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[[- Current ACW Match-Up: Elix Skipper vs. Raven -]]


[[- Here we are. At New Blood Rising. Where the big games roll out! Where the High-Rollers settle up! And where the Players, take the stage.. For some "High Stakes" Game Playin'! So, can Raven out-fox,.. "The PrimeTime Player" ..Who's ALWAYS... a Skip-Over, The Competition? And prove, he's a high-roller in the ACW? Heh. Not as far... as Elix Skipper 'SEES IT!' -]]


[[- Now, For the Roleplay... -]]

Scene 1: A meeting between two old friends

[[-]] The scene opens.. and its not long... Before we see our inspirational hero, of the acw. And no, not Kurt Angle. As Brian would have you believe. But.. Elix Skipper. That's right.. "Primetime, baby!" PRIMETIME! [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Walking up taking notice of something ] Uhm. Uhmm. 1 fine lady in the house. And 1 fine man, just steppin' in. [ Rubbing hands together ] Now's the time, to put the figures together, and make myself an introduction!

[[-]] Elix continues his walk, as acw cameras show.. That we're in a cafeteria. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Approaching his target ] Well, well. If it isn't my 'lil Paisley Park.

[[-]] A woman looks up, from her seated position. [[-]]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Excuse me?.. What?!

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
You know.. what.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Showing off his physique ] In the flesh, baby.

[[-]] Elix starts to pull up a seat right across from Sharmell, but she stops him in mid-motion. [[-]]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Whoa, baby!.. Now, before you go and think of taking that seat.. Let me disabuse you of that notion.

[[-]] Elix lets up. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Raising hands ] Hey, hey.. You ain't got ta' dis me. But, you can abuse me.. ANYtime. [ Smirks ]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Um, no. [ Narrowing her eyes, in a mean stare ] How about I don't.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Have it your way, baby.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Oh, I intend to. [ Looking Elix straight in the eyes ] And that way, Elix. Does not.. INVOLVE you! So, if you'll be going.. [ Does a Shoe'ing Away motion with her left hand ]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Hold up, what's with the hostility?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Incase you didn't know... We did not get along all too well, back at Turner in World Championship Wrestling. So, like it was over there... You can just get the steppin'.. Away from me. If you please.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
If I please..?

[[-]] Looking confused. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
What you mean, by that?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Well, to brake it down for you. [ Pointing away ] You see that doorway you just came in from?... Well, I'd kindly like it, if you'd turn back around on your feet.. And walk out the room. If you will.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Hold on. What's with you, baby? Can't stand for a little conversation?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Incase you were absent, from what I've said so far. No.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
So, what's with you Sharmy? Is this a personal thing?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Its a.. "I'd like you outta my way, sorta thing." So, I can have some peace and quiet. Now can you dig?

[[-]] Looking wounded. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Sure, I can dig. [ Raising head ] Your loss though.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Yea.. my loss. For which I'm glad for. And couldn't be better off.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Mumbling lowly to himself ] That's messed up.

[[-]] Elix treads his feet, as he walks out of the cafeteria, into the corridor hall. [[-]]

Scene 2: Catching up with a teammate

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Struck out pretty bad in there, huh?

[[-]] Elix turns over to the right and at the side wall leading into the cafeteria, lies Tylene Buck. a.k.a MAJOR GUNNS. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Major Gunns. What are you doing here?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
For starters, watchin' you strike out.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Well, baby.. The entertainment's over! So, go find yourself another show. To keep you entertained.

[[-]] Elix turns back, then starts to walk off. [[-]]

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Elix. Don't you even wanna know what went wrong in there?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Turning back over ] I already do know what went wrong. Sharmell STILL has it in for me.. From all the times I've punked out her man Kwee-Wee in WCW.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Yea. That's a top reason for her to close the door-in on you.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Yeh, well.. She ain't the only acw interviewer around. So, Im'ma go find another interviewer. That'll handle my business.

[[-]] Elix starts turning back over, to walk away again. [[-]]

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Hate to break it to you, but that only solves half the problem, if its your approach.. That needs some work with.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Looking back at Tylene ] My approach?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Sure. Naturally, you being who you are... You just tried to "roll-up" on Sharmell. And of course, she being who she is... AND not having that much of a like for you in the 1st place. She wasn't having, any of that. And thus, gave you 'the boot' to 'go'.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Yea. Uh-huh. So, that's that right?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Not necessarily. I think I can help you out.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
You.. Help me?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Yes. I don't see why not?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Laughs ] If there's anyone, who's got a bad view of me, aside fron Sharmell Sullivan.. Its you.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
[ Nods her head ] True. I DO find you overbearing and annoying. Really annoying.... But, that doesn't mean we can't work together. And form an easy, if not sketchy partnership. That would serve to help get you, Lance, and Myself.. Up higher within the acw.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Okay. I get that since Lance and I are both the active wrestlers, we need to get near the title situations in the acw to increase our rank. And earn some respect. But.. Where do you get to? What's your elevation? To the top.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
With you guys, of course. Managing you both, doing whatever possible.. to ensure that you guys get, where you need to be.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
So, you wanna be cool with us? Me and Lance? Even though.. We're Canadian. And you're the only American with us?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Yes, that's right. Because either... We rise together as a team, or we don't get anywhere.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Thinking ] Hmm.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
So, would you be okay.. with this?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
1 thing before I answer that.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
What's that?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
What's your take from managing, Lance and Myself?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
A respectable 10 percent per person. With option for a commission incentive bonus, provided I do an excellent job. Worth good credits. [ Leaning off from the wall ] So...Are those terms acceptable, with you?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Nodding head ] I'm alright with that. Though.. with us partnering up, does that mean.. we have to get along on everything.. And not have our occasional disagreements, quirky arguements, and light-hearted put-downs?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
[ Cracking a smirk ] No. We don't have to get along on everything. Just pull together as a cohesive team, for the main matters.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Cool. [ Extending a hand ]

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Very. [ Shakes hands with Elix ] Now, lemme guide you on a tip to help get you that interview. With Sharmell.

[[-]] Major Gunns starts talking things over with Elix. [[-]]

Scene 3: Another go with Sharmell

[[-]] Elix is shown at the entry way towards the cafeteria, taking in a deep breath before turning back over to Major Gunns.[[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
So, all it takes is a winning presentation, right?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
That's right. Plus you have to make your points. Showing Sharmell the benefits, to roll in FOR her, by giving you the time of day.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Nods head ] Right. And that way, the end results will be that I get what I want, right?

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Right. And all it'll take for you to accomplish that, is a little "give 'n' take".

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Right. I think I'm ready to handle this.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Okay. Just remember to play it smooth and don't be pushy. Alright?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
I got you.

[[-]] Elix takes in 1 more breath, before he walks back into the cafeteria, and heads on up to his target. [[-]]

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Clapping hands ] Hey, hey baby. Did you miss me?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Looking back up to see Elix ] Oh, god....

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Amazing, how I can get all the ladies to say that, when I'm around.. eh? But, then that's usually in the bedroom.

[[-]] Elix pulls out a seat across from Sharmell and sits down, before she can interrupt him. [[-]]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Excuse me?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
You're excused, so can we talk now?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
I thought we had... And it was before, when I had told you I wasn't in a mood to be disturbed. Which is still, the case now.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Well, baby. Now's you're lucky day, as I'm not here to disturb you. But to grace you, with something special.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
And I'm assuming that something special, is... you?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Bingo, baby! One gold star for you Sharmell.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Growing impatient ] Look, Elix. What do you want?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Oh, on the contrary. Its not.. what you can do for me. But, rather.. what I.. Can do for you.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Uninterested voice ] Well, how thoughtful.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Smiling ] I know.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Listen, now. What's your angle?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
The angle, is that I noticed you haven't been as popular an acw interviewer, as a Michael Cole. And all them other useless interviewer types. And I wanna change that. And For Once..... get SHARMELL SULLIVAN, up there in the lime light. Being the fine broadcast journalist, that she... [ Clearing throat ] Eh-Ehem! You.. Can be. So, what I'm offering is a chance. But hey, if you're not interested in the time... I understand.

[[-]] Elix slowly starts to get up from his seat. [[-]]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Elix! Wait!

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
[ Smiling, before looking at Sharmell ] Excuse me?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
You know, maybe I was a bit hasty before. You know?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
..Well, yes. But, nothing I'd hold against you now.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Excited Look ] So, umm.. When would you like.. To schedule an interview time?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
How's the earliest conveinence, for you?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Excited and Opportunistic look in her eye ] Perfect. My schedule's all clear now. So, we.. could set any good time. Of, course.. Suiting you.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Excellent. Oh and.. Would it be alright, if my manager joined-in on the interview?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Sure. That'd be alright.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
I'll be ready, to start in a minute. Once I track down a cameraman and microphone.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
No, problem. I'll wait.

[[-]] Sharmell gets up, and quickly departs. As Major Gunns then enters in. [[-]]

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
[ Facing Elix ] I'm guessing, everything turned out good. Right?

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Like a charm.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))

[[-]] Major Gunns raises a hand up, and Elix high-fives her. [[-]]

Scene 4: Interview time

[[-]] The scene pulls up, and we now see.. Sharmell Sullivan back. With a microphone in hand. And standing alongside her is the duo of "Primetime" and The Major. [[-]]

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
[ Receiving a 'cue' from the cameraman ] Ahem, Elix Skipper. I'm glad I've caught up to you. As coming up, on the ACW's PAY-PER-VIEW EXTRAVAGANZA, NEW BLOOD RISING! You go face to face.. with Raven. An appearently dangerous superstar, within the acw.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
You know. I like how you use the words "appearently dangerous." Because its all about the perception of that, to Raven. Because the man's not dangerous! Oh, no... He just likes to think of himself, as being dangerous. And he even goes to the extremes of [ Quoting with Finger Motions ] "Looking The Part" dressing all raggedy, and badass.. Like some homeless bagman reject. From some B-Rated Post Apocolyptic War Movie.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
That may be true. But its said... "Raven is the way he is. And dresses accordingly, due to the harsh realities of life.. That he's lived in."

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Harsh realities of life?!? The man grew up in Palm Beach! On the Sunset Strip. In the suburbs! In a rich family setting. So, clearly... Looking at Raven doesn't say the truth to the picture. But, I can say what things DO say. And that's.. Raven IS not nor NEVER has been a "tortured" soul. At least to the magnitude, that he proclaims to be. [ Looking at Sharmell ] Speaking of which, is there any factual proof, to Raven's "Tortured and Unbearable" life, other than JUST his words. And say-so's?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
No. There's not! But, I have known.. One to be afflicted with a "crippling debilitation" without having been exposed to choaotic living environments. That would have seemed the ideal paradise to others.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Yeh-heh! And if that's so... Why couldn't Mr. Money Bags just cash-in on one of his trust funds, and move away from home.. If he claims "he was never loved and treated as an outcast" upon the eyes of his family?

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
I-I..haven't the slightest clue, why.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
That's because.. Raven's a drama queen. With everything having to be about.. Him! Him! Him! And quite frankly, that ain't happening.. at New Blood Rising. [ Waving hands ] Wa..Wait! Scratch that! You know, New Blood Rising WILL be about RAVEN.. But not about concern or charatible pity for that bum, but... A Long-Deserved Butt-Whoopin' for that turkey!

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
You see, Sharmell.. Raven's [ Quoting with Finger Motions ] "James Dean / Tortured Soul / Rebel Without A Cause" phase.. Has run its course! And on Sunday's Pay-Per-View, Raven will get all the affection... He's EVER WANTED. Too bad... The affection is REALLY going to be the pain and anguish, Raven's claimed to have lived with, for so long. In his life.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Heh, yeah! And just think... That for "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" Raven will get.. What he has coming! And that's A World of Pain, from Primetime.. In One Night! And when I blaze through Raven, he'll have all the right in the world to complain of his pain.

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
[ Smirks ] Too bad, all of Raven's woe's.. Just like his "misery" now, will all fall on deaf ears. Because really... What About Raven?... WHO CARES ABOUT HIM?!

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
Besides that, what's to love about Raven? There isn't anything to love! But, hey... Only the more unfortunate of souls, would love and look to Raven as their savior.. Like Mankind! But, I wouldn't call that good. Because its just another state of.. "The Blind Leading The Blind!" And "The Blind Willing To Be Led, By The Blind!"

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
While Raven has many questionable things about him..

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
Excuse me? "Questionable Things".. No. Raven WOULD like to have "questionable things" about him. But, sadly.. he's just a wounded child.. Who's never tried to get out of his slump. Other than throw temper tantrums.

((- Sharmell Sullivan -))
Okay. But regardless... Raven's still a talented wrestler inside that ring.

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
That maybe the only undisputed fact, about Raven. But, even though he's talented.. He STILL won't beat Primetime! [ Staring up into the cameras ]

MY HOUSE.......!

((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
And when you're in.. Elix's House..

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))
You become, just another..


((- "Major Gunns" Tylene Buck -))
And when it comes down, the wire.. at New Blood Rising!..

((- "Primetime" Elix Skipper -))


[[-]] Elix and Tylene stare off into the cameras, before exiting. [[-]]


[[-Fade Out.-]]


[[- ... -]]