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APW Season Beating's
To See The Wrestler's Entrance Click Their Name

Tom Verdi pick's the mic and smile's at the crowd hearing the APDub chants.Tom pick's the mic up and starts to speak & as you can see the fans holding their signs.

Tom Verdi:Hello great APW fans and welcome to APW Season Beatings.This is wrestling not sport's entertaintment.Prepare yourself to see Lucha Wrestling,Technical Wrestling & Hardcore Wrestling!!!This is the true package.We will see great wrestling action and let's get this show started

Malice vs. The Patriot
The match starts as the two have a stairdown.Malice start's the match and punch's patriot.Patriot come's back with punch's of his own and punch's him to the rope's.Patriot whip's Malice but he reverse's Patriot.Drop down by Malice and Patriot hit's a Jumping clothsline.Malice get's up and get's hit with a dropkick from patriot and he rolls outside the ring.Malice is near the ring.Patriot hit's the pescada on Malice!Patriot hit's a couple of punch's on Malice and whip's him to the railings.Patriot throws Malice back to the ring and lock's in a headlock but Malice hit's a couple of elbow's to the gut and he runs off the rope's and hit's a big clothsline.He pick's up patriot and hit's a scoop slam,he shout's at the fans and hit's a legdrop onto Patriot.Malice picks' the patriot up and throw's him to the corner turnbuckle and hit's a big boot to the face and as patriot falls to sitting position Malice mudhold stomps patriot.Malice pick's up Patriot and hit's a the floatoversuplex 1--2--kick out.Malice fight's with the ref and pick's up patriot and hit's a pumphandle slam and hit's him with mount punch's.Malice hit's Patriot with a backbreaker and lock's in the submission.the ref count's to 10 and malice let's Patriot go.Malice think's about what move he is going to do next and now malice is playing around with the patriot.He pick's Patriot up and hit's a couple of punch's untill he reach's the rope's.he whip's Patriot but patriot come's back with the crucifix pin Malice using his strenght to hold back.Malice throws Patriot up on his shoulder's and Patriot slide's off his back and hit's a dropkick.he punch's Malice.whip's him to the corner and hit's a running elbow to the face and hit's a series of forarms and hit's a fisherman suplex 1---2---3.The Patriot wins and Malice is shocked he hit's a clothsline on The Patriot and tries to throw him out of the ring but Patriot holds onto the rope's and goes back into the ring and hit's a dropkick on Malice and he falls outside Patriot pose's and get's a Huge pop from the crowd.

Winner:The Patriot

Kid Romeo vs Reno
The match starts as they both grapple.Romeo locks in a side headlock and turns it into a hammerlock and move's foward to lock a headlock and turns into an armbar then lock's the arm wringer.Reno rolls foward he rolls backwards and lock's in a headlock,Romeo revere's with a leg submission,Reno turns around and flip's over for a pin 1--2--no!Kid Romeo holds Reno and move's up and hit a backslide 1---2---kickout both of them hit a clothsline at the same time!they both slowly get up Kid Romeo is up first and Reno is up.Kid Romeo runs and hit's a Wheelbarrow position into a bulldog!and lock's in a headlock Reno throw's Romeo off and quickly lock's in a hammerlock.He is locking the hammerlock and brings Romeo to his feet,Romeo turns around and reverse's it into a Armdrag and runs and hit's a clothsline but Reno catch's his hand and lock a hammerlock.He now put his hand over Kid Romeo's neck and grab's Romeo's hand and HE HIT'S A INVERTED SUPLEX AND A HAMMERLOCK AT THE SAME TIME!!!!Reno goes for the pin 1----2----kick out!Reno pick's Kid Romeo up and push's him to the corner and hit a couple of kick's to the gut,he whip's him into the corner runs to him and hit's a naked choke drop 1---2---kick out.Reno pick's Kid Romeo up and locks in a headlock but Romeo reverse's and crotch's Reno onto the rope's.Kid Romeo hit's a sprinboard back elbow to Reno.Romeo locks in a sleeper hold but Reno reverse it into a snapmare and goes for the pin 1--2-kick out runs to K.R but he trip's him and goes for the pin 1--2-kickout then both roll backover to their feet and stare at each other.They both grapple each other.Reno whips Romeo,Romeo come's back and spins around him and goes for a DDT but is Reversed with a Nothern Light's Suplex 1---2--kickout.Reno is just behind the Turnbuckle Romeo runs at him and he flapjack's Kid Romeo onto the 2nd rope.He turns around and get's hit with a flying cross body 1---2--kickout.Reno rolls over and hit's a backbreaker,hit's a slam and hit's a fallaway slam and pins him 1----2-----kickout!Reno goes for the Dragon Suplex but Kid Romeo reverse's and turns around and locks a full nelson,Reno reverse's and go behind and tries to do a back suplex but he can't lift him up.He push's him to the rope's,Romeo misses a clothsline and Reno goes for a german suplex but Kid Romeo hit's a Kick to the groin and hit's the double underhook face slam and goes for the pin 1----2-----3!

The Winner of this match:Kid Romeo

Josh Matthews vs Evan Karagias
They grapple each other.Evan locks a side headlock and turns it into a hammerlock then spins Josh over and hit's a dropkick,he runs off the rope's goes for a clothsline but Josh ducks it and tries to hit a hiptoss and Evan reverse's it into a full nelson slam.He move's over to the rope's and misse's the springboard splash!Josh quickly runs towards Evan and keeps stomping him and locks in a camel clutch,the ref asks if he quits but Evan lifts him up and hit's a spinebuster 1---2--kickout.Evan picks him up and whip's him to the rope's and hit's a dropkick.Pick's him up and hit's a DDT,pick's him up and push's him to the rope's and hit's two kicks to the gut turns around and does the grind?!?he turns back and get's hit with a couple of stiff punch's from Josh Matthews.Josh whips Evan but he reverse's the whip and Josh come's back with a crucifix pin 1---2---kickout.Evan goes for a pin 1--2-kick out,Evan quickly hit mount punch's on Josh.Evan locks in a headlock which is reversed into a leg submission.Karagias move's over and pick's Josh up and hit's a big Spinebuster near the corner.Evan Karagias climbs back up to the top rope and goes for the 450 Splash wait a second he shouts out Hell No and hit's a corcscrew splash 1---2---kick out.Evan Karagias obviously enranged right now goes outside and pick's up a chair.He climbs back onto the apron but Josh come's back up and dropkick's the chair onto Evan's Face!Josh Matthews climbs up the top rope and hit's a huge plancha onto Evan Karagias.Josh hit's a couple of snap jabs onto Karagias,pick's him up and whip's him to the guard rail.Josh runs and goes for a clothsline but Evan move's away and Josh hit's the railing and Karagias throws him over and goes back into the ring,Josh is near the middle of the crowd.OH MY GOD!!!Evan Karagias hit's a Sprinboard Cross Body Plancha from the ring into the 1st row!!!Evan Karagias get's up and throws Josh over the railing and back to the ring.He hit's a blue thunder on Josh Matthews and accends the top rope and hit's the 450 splash and goes for the pin 1---2---3.

The winner of this match:Evan Karagias

The match finish's and Evan Karagias pick's up the mic.
Evan Karagias:Hey Josh what is it with you can't you ever win?you lost tough enough which was won by Maven for christ sake's.I've seen jobber's better then you.Go back to the WWE cause the last thing we need is shit like you.
after saying that he leave's the ring posing and get's huge heat from the crowd.

Dan Severn vs Vampiro
The Bell Rings to start the match.They grapple each other and Vampiro locks a headlock turns it into a armbar and he spins the arm and locks the arm wringer but Dan Severn reverse's with an arm wringer of his own.Vampiro rolls over and he pulls Dan Severn thight's to flip him over and goes for the quick pin 1--tw-kickout and they both quickly move away.They both tie-up but Vampiro push's Dan off and goes over and hit's a couple of stiff elbow's to the face and hit's a stiff back hand chop and hit's a snapre mare and lock's in the sleeper hold.Dan Severn get's up and hit's a huge back suplex.Dan Severn goes over and hit's Vampiro with a barrage of punch's and move's to the corner.He whip's him to the corner turnbuckle and hit's a clothsline and he hit's a dragon suplex 1---2---kick out!Dan Severn goes for the Devern Suplex but get's hit with a back elbow from Vampiro and he turns around and hit's a stiff DDT!He pick's dan up and hit's a throws him outside and Vampiro waits for Dan Severn to get back up.Dan Severn get's up and Vampiro hit's a suicide dive onto him and Severn falls into the first row!Vampiro goes over the railing.Vampiro take's a chair and he smash's it hard on Severn.He pick's him up and throws severn back into the ring and Vampiro climbs up the top rope and waits for Severn to get back up.Vampiro hit's the Spinning leg lariat of the top but get's caught by Severn!!!Severn Reverse's it into the blue thunder face crusher!!!!!!pins him 1----2----Kick Out!!He pick's up Vampiro and hit's the Severn Suplex 1---2----Split Second Kickout!Dan Severn sit's Vampiro on the top rope and hit's the German Suplex off the top but Vampiro flip's back on his feet and Severn is stuck on the rope's.Vampiro move's severn up and he stand's on the top rope holding severn.Oh My God!He Hit's The Powerbomb Off The Top Rope and goes for the pin 1---2---3.

The Winner of this match:Vampiro

Ron Killings vs Psicosis
The bell rings to start the match.They tie up and Psicosis quickly locks in the side headlock.Killings push him's off and Psicosis runs back and hit's a shoulder block.runs off the rope,killings drop down.Ron Killings Lepfrog's over Psicosis and lies for the monkey flip and psicosis flip's over him and killings quickly rolls back on his feet and runs towards Psicosis and get's caught with a Wheelbarrow face slam!he rolls over for the pin 1--2-Ron push's Psicosis but he rolls back to his feet and goes for a clothsline but truth ducks it with the split and hit's a beutiful calf kick and backflip's right back on his feet and psicosis get's up to sitting position but the truth knocks him down with a basement dropkick to the face!goes for the pinfall 1--2--kick out.Ron Killings picks up Psicosis and locks in the side headlock.Psicosis push's ron killings off and bends down for a back body drop but killings come's back with a sunset flip no! Psicosis rolls back over and killings covers his head,psicosis flip's over and hit's a front dropkick to the back of the head!Psicosis pick's up killings and punch's him towards the corner turnbuckle.He whip's killings but killings reverse's and goes for a clothsline which Psicosis ducks,Psicosis unaware that Ron killings ran up the top rope turns around and killings backflip's onto his feet and goes for a backslide pin but psicosis spins him over and goes for a DDT.Killings tries to reverse but dosen't have the strenght to lift him up,Psicosis goes behind and hit's a german suplex with the bridge 1---2---Kick Out!They both get up slowly and they grapple.Psicosis hit's a headlock takedown,Killings reverse with the leg but Psicosis kick's out and hit's an armdrag on Killings and move's over to him but killings trip's him and goes for the pin 1--2--kickout they both get up and grapple again.Psicosis locks in the side headlock which is reversed into a hammerlock by Killings and Psicosis reverse's with a Hammerlock of his own.He move's back over and get's supremecy and slowly push's killings down to the mat,He jumps onto Killings two time's and on the 3rd time killings get's up and get's hit with a monkey flip and goes for a snap suplex but the truth reverse's it into a 3 handled gruzela and he accends the top rope and hit's the 450 splash but Psicosis rolls out of the way!He pick's up Ron Killings and hit's a stiff brainbuster near the corner and climbs the top rope.He hit's his trademark guillotine legdrop and goes for the pin 1----2---3.

The winner of this match Psicosis

Juventud Guerrera vs Elix Skipper
The Match Starts as Juvi punch's skipper towards the rope's and whip's him but elix reverse's with a whip into a clothsline but juvi ducks it and goes for a backslide but Elix Skipper flip's over.Juvi hit's a spinning leg lariat but misse's and he ducks Skipper's spinning heel kick and runs to the rope's and goes for a springboard cross body but Elix Skipper ducks with what he calls the matrix!!!!Elix Skipper back body drop's Juvi onto the ring apron turns around and get's hit with a shoulder to the gut,Juvi flip's over,runs off the rope's and skipper leapfrog's over him and rolls backwards to his feet.Juvi runs towards him but skipper push's him to the rope's and juvi backfilp's off the rope's onto his feet.Juvi ducks Skipper's spinning heel kick.goes for a heel kick trip but skipper jumps up and misse's a roundhouse kick.Juvi trip's him 1--2--kickout now Skipper trip's juvi and goes for a pin 1--2--kickout.they both get up.Skipper get's hit with an armdrag and juvi move's over to a armdrag from Skipper.Skipper goes for a whip but juvi reverse's and juvi goes for the whip of his own but Skipper ducks over and hit's a beutiful dragon suplex 1---2---kick out.Both wrestler's flip back over on their feet and rest.They both tie-up.Elix Skipper locks in a side headlock and turns around to lock a hammerlock,Skipper push's him off the rope's and leapfrog's over Juvi and tries to hit a monkey flip on him but Juvi rolls him back over and whip's him and Skipper run's into a beutiful hurricarana.Juvi waits for Elix to get up and goes for the yazuka kick but get's caught,Skipper spins him over and hit's a clothsline.He pick's juvi up and punch's him towards the turnbuckle.He taunts the crowd and hit's a sommersault reverse front dropkick! and taunts the crowd.Elix Skipper waits for Juvi to get up and hit's a Yakuza Kick.He turns him over and move's him near the apron and goes for a axe kick but Juvi slide's away and hit's a vaulting body plancha onto Elix Skipper.Juvi Guerrera climbs back up to the ring and climbs the top rope and waits for Skipper to get back up.Juvi Hit's A Hurricarana off the top rope onto Skipper ringside!!!!!Juvi pick's him up and punch's him near the rail.Juvi Guerrara whip's Skipper to the Guar rail.Juvi throws skipper back into the ring and climbs the apron.Juvi hit's a slingshot legdrop onto skipper and goes for a pin 1--2--kickout.He pick's him up and hit's a shoulder breaker.Juvi picks skipper up and whip's him to the rope's and hit's a the swining heel kick and locks in a sleeper hold.Elix get's up and whip's Juvi off to the rope's and get's hit with a shoulder block.Juvi runs off the rope's,Elix skipper drop's down.Juvi duck's the clothsline and whip's skipper,Skipper goes for a back elbow but juvi ducks,hit's the clothsline but his ducked by Juvi again and he hit's a backslide no! Skipper flip's back over and locks in the fujiwara armbar!!!Juvi move's him over and goes for a pin 1--2--Skipper push's him off ducks the yakuza kick and goes for a hurricarana but Skipper reverse's with a sit out powerbomb.Both of them get up and Juvi runs towards skipper and he back body drop's him onto the apron.Oh My God!!!Elix Skipper Sunset Flip's Juvi onto the outside of the ring!!!He pick's up juvi and move's him onto the guard rail he hit's a couple of forarms to his back and dropkick's Juvi into the railing and hit's a back suplex onto the floor.Skipper throws Juvi back into the ring and move's him towards the corner turbuckle.Elix Skipper whip's juvi into the other corner turnbuckle.He goes for a clothsline for juvi flip's over him,Skipper moonsaults off the top rope and get's back to his feet,Juvi misse's a flying cross body and runs into a kick to the gut.Elix Skipper goes for the play of the day!!!Juvi reverse's and whip's him into the Juvi Driver!!!he goes for the pin 1---2---3

The winner of this match:Juventud Guerrera

Table's And Ladder's Match
Sabu vs Devon Storm
The Bell rings to start the match off.Sabu hit's a basement dropkick to the knee and stomps on Storm.He pick's Storm and whip's him but storm reverse's.Sabu ducks the clothsline and hit's a sprinboard leg takedown.Devon Storm get's up to sitting position and Sabu hit's a sprinboard leg lariat.Sabu set's Devon near the rope's and he goes onto the apron and hit's a slingshot legdrop.he goes for the pin 1--2--kickout.Sabu locks a crucifix pin 1--2-kickout.Sabu pick's him up and scoop slams him.He climbs the middle rope and hit's a sommersault legdrop onto Devon.Sabu goes to the outside off the ring and take's a table from ringside.Sabu set's the table in the middle of the guard rail and the ring.Sabu grab's a chair.OH MY GOD!!!Devon Storm suicide dive the chair into Sabu's face and he falls over the railing!!Devon goes over the railing and take's a chair and throws it right onto Sabu's face.Devon and Sabu brawl through the arena.They both go back ringside.Devon Storm throws sabu back into the ring and take's a chair.Devon Storm just smashing the chair on Sabu over and over again.He take's the chair and put's it on top of sabu and hit's a standing sommersault senton.He pick's Sabu up and punch's him to the rope's and whip's him.Sabu runs into a big dropkick from Devon Storm.Devon pick's him up and hit's a scooslam and goes to the outside.Devon Storm pick's up the ladder and brings it to the ring with him.He Smash's the ladder onto Sabu.He take's the ladder on place's it on top of sabu and goes into the apron and hit's a slingshot sommersault senton onto the ladder!!!Devon pick's Sabu up and whip's him into the corner turnbuckle.He take's the ladder and throws it onto Sabu's face and Sabu drop's onto sitting position.Devon Storm take's the ladder and put's it infront of Sabu's face.He grab's the chair and He hit's a baseball slide vandaminator's the ladder into Sabu's face!!!Devon Storm goes to the outside and brings a table into the ring and set's it up.He set's the ladder up and brings Sabu onto the table.Devon Storm climbs the ladder up.OH MY GOD!!!!Devon Storm hit's a moonsault off the ladder onto Sabu 1--2---Kickout.Sabu kick's out!!!Devon slowly get's up.He take's the ladder and folds it up.Storm now position's the ladder near the corner.Sabu get's up and runs into a drop toe hold onto the ladder!!!Devon Storm get's up and pildriver's Sabu onto the ladder!!!He Take's a chair and climbs up the top rope.Oh My God!!Devon Storm hit's a moonsault while holding the chair but Sabu move's away and he hit's the ladder hard!!!!!!!Sabu slowly get's up and hit's Devon with a couple of punch's and he whip's him to the corner turnbuckle.He take's the ladder and put's it onto Devon Storm and he set's a chair near him.Sabu jumps off the chair and air Sabu's the ladder onto Devon Storm!!!Sabu take's the ladder and put's Devon onto it and fonzie runs into the ring with a chair and holds the chair on top of Devon's head.Sabu Hit's The Arabian Facebuster with two chair's onto Devon Storm!!!!!!Sabu point's to the air.Sabu take's the ladder and put's in ontop of the table set earlier.He pick's Devon Storm up and put's him on the table set up ringside.Sabu hit's a hard chairshot onto Devon Storm and put's the chair onto him.Sabu climbs the top rope and grabs a chair from Fonzie.Oh No He isn't.HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!SABU HIT THE SOMMERSAULT ARABIAN FACEBUSTER OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO DEVON STORM WHO HAS A CHAIR ONTOP OF HIM AND HE BROKE THE TABLE AND LADDER INTO HALF WITH THAT MOVE AND THE FANS AGREE AND START UP A HUGE HOLY SHIT CHANT!!!!!!!Sabu goes for the pin 1---2---3.

The Winner Of This Match:SABU

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