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Alexis King

Two large wodden doors with gold painted knobs meeting eachother in the mid center bring you into Alexis' office. A rather large, carpeted(gray) room with a desk near the very end of it. Behind the desk is a large leather swivel chair complete with head rest. If in front of the desk, to the right, are two windows with a white seperator overlooking the busy streets below. Behind the desk, is an oil painting of a fire which Alexis uses for inspiration. On the same wall with the windows, by the large wooden doors, is an open entrance to Alexis' personal training facility. It's not as complete as a major gym, but it does come with a few work out equipment. Just enough for a good warmup. The room has a wooden floor and comes with a complete weight set and bench. In the back of the room, is another window giving pretty much the same view as the one in the office. Beside the window is a fridge filled mainly with water bottles and ice packs.

Lance Harbor

Entrance is gained only through colossal doors made of the finest oak. They are well finished, a black lacquer finish. The door knobs are the spade symbols, a red tint against the black tapestry door. Upon entrance, the carpet is an immaculate portrait of Da Vinci's 'Vitruvian Man', the symbol of the Chosen Few. A desk made of cherry wood sits near the middle of the room, atop it an unusual phone. A naked woman, arched in passion is the receiver, her breasts topped by the hold button and the intercom button, masked on the art piece as nipples. Besides the obvious paperwork, Lance has on the far right hand side of his desk a PDA, password protected of course, probably containing the plans to his latest work of manipulation. The high back leather chair has Harbor stitched onto it in old English lettering, the obvious cost of which was expensive. On the wall behind the desk is a wall completely devoted to the mural painted of himself as he captured his first World Championship in the Rebellion Wrestling Federation. On the opposite wall, the one Lance would face while working, is a vast field of framed portraits. Each one is Lance, in a side view, looking deep in thought while his thumb and forefinger stroke his chin. Each one is slightly different though, as each is lit in different respect, such as front lighting, top lighting, and the center piece to this collage, a black and white. Two chairs are in front of the desk, as the onlookers seated here would watch as Lance signed checks or papers of some kind. These chairs, antique, Louis XIV. As we venture further through the office, we notice three rooms branching off where just an office had begun. To the left, a custom setup, an in-office tailor's shop for those moments when you just need a new suit. It is even equipped with a butler of sorts, a man paid to wait in that room until Lance decides he needs a new piece of clothing. The second room, however is Lance's Mecca. A trophy room, complete with trophies, title belts, and photographs of all of Lance's accomplishments, even the title belts of his charges over the years like Snake Dalton, Junior Blayze, Kaos and Damien (All acquired legally as it was fine printed in their managerial contracts...hehe fine print). The room is tremendous, and the shimmer of gold under soft bar-like lighting makes it all the more gorgeous. Showing off his taste however, comes with the third and final branching room, a study if you will. No, not a library, rather a mini movie theater. Equipped with a 54 inch plasma screen television, it is like a night out on your first date, including a mini concession stand for all your snacking needs. The seating is anything but typical as each seat is leather bound and standard with massage function. Each chair has it's own footrest, each adorning the letters LH. As we venture back toward the giant oak doors, a verse is painted in white above them, reading: "Yesterday they mocked my prophecy, today they stand in awe. Tomorrow they will cherish the day, when they watched me conquer all."

Mistress Pain

Upon entering Mistress' office, heavy wooden double doors shaped like that of cemetery gates separate her from the prying eyes of the superstars outside. The room is dark, lit by a chandelier made out of human bones that hangs from the ceiling and candelabras sit at either side of Mistress' desk. Her office chair is a rolling electric chair, her desk is black marble and it looks like two male dark angels are holding it up on their backs. On top of the desk lies her black and blood red name plate, a picture of her idol Betty Page. The walls are black as night, littered with pictures of Betty Page, herself (in various positions) and her Ozzy album covers. She has her own private torture chamber just off to the side of her desk, a brick archway leads you into the dungeon of horror, within this sacred domain lies all her favorite things, one cabinet holds all her toys, the room is lit by floor lights in the shape of bodies. the other cabinet holds her outfits. the wall holds chains for tacking up your victim, the ceiling holds a huge mirror shaped like Satan's face. In the center of the chamber lies a slab with all the restrains befitting to a great Mistress. Now back into her office, the floor is carpeted with black yet some spots are red like a murder took place in that certain spot, a black leather couch lines the far wall, above that is a window decorated with dripping blood. Her own private bathroom, whirlpool spa with two steps which sets in the center of the bathroom (incase she has lots of "work" to tend to), black tile floor with a full length mirror designed like a tombstone, lit by candles that surround the spa, black marble counter top and matching black toilet, a statue of Betty Page nude, leans against the wall facing the spa.


Large metal rings circle overtop the metal stage where off to the side is the AlliedTron. Dim lights shine from underneath the metal work to give the superstar a more celestial image as they walk down the metal rampway, which too has the dim lights shinning from below. The ramp ends just a few meters from the ring, and the superstar now walks on black protective pads on the floor. Going up the black metal stairs, the superstar goes through the black taped ropes before stepping out onto the light gray canvas. Each turnbuckle pad has the "APW" logo on them. The ring is a standard square ring. The announce table is just beyond the ring, looking in towards the ring and down the entrance ramp. Surrounding the ring and rampway, is a metal barricade to keep fans from entering.

The Fans

The APW fans are somewhat of a backward lot. They tend to favour the certain heels more than the babyface. But as much as they like the heel, they love it more when they get put in their place. When they purchase their tickets, they're looking for action and tend to remember everything that goes on in that ring. So denying something will earn you enough hatred from the fans to either keep yourself going, or leave the ring altogether. The fans aren't stupid, as they do have their own favorite, and try to know more about them. Because they seek action when they take their seats, they prefer matches over promos. Though if a promo is nice enough, they may sit through it. But promos that take up too much time, you've lost 'em. The best real life example, would the the Attitude Era fans.

The Power

Top - Max Mayflower: Represents King Media, the network that broadcasts APW shows, as its chairman and has assumed total control over the APW for the time being.

Middle - Mistress Pain & Lance Harbor & Alexis King: All share the same responsibilities as bookers for their respective shows, however, with Mayflower around, these three individuals are pretty well left with nothing save managing stables (as Harbor and King seem to be doing right now).

Bottom - Troy Marshal: Like Coach was to Bischoff, Marshal is to Mayflower.