Anarchy Wrestling Presents...

LIVE from The Outside Independence Stadium in Umtata, South Africa
Sunday July 3rd, 2005

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Jamie Koeppe warming up as the special guest ref in Last Bitch Standing Match for the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship A knock is heard at her door, and it's non other then AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.)

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Before you go out there, i need to talk to you.

Jamie Koeppe: Talk to me...about what?

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Look, you don't know me, and i don't know you. But there is something very important i want you to take care of in your match tonight. That Bitch Sable, i want you to make sure she dosen't win.

Jamie Koeppe: Hey, I don't approve of what she did to me previously, but I have to be fair in this match. Of course she pulled a cheap one on me with that sneak attack, but it doesn't surprise me. She's feeling threatened, that's all.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Well, if you trys to questions your athority in this match, don;t hessitate to knock the shit out of her, Or even Queen Victoria for that matter, i can't stand her either.

Jamie Koeppe: I see. Well, if she tries to mess with me, I'll show her that I'm not one to fuck around with. I don't know either of them well, but Sable did get in my business, and she's not going to be let off the hook for that. Maybe I'll get my revenge tonight.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Maybe you will. You know, i'm impressed with the work you have done around here as of late. You look like the next big star.

Jamie Koeppe: That I just might be. I mean, to have my second match be for the number contendership of the Baddest Bitch title made me feel like I had made a breakthrough. Although I lost to Midajah, I felt like I put up a good fight. Good enough to get recognized.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Losing to Midajah isn't a big deal. I would have beaten her if it wasan't for that hoecake Johnny Stamboli. I would be the four time AwF World Champion right now.

Jamie Koeppe: Oh really? That's too bad on your part. Seems like everyone likes to screw each other out of things. It makes me wonder if there's ever been a time when someone's won something on their OWN.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: Trust me, i've always won the big matches on my own.

Jamie Koeppe: Good for you then, eh? I'll be doing the same myself. I'm sick of the alliances around here. I don't need Team Canada, or anyone else to help me get to where I want to be.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: My thoughts exactly. If i'm going to do something right, it has to be done myself.

Jamie Koeppe: Anyway, you have nothing to worry about. I got the feeling Sable won't be having her way tonight, and if that's not the case, then she's going to get some payback from yours truely regardless.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: That's good to hear. I'm going to go to my locker room and watch the moniter. I hope i like what i see..

(Jaime leaned over to the couch where she picked up a pair of short shorts. She held them up infront of Rey, insinuating that she was going to put them on.)

Jamie Koeppe: Trust me, you'll enjoy watching every minute of it.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr.: I'm starting to like it already...

(Rey turns around and leaves the room as the scene fades out)


10 Superstars.

2 Teams.

The War is on.


It will happen at only one place...

LIVE From the AwF Arena in Dallas, Texas, The Anarchy Wrestling Federation Proudly Presents...


Anarchy Heavan | Anarchy Hell

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Angel Russo walking in the backstage area after her loss to Jeff Hardy. Johnny Stamboli walks by her with his Stamboli Stick in his hand, and Angel shrugs him off.)

Johnny Stamboli: Yo, um..i see what you did out there..are you in a bad mood?

Angel Russo: bad mood? Oh ... I just felt like getting rid of some of the ... trash ... here. And she just happened to be one of the trashiest. Why, you got a problem with it.

Johnny Stamboli: Na it's cool. Sometimes you gotta put your beef on the grill.

Angel Russo: Sometimes you gotta tear up a few barbie dolls.

Johnny Stamboli: Yeah, i never liked Carmella anyway. So, i hear that you got something going on with Vince Russo. Like, he wanted you to take her out or something.

Angel Russo: Well, I'm trying to keep him on my good side ... he's kind of related to me for some strange coincidence ... and ... yeah. I'm trying to figure out how to keep him from discriminating against me.

Johnny Stamboli: Related? You're lucky it's nothing too close. I'm his nephew.

Angel Russo: Um .... I'm his niece .... *blinks*

Johnny Stamboli: What?...So that means... RockStarreShade (9:34:26 PM): .... that we're ....

Johnny Stamboli: Cousins?

Angel Russo: I ... guess so ...

Johnny Stamboli: could be worse. You're not so bad. Maybe we could be like you know, friends or something. I'm not really a bad guy, you know.

Angel Russo: I never said you were. I could use some friends around here with the vampire freaks and the sluts and all that crap around here.

Johnny Stamboli: Yeah. I guess we are the only sane people around this place.

Angel Russo: Well, besides John, I swear ... I wish I could take Trish stratus and ...

Johnny Stamboli: I know the feeling. She hit on me once, and i almost lost my lunch. I would have been pissed cause i was broke that day and i din't have money to get something else to eat.

Angel Russo: Trish wishes that John would have slept with her I mean damn. She really needs another notch in her bedpost *rolls eyes* I'm so pissed at her.

Johnny Stamboli: Yeah. One day Trish will get what she deserves. But as far as us go, i'm not gonna be like my uncle vinnie. I'm going to treat anyone in my family like a family member. So from here on out, Johnny got's your back. If anybody's borhtering you, just tell Johnny, and i will show them the Stamboli Stick.

Angel Russo: I like that. If you ever need someone like that ... Especially with people like Edge bitin' necks. It's cool to have some nice fmaily since my mom died.

Johnny Stamboli: Yeah...i still think about her sometimes.

Angel Russo: She was a great lady. But, enough Sadness. Let's talk about old times. I'm sure we know more family members then we think.

Johnny Stamboli: Sure, why not.

(Scene Fades.)

Christian Vs. John Cena
Standard Rules

"Close your eyes" by Waterproof Blondes hits on the arena speakers, and the AwF crowd ERUPTS for the Crown Prince of Anarchy, Captain Charisma, Christian! But not in cheers, in Boos!

Deceived by my eyes,
and all I was told I should see,
Opinion's not mine,
the person they taught me to be,
one night in the dark,
a vision of someone I knew,
and in the darkness I saw,
a voice say I'm you.

Inside me a light was turned on,
and I was alive,
if you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and you'll see if you just close your eyes.

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: The match is set for one fall, and is a second round match in the Primal Survival Tournament. Making his way to the ring, Christian!

Golden pyro shoots downward at the entranceway as Christian walks out wearing a golden hood as the arena fills with boos for the man who turned his back on the fans. He flips his hood back, kisses his fingers, and points to one of his millions of peeps in South Africa as the continue to boo him.

Eyes in the sky,
trapped inside somebody's dream,
too close to the fire,
yet cold and so numb without me,
the fever has broken, the river has run to the sea,
washed in the ocean, and saved by a voice inside me.

Inside me a light was turned on,
and I was alive,
if you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and then you'll see if you just close your eyes.
Never thought I would be so here, so high in the air,
this is my unanswered prayer,
defined by another,
so much wasted time,
out of the darkness each breath that I take will be mine.

If you close your eyes, your life will make the truth reveal,
should you never lived, those scars never heal,
in the darkness life will take you to the other side,
running away, and then you'll see if you just close your eyes

(All the sudden, the lights fade to darkness, and shots of the Chain Gang necklace is shown on the Anarchy-Tron, which still get's the loudest pops of the night! "My time is now" by John Cena blasts over the speakers, and he walks out to a wild reaction wearing his chain gang chain necklace.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And his opponent, John Cena!

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doin big bid'ness, I live this
It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fightin
Plus I'm stormin on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breakin me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughterin stale, competition, I got the whole block wishin
they could run with my division but they gone fishin
with no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second TAN

(Cena limps his way down to the ring as heave "CENA! chants erupt through the stands.)

Yeah, uhh
It's gon' be what it's gon' be
Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T
Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step
A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep
John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so
And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though
Aimin guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
See what happens when the ice age melt
You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
A man's measured by the way that he thinks
Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
I spent 20 plus years seekin knowledge of self
So for now Marc Predka's livin live for wealth

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

(Cena slides into the ring, and put's up the word life taunt as the stadium is erupting with Cena chants. The music fades out, and the match starts.)

The match starts, with Christian and John Cena both in the ring. Christian stands in his respective corner, as John Cena is the first to take a few steps forward, gesturing with his hand in front of his face that Christian "Can't see him" as the fans go NUTS! Christian then points out towards the audience... towards his peeps... but the fans return with nothing but boos which makes John laugh.. pointing at Christian and calling him a jackass. John charges at Christian, slamming him into the corner turnbuckle, and begins to pound him with hard right hands.. the fans count along.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. John then smiles as he steps back a bit, and Christian stumbles forward, holding onto his head and blinking his eyes hard, as if his vision had been blurry. John goes for a grapple but Christian pokes him in the eye, grabbing him by the head and DDTing him hard into the mat. John shakes his head a bit, getting on all fours as Christian swiftly kicks him underneath this stomach, causing John to jump a few inches in the air and land on his back, holding his rib area as Christian smiles, pulling John Cena up.. Christian then gestures the "You Cant See Me!" as he kicks Cena in the stomach, and goes for another DDT, but Cena blocks it, picking up Christian and slamming him down to the mat with a suplex. Cena goes for a quick cover..1...2... kick out by Christian! Cena pulls Christian back up to his feet, and Christian rakes Cena in the eye again, grabbing his head and rubbing it along the ring rope.. burning his eyes. Christian then grabs John by the head, dragging him over towards the turnbuckle as he slams Cena's head into it.. THe fans begin to chant "CHAINGANG CHAINGANG CHAINGANG!" but Christian shakes his head, mouthing the words no no.. as he grabs Cena and tosses him clearly across the ring.. He then picks Cena back up, whipping him into the turnbuckles and on the way back, hitting him with a power slam. Christian goes for the pin now.. 1.. kick out by Cena. Christian instantly whips Cena into a neck lock.. as he chokes the life out of Cena.. the referee makes sure that Cena doesn't give up, and he shakes his head no. Cena then begins to look drowsy as the fans begin to chant "CENA CENA CENA" the referee raises his hand.. and it drops.. once. And again, twice.. but on the third time as always, Cena raises his hands and the fans begin to stomp their feet on the floors and clap their hands to help one of their favorite AwF superstars in this match. Cena gets up, elbowing Christian in the stomach, and whipping him up against the ropes.. With a knee to the gut, Cena then sets Christian up for the F-U!!! CENA HITS CHRISTIAN WITH THE F-U!! Christian drops to the mat and Cena covers for the count.. 1... 2... 3... CENA HAS ADVANCED ONTO THE FINALS!!

Winner: John Cena

Paul Haymen: It's going to be John Cena and Jeff Hardy in the finals! What a match that will be!

Jim Ross: Wait a minute, here comes Edge!

(Edge runs into the ring with a steel chair, and clips Cena from behind on that weak right knee. Both Edge and Christian begin to stomp away at Cena as the crowd boo's like crazy. Christian then goes to the outside of the ring, and get's two chairs. He slides back into the ring, and gives one to his brother Edge. Edge pulls Cena's leg up to the ropes, and both Edge and Christian lift their chairs high as they nail Cena's right knee with as CONCHAIRTO! The crowd boos as Edge and Christian laugh their ass off as Cena screams in pain. All the sudden, Angel Russo and Johnny Stamboli run down to the ring and run Christian and Edge out. Thry check up on Cena as Edge and Christian walk to the back laughing up a storm.)

(The Anarchy-Tron fades to the backstage area and we see Queen Sable with Vince Russo in the back. Russo is massaging Sable's ass gently, as Sable is trying to warm up for her match with Queen Victoria.)

AwF Owner Vince Russo: All nice and sweaty..just like last night.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: *gives a grin* Yeah well I want to be prepared for the little whore Victoria.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: You got this match in the bag, my queen. All you have to do is keep her down for a 10 count, and she is out of our lives forever.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: Yeah but what about Rey. He wasn't exactly to excited to see me back

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Don't worry about Rey. He's just mad because he could never have a Queen as lovely as you.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: What would I do without you?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: I don't know..*Leans over and kisses her nose*..

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: So this little celebration you have planned tonight, what's going to happen?

AwF Owner Vince Russo: You better believe it. It's just going to be me and you. No need to worry about Shelton either, his ass is gone.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: I heard

AwF Owner Vince Russo: So he is out of the picture and out of our lives.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: Sounds good. *gives him a kiss*

AwF Owner Vince Russo: Now it's time. I want you to go out there, and prove to the world exactly why you are the queen.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: No problem.

AwF Owner Vince Russo: *Slaps Sable's ass hard*..And hurry back.

AwF Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable: This won't take 5 minutes and just you wait to see what I bought for tonight.

(Queen Sable french kisses Vince, and leaves the room with her AwF Baddest Bitch Championship around her waist as the scene fades out)

AwF Baddest Bitch Championship Match
Queen Sable[C] Vs. Queen Victoria
Special Guest Referee: Jaime Koeppe
The Winner takes the Queen Name

(Jaime Koeppe is shown in the ring wearing a revealing ref's shirt and tight shorts, getting attention from the male fans at ringside. The lights go out as "When I Am Queen" By Jack Off Jill hits the PA system. The crowd goes insane as the lights remain off.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: This match is set for one fall, and is a last Bitch Standing Match! The special guest for this match will be the Number One Contender to the AwF Baddest Bitch Championship, Jaime Koeppe! Making her way to the ring, AwF Legend, Queen Victoria!

Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself

When I am queen on royal thrown made out of parts of broken bones
of all the devils I have known that suck the angels dry

When I am queen I'll have my way I'll make it drowning dollie day
and all the tears that we have cried will suck back in our eyes

Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself

(The lights come back on and we see Queen Victoria sitting on top of ELEPHANT! The crowd starts to cheer as The Elephant slowly gets lead by its keeper towards the ring. Victoria has an evil grin on her face. Her hair is teased and looks like it hasn't been brushed in weeks.)

Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself
Drown drown drown myself

Hush baby hush baby
Hush baby go to sleep
Hush baby hush baby
Hush baby I'll make it be

(She's wearing a leopard print outfit torn and ripped, tied together. The elephant reaches the ring and Victoria, with the help of the keeper, gets off the elephant. She walks up the steps barefoot and gets into the ring. All the sudden, Pussy Cat Dolls "Don't Cha" hits on the arena speakers, and the Baddest Bitch Champion Queen Sable walks out as the AwF fans boo.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And her opponent, She is the AwF Baddest Bitch Champion, Queen Sable!

I know you like me (I know you like me)
I know you do (I know you do)
Thats why whenever I come around
She's all over you (she's all over you)
I know you want it (I know you want it)
It's easy to see (it's easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be fucking me (babe)

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha

(Queen Sable stops at the middle of the rampway as the elephant and it's keeper go to the backstage area. She slides into the ring and stares down Queen Victoria.)

Fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
Leave it alone (leave it alone)
Cause if it ain't love
It just aint enough to leave my happy home (my happy home)
Let's keep it friendly (let's keep it friendly)
You have to play fair (you have to play fair)
See I dont care
But I know She ain't gonna wanna share

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was a freak like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was raw like me?
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was fun like me?
Don't cha
Don't cha

(Queen Sable's music fades out, and the opening bell rings as the match begins.)

The bell sounds as Victoria like a hell cat charges at Sable, Victoria jumps up into Sables arms and locks her hands around her neck. Sable loses her balance and falls back with Victoria ontop of her! Victoria continues to choke Sable and slam her head into the mat. Victoria gets up grabbing Sable by the hair and pulling her to her feet. Victoria whips her into the ropes, Sable comes off the ropes as Victoria bends over. Sable kicks Victoria in the shoulder and takes her down with a quick clothesline. Sable slides out of the ring and grabs the chair Pamela Paulshock was sitting on. Sable throws the chair into the ring and starts yelling at a fan sitting ringside, he waves his sign in her face that reads. "SABLE IS NO QUEEN!!" Sable grabs the sign and rips it up, Sable laughs to herself as she turns to get into the ring. Just then she's stopped by Victoria, with the help of the top rope, who launches out of the ring and lands ontop of Sable! The crowd comes alive as both ladies lay outside the ring. Victoria holds onto her ribs as she rolls around in pain, Sable holds her head as she starts to crawl away from Victoria. Sable gets to the barricade as Victoria starts to get to her feet. Using the barricade to help her up Sable gets up and hops over the barricade. Victoria reaches into the ring and grabs the chair and heads towards Sable. Victoria hops over the barricade the fans part as Sable tries to escape Victoria. She swings the chair with great ease connecting with the back of Sables head! Sable falls to the ground as the fans start to cheer. Victoria drops the chair and grabs Sable by the foot and starts to drag her towards the trailers, Victoria gives one more tug before pulling Sable to her feet by her hair. Sable is all covered in dirt from being dragged on the ground. Victoria opens the door to the makeup trailer and tosses Sable in head first. Victoria steps inside the trailer as Jamie Koeppe is seen just catching up with the girls, as she looks on from outside the trailer. Victoria picks Sable up and puts her down in a chair sitting infront of a big wall mirror. Victoria grabs the canister of hair spray and sprays Sable in the eyes. She falls out of the chair and starts rolling around as Victoria laughs. Victoria then sits down in the chair and spins completely around throwing her hands in the air and laughing. She does it again and Sable pops up, still wiping the hair spray from her eyes. Sable stops the chair and kicks Victoria right in the face knocking her right out of the chair! Sable steps over Victoria and grabs the lipstick, she then gets ontop of Victoria and starts jamming the lipstick into her mouth! Victoria starts kicking and tries to knock Sables hands away. Sable grabs hold of Victoria by the hair and slams her head into the floor of the trailer cracking the tile! Victoria lays there motionless as Sable gets up Jamie starts the count. 1.... Sable brushes her hair back as she looks down at Victoria. 2.... Sable puts her hands on hips as she smirks. 3.... Victoria shakes her head abit before opening her eyes, Sable sighs and reaches down grabbing Victoria by the hair. Sable pulls her to her feet and slams her head off the table under the mirror, AND AGAIN! Sable does it one last time and Victoria falls to the floor. Sable then grabs the end of the table and flips it over sending makeup and junk everywhere. Victoria starts to get to her feet holding her head as Sable bends over and grabs the blow dryer from the floor. Sable grabs the cord and starts chomping down on it, Sable starts pulling and gnawing at the cord before she finally bites it off the blow dryer. Sable then folds it in half and brings it down across Victoria's back! Sable begins to whip Victoria like a dirty slave as Victoria cries out. Sable wraps it around Victoria's neck and pulls her up to her feet. Sable still holding the cord that's around Victoria's neck, snapmares her down to the floor of the trailer. Sable gets down on one knee behind a sitting Victoria and starts to choke her! Victoria pulls at the cord with her hands as she kicks her feet about. Victoria spots the hair dryer and tries to reach it with her right hand, Sable pulls back harder as Victoria gasp for air. Victoria with the help of her foot grabs the hair dryer, she then clocks Sable right in the head! Sable instantly lets go as she falls onto her back. Victoria gets to her feet with the blow dryer in her hand, she unwraps the cord from around her neck and tosses it to the floor. Sable with help of the chair starts to pull herself to her feet. Sable turns around and is met right in the face by the blow dryer! Victoria hit's her square between the eyes knocking her to the floor. Victoria throws the blow dryer to the floor as Jamie starts the count as Victoria exits the trailer, 1.... she grabs a bucket of nasty, almost black water. 2.... Sable's left leg starts to move. 3.... Victoria with the bucket in her hand walks back up the steps and into the trailer. 4.... Victoria walks over to Sable and stands above her holding the bucket over her in both hands. 5.... Sable shakes her head abit before opening her eyes. 6.... Victoria then dumps the whole bucket of that nasty water all over Sable! 7.... Sable starts to yell in disgust, she gets on all fours, then finally to her feet. Sable charges at Victoria grabbing her around the waist and driving her back first into the wall mirror. Sable backs up abit and then drives Victoria right back into the mirror even harder smashing the mirror and cutting up Victoria's back! Victoria falls to her knees wrenching her back as Sable runs her hands through her now wet hair. Sable then exits the trailer as she catches her breath. Sable starts to wring her hair out as Jamie checks on her, Sable pushes Jamie away and grabs a table that was resting up against the makeup trailer. Sable sets it up before heading back towards the door of the trailer. Sable looks in and notices Victoria is GONE?! Sable starts to look around shaking her head. WHERE DID VICTORIA GO?! Sable puts her hands on her hips as she continues to look around. Jamie points up to the top of the trailer and just as Sable turns Victoria had leaped out! VICTORIA MOONSAULTS OFF THE TOP OF THE TRAILER!! LANDING ONTOP OF A STANDING SABLE!! Victoria comes crashing down ontop of Sable like a bag of bricks! Sable falls straight back with Victoria ontop of her.


Victoria slowly gets to her feet holding her ribs, she grabs Sable by the hair and pulls her to her feet aswell. Victoria with Sables hair in her hand starts leading her towards the ring area. Victoria starts pushing fans out of the way as she drags Sable around by her hair. Victoria quickly tosses Sable over the barricade by her hair before hopping over the barricade herself. Sable starts to crawl towards the ring, before getting to the ring Victoria stomps on the back of her head. Victoria grabs her by the hair again and pulls her back up to her feet. She then rolls Sable into the ring before lifting up the apron. Victoria looks under the ring for a second, she then pulls out a kendo stick and a stop sign. Victoria throws the kendo stick into the ring and grabs the stop sign. Sable grabs the kendo stick and starts to get to her feet as Victoria slides into the ring. Victoria walks towards Sable and lifts up the stop sign with both hands high above her head. Before she can use it Sable cracks her in the ribs with the kendo stick! The shot echo's as Victoria falls to her knees. Sable gets to her feet and cracks the kendo stick over Victoria's head! Sable does it once more this time smashing the kendo stick to bits and busting Queen Victoria wide open! Victoria slowly falls right back onto her back. Sable throws the rest of the kendo stick to the ground as she holds the back of her head Jamie starts the count. 1.... Victoria reaches out with both hands, 2.... Sable brushes all her hair back and looks off into the crowd. 3.... Victoria rolls onto her stomach as her blood starts to drip and cover the mat. 4.... Victoria sits up onto her knees. 5.... Victoria grabs the second rope with her left hand and pulls herself up. Sable turns around and sees Victoria is standing! Sable grits her teeth and screams as she charges Victoria. Sable spears her through the ropes! Both ladies slip between the second and first rope and land outside the ring! Victoria's head bounces off the floor with a sick thud. Sable starts to get to her feet as Victoria lays there motionless. Sable slides back into the ring and starts yelling.


Back outside Victoria must have heard Sable. He eyes open and sick smile comes over her face. Victoria instantly nips up onto her feet stopping Jamie from even starting the count! Victoria's sick smile can be seen almost glowing through the crimson mask she now wears. The fans start to go insane as Victoria slides into the ring, Sable stands guard ready for whatever might come her way. Both ladies are staring a hole in eachother! They both step to eachother and lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Sable gets the upper hand by backing Victoria into the turnbuckle corner. Sable then lights up Victoria's chest with a hard chop. Sable then hooks her arm and grabs Victoria by the hair, and hiptosses her into the center of the ring. Sable drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, she flips up the ring apron and pulls out a table. The fans start to boo as Sable slides the table into the ring. Victoria starts to get to her feet as Sable slides into the ring. Sable walks over to Victoria delivering a kick to her midsection, Sable then whips towards the ropes but Victoria reverses it. Sable flips forward spring off the ropes with a hand spring back elbow! BUT Victoria catches her in a full nelson in mid air. Victoria then drives her back first into the mat with a full nelson slam! Victoria walks over to the table as Sable rolls onto her stomach holding her back. Victoria rest one end of the table on the turnbuckle as Jamie starts the count. 1.... Sable grabs the second rope and starts to pull herself up. 2.... Victoria walks over to Sable and grabs her by the hair pulling her to her feet. Victoria whips Sable towards the table..but Sable reverses it pulling Victoria towards her...Sable grabs hold of Victoria and drives her head first through the table with an over the head belly to belly suplex!


Victoria lays motionless under bits of broken table. Jamie starts the count as Sable looks on.










Victoria starts to pull herself to feet. Sable looks on shaking her head.


Victoria pulls herself to her feet at the last second! Sable pulls on her hair before walking over to Victoria. Sable swings at Victoria and Victoria ducks, Sable swings again and Victoria blocks it. Sable fires back with a right hand of her own knocking Sable back a few steps. Victoria kicks her in the midsection before shoving her head between her legs, Victoria then lifts her up positioning Sable on her back..WIDOWS PEAK!! Sable wiggles out of Victoria's grasp and slides off her back. Sable spins Victoria around and goes for another punch, Victoria blocks it and levels Sable with a clothesline. Victoria staggers over to the corner, she grabs the top rope and starts to climb. Victoria gets to the top rope as Sable starts to get to her feet, Victoria turns around to face Sable. Sable quickly rushes over to Victoria and pushes both her feet off the turnbuckle before Victoria could attempt whatever she had in mind. Victoria lands crotch first on the top rope as Sable gets on the first rope....then the second rope..then the top. Sable jumps up and hooks her legs around Victoria's head going for a hurricanranna..BUT..Victoria holds on to the top rope and Sable lands flat on her chest on the mat! Victoria reaches down grabbing Sable by the hair, Victoria slowly pulls Sable to her feet. Victoria pulls some more pulling Sable up to the second rope, Victoria stands up on the top rope. The fans all stand up watching what's about to unfold. Victoria pulls Sable up to the top rope shoving her head between her legs. The fans start to go wild as Victoria lifts Sable up into the powerbomb position! Victoria leaps out still holding onto Sable. SABLE HAS JUST BEEN POWERBOMBED OFF THE TOP ROPE AND THROUGH THE FUCKING RING!! THE FANS ARE GOING WILD..THERES A HOLE IN THE CENTER OF THE RING!! BOTH LADIES CAN'T BE SEEN, THIS IS UTTER MADNESS!

AwF Fans: "AwF!! AwF!! AwF!! AwF!! AwF!! AwF!!"

Jamie starts the count as the fans continue to scream and yell for this favorite diva.








Just then a hand shoots out from the hole in the middle of the ring! The camera's zoom in on's QUEEN VICTORIA'S HAND! Her red finger nail polish is chipped and a few of her nails are broken. Bloody blonde hair can be seen entangled in her fingers.


Victoria's other hand shoots out of the hole followed by her head, Victoria digs her nails into the mat as she drags herself out of the hole! Victoria drags herself over to the ropes and quickly pulls herself to her feet.




Winner and NEW AwF Baddest Bitch Champion: Queen Victoria




For years, we have always wanted to know, who was the greatest AwF of all time.

It looks like we will get our answer.


It will happen at only one place...

LIVE From the AwF Arena in Dallas, Texas, The Anarchy Wrestling Federation Proudly Presents...


Anarchy Heavan | Anarchy Hell

Where FANTASY becomes REALITY.

Jeff Hardy Vs. John Cena

(Grey and light blue lights and lazors show over the entranceway, and "New Born" by Muse begins to play over the arena speakers as a very tired Jeff Hardy walks out from the backstage area. Most of the crowd boo's him, but a few people in the crowd cheer for him out of respect of making it this far in the match.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the finals of the AwF Primal Survival Tournament. The winner will face the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion at WrestleMayhem 4! Making his way to the ring, Jeff Hardy!

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
The bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Hopeless time to roam
The distance to your home
Fades away to nowhere
How much are you worth
You can't come down to earth
You're swelling up, you're unstoppable

'cause you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting our last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'cause I'm drifting away
Away from you

(Jeff Hardy walks down the rampway alongside holding his midsection in pain as the crowd gives him a mixed reaction.)

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like it's a birth squeeze
And the love for what you hide
And the bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born

When you've seen, seen
Too much, too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

Destroy the spineless
Show me it's real
Wasting their last chance
To come away
Just break the silence
'cause I'm drifting away
Away from you

(Jeff slides into the ring, and rests on the turnbuckle corner as his music fades out. All the sudden, the lights fade to darkness, and shots of the Chain Gang necklace is shown on the Anarchy-Tron, which get's the loudest pops of the night! "My time is now" by John Cena blasts over the speakers, and he limps out to a wild reaction wearing his chain gang chain necklace.)

AwF Ring Announcer Pamala Paulshock: And his opponent, John Cena!

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
My money stack fat plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doin big bid'ness, I live this
It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fightin
Plus I'm stormin on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breakin me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughterin stale, competition, I got the whole block wishin
they could run with my division but they gone fishin
with no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
you'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second TAN

(Cena makes his way down to the ring as his knee looks to be in bad shape. The crowd in attendance is all behind this man tonight.)

Yeah, uhh
It's gon' be what it's gon' be
Five pounds of courage buddy, bass tint pants with a gold T
Uhh - it's a war dance and victory step
A raw stance is a gift, when you insist it's my rep
John Cena, Trademarc, y'all are so-so
And talk about the bread you make but don't know the recipe for dough though
Aimin guns in all your photos, that's a no-no
When this pop, you'll liplock, your big talk's a blatant no-show
See what happens when the ice age melt
You see monetary status is not what matters, but it helps
I rock a timepiece by Benny if any
The same reason y'all could love me is the same reason y'all condemn me
A man's measured by the way that he thinks
Not clothing lines, ice links, leather and minks
I spent 20 plus years seekin knowledge of self
So for now Marc Predka's livin live for wealth

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now
It's the franchise, boy I'm shinin now
You can't see me, my time is now!

(Cena slides into the ring, and put's up the word life taunt as the stadium is erupting with Cena chants. The music fades out and ends as Cena trys to strech his knee, and Jeff Hardy takes a few breathers. All the sudden, white sirens begin to flash away and sound at the entranceway, and "Girl fight" by Brooke Valentine begins to pound hard on the arena speakers as the lights go from white to purple and red.)

Its about to be a what!
Girl fight !

We bout to throw dem bows
We bout to swang dem thangs

There's about to be a what? Girlfight!

(The AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli walks out with her lead pipe in her hand and the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Championship around her waist. She has her eyes on both Jeff Hardy and John Cena, and rightfully so, because the winner would face her in the main event of WrestleMayhem.)

There she go talkin' her mess
All around town makin' me stress
I need to get this off my chest
And if her friend want some then she'll be next
It really ain't that complicated
Y'all walking round looking all frustrated
Want some plex come on let's make it
Ya acting real hard but I know ya fakin'

Know you really don't wanna step to dis
Really don't know why you talkin' shit
You 'bout to catch one right in the lip
It's about to be a what? Girlfight!

We bout to throw dem bows
We bout to swang dem thangs

It's about to be a what? Girlfight!

Jim Ross: I would think Midajah wants to take a look at her opponent for WrestleMayhem.

Paul Haymen: And just so you know, unlike you, i never said one bad thing about Midajah.

We on our way to ya neighborhood
The reason why we comin' is understood
Me and my girls we down to ride
So when you hear us pull up bring ya butt outside
And if you try to call ya cousin and nem
Don't forget that I got some of dem
'Bout to go real hard 'bout to swang dem thangs
'Bout to feel elbows all in ya brain

Know you really don't wanna step to dis
Really don't know why you talkin' shit
You 'bout to catch one right in the lip
It's about to be a what? Girlfight!

We bout to throw dem bows
We bout to swang dem thangs
It's 'bout to be a what? Girlfight!

Oh! I know you don't want me to split yo dome!
Girl you makin me really mad...
Oh! I know you don't want me to split yo dome!
I'm about to bruise ya face and it's sad...

(Midajah Stamboli takes a seat next to Paul Haymen and put's her headset on as her music fades out.)

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: You two pigs have the honor and the privilege of having Midajah Stamboli sitting beside you for commentary.

Paul Haymen: I'm not worthy!

Jim Ross: Well, thank you for joining us i guess.

(All the sudden,the lights dim down to darkness in the arena,and sounds of thunder is heard with flashes of light imitating lighting from that of a storm. On the Anarchy-Tron,images of Rey's glowing grey eyes are shown in a background while highlights of his AwF Career are shown in a mist of dark clouds as "Quiet Storm" by Mobb Deep begins to play.)

Blowin niggaz wit rusty ass German things
Keepin it thorough is our motherfuckin claim to fame
Throw on your wetsuit, when it rains, it pours and all
Hit em with the four
Don't even know him from a hole in the wall
Get at me, niggaz wanna clap me, snitches wanna rat me?
Put it right where they back be
Keep my Dunns close to me, enemies even closer
Sendin kites with the Motorolas, yo
Give 'em the cold shoulder with a hollow-tip to match
Bad apple outta the batch, obsessed with gats Since a little dude,
eatin niggaz food, buck-fifty's
Niggaz can kill me but they comin wit me
How about that, send the Queen Bee to attack
Only a fly bitch like that can leave em and laugh
Rock em to sleep, make em think the drama is dead
Yo I smile up in your face though I'm plottin instead

Yo it's the real shit, shit to make you feel shit
Thump em in the club shit
Have you wildin out when you bump this (hip-hop ,hip-hop)
Drugs to your eardrum, the raw uncut
Have a nigga OD cause it's never enough

(Smoke appears from the entranceway and the AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr walks out from the backstage area to a thunderous ovation. He walks down to ringside.)

Niggaz can kill me but they comin wit me
Niggaz can kill me but they comin wit me
Niggaz can kill me but they comin wit me
Niggaz can kill me but they comin wit me

Yo it's the real shit, shit to make you feel shit
Thump em in the club shit
Have you wildin out when you bump this (hip-hop ,hip-hop)
Drugs to your eardrum, the raw uncut
Have a nigga OD cause it's never enough

(Rey comes to ringside, and sit's next to Jim Ross as he has his eyes locked on Midajah and the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Championship.)

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: And what the hell are you doing out here?

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: The same thing you're doing. Minding my godamn buisness.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Fine. You stay over there, and i'll stay over here, and we won;t have any problems what so ever.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: That's fine with me.

Jim Ross: Well, i hope we can all enjoy this match without all hell breaking loose right here in the announcers table.

Paul Haymen: What could possibly happen?

(The opening bell rings and the match begins.)

The crowd is once again behind John Cena in the final match of the Primal Survival Tournament. Jeff Hardy has made it past Angel Russo and Carmella, but John Cena had the bad luck of facing both brothers, Edge and Christian, and has sustained a brutal injury to his right knee, but he is going to continue on like the warrior he is. Heavy, "CENA!" chants brew in the arena as the fans in South Africa look on at the biggest match of the night. Jeff Hardy raises his hand in a test of strength to Cena, but as soon as Cena raises his hand, Hardy attacks that right knee with a brutal kick. Cena falls to the ground, but is able to hold on to the turnbuckle ropes. Hardy grabs Cena by his right leg, and kicks it as hard as he can. He pulls Cena back to the middle of the ring, and he locks him in with a Figure 4 Leglock! He wants to end this match early! Jeff Hardy finally get's the move locked in, and Cena screams in pain as his injured knee is being no damaged even more. Hardy holds down on the knee with all his might as Cena scrambles to reach the ropes. The fans get behins Cena and keep his adrenaline flowing as he takes every bit of the painfull figure four leglock by Jeff Hardy. Cena try's to reach to the ropes, but instead has a better idea. He raises his hand in the air, and actually trys to turn Jeff over and lock the hold on him, and eventually, he reverses the figure four all together, but Hardy is closer to the ropes then Cena thought, and he is able to get the hold broken. Cena rolls over to the corner, and grabs his chain necklace and wraps it around his fist. When Jeff goes to pick him up, Cena NAILS him right in the forehead with the necklace, and the crowd erups as Jeff Hardy falls all the way out of the ring. Jeff Hardy touches his head and realizes that blood is leaking from his head. Jeff trys to whip the blood off, and looks for an abject under the ring. He pulls out a ladder which sends cheers throught the arena. Hardy slides the ladder halfway into the ring untill Cena walks up close, He then hit's the ladder, and sends it upwards, knocking Cena in the face with the ladder, and putting him on the mat. Jeff Hardy then slides into the ring, and goes for a cover on Cena as the ref get's in position...ONE...TWO..Cena kicks out. Jeff Hardy picks up Cena to his feet, and holds his head in a suplex postions as he kicks at the side of his knee. He picks Cena up in a side suplex, and drops him knee first on the ladder! Oh my God! Cena screams to the top of his lungs as the AwF fans all gasp in worry of Cena's condition. Jeff Hardy got for the cover, and it looks to be over here...ONE...TWO...Cena kicks out! Jeff screams at the ref for the "slow count" as Cena grabs his knee and rolls over to the outside of the ring to get some rest. Hardy slides out of the ring, and kicks Cena in the midsection as he rolls across the concrete entranceway. Hardy picks Cena up and grabs him by the head, and performs a reverse Twist of Fate on the concrete floor!


AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Oh shit! I saw Cena's head bouncing off the concrete there.

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: Can you let Paul and JR call the match? The last thing you know how to do is call a match.

AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Why don't you kiss my ass muthafucker?

Jim Ross: Let's settle down here, there's no need for all that kind of language on the air

Paul Haymen: Yeah, you know Vince Russo dosen't like anything bleeped out.

Hardy then picks him up, and throws him towards the steel stairs, and Cena's body crashes onto the cold hard steel stairs as the fans at ringside feast of the chaos going on. Hardy rolls Cena into the ring, and goes to the second ropes himself. He leaps off with a legdrop, but Cena moves out of the way, and Hardy falls on the mat hard ass first. Cena fells the momentum shift as he grits his teeth, doing his best to make it through the pain. He slides the ladder which is sitting in the turnbuckle corner into the middle of the ring, then he limps over to Hardy. He picks Hardy up, and put's him in between his legs. He pounds his chest hard as the fans erupt, and performs a huge POWERBOMB ONTO THE LADDER! Oh My Fucking God! Jeff Hardy's back is broken in half! One of these men are going to end up dead tonight!

AwF Fans: A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F! A-W-F!

Instead of going for the cover, a possesed John Cena rolls to the outside and looks under the ring. The entire arena pops huge as Cena pulls out a table and slides it into the ring. He goes into the ring and set's up the table in the middle of the ring as the fans get on their feet in anticipation to what will happen. Cena lifts Hardy to his feet, and put's him on the top rope. Cena walks up the top rope, and hook in Hardy. He picks him up in a stalling suplex postion, then DRIVES HIM THROUGH THE TABLE WITH A SUP ROPE SUPERPLEX! OH MY GOD!


Cena then put's an arm over Hardy's chest, what a match this has been! The ref get's in position to count...




JEFF HARDY KICKS OUT! Cena hit's the mat in fustration as the arena get's behind him yet again in "Cena!" Chants.


Boy is this man over! Cena grabs Hardy by the hair, and get's him to his feet, but Hardy NAILS him with a low blow and the crowd erupts in boo's to Hardy as he pushes Cena bakcwards to the turnbuckle corner. Hardy walks over to the chair that is laying in the ring, and put's it in front of Cena. Hardy then goes to the other side of the ring, and leaps forwards with the Whisper in the Wind, but Cena CATCHES him! He lifts him on his shoulders, and the ENTIRE arena erupts as Cena nails Hardy with a massive F-U! Cena grabs his right leg in pain as Hardy looks to be 100% gone. COVER HIM! COVER HIM CENA!! The crowd cheers for Cena to make the cover, and a few moments later, Cena is able to get a hand over Hardy for the count..




NO!!! Jeff got a shoulder up before the three count! My God how close! Cena beats the mat in fustration. These men are going to limit tonight! This is a classic match in the works, and both men deserve a great amount for respect no matter what. Cena get's to his feet, and get's the chair in the ring. He walks over to Hardy who is still busted open in the face from that chain shot earlier in the match, and before Cena can hit him with the chair, Hardy kicks his feet out, and the chair nails Cena in the face hard, knocking him backwards. Hardy get's to his feet, and quickly makes his way to the top rope. He wants to end this thing! He leaps off the tope rope and performs the Swanton Bomb, and hit's it perfect! Hardy try's to go for a cover, but he is just too drained. Not only from this match, but from the two other matches. Moments go by and Hardy still dosen't get the cover on Cena who looks like he has just been involved in a train wreck, with his right knee swelling up in a purple color. Jeff Hardy rolls to the outside area and get's a little rest to himself, and meanwhile Cena get's to his feet by using the ropes. He see's Midajah talking noise at the announcers table, and he tiredly put's his hands in front of his face as the crowd reacts..


AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion Midajah Stamboli: Oh hell no..

Jim Ross: Midajah, where you going?

Paul Haymen: John Cena just started something now!

AwF Legend Rey Mysterio Jr: All she does is cause trouble around here, and i'm fucking sick of it.

Midajah is insulted, and put's her headset down, and grabs her steel pipe. He slides into the ring, and takes a swing at Cena's rib, and knocks him back to the ground as the arena fills with boos. What the hell is she doing? Midajah picks up Cena, and plants him with a huge SCREW YOU. Midajah then looks down on Cena and begins to talk trash as Cena appears to be out of it. The fans let Midajah have it.


Rey drops his headset and slides into the ring. He turns Midajah around, and yells at her for being involved in the match, and the crowd erupts in cheers as he get's in Midajah's face exchanging words with the AwF Undisputed Anarchy Champion. Midajah then slaps Rey across the face, and Rey turns around with a smile on his face. All the suden, he leaps towards Midajah and starts to mount her with punches as the area explodes in cheers. Midajah rolls Rey over and they go at it like hungry wild dogs fighting over the last peice of raw steak left on the earth. 10 Security guards come out from the backstage area, and break up both Rey and Midajah. The crowd boo's as they want to see them go at it. Security finally get's them to the backstage area as Jeff Hardy slides into the ring after all that has happened in the ring, finally a little rested up. He picks Cena up, and plants him with a huge TWIST OF FATE! Jeff then lays him on the ladder in the middle of the ring, and starts to climb the top rope. It looks to be over now more then ever. Jeff Hardy leaps off the ropes, with the swanton bomb, but Cena moves out of the way, and Jeff Hardy SMASHES onto the ladder! Oh my GOD!


Cena is starting to feel it in his bones npw. He has his chance, and godamnit he's going to take it. He pulls himself up to his feet, and lifts Hardy up on his shoulders. He spins him around trying to get out of the way of the ladder, but accidently hit's the ref in the head with Hardy's foot while he is spinning. Cena then performs a huge F-U to Hardy, and goes for the quick cover......

AwF Fans: ONE....TWO....THREE!!

cENA HAS THE MATCH WON, BUT THE REF IF DOWN! DAMMIT! Cena get's up and limps over to the ref. He shakes him a bit untill the ref get's to his feet. Cena then looks down at Hardy, and holds up the "Wordlife" taunt as the crowd erupts in cheers and stands on their feet, knowing the end is near. The ref stands up and pays close attention to both men as Hardy is getting to his feet. Hardy finally get's up, and turns around, and Cena lifts him up to his shoulders! He's going to do it! Cena yells in pain from his right knee as it appears to go out, and Hardy leans forward in a Small Package! Hardy pulls back on that right leg! He get's the cover....




IT'S OVER! JEFF HARDY WINS! JEFF HARDY WINS! My god wat a fucking awesome match! Both men took it to the limit here tonight!

Winner: Jeff Hardy

After the match, the ref raises Jeff Hardy's hand in victory. The biggest victory in his carrer. This match has just put him in the WRESTLEMAYHEM MAIN EVENT! He has the chance of a lifetime to become an AwF Legend. The crowd stands on their feet and stands and appluads for both men as they have put on a historic match tonight. Cena might night have won this match, but these AwF fans know him as a true winner. He truely is the next big AwF superstar. Jeff Hardy walks towards the backstage area looking exausted as the Primal Survival credits and AwF copyright shows over the screen. We will see you LIVE on Thursday Night ReVenge!



Anarchy Wrestling Federation copyright Since 2000