. Victoria now ran a hand over the blondes cheek as the girl pulled away but Victoria grabbed her by the hair and scratched open her face as blood began to trickle down her cheek. The blonde cried out, but the gag in her mouth only muffled her screams. Victoria then licked the tips of her bloody fingers as she looked at Austin, who was clearly aroused by this. Victoria began to pet the blonde, gently running her hand through her hair. Austin leaned in whispering something in Victoria's ear as the blond tried to pull away. Queen Victoria suddenly snatched her up by the hair and nailed her in the face with a knee lift, smashing her knee into the blondes face. A loud pop was heard followed instantly by blood from the womans nose. The woman now screams in pain as blood trails down her face over her lips and chin, slowly making it's way down her neck and over her chest. Austin and Victoria get several spurts onto themselves before Austin grabs the girl by her face and licks up her chin over her lips before smiling. The girl still trying to pull away but Austin grasps her firmly by the throat before biting her nose and pulling away as another couple of streams blast forth spraying Aries and Victoria once again before Victoria now kneels down next to Aries and the two embrace in a passionate kiss. Austin now shoves the blonde onto her back and runs a hand over Victoria's right cheek leaving a trail of blood across it before giving a lick. Victoria tilts her head back as Austin continues to ravage her, they both let out a sick laugh before standing up and leaving the ring, the crowd in silence as emt's rush the ring to help the woman. ]

The crowd gives off mixed reactions as Rob Conway stands backstage talking to someone before she walks off. He smiles and watches closely until he's caughtoff guard by a soft voice from behind him. He turns around and suprised he sees Debra looking at him.

Mizz Debra: Tell me your not "aligned" with her..are you?

Rob Conway: ...Huh? Oh, you mean Kimberly? She denies she has feelings for me in public, but I know what's really in her heart.... no one can resist The Con-Man. ...Why, even someone whose menstrual cycle has probably long stopped workin', such as yourself, has a desire for me as well.

Debra rolls her eyes.

Mizz Debra: Just answer the question?

Rob Conway: ...Well, she gets upset if I talk about it, but between you and me... oh yeah, I'm the man that Booty Babe comes home with. Why do you ask? ....Were you interested in me? I don't blame you

Mizz Debra: To be quite honest..I'm more interested in you now than I was before hearing that. Knowing that you've aligned yourself with THAT has-been, you may need me now more than you think.

Rob Conway: Really? ...And why do you believe that I.... Rob Conway.... need YOUR help so badly?

Mizz Debra: Without looking into the fact I'm the best manager available.. I think it's self explanatory at this point. Besides didn't you hear? I've got something Kimberly could never offer you. 1 million dollars of my money and a personal invitation to my invitational.

Rob Conway: ....A million bucks, huh? ...Hmmm... It's always good to make a few extra bucks. ...And what would I have to do to get that money? Pose for Playgirl, be your date for one night? Something like that?

Mizz Debra: [she laughs] Taken that you'd accept, all you'd have to do would beat someone else who's already accepted the offer. That's it.

Rob Conway: That's it? ....Beat some chump? ...Wealthy yet not so attractive woman, do you know I am? ...I'm Rob CONWAY... I'm the most admired man on the face of the earth. Do you know how easy it would be for me to beat ANYONE that's lined up in front of me? Is anyone in line for this challenge already?

Mizz Debra: [frowns alittle yet humored by his attitude] I'm aware of who you are, that striked my interest. You've been against some top notch people here in AwF. And you would be the perfect challenge, for a perfect match, of ability and testorne for my services good friend.

Rob Conway: You're damn right I'd be the perfect challenge! ...And who might this "good friend" standin' between me and my money be?

Debra steps aside as she knocks on a door that she had just came out of. Curious as to who's behind it, yet very confident, Conway strokes his chin as he waits. The door opens and on the other end is former UPW World Champion, the insane..PSYCHO SID. Conway's eyes widen as he looks up at the monster. Then a look of disgust comes across his face.

Rob Conway: This guy's an ugly FREAK! Look at him, he's leakin' with flab! The Con-Man would have no problem knockin' this ogre down a few notches for a million bucks. ....You name the place and I'll be there to collect my money, sweetheart!

Mizz Debra: Than it's settled. The Debra invitational. Rob Conway against the MONSTER..Sid Vicious. Next week on Mayhem. [she smiles looking back at Sid who grunts and nods]

Rob Conway: WHOAAAAAAA WHOA! Next week? ...Next week? In case you didn't know, I have a big XTV title match comin' up at WrestleMayhem the week after and I don't wanna go into that match with..... [suddenly, it hits him] .....wait a second.... this is for a million dollars, right? ...Hmm, I could use a little of that goin' into WrestleMayhem now that I think about it. ....Ok, sister, if you can get this certified by Mysterio and that porno broad, and they GUARANTEE.... that I'll get my money after I beat this freak.... then you and your science project here have a deal! But if they don't ok it.... then I guess you two'll just have to wait.

Mizz Debra: Than it's a date. The Debra invitational is settled. We'll see you there.

The scene fades out as Debra and Sid exit into the door with Conway watching closely

The scene opens up and the fans begin booing, as the former owner of AwF's girlfriend Stephanie Bellars is leading a group of people behind her down a narrow hallway. She seems to be pissed, hell bent on succeeding at whatever the hell she's about to do. Holding a bat in her hand, it's quite noticieable that the 5 people with her are holding weapons aswell. Chains, brooms, sticks, ropes. Just to name a few. Bellars stops in front of a door which isn't labaled and turns towards the crowd of people.

Stephanie Bellars: Everyone ready?!

Crowd: YEA!!

Bellars: On my mark, we're to bust this shit down, go in drag Edge out and collect the bounty.

Crowd: HELL YEAH!!

Man: But I thought the bounty was already taken by Edge and Lizzy..when they outsmarted Russo.

Bellars: Ahh.. [thinks fast] I've got 50 million more dollars and this time WE'LL make sure the job gets done. Now shutup, your talking too much. Lets go.

Bellars knocks on the door and gets no answer. She turns towards the crowd with her fingers to her lips before commanding them to bust inside Edge's lockerroom. Once the door bursts open the group enters and begins to tear through the large locker room with the intent of beating down Edge but slowly everyone turns to Stephanie shrugging their shoulders. Suddenly Stephanie gets shoved into the room as Edge enters and lays one of the group out with a chair shot busting them open on impact. Two more come running at him as he nails one in the gut with the chair before spitting a red blood-looking liquid in the others face as the man screams in pain about his eyes burning. Another comes running at Edge who he merely slams face first into the wall busting their nose in as they land on the floor out. The last person readies his weapon before suddenly high-tailing it past Bellars and out of the locker room as Edge looks down at the carnage, the one who he hit in the gut sits up a little before Edge nails him in the face with the chair and looks at Bellars.

Edge: Guess you didn't have that one though out to well, huh Bellars?

Bellars: [smiles defiantly] Don't depend on others to do.. [she raises her bat tightly] WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOURSELF!!

Bellars swings the bat heavily and Edge ducks, thus she hits the t.v knocking it off it's holder. Aggrivated she lifts and swings the bat again missing Edge several times thereafter yet ripping through the room even more. Edge falls onto his ass and Bellars stands between his legs.

Bellars: Son of a bitch your gonna pay for trying to fuck me!

She lifts the bat up and deviously tries to crack Edge over the head but he trips her and grabs her around the neck with both arms as he still has her one leg trapped having her in an STF type maneuver. He leans so his mouth is pressed right up against her ear as he speaks.

Edge: Don't be stupid, Bellars.You couldn't take out a fly. We've all seen what your capable of. Now, once again it seems I'm the one [He tightens up the STF.] who is dominant.

Edge now releases the STF hold and holds her down on the floor with one arm still pressed over her back before lifting up his free hand and slapping her straight on the ass. He begins to laugh as he now leans down again and nips at her ear before getting up and heading for the door.

Edge: Don't worry Bellars, one day I might let you be on top.

Edge now laughs again as he exits and Bellars is shown..

Bellars: DAMMNIT!!

Bellars holds her neck as she looks around at the carnage of her goons and the mess they caused for a failed attempt at taking Edge out. She hurls her bat at the now closed door and pouts as the scene fades out.


Rob Conway



Match Type:Standard Match

The bell rang as Rob Conway and Christian locked up. Conway overpowered Christian and backed him into the corner, hitting him with a few right hands. He whipped him across to the opposite turnbuckle but Christian countered, whipping Conway to the corner. Christian charged shoulder-first, and missed, crashing into the turnbuckle post. Conway looked for a quick roll-up, grabbing a handful of tights.

1..2...kick out by Christian.

Both men got to their feet and Christian was first, clothes lining Conway over. Once…twice…three times. Christian got the crowd behind him and as Conway got to his feet, Christian drilled him with a neck breaker.

Styles: Christian is building momentum!

Christian pinned Conway and hooked his leg.

1...2...kick out by Conway.

Christian got up again and Conway struggled up, but as Christian charged at him, Conway low-bridged the ropes and Christian fell out the ring to the floor.

Styles: That's intelligent work by Conway right there.

Conway slid out of the ring and whipped Christian hard into the steel steps, grinning to himself and running a hand down his chest cockily at the camera. Conway picked Christian up and threw him back into the ring. He signalled for the Ego Trip. Christian countered, and looked for the Unprettier! Conway pushed him away, and Christian clotheslined him down. Something then grabbed Christian's attention. He looked up the ramp to see Da Baldies.

Styles: Damnit, that's Mysterio's allies!

They threatened to walk down the ramp as Christian motioned for them to join him, ready to fight. But Conway rolled him up, putting his feet on the ropes.


Styles: HEY! Rob Conway stole one!

Savage: Intelligence, Styles! Intelligence!


The Godfather is seen in the ring with a mic in his hand, and the crowd in Birmingham are read hot tonight on Mayhem.

The Godfather: Birmingham, England!

Crowd cheers

The Godfather: Are their any pimps in the hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooouse!

Crowd cheers

The Godfather: Well then don't hide it, just roll up a fatty, for this pimp daddy, and Say..


The Godfather: Before we introduce the new AwF Mayhem Girls, i want to send a shout out to a man who is drunk off his ass right about now, The Rock.

AwF Crowd: BOOOO!

The Godfather: Rock, you and me are doing to dance at the biggest stage at WrestleMayhem Five, and you best belive i'm going to bring it to you. And after i beat you in the bankruptcy Match at WrestleMayhem Five, i'm going to leave you FACE DOWN, ASS UP in the muthafuckin' streets! But enough about the this time, i would like to introduce to the AwF Fans, the sexiest dancers on the planet, the one and only, Mayhem Girls!

The Godfather: Making her way to the ring first, Alexandra Rosenthal!

Alexandra Rosenthal walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, London Arquette!

London Arquette walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Selina Alexander!

Selina Alexander walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Lila Johnson!

Lila Johnson walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Lola Taylor!

Lola Taylor walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Adriana Black!

Adriana Black walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Jayda Masters!

Jayda Masters walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Next up, Kianna King!

Kianna King walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: And last but not least, the Head Cheerleader of the Mayhem Girls, Kendall Peretti!

Kendall Peretti walks down to the ring.

The Godfather: Ladies and Gentlemen, the AwF Mayhem Girls!

The AwF fans cheer as the Mayhem girls wave and blow kisses to the fans.

The Godfather: Damn, yall looking fine as hell! And now, along with these AwF Fans, i wanna see you girls shake your ass!

The Godfather get's out of the ring, and You & That Booty by E-40 & T-Pain hits on the speakers, and The Mayhem Girls begin to dance in the ring.

Girl, I been shaking, sticking and moving tryna to get you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Girl, I been shaking and acting a donkey tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey

Girl, he simping (Simping)
I walk up in the club with a limping (Limping)
God listen, what you gonna do, with this pimping
What you gonna do, with this pimping
Girl, I'm a call ya (Call ya)
Later on tonight or tomorrow ('Morrow), now follow
What you gonna do, with this baller
What you gonna do, with this baller

What you gonna do when I bend the block (Bend the block)
Pull up on that ass in a brand new drop (Brand new drop)
Speakers on blast with tremendous knock ('Mendous knock)
TV's in the dash, rims just won't stop
You need to be down with a pimp like me
I ain't turning down nothing but my collar, you see
I'm a leave you with my number, you should holla at me
Cuz I'm a baller, can't nobody hustle harder than me, oooh

Girl, I been shaking, sticking and moving tryna to get you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Girl, I been shaking and acting a donkey tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey

Oooh, your ass is right
I ain't tryna let that pass me tonight
I'ma put my bid in and tell you something slick
Whisper in your ear while I'm holding my dick
I don't mean no harm, it's the hood in me (Hood in me)
Sipping on that Richard Hennessy (Hennessy)
Psychedelic colors in my jewelry (Jewelry)
Suckers hella jealous cuz you digging me, oooh
Now what you gonna do mama
I'm tryna dip later on, me and you mama
Like the way that you groove and you move mama
You know the women love me, I'm the 40 boy (40 boy)
Popping my P's cuz I'm laced with game
Nathen but the Yay flowing through my vein
She wear Miss Sixty, can't fit in the Gucci
Cuz her ass big enough to sit a cup on her booty (Goodness!)

Girl, I been shaking, sticking and moving tryna to get you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Girl, I been shaking and acting a donkey tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey

Yeah I see you looking (Looking)
But my ass in these jeans got you shook, and (Shook, and)
I don't think you know what to do with this pussy
What you gonna do, with this pussy
Yeah I know you want this (Want this)
Tryna chase me through the club for this good shit (Good shit)
But I don't think you can handle, this pussy
What you gonna do, with this pussy

You looking like you got that good gooshy, gooshy
Fucking round with me, I beat the brakes off that pussy
Have your ass cumming like a porn star movie
Tell your friends and I bet they all wanna do me
Hoes know me, I'm E-Fo-Oh (E-Fo-Oh)
They recognize pimping when I step in the door (Step in the door)
Higher than a satellite full of that dro (Full of that dro)
Holla at a playa when you ready to go, oooh

Girl, I been shaking, sticking and moving tryna to get you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Tryna get to you and that booty
Girl, I been shaking and acting a donkey tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey
Tryna to get you and that monkey

The music fades out as the Mayhem Girls go back to the backstage area as the fans cheer.




Rey Mysterio Jr.

Match Type:Anarchy Rulez

The bell rang, and Rey Mysterio Jr looked at Serenity and began to chuckle to himself, knowing he had this match in the bag. Serenity ignored Rey, and began to focus on winning the match. Rey and Serenity walked to the middle of the ring, and before Serenity knew it, Rey had caught her with a drop toe hold. As Rey got up, he slapped Serenity on her ass, and smiled as Serenity got to her feet, and was starting to get a little pissed off. Serenity leaned in, and tried to lock up with Rey, but Rey countered and got behind her, and began to slap her hard in the back of the head, then he pushed her outside the ring, under the middle ropes. The crowd began to boo as Rey began to walk around the ring, telling everyone about how he was the God of Anarchy. Serenity then went back into the ring, and kicked him in the leg, then performed a drop kick on Rey's knee, bringing him down to his knee's. She then bounced against the ropes, and tried to do a front drop kick, but Rey ducked, and caught her with a jumping yakuza kick to the back of the head, knocking her down.

Joey Styles: Rey Mysterio Jr with that jumping yakuza kick to the back of Serenity's head.

Macho Man: He starts on that neck, and when he hits you with that knee to the neck neckbreaker, and the 619, All he has left to do is the Westside Dive, and it's over. I've seen it so many times, Joey.

Joey Styles: Wait a minute, what's Christian doing out here!

The crowd erupts in cheers as Christian walks down the rampway, yelling at Rey. Rey turns around, and starts to curse at Christian for coming down. Christian yells out, "This isn't an Anarchy Rulez Match!" and looks under the ring for some weapons. He pulls out a glass vase and rolls it into the ring, then he pulls out a table, and slides it into the ring. Rey tells Christian to get the hell out of the match, and demands to the ref that he let this match go on without Christian at ringside. Rey threatens to fire the ref, and the ref has no choice but to eject Christian to the backstage area as the crowd boos. Meanwhile, Serenity get's to her sences, and grabs the glass vase Christian put in the ring. She stands up behind Rey as the crowd begins to erupt with cheers, and once Rey turns around, SMASH! Serenity breaks the glass vase over Rey's head, busting him wide open! The crowd erupts as Serenity picks up the table, and begins to set it up in he middle of the ring. After she does, she goes to pick up Rey, but Rey nails him with in the eye with an eye gouge. Rey stands Serenity up to her feet, and SLAPS Serenity across the face hard, then SLAPS her again, knocking her down on the mat. Rey pulls Serenity by the hair, and pushes her in the turnbuckle corner, then walks to the opposite side of the ring, pushing the table back, and begins to tap his feet, letting everyone know what is coming up next.

Joey Styles: Rey has the razors on the bottom of his shoes, and they are designed especially for matches like this. Once he hit's Serenity with the Feet Of Fury, using those razors, this match will be over.

Macho Man: She's going to end up in the hospital just like Trish Stratus.

Rey runs towards Serenity, and attempts the feet of fury as the sharp razors stick out of the bottom of his boots, but Serenity gets out of the way just in time, and Rey nails his crouch area on the steel pole! Serenity quickly drags Rey out of the turnbuckle corner, and goes for a cover, but Rey kicks out at two. Serenity looks at the table which is set up in the ring, and has an idea. She goes to place Rey on the table, but Rey nails her in the midsection, and Serenity holds her midsection in pain, and rolls around in the ring, apparently hurt bad by the move. Rey begins to smile and nod his head as it appears Serenity isn't in his league at all. Serenity begins to hold her midsection in pain and screams out crys of pain as Rey picks Serenity up, and put's her on the table as she lays motionless. Rey then walks up the ropes, and signals for the Westside Dive as he stands on the top rope, looking towards the fans. All the sudden, Serenity rolls off the table and get's to her feet! What the hell! She was playing possum all this time! She quickly jumps up the rope rope, grabs Rey from behind, and performs a huge GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE! REY CRASHES THROUGH THE TABLE! OH MY GOD! The arena explodes with, "A-W-F!" chants as Serenity covers The AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion....ONE...TWO...THREE! HOLY SHIT! Serenity beats Rey Mysterio Jr!

Joey Styles: Did i just see what i thought i saw? Rey Mysterio Jr got outsmarted, and lost a match! What an upset, Macho Man!

Macho Man: Upset? I wouldn't say that, Joey. Serenity proved that she can go with the best of them, and after tonight, i promise Rey respects Serenity and her abilities.

Joey Styles: You better belive that a win like this has made Serenity a contender for the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship in the future!

After the match, Serenity get's outside the ring, and celebrates with her AwF Intergender United States Championship as Rey Mysterio Jr is just now coming to his sences, and starts to beat the mat in fustration after losing the match.

The Russo-Tron flairs up, and we see Vince Russo backstage with his girlfriend Stephanie Bellers.

Vince Russo: Baby, it's going to be alright, what are you so upset about?

Stephanie Bellers: Bellars O..I'm not upset. I'm just puzzled as to how you fucked over the entire bounty and let a bitch who walks around with an axe and talks to herself..OUTSMART YOU!

Vince Russo: Look, it's done now, ok? It's behind us. I'll get that money back in thr future.

Stephanie Bellers: So not only did you give her the company but you also gave her 50 million dollars.

Vince Russo: Stephanie it's alright. See, the contract says, if the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Wirld Heavyweight Championship is lost at WrestleMayhem, i will get my company back. And 50 Million dollers will come again, i promise.

She rolls her eyes and turns away in disapproval.

Vince Russo: You don't love me because of the money right? You love me for me, am i correct?

Stephanie Bellers: -she smiles turning around- Of course. Don't be silly.

Vince Russo:, what can i do to prepare you for your match?

Stephanie Bellers: Oh I'm prepared. As far as I'm concerned I'm not leaving here without the AwF Baddest Bitch title. [mumbles] Or Edge's head.

Vince Russo: Good. Now if i can only get out of my match tonight.

Stephanie Bellers: Get out of it? Your against Dawn Marie. How hard can that be? [she thinks] And don't worry I'll be right by your side to make sure everything happens the way it should. [she goes in for a kiss]

Vince Russo: *Kisses her on the lips*..I know baby..but i'm not a wrestler...she will kill me.

Stephanie Bellers: I doubt it. Trust. Just do what I do.

Vince Russo: What do you mean?

Stephanie Bellers: For a major problem like Dawn Marie, you carry around a problem solver. Any and everything you can grab to beat her ass. It's simple. Soften her up for when I stomp her out at Wrestlemayhem.

Vince Russo: Are you sure about this?

Stephanie Bellers: Positive. Just take this.

She hands him something the camera can't see.

Stephanie Bellers: And when all else fails just remember.. you've got me there and I won't let ANYTHING happen to my baby.

The scene fades as the couple kisses and cuddles.

As the camera cut backstage, John Cena was creeping around backstage in just his jean shorts and boots, looking around in fear as if looking for Thorn and Ariel. He snuck his way over to the refreshments table, carefully pouring himself a drink, still taking deep breaths. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder, and turned around to see that it was London Arquette standing there. She looked confused, realizing that she had startled him.

London: Oh I'm so sorry, I was just--I was going to say thanks for taking me out the other night, I had a lot of fun.

John: Oh...OH! Yeah...that was a great night...I'm know, building up my aggression for my match..

Cena flexed his muscles, trying to act cocky and fearless.

London: I don't know looked like I pretty much scared the crap out of you. [She said with a bit of a giggle] But I'm actually wishing you good luck in your match, Kevin Thorne is...well he's something else that's for sure.

John: Yeah…but I’m not scared…honest! Though I could use you..distracting my mind from vampires for a while...[raising an eyebrow]

London: don't honestly believe that shit do you? [She asked, folding her arms] Fucking Vampires trapsing around here as if it's normal. I mean, wouldn't they burn up in the sunlight or something? They're just doing that shit to scare people, but I'm glad to see that it hasn't worked on you.

John: [moving closer to her, looking over his shoulders, whispering] Word is that…they killed some fans while they were in Scotland..[shivering a little in fear]

London: [She raised an eyebrow] Killed some Scotland? And you actually believe it?

John: [shrugs] I've heard nothing to disprove it...[backing up away from her again] I just want to beat him. Geek. But how about...after I beat him, we meet up and you show me some more of what you can do with a lollipop?

Cena sat down on the refreshment table and rose an eyebrow.

Uhm...with a lollipop? How about I show you all that I can do... [She brought her leg up, and in the pants she was wearing, she was able to stretch so that she held her leg up high and close to her body] with my body?

Cena stared at her, licking his lips.

Cena: Oh c'mon...I've only just calmed down from your dancing while we were out last week...[laughs a little]

London: [She put her leg down with a bit of a laugh] Well I wouldn't mind getting you all hyped up from it again, and maybe more...

Cena: Well you could always give me something to think about to get my mind off being scared of those know...inspire me to victory?

Cena smiled, leaning forward and playing with her hair a little.

Cena: Though if I try hard enough, I'm sure the thoughta' fangs will be replaced by the thoughta' you workin' that ass again..

Cena again nervously looked around for the vampires as he waited for her to reply. She noticed his behavior

London: Are you sure...that you're alright? You look kind of nervous...

Cena: I'm fine! I swear...or I will be once you give me something to think about...[looks behind him, before looking back at her and winking]

No...I think...I think you're worried about Kevin Thorne...are you... [She moved a bit closer to him] Are you afraid of him?

Cena: No...I just...I don't like the idea of vampires...being bitten..eww. [running his hand down the side of her body, still twitchy.]

London: John…you’re freaking me out! I’ll see you after your match…

London shrugged and walked away. Cena took a sip of his water, and then jumped as the light bulb died and the lights turned off, dropping his drink as the crowd laughed.

Joey Styles: A terrified John Cena takes on Kevin Thorn, tonight!


Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land

"Mr. Showtime" James West Vs. Edge...TRIP THROUGH ETERNITY II...

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.


Lizzy Borden


'Mr Showtime' James West

Match Type:Axes are Legal

[Lizzy enters the ring with the axe in her hand before raising it up in the air as James West looks on a bit nervous but still looking like he's ready to take her on. She then points the axe at Mr. Showtime and mouths that she's going to fuck him up and not in the good way. Lizzy then runs a hand over the axes handle in a sexual manner before she looks back at West. She then tosses the axe to one corner before charging him and hitting a clothesline knocking him down to the canvas. She quickly lifts him up and gives him another clothesline before stomping straight on his chest. She leans down as she puts her boot over his throat and begins to choke him as the referee gives the count 1, 2, 3, 4 and Lizzy lifts up her boot not performing the illegal choke anymore. Lizzy now picks up West and whips him into the corner.]

Randy Savage: So far Joey, we've seen two women utterly dominating men on Mayhem. Lizzy is an animal and I don't even know if she needs an axe to beat Showtime tonight.

Joey Styles: I wouldn't say that axe is out of the picture yet, Lizzy definitely has some bad intentions that revolve around that axe for tonight.

[Lizzy mounts Showtime before delivering ten punches straight to the top of his head leaving him in the corner apparently not knowing where he is and barely being kept up by his own arms laying over the top ropes. Lizzy grabs the axe from the other corner as she gets a sadistic smile on her face and points at James West. Lizzy screams as she races towards the corner he is in with the axe in the air before he jumps over the top ropes just in the nick of time as she chops the axe straight into the turnbuckle pad ripping it open. Lizzy now pulls the axe out of the turnbuckle pad as Showtime simply gives her the middle finger standing at the entrance ramp.]

Joey Styles: Did you see that? She wasn't playing around Macho Man, she was aiming to kill him! I wouldn't be too willing to get back in the ring either.

Randy Savage: Wait a second! Here comes Edge!

[Edge is now running down the ramp as the fans pop in excitement, Showtime turns around just in time to be grabbed and rolled back into the ring. The referee reprimanding Edge as Lizzy now runs over lifting up the axe again before striking it down nearly decapitating James West before he rolls out of the way and quickly goes for a roll-up victory on Lizzy Borden who drops the axe now. 1, 2, but Lizzy kicks out.]

Randy Savage: Doesn't look like Edge was so willing to let Showtime escape this match.

Joey Styles: Of course he isn't! The man hasn't wanted to fight a damn battle he's ever been involved in here in the AwF. He doesn't plan on fighting James West at WrestleMayhem and what better opportunity does he have then an Axes Are Legal match with Lizzy as the competition!

Randy Savage: You got me, Styles. I don't know what better opportunity there would be, what is it?

Joey Styles: Bu- what?

[Showtime now has Lizzy by the hair as she lets her hand claw across his face drawing blood that smacks onto the canvas at their feet. Showtime now lays a punch into Lizzy and then another and another before he whips her into the ringropes and lays a stiff clothesline into her knocking her down. He now picks up the axe as he points at Lizzy and the fans are going nuts. Lizzy starts to get up now a bit dizzy as Showtime has a deranged look on his face after seeing his own blood drawn. Showtime lifts up the axe as Lizzy is about to turn around going for a diagonal swing but suddenly she's pulled out of the ring just in the nick of time by Edge.]

Joey Styles: Edge may have just saved Lizzy Borden's life right there!

Randy Savage: There is no maybe about that Styles, Showtime was out for blood. But it doesn't look like he's given up on satiating that bloodlust yet.

[Showtime throws the axe down as he grabs Edge by the hair over the ropes and now pulls him up onto the apron. Edge turns around and gets a solid punch knocking him down to the outside of the ring. Showtime now gets out of the ring as he grabs Lizzy by her hair now and tosses her back into the ring. West goes to slide back into the ring but Edge is holding his foot. Showtime turns and goes to kick Edge in the face but suddenly get knocked down by the butt of the axe handle as Lizzy strikes him in the temple. The referee now looking down to the outside of the ring as Edge has let go of West's foot and is now playing dead. Showtime is out as Lizzy now rolls out of the ring grabbing his limp body and now rolls him into the ring. Lizzy slides back into the ring and lifts up Showtime before she hits the Axecution. Edge now shown holding his head as he points towards West and Lizzy picks him up again hitting another brutal Axecution before going for the pin, 1...2...3! Edge now enters the ring and raises Lizzy's hand in victory as they both have smiles on their faces staring down at James West's limp body.]

Joey Styles: Edge has just helped Lizzy Borden to get the victory over James West here tonight.

Randy Savage: She didn't need much help in my view, West just hasn't been the same since Edge came back into the picture here in the AwF.

Joey Styles: We'll find out at WrestleMayhem who is the better man, Savage.

As the camera cut backstage, Jake Matthews was stood outside the arena, waiting. He was then approached by his opponent for the night, Draco Lee. Draco stared at Jake, a smirk on his face.

Draco: Gonna’ give me my car?

Jake: That depends. Are you going to consider my offer?

Draco: I considered your “alliance” offer, and you know what you can do with it? You can stick it up Stacy’s ass. [Crowd cheers] I don’t need your support to be a success here, I don’t need you, and I don’t need to pay a salary to get women to like me.

Jacob: Ouch! That’s below the belt Draco…I’m hurt. But not as hurt as you’re going to be after the show.

Jake threw Draco the keys.

Jake: Go get it…its over there.

Draco looked over and saw Stacy Keibler laid across the bonnet of the car, showing off her long legs and smirking at him. Draco walked over to lock the car, but Stacy’s leg wrapped around him and pulled him close. Draco looked at her.

Draco: If you get involved in that match…I’m going to hurt you, permanently.

Draco pushed her leg away and locked the car, walking away.

Joey Styles: Draco Lee is a very determined man here tonight!

The Russo-Tron starts up, and Dawn Marie is in the back, getting ready for her match with Vince Russo. All the sudden, Vince Russo comes from behind and get's her attention.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Dawn, wait, i need to talk to you.

Dawn Marie: *turn around and frowns* What do you want now?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Listen, Rey and lizzy are the ones booking us against each other. They are making a big mistake. Let's just not show up for this match, ok?

Dawn Marie: Are you kidding me? I have been dying to get my hands on you this whole week.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Why?

Dawn Marie: Gee let me see, why would I want to fight you. Maybe it is because you drugged me and raped me. Can that be it? Oh and let's not forget about you accusing me of sleeping with Cena and now have me as a slave to Austin Aries. Gee why in the world would I want to beat your ass

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Look, i am not a wrestler. I don't know the first thing about wrestling. And besides, i'm sorry about our past.

Dawn Marie: Sure you are. I'll tell you what, you use whatever power you have left to get Aries off my back and I will consider it

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I don't have any control over that, Dawn.

Dawn Marie: Then I guess I can't cancel our match. See you out there

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Wait, Dawn, just listen, Please.

Dawn Marie: *stops* Do you know how much you put me through?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Dawn, i realize that, but please, just forgive me. I'm a changed man. I know it took aalot for me to realize it, but i realize it now.

Dawn Marie: You got to do something for me if you want to be forgiven

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Anything.

Dawn Marie: Go to that ring and just lay down

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Dawn, i'm not going to lay down for you.

Dawn Marie: Fine, Bye!

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Dawn, don't walk away! Dawn! Wait Listen!

Dawn Marie: Don't you Get It! You got a life, you have a choice to do whatever you want! Thanks to you, I don't! I'm controlled! I am a Dam Slave. Do you know what that is like!!!

AwF Owner Vince Russo: No..

Dawn Marie: Then shut up. I Hate You with a Passion and tonight, Payback is a dish best served cold by the Bitch that is standing in front of you.

The scene fades out as Dawn Marie walks to the entranceway, leaving Russo in the back with a worried look on his face.


Dawn Marie


Vince Russo

Match Type:Standard Match

[Dawn Marie and Vince Russo meet in the center of the ring as Russo approaches her and she slaps him across the face which makes him bring a hand up to his cheek as he gets knocked back a bit.]

Joey Styles: My God did you see that Randy!

Randy Savage: She just gave him some payback for all the shit he's put her through. Keep on top of him Dawn!

[Dawn now grabs Russo by his hair and smashes his face into the turnbuckle, before pulling his head back and smashing it into the turnbuckle again and then he proceeds to fall on his ass. Dawn now kicks him straight in the face without hesitation and puts a foot on his chest. 1, 2...and Russo kicks out realizing he's in a match.]

Joey Styles: She is going to need to do a lot more then that though.

Randy Savage: You got that right, I don't think she was aiming to beat him there anyway. Just show him that she knows what she's doing in there and it's not going to be a fast process.

[Aries is now shown coming down to ringside as Dawn looks on a bit worried about why he might possibly be down there. Aries points behind her but it's too late as Russo quickly has rolled up Dawn and the referee counts 1, 2, TH- and Dawn kicks out just in the nick of time.]

Randy Savage: What's he doing down here anyway? I thought King Aries would be out of here by now.

Joey Styles: I think he's going to have a major part in this match-up, and I'm not sure I'm goign to like it either. He has no business being down here.

Randy Savage: He did say he was protecting Dawn from Russo, so you don't know if he has cruel intentions in coming down here or not.

[Aries now claps at ringside as Dawn grabs Russo by the hair and hits a DDT on him. Dawn turns to Aries and says something before Aries repsonds. Dawn then turns her attention back to Russo lifting him up and whipping him into the turnbuckle corner. Dawn now mounts the turnbuckle corner laying a punch into Russo followed by the fans counting the rest, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-8-9-10-11-12-13 and then she licks her hand before an audible slap is heard on Russo's face.]

Joey Styles: I didn't know she had that kind of power in her, look at Russo he just fell flat on his face from that slap.

Randy Savage: But what is Aries up to there, it looks like he's grabbing that chair. Maybe he wants Dawn to decimate him.

[Aries is now up on the apron with the chair as the referee spots him and blocks him off, Dawn now looks at Russo who has started to get up and is about to nail Russo with the chair, but for some reason, she drops the chair. She rolls up Russo and the ref counts...ONE...TWO..THREE!

Joey Styles: Dawn Marie beats Russo! But, how come she din't use that chair?

Randy Savage: I'm not sure, Joey...

The camera goes to the parking lot to see Draco pulling up in a Nissan Skyline GT-R that looks identical to the one Jacob Matthews stole from him. Draco gets out of the car and smiles at the camera. Joey Styles and Randy Savage can be heard in the background.

Randy Savage: "Whoa! Didn't Jacob Mathhews steal Draco's car?"

Joey Styles: "He did but Draco is driving one identical to it."

Draco leans up against his car with a satisfied look on his face and smiles.

Draco Lee: "You thought that you were getting the upper hand by getting my friend to deliever you my car huh? You are a bigger fool than I thought. You actually think i would let you get my car that easy? You claim to be a master manipulator but you played right into my hands. You see, when you tried to buy off my friend, he told me the whole thing and I told him to do it and record the conversation. I have your ass Jacob. I can put an end to your career tonight. All I have to do is have my friend go to the Miami PD with that tape and you will be doing 5-10 easy. Here is the deal, if you want to keep your wrestling career which you claim is so important to you, then you will have to sign over ownership of your club to me and you hsve to do so before the end of Mayhem tonight."

Draco smiles and walks into the arena.


Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land

Lita Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Chris Jericho Vs. Triple H...AwF Legends Cup..THE TOWER OF ANARCHY...

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

The Russo-Tron flairs up, we see Jacob Matthews. Jacob Matthews: Draco Lee…you want me to hand over my company to you? Please. I could buy the entire police force - don't make me laugh. But Draco…here's the deal. You beat me…and I'll sign it over. You lose…and you don't do anything. Believe me, police evidence disappears just like that..[clicks his fingers] so accept this, and you might by some miracle own my club. But somehow…I doubt it.

Scene fades.


Jacob Matthews


Draco Lee

Match Type:Standard Match

The bell rang as Jake and Draco stared each other down. Jake raised his arm, signalling for a test of strength and shrugging his shoulder innocently. Draco looked at him with a lack of trust, but slowly raised his arm. Jake then poked him in the eye and slapped him hard to the mat.

Joey Styles: Damn…this man is a jerk!

Draco stared at him and then charged, spearing him to the mat and unloading with left hands and right hands, and then a head butt to Jake as he tried to cover up. Draco hurriedly got onto the top rope as the crowd cheered.

Joey: Geez, he's quick to pull out the extreme moves!

Draco jumped from the top rope for a senton splash, but Stacy pulled Jake out of the way and Draco crashed into the mat, the crowd boo'ing. Jake got back up to his feet, and grabbed Draco by the neck, pulling him to his feet, and punching him in the face. He then scooped him up easily for a military press slam, dropping him hard to the mat. Jake pinned Draco cockily with one arm.

1..kick out by Draco.

Jake stood and waited for Draco to get up, and went for a clothesline, but Draco ducked and hit a drop kick as Jake bounced back from the ropes. Draco went for a quick pinfall.

1...2..kick out.

Draco kicked Jake in the face as he started to get up, and then went up to the top rope, and hit a flying leg drop. Draco pinned Jake.

1...2..kick out.

Jake held his neck as he struggled up to his feet, but hit Draco with a reflex spine buster, driving him into the mat hard and pinning.

1..2...kick out.

Jake punched the mat hard. He signalled for the Price-Bomb. He lifted Draco, but Draco somehow turned it into a hurricanrana! Draco signalled for the end and headed up towards the ropes. Stacy jumped up onto the apron and started to inch up the back of her skirt, shaking her ass slightly.

Savage: HELLO!

Styles: Now that is a view…

Draco watched her, and then grabbed her by the hair, aggressively. Stacy fell from the apron and as the referee checked on her, Johnny Stamboli appeared.


Stamboli nailed Draco with the Stamboli Stick and laughed as he got out of the ring. Jake was ready as Draco turned around, and nailed the Price-Bomb, falling onto the pin.



The Russo-Tron flairs up and we see Todd Pettengill in the back looking on the Mayhem Monitor showing Trish Stratus sitting in a hospital bed with cuts and bruises all over her face from her match with Rey Mysterio Jr a few weeks ago on Mayhem.

Todd Pettengill: Ladies and Gentlemen, live via satellite, here is Trish Stratus from the Toronto Hospital, and Trish, the first thing i want to ask you i, how are you holding up?

Trish Stratus: I'm doing really good thanks. I've gotten some positive results from testing and I should be up and running just in time for WrestleMayhem

Todd Pettengill: Trish, are you sure you really want to go ahead and have this match with John Cena? I mean, some people say you are insane for going in a match like this in your condition. Can;t this just wait untill another time?

Trish Stratus: No, I can't. I want this match now. I'm not going to wait any longer than possible and WrestleMayhem is the best time.

Todd Pettengill: What exactly is the extent of your injuries?

Trish Stratus: Right now, I just have a fracture in my neck and a sprained wrist. Nothing extremely serious.

Todd Pettengill: Well, that sounds a bit serious to me, Miss Stratus.

Trish Stratus: Well, it won't be a problem. The doctors say it's healing very nicely.

Todd Pettengill: Well, do you have any words for John Cena?

Trish Stratus: He better watch out because I'm coming for him. He's going to regret ever crossing me.

Trish looks into the camera with a determined look in her eyes as the scene fades.

As the camera cuts backstage, John Cena is stood in his locker room, with Jake Matthews and Stacy Keibler.

John: Look, I know you guys wanna’ help, but if I’m going to overcome this…freak…then I have to do it alone.

Stacy: John, don’t be silly..

Jake: Yeah, you know you have a guaranteed victory if you let us get involved…

John: No…I’m acting like a wimp, and it has to stop. I can win this…and I can do it without help. John Cena ain’t losin’ to no…bloodsucking…weirdo! So yea’, you guys stay backstage - I got it covered, ‘aight?

Stacy: But…

John: No but’s…

Stacy: Not even this one?

Stacy turned around but before she could start lifting her skirt, John stopped her.

John: No! I’m doing this alone…

John turned and left as Stacy and Jake nodded to each other and shrugged.

Joey Styles: John Cena wants to fight Thorn alone!? He grew some balls, Savage!

Savage: John Cena CAN beat Thorn on his own - lets just hope he does, for the sake of his health!

Styles: Its next!


Kevin Thorn


John Cena

Match Type:Standard Match

Kevin Thorn was already in the ring, kneeling on the apron with Ariel as they waited for their opponent to appear. "Basic Thuganomics" hit the PA system as the crowd boo'ed and John Cena walked out onto the stage, a mixture of fear and focus in his expression as he stood on the center of the ramp, saluting, and then turning the salute into a middle-finger salute before walking down the ramp nervously.

Joey Styles: John Cena must now face his fears!

Randy Savage: And he has actually come out here alone! I'm surprised!

Cena slid into the ring, as Thorn slowly raised himself to his feet. Cena stood in the opposite corner, waiting for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang, he charged at Thorn, spearing him down to the mat and repeatedly landing left and right fists to the face.

Styles: Cena's trying to incapacitate Thorn early!

Thorn arched a leg back and kicked Cena down onto the mat as the crowd cheered, kneeling over Cena and nailing shots of his own. Thorn got to his feet and began to stomp away at Cena, dropping double-handed axe handle to Cena's neck as Cena clutched his throat, and Thorn and Ariel turned to each other. Thorn picked up Cena and whipped him to the turnbuckle pad. He hit him with three right hands before whipping him to the opposite turnbuckle. Thorn charged at Cena and splashed him in the corner, and as Cena stumbled out of the corner, Thorn dropped him with a reverse x-factor, dropping him on the back of his head. Thorn pinned Cena.

1...2...kick out by Cena.

Cena scrambled away from Thorn to pull himself up to his feet, as Ariel glared at him. Cena struggled up but managed to duck a clothesline from Thorn, and unloaded with three hay-maker punches. He kicked Thorn in the mid-section, and then bounced off the ropes and hit a flying shoulder-tackle, smiling a little as he sensed an opening. He stomped hard at Thorns chest and head before picking him up. Cena hooked him up and hit a perfect fisherman's suplex, bridging for the pin.

1...2...kick out by Thorn.

Cena punched the mat angrily that it wasn't enough for the victory, stalking the referee. By the time Cena had turned around, Thorn was staring at him as Cena jumped back in shock. Thorn kicked Cena in the midsection and then set Cena up, hitting a vicious power-bomb!

1...2...kick out by Cena.

Cena struggled up as Thorn stalked him mercilessly. Thorn ran at Cena but Cena dropped and lifted Thorn, setting him up for the F-U!

Styles: F-U TIME! F-U TIME!

Cena went to drop Thorn but Thorn hung on, and somehow turned it into a roll-up pin!!

Styles: Cena kicks out just in the nick of time, Savage!

Savage: How the hell did Thorn do that!?

Cena stared at Thorn, wide-eyed, after the unbelievable counter. He charged at Thorn, clearly snapping, but Thorn picked him off with a massive kick to the face. Thorn smirked as he signalled for the end. He picked Cena up for a crucifix power-bomb. He lifted Cena up. Suddenly, every movement in the arena stopped as the lights went out.. Then, it turned back on - along with Stacy Keibler's theme song 'Legs' by Kid rock, her video running on the Russotron. The leggy diva then stepped out onto the top of the ramp, strutting down in a tight denim miniskirt and a cut up white tanktop that exposed her blue bra underneath.

Styles: Its Stacy Keibler!

Savage: Ohhhhh yeah!

Styles: Cena told her to stay backstage!

Thorn dropped Cena and She smirked and blew kisses as everyone in the ring stopped and stared. Getting up on the apron, she began to shake her ass while the referee and Thorn stared. Stacy grinned, licking her lips and placing a leg through the ropes, bending her way into the ring as she performed her entrance.

Styles: She's getting in the ring with that freak!?

Suddenly, a figure had appeared on the top rope with a baseball bat in hand, jumping from the top rope and nailing Thorn while the referee was distracted by Stacy.

Styles: Wait a minute, that's Jacob fucking Matthews! The man who faces Kevin Thorn at Wrestlemayhem 5 in a triple-threat match for the XTV Title!

Savage: It was a set-up! I knew it!

Stacy grinned as she got off the apron and backed up the ramp. Cena crawled over as the referee turned around, and placed the S-T-F-U on an unconscious Thorn. The referee checked Thorn who was unconscious, and called for the bell!

Styles: John Cena has stolen one here, and the fans in Birmingham hate it!

Savage: What a plan, Styles!

Styles: Jacob Matthews and Stacy Keibler will have HELL to pay at Wrestlemayhem 5!



Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land

Serenity Vs. Johnny Stamboli Vs. King Aries Vs. Queen Victoria Vs. Darco Lee Vs. Lizzy Borden...NO FUCKING LIMITS MATCH..The AwF Intergender United States Championship

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.


Johnny Stamboli and Queen Victoria


The Rock and The Godfather

Match Type:Standard Tag Team Match

The match begins with The Godfather and Johnny Stamboli in the ring. The Godfather looks at the Rock who is having himself a can a beer, not worried at all about this match. The Godfather shakes his head, and walks up to Johnny, ready to fight. He locks up with Stamboli, and Stamboli catches him off guard with a knee to the ribs, then picks Godfather up, and slams him with standing back body drop. Johnny picks him up, and makes him run to the turnbuckle ropes, and when godfather comes back, he tries for a closeline on Johnny, but Johnny ducks, making Godfather run against the ropes again. The Godfather bounces against the ropes again, and this time Johnny catches him with a huge Arn Anderson-Like spinebuster which creates, "OOH!'s" from the fan. Johnny goes for a cover, but only get's a two count. Meanwhile, the Rock, with his street gear on, continues to drink away at his beer, at it seems more important to him then this match. Johnny Stamboli catches The Godfather in a headlock, and walks him over to the other side of the ring and tags in Queen Victoria.

Joey Styles: This is a damn shame, Macho Man. The Rock dosen't even care about a win loss record. All he is concerned with is how much alcohol he can get in his system, as Johnny Stamboli get's the tag in to Queen Victoria. Macho Man: All i know is come WrestleMayhem, The Rock might not have the money to afford a can of beer if The Godfather beats him in that Bankruptcy Match.

Queen Victoria jumps over the top rope, and nails Godfather in the head as Johnny holds him in the headlock. Johnny let's him go, and backs away from him as the ref makes Johnny go outside the ropes. Queen Victoria picks Godfather up in a piledriver position, then drops down all the way, letting Godfather's head smash against her knee's. Queen Victoria goes for the cover, but The Godfather is somehow able to kick out at two. Queen Victoria then steps outside the appron, and then leaps inside the ring, performing a no hand halo legdrop as the crowd goes, "OOOOH!" Queen Victoria goes for the pinfall, but only get's a two count. The Rock screams at Godfather to get up, as he get's out another beer from a cooler, and opens it. Queen Victoria picks Godfather up, and runs him into the corner where The Rock is standing. The Rock looks over at Godfather who is inches away, and starts to drink way at his beer, and shake his head, letting him know that he isn't supporting him non what so ever.

Joey Styles: Come on, Rock! You're right there! Make the tag! Macho Man: He dosen't give a damn about this match, all he gives a damn about is if his beers are cold.

The Godfather came to his sences, as Queen Victoria, bored with this match, tagged in Johnny Stamboli who was getting pissed with all that was going on. The Godfather extended his hand to tag The Rock, and The Rock told Godfather to hold on a second, and The Godfather finally lost it. He slapped the beer out of Rock's hand, and throw him into the ring. He began to stomp on him wildly as Johnny looked on. He picked up the drunken Rock, and nailed him with a pimp drop. Godfather then washed his hands of the match, and walked out of the ring, and onto the back. Johnny Stamboli picked up The Rock, and ran him to the ropes. As The Rock was running back, Johnny bounced against the ropes, and NAILED him with a massive shoulder block which turned the Rock inside out!

Joey Styles: Jesus Christ! The Rock looked like he got hit by a bus! Macho Man: Actually, he got hit by a Bull!

Johnny then put both of his hands on The Rock's chest, and made the cover...ONE..TWO...THREE! Johnny Stamboli and Queen Victoria win!

Joey Styles: Dominating win from Johnny Stamboli and Queen Victoria! Macho Man: Just goes to show that The Rock dosen't care about anyone else but himself, and i don't blame The Godfather for doing what he did.

The camera views the crowd as "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent and olivia can be heard around the arena. A light show and lazors go everywhere as The Mayhem Girls begins to dance around at the entranceway.

Uh huh
So seductive

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

You can have it your way, how do you want it
You gon' back that thing up or should i push up on it
Temperature rising, okay lets go to the next level
Dance floor jam packed, hot as a teakettle
I'll break it down for you now, baby it's simple
If you be a nympho, I'll be a nympho
In the hotel or in the back of the rental
On the beach or in the park, it's whatever you into
Got the magic stick, I'm the love doctor
Have your friends teasin you 'bout how sprung I gotcha
Wanna show me how you work it baby, no problem
Get on top then get to bouncing round like a low rider
I'm a seasons vet when it come to this shit
After you work up a sweat you can play with the stick
I'm tryin to explain baby the best way I can
I melt in your mouth girl, not in your hands (ha ha)

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

Girl what we do (what we do)
And where we do (and where we do)
The things we do (things we do)
Are just between me and you (oh yeah)

Give it to me baby, nice and slow
Climb on top, ride like you in the rodeo
You ain't never heard a sound like this before
Cause I ain't never put it down like this
Soon as I come through the door she get to pullin on my zipper
It's like it's a race who can get undressed quicker
Isn't it ironic how erotic it is to watch em in thongs
Had me thinking 'bout that ass after I'm gone
I touch the right spot at the right time
Lights on or lights off, she like it from behind
So seductive, you should see the way she wind
Her hips in slow-mo on the floor when we grind
As Long as she ain't stoppin, homie I aint stoppin
Drippin wet with sweat man its on and popping
All my champagne campaign, bottle after bottle its on
And we gon' sip til every bubble in every bottle is gone

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

I'll take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick the lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

I'll take you to the candy shop
Boy one taste of what I got
I'll have you spending all you got
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (woah)

The music fades out as the Mayhem Girls go back to the backstage area as the fans cheer.

AwF Baddest Bitch Championship

Gorgeous George


Amethyst 'Glycerine' Lee


Kimberly Page


Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain


The bell rings while the cell is all the way down on the ground. Aurora runs towards Glycerine, and nails her with a spinning kick to the face, and Kim Page is attacked by Gorgeous George. The crowd erupts in cheers from the chaos going on inside of the cell as the historic AwF Baddest Bitch Championship sits on the middle of the cell. Gorgeous George grabs Kim Page, and throws her outside of the ring, and Kim's head hit's the cold hard steel cell. Gorgeous George then runs towards the ropes, and and jumps over the top rope with a huge plancha diva! The AwF fans clap from the athleticism of Gorgeous George. Meanwhile in the ring, Aurora and Glycerine are going at it, with Aurora dominating with the advantage. She nails Glycerine in the midsection, and nails her with a side kick, knocking her down. Aurora waists no time, and picks Glycerine up to her feet, and puts her on the top rope. She climbs the top rope with her, and grabs her, then performs a huge Death Valley Driver! Die In Vain to Glycerine!

Joey Styles: What a move by Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain!

Macho Man: She might have just taken Glycerine out of this match with that move!

Aurora then goes outside the ring, and nails Gorgeous George with a huge axe handle smash off the appron. She grabS Gorgeous George by the hair, and throws her into the steel stairs causing a loud crash. She then runs over to her and starts to stomp away at her like Crazy as Kim Page comes to her sences, and rolls into the ring. Gorgeous George continues to get pounded in the midsection by Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain, and Aurora finally picks her up to her feet, and throws her into the unforgiving steel cell, as Gorgeous George falls to the ground. Meanwhile in the ring, Kim Page is in the ring, waiting for Glycerine to come to her feet, and when she finally does, Kim Page NAILS Glycerine with a huge DIAMOND CUTTER! The crowd erupts from the move as Kim Page turns her attention to Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain and Gorgeous George who are outside the ring. Kim Page slides out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from under the ring. She comes back around to Gorgeous George and Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain, then she NAILS Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain across the head. She then waits for Gorgeous George to come to her feet, then she NAILS Gorgeous George as well! Kim Page then walks towards the cage doors, and tells the reffs outside to open them, and once they do, she walks outside the ring, and begins to climb the cage, for the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship.

Joey Styles: It looks like Kimberly Page is on her way to win the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship!

Macho Man: Wait a second, who is that coming out of the crowd!

Without a warning, THE KAT runs from out of the crowd, and nails Kim Page in the back, and throws her to the ground. She grabs Kim by the head, and throws her against the unforgiving steel cell. She begins to choke her wildly with her light blond hair flying everywhere as the crowd looks on in complete shock to the return of the former AwF Anarchy Rulez Champion, and former uPw Superstar. She picks Kim Page up, and she bends her over, hooks their her arms, lifts her up, holds them vertical hold, then drops her right on her head in a sick Inverted Jacknife Powerbomb! Oh My God! Kimberly Page is destroyed! Two trainers come from the back, and help Kimberly Page to her feet as The Kat begins to grin, and walks to the back.

Joey Styles: Kim Page has just been destroyed by The Kat! Where the hell did she come from!?

Macho Man: It looked like Kim Page was just about to be the next AwF Baddest Bitch Champion, but The Kat ruined those plans!

As the trainers took Kimberly Page to the backstage area, Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain and Gorgeous George went into the ring and saw Glycerine getting back to her feet. They realized if they took out Glycerine, the chances of one of them getting the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship was better. They both rushed Glycerine, and began to jump her, as Aurora nailed her in the face and Gorgeous George began to hit her in the midsection with hard kicks. They both picked Glycerine up, and threw her outside the ring, causing her to fall spine first onto the mat. Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain went outside the ring, and pulled out a table from under the ring. She set the table up outside the ring as Gorgeous George grabbed Glycerine by the hair. Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain and Gorgeous George both picked up Glycerine in a power bomb position, and threw her through the table! Oh My God! Glycerine is broken in half!

Joey Styles: I don't think Glycerine is getting up from that!

Macho Man: It's down to Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain and Gorgeous George now! One of these women are going to be the AwF Baddest Bitch Champion!

Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain and Gorgeous George both looked up at the top of the cell at the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship sitting on the top of the cell. They then began to go at it with everything they had, as rights and lefts went everywhere, and the crowd loved every second of this. Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain finally got the advantage, and nailed Gorgeous George in the eye with her thumb. She then kicked Gorgeous George in the midsection, and planted her with a huge Snap DDT! Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain got to her feet, and went outside the cell, through the open door. She begins to climb the cell with Gorgeous George laying motionless outside the ring. She continues to climb the cell untill she reaches the very top, and at this time Gorgeous George is starting to get to her feet. Right as Aurora was about to make her way to the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship, a rope came down from the rapters, and a figure dressed in an all black mask sslide down on the rope, and jumped on the top of the cage. Aurora looked on in confusion as the masked person walked towards her with their arms extened out. Aurora looked on still confused as the figure grabbed her hand. She tries to break free, but the masked person nails her in the midsection with a kick, then picks her up over his head, and NAILS him with the huge verterbreaker type move, The Kudoh Driver! Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain lays motionless on the top of the cell as the figure stands in front of her. The person takes of the mask, and its...Darren Shadows Varon!

Joey Styles: What the hell! Darren Shadows Varon!

Macho Man: What the hell is going on here?!

The arena filled with boo's as Darren Shadows Varon began to climb down the cell. Meanwhile, Gorgeous George was able to get to her feet, and she begins to quickly climb the cell. She get's to the top, and runs towards the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship..she grabs it! We got a new AwF Baddest Bitch Champion! Gorgeous George is the AwF baddest Bitch Champion! Gorgeous George is the Queen of the World!

Joey Styles: Well, i'll be damned! Darren Shadows Varon has costed Aurora the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship!

Macho Man: I never saw this coming, Joey!

Gorgeous George climbs down from the cell, and clutches her AwF Baddest Bitch Championship tightly as the ref holds her hand up in victory. She holds her belt high in the air as the crowd boos loudly at Darren Shadows Varon, who is walking to the back, leaving Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain laying on the cell.

The Russo-Tron flairs up, and we see Darren Shadows Varon walking to the back, about to leave the arena, but J.C. Money runs up to him, trying to catch him.

J.C. Money: Hey! Hold on a second, Darren Shadows Varon, what the hell just happend out there? Why did you cost your girlfriend the Baddest Bitch Championship?

Darren Shadows Varon: That is where people make the biggest mistake alright Coach...she isn't my girlfriend. Aurora and I haven't been together for a while now. What I did in there is... [He stops and thinks about that for a moment.] Maybe I did it because Aurora thought she was tough but isn't as tough as she believes.

J.C. Money: What do you mean?

Darren Shadows Varon: She and I were friends before anything...but I wanted to prove before the first time I came here that she wasn't worthy of being my tag team partner. This is a personal level type of thing. Aurora doesn't trust me as a friend to tell me the truth about things.

J.C. Money: The truth? The truth about what?

Darren Shadows Varon:Well its no secret that Aurora and myself where invovled. The reason why we seperated was because of her. Have you not be hearing some of the insane things that she has been going on about? I was someone who was more than a boyfriend but a best friend and she doesn't have enough trust in me to tell me the truth. I did a lot for her but I didn't come to the AwF to be her friend. The reason why I lost my first match here is all because of Aurora...That was my payback.

J.C. Money: Well, what's next for you now?

Darren Shadows Varon: [He looks at Coach before rushing to answer.] Whatever comes in my runs in my blood to be here. I'm sure I'll wait on Aurora that's for certain.

J.C. Money: So..that's a challange?

Darren Shadows Varon: You know...that was never really my intention but yeah... [He looks directly into the camera.] Yes, I'm challening a match at Wrestle Mayhem and I know you are going to be there.. So Coach you should already let everyone at home know that this match is booked.

J.C. Money: Already booked? You made it official with Rey Mysterio Jr and Lizzy Borden?

Darren Shadows Varon: If you didn't interupt me as I was on my way to see me. There is no chance in hell this match will get denied. We are the two of the best in the AwF right now. A lot of people are doubting my ability Aurora in her second match gets a title shot. Should be something if I win right?

J.C. Money: I would think so, i don't know..

Darren Shadows Varon: Then are we done here? Because I got a match to go and make.

J.C. Money: Alright, i'm sorry..

Darren Shadows Varon walks off and the scene fades out.


Say your prayers little one
Don't forget, my son
To include everyone

Tuck you in, warm within
Keep you free from sin
Till the sandman he comes

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Something's wrong, shut the light
Heavy thoughts tonight
And they aren't of snow white

Dreams of war, dreams of liars
Dreams of dragon's fire
And of things that will bite

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray the lord my soul to keep
If I die before I wake
Pray the lord my soul to take

Hush little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed,
In your closet, in your head

Exit light
Enter night
Grain of sand

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
We're off to never never land

Rey Mysterio Jr Vs. Christian...The AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship...MALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS...

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

The scene fades back into the ring where Rey Mysterio Jr and Christian are shown sitting down in the ring about to sign the contract on the dotted line. J.C. Money is standing in the ring with them, ready to interview them, but Rey grabs the mic.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Coach, you have pretty much served your purpose. Why don't you go ahead and get the hell out of my ring. Christian, i want you to sign that contract first.

Coach leaves the ring

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Since when do I listen to you? Rey, [Christian sits forward] Lets get one thing straight. I don't give a FUCK if your part owner or whatever the FUCK you want to call it. But, no matter what you are, I am never. Listen Rey, NEVER going to listen to you.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Oh you're going to listen to me this time, Christian. The fact of the matter is YOU are the one who needs this match. Not me. Everyone in this company knows that i'm already the greatest superstar ever to step foot through the AwF ring. Everyone knows that i'm the greatest of all time. And at WrestleMayhem, you are going to find out why,

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Your the greatest superstar ever to step foot in this company? That has yet to be proven Rey. Look around, actually LOOK RIGHT HERE! You've yet to beat me, you've yet to even want to face me. Your scared. Your scared to lose that title, and your scared to step into the ring with me. Because you know that I am on the same level as you are. You know that I can beat you! You know that I can BEAT YOU AT THE BIGGEST STAGE OF THEM ALL!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: The same level as i am? Christian, let me tell you something, NOBODY in this company is on the same level as me. If you where having problems beating Mr. Showtime and The Godfather, what in the hell makes you think you can step foot in the ring with me?

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Problems beating the Godfather? Rey, you need to lay off the drugs my good man. Cause your seeing things. Rey, don't you remember? March Madness, you FUCKED ME OVER! You broke the casket, and I had Showtime BEAT! You don't think that I'm not on your level? Rey, you have no idea what I'm capable of doing. I know that you know that I'm good, cause you are the one that tried to end me. Don't even try to make it an accident, because I know that it was on purpose. I also know that that is why you brought these clowns with you. Just incase something happened to happen, you didn't want to get your ass handed to you by myself. Isn't that right Rey?

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: They go everywhere i go, Son. That's right, i called you son. And at WrestleMayhem, you will be calling me, Daddy.

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Rey, [chuckles] the only reason why they go everywhere with you, is cause your scared. And now I know that your afraid to admit it. I don't know what it is, but I know that you are. Now if you want to go ahead and sign the contract, to make sure that I can get what I deserve and take my title back, so we can just get out of here.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: You know, Christian, if i want to..*Stands up*..I could just leave right now, and give this title shot to someone else...someone else way more deserving then you. Someone who has been around alot longer then you. Maybe, i should defend this title against Virgil.

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: You'd do something like that wouldn't you Rey. Just to get away with that title. But you know something, if you do that, then your walking away on a breached contract stipulation. So you better sit your fucking ass down. And sign that fucking paper, or else, you won't have that title for very much longer, match or not.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Incanse you haven't realized, i'm half the AwF owner. And i don't like the way you are talking to your boss right now.

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Rey. [laughs] That's the part you don't get. You see, I don't have to listen to you, you haven't done nothing. You've just had a verbal contract signed with Vince Russo. But here's something you didn't realize, if you don't like it or not, you can't do a damn thing about it. Nor can any of these people. Because if your my half boss or not. You need to realize that Lizzy Borden is the other half owner, and can over rule you. AT ANY TIME!

AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion and AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Lizzy can over rule me? You dumb canadian, i have more power over Lizzy since i'm the AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Champion. And if i don't want to do this match, i don't have to, nobody can make me..*Get's the contract*..But i'll tell you what Christian, i'm going to finish you off once and for all. You are an idiot for coming back boy..*Signs the contract*..I just sealed your fate*..

Crown Prince Of Anarchy Christian: Sealed my fate? Rey, you don't realize that I've wanted this match since you've got that title. But Rey, just because your Undisputed Anarchy Champion, doesn't mean you get power. [snatches contract out of Rey's hand] Nice signature, its very...bad. Just like your wrestling ability, and your talking. Matter of fact their brutal. [signs the contract] There we go Rey. It's official, your ass is mine at WRESTLEMAYHEM 5!

Christian and Rey have a staredown as Mayhem goes off the air.


Da Baldies and Johnny Stamboli come down and attack Christian, and Rey challanges Christian to a Five on Five match, with anyone from the back, which lead to..

Christian, Mr. Showtime James West, Serenity, Draco Lee and VIRGIL! d. Rey Mysterio Jr, Vic Grimes, Tony Devito, Angel and Johnny Stamboli after Christian pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. After the match, Christian said even Virgil could make Rey look like a bitch.

Rey and the heels went to the back as all the faces celebrated in the ring. Shortly after, the faces left, Pamala Paulshock thanked everyone for coming, and the ring crew started to take down the ring.

AwF WrestleMayhem 5 matches So Far:

MAIN EVENT: AwF Undisputed Anarchy World Heavyweight Championship/MALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS-Rey Mysterio Jr.(c) Vs. Christian-If Rey wins he takes remains the AwF half owner, if he loses Vince Russo gains 100% again

LEGENDS CUP/Triple Threat Tower Of Anarchy Match: Lita Vs. Triple H Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Chris Jericho

Six Way No Fucking Limits Match-AwF Intergender United States Championship-Queen Victoria Vs. Austin Aries Vs. Johnny Stamboli Vs. Lizzy Borden Vs. Draco Lee Vs. Serenity(c)

Bankruptcy Match: Winner get's EVERYTHING the loser owns-The Godfather Vs. The Rock

The AwF Xtreme Television Championship SPLINTER MATCH-Kevin Thorn Vs. Rob Conway

Singapore Cane Survival Match: Trish Stratus Vs. John Cena

TRIP THROUGH ETERNITY II: Edge Vs. Mr. Showtime James West

AwF Baddest Bitch Championship Match-Bucked Naked Match: Loser Strips nude: Special Guest Referee Vince Russo- Dawn Marie Vs. Gorgeous George(c)

Gummy Bears on a Pole/Sing It Match: The loser can never eat another gummy bear again and has to sing a song of the winners choice-VIRGIL! Vs. Gary Coleman

AwF Legends Match: 20 Minute Respect Match-Raven Vs. Balls Mahoney

AwF Legends Match: Submissions Match-Bret "Hitman" Hart Vs. Kurt Angle

AwF Legends Match: Fans Bring The Weapons Match-Justin Credible Vs. Midajah Stamboli Vs. Molly Holly

The Kat Vs. Kimberly Page-Number One Contender to the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship

Aurora Vaughn Chamberlain Vs. Darren Shadows Varon


Match of the Night:John Cena Vs. Kevin Thorn

Face the Night:Serenity

Heel of the Night:Lizzy Borden

Move of the Night:Serenity with a german suplex from the top rope to Rey Mysterio Jr through a table.

Strat of the Night:"Queen Victoria debuts King Aries"

Roleplayer of the Week:
Kevin Thorn

Anarchy Wrestling Federation since 2000