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0-0 01 None as of yet... Good luck to everyone!



[[-]] Its finally, happened! After all, the big dealings. All The negotiations. All The contract battles. The wage wars! The war wages..! The War of Wages!! Whatever, You Wanna Call It. Plus, The Endless wining and dining, at every single 5-Star eating establishment, this side of the Northern Hemisphere. Scratch that! And replace.. With all, the fine dining eating establishments... All across the Whole 'Known' World! That WWE..Destiny! Has.. signed.. the unfathomable talents, of Chris Jericho! The Lionheart! The Y2J Problem! The Ayatollah of Rock 'N' Rollah! The One Bad Mamma Jamma! And.. Larger Than Life, Living Legend! Paragon of Virture, that will soon pave the way... To abundant wealth and prosperity For the WWE-D federation. And give the gift, that keeps on giving.. in pure.. a 100% karat 'Ratings Gold,' for each and every single WWE..Destiny show. And Television Program.. to Come! [[-]]


[[-]] The scene opens in a backstage arena area, and standing right before our eyes, is the figure of Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie is facing off at an obtruse body position with her hands to her hips, and her eyes.. looking on.. at the images of a television set. From the looks of it, Stephanie can't believe what she's seein'. And as Stephanie continues to look on, in a mixed combination of disbelief and disgust, Chris Jericho shows up. [[-]]

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Hey, hey Stephy! What'cha up to?!

[[-]] Stephanie turns her head, and looks over to Jericho. [[-]]

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
Chris.. Do you see this?

[[-]] Stephanie directs a view to what's happening on the television, as Jericho walks in closer to inspect what's going on. [[-]]

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Yea. I see it. And.... It's pathetic!

[[-]] The cameras zoom in, and we now see... That Jericho is commenting on The Undertaker's in-ring promo. [[-]]

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
Do you BELIEVE.. The spectacle that The Undertaker's putting on!?

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Do I believe it..? [ Throwing his shoulders up ] I CAN SEE IT, right before my very eyes.

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
[ Nodding her head ] Yeah. Though I wish, I wasn't seein'... [ Pointing back towards the t.v. ] THIS, now.

[[-]] Shaking his head, looking disappointed. [[-]]

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
What can I say,... [ Consoling Steph ] Taker DID say from the beginning, that something bad was going to happen. ..When he came out, earlier during The Rock's promo. So, who knew... The bad thing, that Taker said was going to happen, WAS HIM... coming back out to the ring AgAIN... And BORING EVERYBODY out there... As well as.. us, to the point of an acute coma!

[[-]] Stephanie can't help but to smirk at Jericho's joke. [[-]]

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
On and On.. The Undertaker talks about RESPECT. But, Really.. I'd wish, he'd RESPECT us enough, to keep quiet! And stop wasting..... Valuable television air-time! That could be going.. to more.. Valuable people, like us!

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
[ Nods head ] Right. So, let's just hope Taker's ramblings.. End soon.

[[-]] Jericho and Stephanie both nod in agreement to that, as Jonathan Coachman walks up and approaches them. [[-]]

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
Hi. Chris Jericho. Stephanie McMahon. Glad to see you both here.

[[-]] Jericho and Stephanie turn and look at Coachman. [[-]]

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
You know, Jonathan Coachman.. Chris and I, would be glad to be here too, if it weren't for the mind-numbingly awful performances... We've seen thus far, form the likes of.. The Rock! And.. The Undertaker!

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
And you know, something Coach! I have half-the-mind... to personally get.. [ Mimicing voice ] The Rock and The Undertaker.. In a ring. And just, beat the Living HELLLLL out of the both of them. For boring, myself, and Stephanie.. the way they have so far!

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
Well, I've heard the WWE Destiny! Owner Shawn Michaels is in close steps to arranging the card, for our first pay-per-view.... So, if its The Rock and Undertaker you want, in a handi-cap match. I'd be happy to pass that info along to HBK, the next time, I see him.

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
[ Looking visably frightened by that thought, but tries to hide it ] A..ah..ahh, a Handi-cap match?

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
That is, how you'd go about taking on The Rock and Undertaker. The way, you stated it.

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
...Now, Coach.. A handi-cap match, WOULD be something, for some other unspecified time and date, like who knows when or if ever, to happen. But... Luckily, for those two ass-clowns, I'm getting over a fairly mild hand-sprain which unavoidably, keeps me from taking the both of 'em out. Just yet. But, anyway... When I AM at Full-Strength, I just may... Take The Rock and The Undertaker down, one at a time. In singles matches. [ Changing the subject ] On, the other whole.. I do hear of this Canadian Stampede Pay-Per-View, and I do plan to be in attendence. To see the live events.

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
As, will I... Coach!

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
Well, Chris.. It's a shame, you'll only be a spectator at the Pay-Per-View.

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Yes, yes.. I know. And to be quite honest, I would love.. To be in action, as my hand sprain would be all healed-up and cleared. And I'd have a complete bill of health to wrestle. In time for the Pay-Per-View's date. But, there's still that other probing.. Matter.

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
A probing matter, to what Chris?

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
The competition, of course. For you see.. the WWE Destiny! has signed some talents here, but none of them, are on the same caliber of such.... [ Arrogantly poses ] A Super-Duper.. Mega-Star, like myself! And it would be a shame, for me to have to, utterly thrash.. some poor slob. Then again, who'd be so foolish as, to challenge me!?!?

[[-]] Just then, Kurt Angle's interview with Michael Cole starts to air, over the television set. [[-]]

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
[ Excitedly screaming ] Chris! Chris! It's... Kurt! And he says, "his eyes are set on you!"

[[-]] Jericho's attention is immediately fixed on the television set, as Chris, Stephanie, and Jonathan Coachman watch.. What Angle says. [[-]]

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
[ Angrily fuming ] He's no 'LIVING LEGEND!'

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
And Kurt's ripped off, one of your catch-phrases, Chris!!!

[[-]] Jonathan Coachman [[-]]
Well, Chris... I think you've just found someone, foolish..- Ehem, brave enough.. to challenge you, for The Canadian Stampede Pay-Per-View! And it looks like, Kurt Angle wants to face you.. Chris Jericho, in a 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS MATCH!

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Kurt Angle wants an ass beating ride, he'll never forget!? Then, so be it! Because Kirk Angel's just made... THE BIGGEST MISTAKE.. of his life!

[[-]] Stephanie McMahon [[-]]
Yea! Kurt Angle... Just made, a Very BIG MISTAKE!

[[-]] 'Y2J' Chris Jericho [[-]]
Kurt Angle, you want me... at the Pay-Per-View, in 2 Out of 3 Falls? Well.... That's fine by me, jerky! But just.. you better know now,....


[[-]] Jericho turns to walk off, as Stephanie just glares towards the camera, while making her way past, following Jericho. The scene fades out, as things come to an end. [[-]]


[[-And also.. MANY THANKS to MARK EVANS for this Layout Design. Mark.. You Rule Man!!! Thanks Again!!!-]]



Don't in anyway infringe on Mark Evans' layout, the banners above, or anything that pertains to this RP. This Roleplay that you see before you is strickly for your enjoyment, if you for some reason find it offending, well that is your problem.  So without further a due.... Enjoy!
Layout Done by- Mark Evans. AIM- Fieldysnuts63.
RP Done by- Ted T. AIM- LFLetC8882